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Udon Thani Official Calls For Prostitution To Be Legalised

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George. You could have put a better picture in the OP. Downright scary! :D

Disagree mca, I think it's a good photo. But we don't know if george is on the right or the left. :)

He is the one in the White Top and the real dodgy eye make-up :D

"Yeah. I've been recommended to come here. I've heard you've got this girl with "very special" talents. Georgina I think her name is...."

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Long overdue.

Thailand has arguably more sex workers than any other country, yet they have no rights and are exploited by the Police, traffickers etc. The sex industry in Thailand is the main reason why so many foreigners choose to visit Thailand regularly and why many end up living here. (whether they like to admit to it or not) :D

It's Legal in Australia, Germany, Holland and many other developed countries. So why not? :)

The UK and USA, have many many more prostitutes than Thailand..... but there we call them wives....

Too bad this couldn't be done in the U.S.A.

Technically, prostitution isn't illegal in the United States, at least not according to federal law. It is illegal in most states, except for Nevada and Rhode Island, where it is regulated and zoned, not unlike what is being proposed in the OP. However, since it is illegal in most states, it is practically illegal in the US.

What a surprise that this topic has, by far, the most readers...

Meh. There were about 170 readers when I checked, and there have been threads with far more than that in the past (upwards of 500 is the highest I've seen). A link to this thread was sent out by e-mail to many (maybe most or all?) Thai Visa members, and it is a very controversial and interesting departure from long-standing Thai legal policy that many thought would never be seriously considered. So I'm not that surprised by the interest it is generating. Personally, I think the dialogue is good.

EDIT -- I misread the reported numbers. There were 170 members reading this topic, 605 users, 432 guests, and 2 anonymous users. Not sure how those all add up, but still, I'm not really that surprised.


Albeit not officially legal, it is omnipresent across the length and breadth of the country. I am living here 25 years, and have been coming here for 35 years, and there is not any doubt that without the lovely Thai women, I would not have had much interest in visiting the first times. I am now happily married to a lovely Thai woman for 18 years and have no need for any extra curricular action, but I firmly feel legalization is the proper way to proceed here.

Long overdue.

Thailand has arguably more sex workers than any other country, yet they have no rights and are exploited by the Police, traffickers etc. The sex industry in Thailand is the main reason why so many foreigners choose to visit Thailand regularly and why many end up living here. (whether they like to admit to it or not) :D

It's Legal in Australia, Germany, Holland and many other developed countries. So why not? :)

Why not legalize it? Common sense.

1. The cops, gogo bar owners, and govt officials on the take won't want to lose their income

2. The hookers themselves --- culturally, they don't want to be officially registered...though if the law got put in place, they'd accept it....it is the mentality of the lower income Thais in Issaan....low education but very traditional "on the surface" and deeper below the bargirl layer.

3. The prices would go up, which it does almost everywhere it is legal.

In summary, it isn't going to get legalized.

I simply cannot support these plans to regulate vice.

Why would you even want to?

When Prohibition is doing such a great job at controlling it.

I think if you regulate the industry, that will result in people actually coming to Thailand purely for the sex industry!

Hello!!! wake up.....a majority of visitors already come here for the sex industry....and who labelled it vice?? prostitution has been around since records were first kept or even before that.

If they decided to have a register of participants, this may jeapodise applications for visas to other countries from those participants.

"Campaigns among men to deter them from buying sex from women should help - if there are no buyers, there won't be sellers," she said.

unbelievable comment

In Sweden and Norway it is already a crime for a man to buy sex!

But legal for women to sell sex. :)

They regulate rice already now the government wants to get involved in regulating vice including a proper tax revenue.

Rather than regulate, would it not be better to de-regulate and just grant people freedom in their choice of gifts in exchange of courting and submission? Prostitution would cease to exist.


Many years ago I knew a lawyer who worked for the CPS (Criminal Prosecution Service) here in the UK, he would often say what’s the point of prosecuting a prostitute as the likely outcome would be a fine and we all know how they will make the money to pay there fines.

What was said in "Nation" makes a lot of sense, this is not a new argument in Thailand or most countries in the world, some countries have legalised prostitution based on the arguments posted in the "Nation" and maybe Thailand should appoint a working group to study countries that have legalised prostitution and make proposals for changes of the laws based on the experience of other countries.

I can't help but wonder if they regulate prostitution if it will turn out like regulating liquor sales.............. You cant buy any between 2pm and 5pm ??????

