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Stephen King is the most prolific screen writer of all time. ie more King novels have been turned into films. I will attempt to name them. What I want to know is which are your top three.



Cats Eyes


Salems Lot

The Shining

The Dead Zone


Firs Starter 2

Pet Semetary

Pets Semetary 2



The Tommyknockers

Needful Things

Dolares Claybourne

The Green Mile

The Running Man


The Body (Stand by Me)

Maximum Overdrive


Children of the Corn 1,2,3,4 &5

Silver Bullet


Night Shift

Creep Show

Creepshow 2

The Shawshank Redemption

The Cat From ######

Graveyard Shift

The Lawmower Man


The Dark Half

Apt pupil

The Day the World Stood Still

The Mangler

1) The Dead Zone

2) Fire Starter

3) Dreamcatcher


Being a major King fan I've read pretty much all of the above novels, but have to say I usually end up throwing something at the TV when I see the adaptations of his books.

Some of the things he writes just can NOT be adapted to the screen but of course some bright spark always tries.

Prime example 'Dream Catcher' brilliant book, utterly crud piece of Hollywood mish mash, only simarlarity to the book were the charectars names. :o

Aaaaanyway, there has been one exception in my opinion which was 'The Green Mile' They kept strictly to the original script and the actors were fab! :D

But thats it, all the others are utter <deleted>!

.... 'The Green Mile' They kept strictly to the original script and the actors were fab! :D

Why haven't we seen that on UBC? Is it too old, too new? I'd like to watch it with the g/f - I'm sure she'd like it.


P.S. Have you seen the film of "Sleepwalkers" - it is soooo bad! :o

Stephen King is the most prolific screen writer of all time. ie more King novels have been turned into films. I will attempt to name them.  What I want to know is which are your top three.



Cats Eyes


Salems Lot

The Shining

The Dead Zone


Firs Starter 2

Pet Semetary

Pets Semetary 2



The Tommyknockers

Needful Things

Dolares Claybourne

The Green Mile

The Running Man


The Body (Stand by Me)

Maximum Overdrive


Children of the Corn 1,2,3,4 &5

Silver Bullet


Night Shift

Creep Show

Creepshow 2

The Shawshank Redemption

The Cat From ######

Graveyard Shift

The Lawmower Man


The Dark Half

Apt pupil

The Day the World Stood Still

The Mangler

1) The Dead Zone

2) Fire Starter

3) Dreamcatcher

Funny that this should be posted today. I was speaking to a mate about Stephen King today. He said he had seen the new movie from him. But it wasn't up too much. When i was younger i read heaps of his books. I was always dissapointed with any of the movies that i saw. I'vbe highlighted the ones i've read or seen. I read a book from hime years ago. Well actually it was 3 books. The Dark Tower, The Gunslinger and i cant remember the other one. But they were different. But after the 3rd book. THere was still more to write about. Though i dont think he ever wrote a 4th. But i might be wrong

Stephen King is the most prolific screen writer of all time. ie more King novels have been turned into films. I will attempt to name them.  What I want to know is which are your top three.



Cats Eyes


Salems Lot

The Shining

The Dead Zone


Firs Starter 2

Pet Semetary

Pets Semetary 2



The Tommyknockers

Needful Things

Dolares Claybourne

The Green Mile

The Running Man


The Body (Stand by Me)

Maximum Overdrive


Children of the Corn 1,2,3,4 &5

Silver Bullet


Night Shift

Creep Show

Creepshow 2

The Shawshank Redemption

The Cat From ######

Graveyard Shift

The Lawmower Man


The Dark Half

Apt pupil

The Day the World Stood Still

The Mangler

1) The Dead Zone

2) Fire Starter

3) Dreamcatcher

Funny that this should be posted today. I was speaking to a mate about Stephen King today. He said he had seen the new movie from him. But it wasn't up too much. When i was younger i read heaps of his books. I was always dissapointed with any of the movies that i saw. I'vbe highlighted the ones i've read or seen. I read a book from hime years ago. Well actually it was 3 books. The Dark Tower, The Gunslinger and i cant remember the other one. But they were different. But after the 3rd book. THere was still more to write about. Though i dont think he ever wrote a 4th. But i might be wrong

The Gunslinger,The Drawing of the Three & The Waste Lands were the three. The fourth is called Wizard & Glass

Stephen King is the most prolific screen writer of all time. ie more King novels have been turned into films. I will attempt to name them.  What I want to know is which are your top three.



Cats Eyes


Salems Lot

The Shining

The Dead Zone


Firs Starter 2

Pet Semetary

Pets Semetary 2



The Tommyknockers

Needful Things

Dolares Claybourne

The Green Mile

The Running Man


The Body (Stand by Me)

Maximum Overdrive


Children of the Corn 1,2,3,4 &5

Silver Bullet


Night Shift

Creep Show

Creepshow 2

The Shawshank Redemption

The Cat From ######

Graveyard Shift

The Lawmower Man


The Dark Half

Apt pupil

The Day the World Stood Still

The Mangler

1) The Dead Zone

2) Fire Starter

3) Dreamcatcher

I believe that SK was the screen writer of the above movies. He was definately the novelist for the books and screen writer for a few of the movies, but definately not all of them.

