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Not specifically a Thailand related subject, but we can and sometimes do experience them here...

A little gem that was sent to me today:

In P.T. Elliott’s drinking lore book, 100 Proof, celebrities swear by their own special brand of hangover cures. For instance, Frank Sinatra claimed gin and cream to be “just the ticket” for the morning after, while Roger “the other Bond” Moore devoured ice cream. Alice Cooper eased his unwelcome nightmares with a mixture of tuna fish, pistachio ice cream and milk.

But if the very idea of any of these star-studded remedies send you running for the hills (or the bathroom), here are eight more palatable alternatives to aid in speedy hangover recovery.

Water: Replenishing the body's water supply after a night of drinking not only combats dehydration, but also helps to dilute leftover toxins in the stomach. Adding sugar or honey helps balance blood sugar levels and carbonated mineral water may help soothe an upset stomach. Non-caffeinated sports drinks can help to achieve the same effect and replenish electrolytes as well. Note: The dirty little secret to most of the purported "miracle” hangover cures may, in fact, merely be the amount of water ingested when taking them.

Juice: The fructose, or fruit sugar, in juice naturally increases the body's energy. Studies have shown that it also speeds the rate at which the body rids itself of lingering alcohol-related toxins. Fruit juice is also high in vitamins and nutrients that were depleted the night before because of alcohol's diuretic effect.

Fruit: Eat plenty of fresh fruit to cleanse and rehydrate your system. Bananas, kiwis, apples, melons or citrus fruits are all excellent choices to provide lost electrolytes and potassium.

Eggs: Not only do they provide first-rate protein, zinc and B vitamins for added energy, but eggs are easily digestible and contain large amounts of cysteine, the amino acid that breaks down acetaldehyde.

Vitamins: While multi-vitamin supplements are always helpful, two in particular – B-complex and C vitamins – are touted to help relieve hangovers. B vitamins help to combat stress, including physical stress from overexposure to methanol (found in red wine and cognac) and sulfites (a preservative). B1 or Thiamin also helps maintain normal nervous system, heart and muscle function and is believed to reduce feelings of lethargy and depression, while increasing appetite and alertness. Vitamin C is a superb antioxidant and helps minimize tissue damage and hangover discomfort.

Pain-relievers: Yes, a hangover's just not a hangover without a hammering headache. Aspirin and ibuprofen are great for relieving a throbbing head and reducing inflammation of tissues, but avoid acetaminophen (found in Tylenol and other pain relievers), which may cause severe liver damage when taken after drinking.

Milk Thistle: A commonly prescribed herb for people with liver problems, milk thistle helps the liver function properly, by aiding in alcohol processing and eliminating lingering toxins more efficiently. (not sure if you can get this in LOS)

Hair of the dog: It's a legendary, if not controversial, hangover remedy: a small morning-after drink to bring your blood-alcohol level back up. Salvatore Calabrese, Britain’s legendary bartender and author of How to Cure a Hangover, has meticulously studied and poured antidotes for every type of hangover during his 30-plus years in the business. It all began with Calabrese’s own first hangover, when his mother whipped up a curious concoction of egg yolk, chili, lemon juice and sweet marsala wine (known as “Rosa’s Magical Cure” in his book), which aided him in a faster recovery. "It's important to know just what sort of dog you are referring to," he says. "Is it a little Chihuahua, which you needn't worry about too much, or a huge Great Dane?"

But contrary to popular belief, Calabrese notes that it’s often not just the alcohol that helps. For instance, Bloody Marys owe much of their renowned “healing” properties to the tomato juice’s vitamin C and potassium – not merely the vodka.

But be warned, any hair-of-the-dog relief gained is only temporary. Your body will still have to work hard to break down the newly added toxins too.

Of course, the only complete cure for a hangover is time. But the above remedies, combined with a little rest and TLC, can go a long way to help speed up the often painful recuperative process.

Tiffany Owens is a freelance writer living in Portland, OR who hopes that, in some small way, this article helps atone for all of the hangovers caused by her famous homemade (and high-octane) margaritas.

