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Anyone Interested In Starting A Photography Meet-up Group?


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No replies here to a previous post, and after exploring the web pretty thoroughly the only photography clubs I've been able to find are either expensive with the purpose of making a profit or in Thai only.

I'd be interested in forming a club for both Thais and Westerners who want to:

1. Go in small groups from time to time to focus (pardon the pun) on taking photos at some particular location. I am thinking of places that require small groups rather than individuals, places where there's strength in numbers (Klong Toey, for example), or just places where a small group might find unusual opportunities in photography.

2. Sharing expertise and experiences.

3. Enjoy a little camaraderie.

Anyone interested in working on this with me?

I live on Suk 24 and use a Canon, although that's irrelevant to the overall plan.

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Good idea...

But I am afraid that my level of "expertise" is far below average! As well as my tool !

That is the idea.

You will be able to learn from others and see what equipment they use

and possibly share with those less experienced than you.

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It sounds like you have a quorum. :)

Time to fix a time and date for the first meet?

Yes, I think so. I will be happy to host at Suk 24, if people like. I suggest we all bring our cameras.

The question is when. As a retiree, I am totally flexible. When are most of you available?

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It sounds like you have a quorum. :)

Time to fix a time and date for the first meet?

Yes, I think so. I will be happy to host at Suk 24, if people like. I suggest we all bring our cameras.

The question is when. As a retiree, I am totally flexible. When are most of you available?

Within the next 4 weeks for me - half term and the GF is away with the kids. Give me a few days lead time to get up from Hua Hin.

Maybe we could meet in a hotel lobby or the like and take it from there?

Edited by The Vulcan
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  • 4 weeks later...

I am freely available at the moment too so available to meet anytime.

We seem to have a lot of people interested lets not miss the opportunity to get something like this off the ground, perhaps we should just suggest a date for everyone to work too for a first meet?


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  • 1 month later...

Did your photo meet get off the ground?

I'm visiting next month - in Bangkok 22nd December to 26th December - and wouldn't mind tagging along if anything is planned. I'm a bit of a newbie photographer. You know the type - all the gear and no idea :)

I'm thinking of markets and street photography, perhaps a bit of night photography, but that will be trial and error. Any suggestions?

Oh, I'm a 50 year old Brit visiting with family but looking to get some quality time with my Canon 500D.


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How about December 2 at 10:00AM. It's mid week so hopefully it will be less crowded with everyone working. The earlier start will be better for walking around in as it won't be as hot. I think a good schedule would be a couple hours of taking photos followed by a nice lunch. I'm fairly new to Bangkok so I can't recommend any particular places but I'm open to suggestions.

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  • 3 weeks later...
It seems this is only for users of "BIG" cameras...... me a photography-dummy and owning just a cute little Olympus 1030 digicam ^^

Pls don't give up. I am new to Bangkok, and was really hoping to find a club to join. I suggest Sundays, early morning. I suggest this as I take care of my kids during the week and it's the only day I can leave them with Dad. If there is still anyone out there interested in starting something, pls pm me.


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It seems this is only for users of "BIG" cameras...... me a photography-dummy and owning just a cute little Olympus 1030 digicam ^^

Pls don't give up. I am new to Bangkok, and was really hoping to find a club to join. I suggest Sundays, early morning. I suggest this as I take care of my kids during the week and it's the only day I can leave them with Dad. If there is still anyone out there interested in starting something, pls pm me.


The clear problem has been agreeing on any sort of time. For me, mornings are just not possible. Others debate about weekday or weekend. Frustrating, but understandable.

Others debate about meeting at someone's home or a bar. Hmmmmmm.

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It seems this is only for users of "BIG" cameras...... me a photography-dummy and owning just a cute little Olympus 1030 digicam ^^

Pls don't give up. I am new to Bangkok, and was really hoping to find a club to join. I suggest Sundays, early morning. I suggest this as I take care of my kids during the week and it's the only day I can leave them with Dad. If there is still anyone out there interested in starting something, pls pm me.


The clear problem has been agreeing on any sort of time. For me, mornings are just not possible. Others debate about weekday or weekend. Frustrating, but understandable.

Others debate about meeting at someone's home or a bar. Hmmmmmm.

Perhaps we could do more than one. Those who can do it in the week and a second who can do it over the weekend. I suggest to start at a neutral place and from there one can see where the monthly meetings can be held.

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It seems to me that coordinating the different availabilities of any interested persons is the problem to get an initial meeting of the ground. Maybe, in order to achieve a substantial first meeting, it should be held on a weekend day in the evening when most people might be available. This group then could discuss the next meet according to their preferences and announce it on the forum, and then maybe get also some photography done.

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As to the venue, how about the Starbucks in the emporium suite next to the Emporium, easy access by BTS and not so difficult finding parking there. The lounge there is pretty big (but too crowded on weekend?) and if we decide to go out on photo shoot we can go out to the Benjasiri Park next to it.

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