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Pattaya Motorbike Auction


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Just curious, has anyone had the same problems I am having with getting paperwork from these guys to transfere registration for a bike brought from them..?? I brought the bike 3 months ago, and 3 times I have had to go back to them because the paperwork they have supplied has been incorrect. Today is the 4th time after a 2nd wasted trip to Chonburi yesterday.. My TGF has been doing all the talking and making the phone calls still with no joy. Even the lady at the transport dept. Chonburi who tried so hard to help me yesterday called them but ended up hanging up the phone in frustration.

Anyone have similar experience or am I just having a bad run..??


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Chonburi tell me I have had the correct forms both times, just that they do not have the appropriate signatures from the sellers side.. And of course we don't know what is right or wrong until going to Chonburi. Each time we have been back to the auction to collect the 'corrected' paperwork they assure us all is ok and we will have no problems at Chonburi.. Really starting to piss me off... Grrrrr...

I guess the only good thing about it is that it isn't actually costing anything, except the bus fare to Chonburi, just the time and being pissed around.

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Good idea, I don't know of anyone. As of today they say will be fixed next week. If not may look at that option.

Problem with TGF is she is too kind hearted and doesn't have it in her to give anyone a serve. If only I could speak Thai...

Thanks for your feedback.

Take it easy..

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Good idea, I don't know of anyone. As of today they say will be fixed next week. If not may look at that option.

Problem with TGF is she is too kind hearted and doesn't have it in her to give anyone a serve. If only I could speak Thai...

Thanks for your feedback.

Take it easy..

May be offer them a bit of money and ask them to register it for you. But don’t pay till it completed and completed correctly. I bet everything will be corrected fast

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Problem with TGF is she is too kind hearted and doesn't have it in her to give anyone a serve. If only I could speak Thai...

Mines the same.. Too easy going and giving of respect to people who sometimes dont deserve it. Its often counter productive to take her to gov offices as I can just make a smiling pain in the arse of myself while they get too frustrated and end up doing it anyway.

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The TGF has spoken to one of the 'bosses' in BKK yesterday. She was told that they always seem to have problems with people from Chonburi but never any problems when paperwork is done in BKK. Something tells me maybe they have a deal going with Transport Dept Bangkok to get transfers completed without all the correct paperwork. Which is fine, but what happens if you want to resell sometime in the future.

Givenall, they suggested after the 2nd lot of wrong papers that I let them do it in BKK for the 1800 baht fee, but I figured why do that when I can do it for the price of a bus fare. Plus I like to do things myself and learn. But you are right, I am sure it would have come back complete and correct. :D Have used your tactic in the past too livinLOS, can work a treat at times.. :)

Stayed tuned for the next installment to see if what they send me next week is correct.

I'm over being pissed now and finding it more amusing, this is Thailand after all... That's why we all love it...

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I would like to add to add something for clarification here about the lawyer. Have the lawyer present just to state he is there simply to help clarify any misunderstannding of what is needed or point out the area of the problem.I amnot suggesting going in and stating, I brought my lawyer here to sort this out and appear hostile or aggressive. If anyone is misinforming you he should be able to point it out and get it fixed. If they sold a motorcycle that there is a true ownership problem I would want to know and not be lead around like a blind man depending on others to lead me. If there is a problem with true ownership then sooner or later it has to surface correct.

Are you aware people here hold motorcyles as collateral on loans and when payment fails sell the motorcycle? You are in potential very awkward place. I would clear it up immediately.

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Thanks again,

I'm sure there is nothing too sinister invloved. I hope.. There has been contact and comunication between all parties, just a few signatures are not in the right place, then by the time we have received the corrected papers other sections of the paperwork have expired.

I'm sure it will all come out in the wash.. Famous last words.. :)

Thanks again for your input.

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