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Udon Thani Official Calls For Prostitution To Be Legalised


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Udon Thani official calls for prostitution to be legalised


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UDON THANI: -- Udon Thani Industrial Council chairman Prayoon Homewong has called on the government to legalise prostitution.

"We can never get rid of it. So, I think we should pass laws to regulate it," Prayoon said at a meeting with relevant authorities in Udon Thani.

He described "prostitution" as an old profession, which many foreign countries have recognised legally.

Prayoon added that if the flesh trade were stamped out altogether, sex crimes would soar.

"If there were laws to regulate prostitution, sex workers would be eligible for legal protection and benefits, while the government would earn income from the tax," Prayoon said. "And it would be easier to control."

He added that red-light district zoning could be imposed once laws were passed, before urging MPs and ministers to seriously consider his proposal.

Register would stigmatise

Friends of Women Foundation director Thanavadee Thajeen agreed with imposing zoning and providing prostitutes with access to social security in line with other careers, but moves towards a prostitute-regulation system could only come after consultation with relevant groups.

"There are so many karaoke lounges and other night spots with covert prostitution and some are located near temples and schools. Zoning could help solve this problem," Thanavadee said.

"However, I don't agree with the registration system because it could adversely affect sex workers. Registration means a woman is willing to be stigmatised for the rest of her life as a prostitute, which may effect her chance of finding another other job in the future," she said.

Thanavadee urged relevant agencies to organise public forums in each region for prostitutes to discuss their problems with women's rights activists. Then it would become clear whether the prostitutes want regulation or not, she said.

Regardless of whether prostitution was legalised, she said the government should help prostitutes gain access to the social security system. Prostitutes' employers should be forced to register with their Social Security Office as employers, she said.

"Campaigns among men to deter them from buying sex from women should help - if there are no buyers, there won't be sellers," she said.


-- The Nation 2009-09-15

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Long overdue.

Thailand has arguably more sex workers than any other country, yet they have no rights and are exploited by the Police, traffickers etc. The sex industry in Thailand is the main reason why so many foreigners choose to visit Thailand regularly and why many end up living here. (whether they like to admit to it or not) :D

It's Legal in Australia, Germany, Holland and many other developed countries. So why not? :)

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Long overdue.

Thailand has arguably more sex workers than any other country, yet they have no rights and are exploited by the Police, traffickers etc. The sex industry in Thailand is the main reason why so many foreigners choose to visit Thailand regularly and why many end up living here. (whether they like to admit to it or not) :D

It's Legal in Australia, Germany, Holland and many other developed countries. So why not? :D

Must be kidding.


So the gals tell parents that they are no longer going to Bkk to work in salon restaurant or design job. they will be in XXXX shower massage :D

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Long overdue.

Thailand has arguably more sex workers than any other country, yet they have no rights and are exploited by the Police, traffickers etc. The sex industry in Thailand is the main reason why so many foreigners choose to visit Thailand regularly and why many end up living here. (whether they like to admit to it or not) :D

It's Legal in Australia, Germany, Holland and many other developed countries. So why not? :)

Prostitution is legal in the UK ASAIK. Soliciting and/or keeping a brothel isn't. Neither is living off the earnings of a prostitute. The Thai Government might like to add that bit into future legislation.

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Congratulations! I am all for it. Legalize it and tax it to increase services for all.

Too bad this couldn't be done in the U.S.A., along with legalizing cannabis, as ways to lower the current record deficit. Otherwise, future

generations of workers will be over burdened in providing Social Security, etc. to retirees, etc.

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The Government needs to legalize prostituion. Though how would the Police feel about that? Its harder to collect money from a legalized business, then again police control the magor Massage Palaces in any case.

Legalizing Prostitution would provide the workers with a level of protection from the poilice that they do not have now. They could get better health insurance, go to a bank for a motorcycle loan instead of the local loan shark, get Social security benefits all this while still providing the best service in Thailand.

Unfortunately the pllice and the "above" reproach and false moralled big shots in Thailand won't let this happen. The cash flowing upstreet is to great, those loan sharks are not some street corner thug they are backed by the powerful also.

This is a nice thought and the proper thing to do but it won't happen. As it stands its just a great headline for the daily paper.

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Isn't it obvious why they want to legalize it? It's because they want tax revenue from it.

I simply cannot support these plans to regulate vice.

Why would you even want to?

When Prohibition is doing such a great job at controlling it.

I think if you regulate the industry, that will result in people actually coming to Thailand purely for the sex industry!

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Long overdue.