Or on erection election days

"Campaigns among men to deter them from buying sex from women should help - if there are no buyers, there won't be sellers," she said.

unbelievable comment

In Sweden and Norway it is already a crime for a man to buy sex!

i agree totally!!! yes it is!! eligal also in denmark!! and the other cuntrys are comming!! i just want to say THIS IS INSANE!!!!!!!! are there anyboddy with some ethics/moral/ self respect!!!! can´t they see that those girls are slaves DO WE NEED SLAVERY?? there are meny ways to do things wrong BUT ONLY ! WAY TO DO it RIGHT :)

I simply cannot support these plans to regulate vice.

Why would you even want to?

When Prohibition is doing such a great job at controlling it.

I think if you regulate the industry, that will result in people actually coming to Thailand purely for the sex industry!

A lot of people do come to Thailand purely for the sex industry. It's a shame but it happens. In the UK I remember a programme called Sin Cities. This promoted places for sex tourists basically and Thailand was regularly featured.

I simply cannot support these plans to regulate vice.

Why would you even want to?

When Prohibition is doing such a great job at controlling it.

I think if you regulate the industry, that will result in people actually coming to Thailand purely for the sex industry!

Hello!!! wake up.....a majority of visitors already come here for the sex industry....and who labelled it vice?? prostitution has been around since records were first kept or even before that.

If they decided to have a register of participants, this may jeapodise applications for visas to other countries from those participants.

Scooter, it seems your irony is going over many heads today!

Like a pterodactyl, so over the top no one believes their eyes...


for sure it's a lot more sensible and safer for the workers, but it won't happen, and here are two reasons why:

1. Christian groups from the US, who have big bucks behind them, will fight it tooth and nail. We may like to think they have no influence on Thai laws and enforcement, but they do have considerable influence.

2. Those who are heavily invested in the sex trades, such as Bangkok's mafia-wannabe chief punk Chuwit, would destroy any initiative to legalize it. They like the status quo that enables them to have control over hundreds of girls. Legalization would entail being less clandestine, and they abhor having to be forthright in any of their dealings.

Yes b4 u all start shouting excellent idea, look at the real motive, to tax them, the restrictions and charges would send most of the perverts packing (from a man who's never paid so yes I'm judging). I agree with the idea of getting rid of the customer/change mind-set, and then there would be no such profession. Why do men want to be with someone out of their league and paying for it??? Esp. the ones that are "married" and paying for it, ha! Spend your money on a 6 month fitness regime and then go look for a partner who's equal to you. If you think you enjoy this butterfly way of life, you're kidding yourselves, and many of the customers degrade these poor girls, molesting them in front of other punters with a big fat smirk on their faces. I say yes - look at reducing the customer base, yes - tax the employer and enforce strict rules on them so they take more responsibility for the girls, yes - recognise the profession exsists and continue turning a blind-eye to poor girls who are just trying to make ends meet.

Something else the governmet should do b4 they open their Pandora's Box is start looking at alternative employment, and improving the education system, I worked voluntary at a local gov. school for 6 months, it's amazing how they just write off these kids and allow the kids to write themselves off, you just know what path they're gonna take.

A little arrogant aren't we (never paid) ? Believe me you have paid, every guys pays one way or another, buy a girl a dinner or movie you paid. Also, for a guy that does not pay then how do you know the bar girls? You made another comment that the girls dont get beat up or use drugs, better do some more homework. Allot of the girls in the go-gos in Thailand do drugs, they arent shooting up but take speed to work more and make more money. I have seen girls get beat for not going with a guy.

Not sure if the government should get involved, they screw everything up. Something should be done to help protect the girls, maybe legalizing it and regulating it is the right way, there needs to be a review of how they do this and who regulates it, would need to be a well thought out plan to do this, but that will never happen.

I simply cannot support these plans to regulate vice.

Why would you even want to?

When Prohibition is doing such a great job at controlling it.

I think if you regulate the industry, that will result in people actually coming to Thailand purely for the sex industry!

Sorry as you can see by my post count, I'm mostly a lurker for news and usually too busy to read / contribute.

I can see my responses to my post that either:

a ) this forum is not big on 'dry' comments / sarcasm

b ) I suck at writing


I was joking, of course. Prohibition has failed EVERY TIME it has been tried throughout history.

I am not up with the latest news, can someone let me know how the US War Against Drugs is going? They should have pretty much won by now, right? 3 decades on and trillions of $ spent - I think every child in the US now knows Nixon had it right - smoking pot DOES fry your brain like an egg. (joking joking, no need to respond)

Regulation > Prohibition. Always.


The Sex Trade is a worldwide issue, accept it for what it is, a reality. It will not go away. Only a fool would think such a thing.