I agree with Shola, great novels nearly all of them. Most of the movies were crap.



Cats Eyes


Salems Lot

The Shining

The Dead Zone


Firs Starter 2

Pet Semetary

Pets Semetary 2



The Tommyknockers

Needful Things

Dolares Claybourne

The Green Mile

The Running Man


The Body (Stand by Me)

Maximum Overdrive


Children of the Corn 1,2,3,4 &5

Silver Bullet


Night Shift

Creep Show

Creepshow 2

The Shawshank Redemption

The Cat From ######

Graveyard Shift

The Lawmower Man


The Dark Half

Apt pupil

The Day the World Stood Still

The Mangler

Is that all?



Cats Eyes


Salems Lot

The Shining

The Dead Zone


Firs Starter 2

Pet Semetary

Pets Semetary 2



The Tommyknockers

Needful Things

Dolares Claybourne

The Green Mile

The Running Man


The Body (Stand by Me)

Maximum Overdrive


Children of the Corn 1,2,3,4 &5

Silver Bullet


Night Shift

Creep Show

Creepshow 2

The Shawshank Redemption

The Cat From ######

Graveyard Shift

The Lawmower Man


The Dark Half

Apt pupil

The Day the World Stood Still

The Mangler

Is that all?

Yep, he really does need to pull his finger out and get some work done. :D

I was just reading the other day about content writing for websites and it was saying that Stephen King everyday without fail always wakes up and writes at least 10 pages of a novel and it soon builds up into a book when your not having one of those days when you just write hundreds of pages.

Move him over to Thailand and get him on this forum, bet his work will go downhill fast and he'll be in the Bedlam forum within the week :D

Ok, fave 3 films off the list, Shawshank of course, Stand by Me, and Cat's Eyes. Saying that loads more good ones there, the Shining, Salem's Lot, Carrie, Cujo, Creepshow, Dead zone.

Wasn't 'Duel' a Stephen King book first as well?

Not much of a Stephen King reader, but I did read Running Man and it was totally different from the film, wonder how many of the ones I just mentioned were also different? :D I can't stand it when they take a good novel and make a c.rap film from it, what a waste. :o

And since I'm waffling and this will probably get closed for being non Thai related anyway, I would say Spike Lee's 'Clockers' is the best adaption of a novel to film I have ever seen.

I believe that SK was the screen writer of the above movies. He was definately the novelist for the books and screen writer for a few of the movies, but definately not all of them.

I agree with Shola, great novels nearly all of them. Most of the movies were crap.

I meant "I believe that SK was not the screen writer of all the above movies.

The Gunslinger,The Drawing of the Three & The Waste Lands were the three. The fourth is called Wizard & Glass

S.K has finished The Dark Tower series now, (Wolves of the Calla, Song of Suzannah, The Dark tower were the last 3) it took from 1973 to 2004 to complete the whole story :o Best set of books ever wriitten in my opinion.

He says that finishing The dark Tower was his 'unofficial' retirement, so I'm sure there are more books on the way but he's defo slowing down with the writting now. :D

  • 3 weeks later...

Salem's Lot both the old and new versions, Apt Pupil, Rose Redder, Shawshank, and Stand By Me are all outstanding.

It, The Stand, Dreamcatcher, The Shining, Carrie, Creepshow, Cats Eyes, Misery, Needful Things, Pet Cemetary, and Dolores Clairbourne were all very good.

The rest are pretty ordinary. I think the problem with a lot of King's work is that it was made for TV.

Some of his works would have been excellent but were considered too long for the big screen.

Hopefully in this day and age of mega sequels someone may turn out The Stand or Salem's Lot for the cinema.

Hopefully in this day and age of mega sequels someone may turn out The Stand or Salem's Lot for the cinema.

The Stand has been out for a long time. I don't think it was at the cinemas but I watched it when videos were the rage before DVD's. It could have been made for TV.

Notable???? actors were Rob Lowe as the deaf guy, the stupid big breasted girl from Becker, and the main lady from Just Shoot Me (sorry bad with names, I'm a visual person).

It went for 6 hours and was on 2 videos.


I was in Bangor Maine once with a girlfriend for a week-end. We were talking a walk in a nice neighborhood when we approached this house which had iron gates at the front, decorated with bats. We kept on walking and on our way back I saw King on the sidewalk near the gates with a small dog on a leash. I was going to say hi but he turned around as we approached and went back inside the house.

I'm thinking maybe I scared him off :o


Stephen King is the most prolific screen writer of all time. ie more King novels have been turned into films. I will attempt to name them.  What I want to know is which are your top three.



Cats Eyes


Salems Lot

The Shining

The Dead Zone


Firs Starter 2

Pet Semetary

Pets Semetary 2



The Tommyknockers

Needful Things

Dolares Claybourne

TOO MANY!!!!  apart from dreamcatcher which was great!

The Green Mile

The Running Man


The Body (Stand by Me)

Maximum Overdrive


Children of the Corn 1,2,3,4 &5

Silver Bullet


Night Shift

Creep Show

Creepshow 2

The Shawshank Redemption

The Cat From ######

Graveyard Shift

The Lawmower Man


The Dark Half

Apt pupil

The Day the World Stood Still

The Mangler

1) The Dead Zone

2) Fire Starter

3) Dreamcatcher

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