Thailand has arguably more sex workers than any other country, yet they have no rights and are exploited by the Police, traffickers etc. The sex industry in Thailand is the main reason why so many foreigners choose to visit Thailand regularly and why many end up living here. (whether they like to admit to it or not) :D

It's Legal in Australia, Germany, Holland and many other developed countries. So why not? :)

Prostitution is legal in the UK ASAIK. Soliciting and/or keeping a brothel isn't. Neither is living off the earnings of a prostitute. The Thai Government might like to add that bit into future legislation.

sounds like legalizing evil...hehehe...isn't it?

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"Campaigns among men to deter them from buying sex from women should help - if there are no buyers, there won't be sellers," she said.

unbelievable comment

In Sweden and Norway it is already a crime for a man to buy sex!

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Even though I'm a woman, I support the legalization of prostitution everywhere, since no matter what, it will always be there. The only difference would be that, with it legalized, the women who are involved in the industry would be safer, since they can be more out in the open, resulting in their gaining more knowledge of safer sex practices and a decrease in their murders, etc.

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Land of Sallops... no that won't beat Amazing Thailand

Land of Irma La Douce... too french.

This is a positive step, what you can't stomp out, better to regulate.

Better for public health reasons and for the workers.

Taxes on the bosses, but not a lifetime prostitute label for the worker.

No doubt they can still tell mom and pop they work in a spa.

No doubt mom has guessed anyway.

The companies will come up with nicer sounding names as tax entities,

but this is not going to stop the business, better to remove some graft

and make health maintainence and social services are provided.

Puritan's will always whine and moan and it has STOPPED NOTHING.

For me this is not about public morals, but about public health and safety.

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Yes b4 u all start shouting excellent idea, look at the real motive, to tax them, the restrictions and charges would send most of the perverts packing (from a man who's never paid so yes I'm judging). I agree with the idea of getting rid of the customer/change mind-set, and then there would be no such profession. Why do men want to be with someone out of their league and paying for it??? Esp. the ones that are "married" and paying for it, ha! Spend your money on a 6 month fitness regime and then go look for a partner who's equal to you. If you think you enjoy this butterfly way of life, you're kidding yourselves, and many of the customers degrade these poor girls, molesting them in front of other punters with a big fat smirk on their faces. I say yes - look at reducing the customer base, yes - tax the employer and enforce strict rules on them so they take more responsibility for the girls, yes - recognise the profession exsists and continue turning a blind-eye to poor girls who are just trying to make ends meet.

Something else the governmet should do b4 they open their Pandora's Box is start looking at alternative employment, and improving the education system, I worked voluntary at a local gov. school for 6 months, it's amazing how they just write off these kids and allow the kids to write themselves off, you just know what path they're gonna take.

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Isn't it obvious why they want to legalize it? It's because they want tax revenue from it.
I simply cannot support these plans to regulate vice.

Why would you even want to?

When Prohibition is doing such a great job at controlling it.

I think if you regulate the industry, that will result in people actually coming to Thailand purely for the sex industry!

Here Here,

Plus up would go the costs of bar fines, up would go the price the girls charge to cover tax and employment.

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Long overdue.

Thailand has arguably more sex workers than any other country, yet they have no rights and are exploited by the Police, traffickers etc. The sex industry in Thailand is the main reason why so many foreigners choose to visit Thailand regularly and why many end up living here. (whether they like to admit to it or not) :D

It's Legal in Australia, Germany, Holland and many other developed countries. So why not? :)

Prostitution is legal in the UK ASAIK. Soliciting and/or keeping a brothel isn't. Neither is living off the earnings of a prostitute. The Thai Government might like to add that bit into future legislation.

sounds like legalizing evil...hehehe...isn't it?

Why would...hehe...sex...hehe...be evil?

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The Government needs to legalize prostituion. Though how would the Police feel about that? Its harder to collect money from a legalized business, then again police control the magor Massage Palaces in any case.

Legalizing Prostitution would provide the workers with a level of protection from the poilice that they do not have now. They could get better health insurance, go to a bank for a motorcycle loan instead of the local loan shark, get Social security benefits all this while still providing the best service in Thailand.

Unfortunately the pllice and the "above" reproach and false moralled big shots in Thailand won't let this happen. The cash flowing upstreet is to great, those loan sharks are not some street corner thug they are backed by the powerful also.

This is a nice thought and the proper thing to do but it won't happen. As it stands its just a great headline for the daily paper.

The police would still be responsible for collecting the license fees, and there would be individual regulations for each police district with the possibilities of requiring renewals whenever a police officer feels like it. I have no problems imagining the girls being screwed by yet another party (pun one hundred percent intentional).

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