Long overdue.

Thailand has arguably more sex workers than any other country, yet they have no rights and are exploited by the Police, traffickers etc. The sex industry in Thailand is the main reason why so many foreigners choose to visit Thailand regularly and why many end up living here. (whether they like to admit to it or not) :D

It's Legal in Australia, Germany, Holland and many other developed countries. So why not? :)

What absolute garbage. The latest figures show that only 92.5 % come here for sex. 6% only like to watch and the other 1.5% think it's for peeeing over high walls :D


I could swear for the last 5 years I've been going in and out of Pattaya and every Thai city I pass through

around sundown. There's is and always has been girls sitting out in front of gogo type establishments wooing

and smiling and calling. I've never heard of anyone being thrown in jail for sitting down next to one of these girls,

buying a few drinks, giving her some baht to pay the establishment and then taking her

to your hotel room for awhile or for the night. This is what tens of thousands of people are doing mulling around in Pattaya

right now this very second. And have been doing for decades.

Hello - what are you people talking about?

I could swear for the last 5 years I've been going in and out of Pattaya and every Thai city I pass through

around sundown. There's is and always has been girls sitting out in front of gogo type establishments wooing

and smiling and calling. I've never heard of anyone being thrown in jail for sitting down next to one of these girls,

buying a few drinks, giving her some baht to pay the establishment and then taking her

to your hotel room for awhile or for the night. This is what tens of thousands of people are doing mulling around in Pattaya

right now this very second. And have been doing for decades.

Hello - what are you people talking about?

You´re right. Pattaya IS about sex&drugs, thats why people go there!

Another nail in the coffin.

Oh. Hang on.

Wrong thread.


Oh, maybe this could be a nail less, according to coffin world.

And:"That's it! I am coming back!!(to LOS)

Long overdue.

Thailand has arguably more sex workers than any other country, yet they have no rights and are exploited by the Police, traffickers etc. The sex industry in Thailand is the main reason why so many foreigners choose to visit Thailand regularly and why many end up living here. (whether they like to admit to it or not) :D

It's Legal in Australia, Germany, Holland and many other developed countries. So why not? :)

Prostitution is legal in the UK ASAIK. Soliciting and/or keeping a brothel isn't. Neither is living off the earnings of a prostitute. The Thai Government might like to add that bit into future legislation.

These anomolies have always struck me as odd and in my view actually work against the protection of women AND men who offer services (why do we stigmatise this kind of work with a label?) The UK law puts at risk a partner of a worker if the workers income is used towards running the home, it means that workers have to operate from private premises which have no regulation and no protection against attacks. I understand that the law was designed against the background of organised crime but if no laws were being broken then legitimate business people could open bars, massage establishments with these kind of facilities quite safely - they would pay taxes, be regulated etc so where is the attraction for organised criminals to become involved. Of course how effective any regulation would be is another issue but here in the UK criminal gangs still run much of the business simply because their activities, running or advertising establishments, is still illegal.

The nice thing about meeting young women in Pattaya and Bangkok is that when they are available, they don't feel stigmatized or like social rejects for offering you their services or putting on their shows. They are just entertainers or companions. I think this approach works best. They have dignity which often results in permanent coupling with their companions. The country should not acknowledge or label their services prostitution. This label will do more to hurt their self esteem and futures than any current set up. Contrast to US women who frequently sell themselves to upscale, promising men; theses "johns" usually face financial ruin somewhere down the road when the arrangement they make winds up in court under the heading of divorce.

Well, i do agree as many of the ladies are offering their companionship (for holidays ore more). But many others should be protected by law. Let's legalize but don't force the girls to register. I don't think that men like their spouse to be on a list of prostitutes. And tax should be paid anyway. :)

The nice thing about meeting young women in Pattaya and Bangkok is that when they are available, they don't feel stigmatized or like social rejects for offering you their services or putting on their shows. They are just entertainers or companions. I think this approach works best. They have dignity which often results in permanent coupling with their companions. The country should not acknowledge or label their services prostitution. This label will do more to hurt their self esteem and futures than any current set up. Contrast to US women who frequently sell themselves to upscale, promising men; theses "johns" usually face financial ruin somewhere down the road when the arrangement they make winds up in court under the heading of divorce.

Well, i do agree as many of the ladies are offering their companionship (for holidays ore more). But many others should be protected by law. Let's legalize but don't force the girls to register. I don't think that men like their spouse to be on a list of prostitutes. And tax should be paid anyway. :)


I hope they have the power to make this a reality. Saw gambling take a nose dive. Hard to believe that this idea will take root.

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