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Health Officials Promote Coconut As Cure For Swine Flu


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The local government of Samui, among other prestigious groups, is promoting the use of virgin coconut oil as cure for swine flu.

Widely believed in Asia, particularly in the Philippines, for its medicinal properties, virgin coconut oil is produced from fresh coconuts rather than dried, as in copra.

A seminar was held Aug. 29 at the World Resort in Samui where two Thai health experts, Dr. Narong Chomchaloa and Dr.Damrong Chiewsil, extolled the anti-bacterial and healing virtues of pure coconut oil.

The two experts said that virgin coconut oil can prevent classic diseases such as cancer, high blood pressure, obesity, heart disease as well as the swine or H1N1 fl u.

The seminar had the support of the Koh Samui Municipality, the Koh Samui Tourism Promotion Association, the Coconut

Oil Association and Bangkok Airways.

More than 80 guests from the public health department, spas, hotels and private medical practice took part in the seminar.

While there is no direct proof available for the effi cacy of the virgin coconut oil against the swine-fl u virus, scientific studies are said to have proven that the oil’s major component, lauric acid, is an effective “antiviral, anti-bacterial, and antifungal compound,” according to health proponents in the Philippines that include a former health secretary, Jaime Galvez-Tan.

”Many regular users of VCO (virgin coconut oil) attest to its benefi cial effect in terms of decreasing the incidence of sickness.

This is consistent with its effects of enhancing the immune system and strengthening the innate capabilities of the body to protect itself against viral attacks. This is precisely the protection that we need against this new flu virus,” Galvez-Tan was quoted in Manila’s leading daily newspaper, the Philippine Inquirer, as saying.

The two Thai doctors echo these so-called medicinal properties of virgin coconut oil.

They said the oil was also effective as a mouthwash. If used to clean the mouth for about 15-20 minutes each time, it could prevent bacteria from getting into the body.

In supporting the seminar, sources said, Samui Municipality is hoping that the use of virgin coconut oil will catch on the island and beyond and help raise the demand for coconut, a major agricultural product of Samui.


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