Taoism: shit happens

Buddhism: if shit happens, it isn't really shit

Islam: if shit happens, it is the will of Allah

Catholicism: if shit happens, you deserve it

Judaism: why does this shit always happen to us?

Atheism: I don't believe this shit


Interesting post:

A hangover is just alcohol withdrawal. If you are a heavy drinker, 'hangovers' are rare. In an occassional drinker they are truly awful.

My best advice is this:

1. Never drink on an empty stomach

2. Always be hydrated before a 'session', ie drink lots of water beforehand.

3. Drink much water upon wakening.

4. Use vodka and fruit juice for hangover cure.

The hangover will be worse if you mix drinks. I find beer and wine do not mix, yet beer and whiskey do mix.

The medical cure for methanol poisoning is in fact more ethanol. So vodka is an excellent way to flush the 'poisons' of Thai beer and spirits out of the system.

Thai beer and spirits contain massive amounts of congeners and preservatives which can cause unpleasant effects. Again I suggest a good pure (non-copy) vodka with fruit juice.

I won't mention the name but it's name suggests it is from a Scandanavian country.

Happy Hangovers...

Wilson Steer.


I don't know how true this is, although speaking from experience I can say it is, My Father used to say "never mix the grain and the grape!" So wine and beer are off limits as are wine and most spirits. Beers and most spirits seem to go well together. Does anyone have an explanation for this or is it an old wives tale?


ps Dad also used to say "The best cure is prevention, don't drink at all - but who'd want to do that?!?"

I've taken to fresh carrot juice from Carrfoure,works a treat for me+the B's Vits.


About 20 years ago when I was "indulging" much more than today. (I am now 58 and hopefully wiser), I lived in an apartment bldg in BKK with a pool downstairs. When I woke up with a hangover, I would put on my trunks, run outside, and dive into the pool. About 5 min of swimming would take away my hangover. Of course, the first few seconds after diving into the cold water were quite a shock. Don't know if my heart could take that today.

I don't know how others react to alchohol, but for me it lowers my blood suger. So I learned that if I intended to have a night out, first to eat a dish of ice cream. That seemed to make the hangover less severe.



Great advice,

Also B12 (vitamin) before and after, in high dosage works wonders,

The MASH units (known for drinking hard) would inject each other with B12 for relief of hang-overs so they could continue to perform surgery competently.

My cure, which may just be an urban legend but works for me, grease and lots of it, a big breakfast of eggs, bacon, sausage, makes me feel better. :o

Great advice, 

Also B12 (vitamin)  before and after, in high dosage works wonders,

The MASH units (known for drinking hard) would inject each other with B12 for relief of hang-overs so they could continue to perform surgery competently.

My cure, which may just be an urban legend but works for me, grease and lots of it, a big breakfast of eggs, bacon, sausage, makes me feel better.  :o

I have heard that that sort of food doesit. I will try it next time :D


A toasted sandwich with egg, cheese and bacon does the trick. And it's gotta have butter on top too. Mmmm...


I would be surprised if vitamin B12 eases a hangover. That is more essential for preventative measure against vitamin B deficiency.

Beer and all alcohol depletes the body of vitamin B (all types) and is also amplified in the tropics.

Even moderate daily drinkers living in the tropics will develop vitamin B deficiency.

You would be surprised how many people in Thailand exhibit Vitamin B deficiency. The symptoms are rarely absent in some form or another.

The shakes, sweating, tightness in the chest, heavy breathing, loss of appetite, nausea, panic attacks, anxiety, mood swings, memory loss, bad dreams, tiredness....the list is endless. Women, are particularly vulnerable to vitamin B deficiency.

In the U.K. it is law that B vitamins be added to all beer products, and unless you eat a loaf of wholemeal bread a day, all alcohol imbibers in Thailand are at risk.

Go to your local pharmacy and buy some vitamin B complex tablets, eat them daily with your meal and notice the incredible difference after a few days.

Wilson Steer.

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