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Whats The Deal With All The Weapons?


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I've noticed quite a lot of stalls selling knives, CS gas, extending batons, throwing stars and even (probably air) guns as well as tasers.

Even in the big department stores they have massive knives and cross bows.

Are these all legal? Can anyone carry them on the street?

I'm not planning to get any, just wondering if people are carrying them on the street.


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I bought my wife a small taser that she keeps in her bag at all times. Some cops that live in our area have commented on it and said it's no problem.

Only problem is that I can see that she is dying to try it out on someone and I think it may be me...

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I bought my wife a small taser that she keeps in her bag at all times. Some cops that live in our area have commented on it and said it's no problem.

Only problem is that I can see that she is dying to try it out on someone and I think it may be me...

We used to get drunk and zap each other with the type that has the twin prongs and blue sparky thing...it's not that bad...makes you twitch a bit though! I saw a japanese SM movie where the chick used one on a guy's nuts...that looked to sting a bit! :)

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I bought my wife a small taser that she keeps in her bag at all times. Some cops that live in our area have commented on it and said it's no problem.

Only problem is that I can see that she is dying to try it out on someone and I think it may be me...

We used to get drunk and zap each other with the type that has the twin prongs and blue sparky thing...it's not that bad...makes you twitch a bit though! I saw a japanese SM movie where the chick used one on a guy's nuts...that looked to sting a bit! :D

Buggered if I would do that, drunk or sober. looks very nasty to me when I press the red button. And it isn't getting anywhere near my nuts, even with the safety on. Nossir, brings a tear to my eye just thinking about it.

As a matter of interest, how dangerous are the little ones with the built-in flashlight? Horrible noise and smell of ozone but are they effective in an attack situation I wonder?

Remind me to tell you about the mace tube and the taxi driver sometime... I still get embarrassed thinking about it, it took a week to get the smell out of my trousers :)

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When the market stall women turned one on and started waving it around for a demo I was tempted to let her use it on me but was worried I'd poo myself involuntarily or something.

it's nearly 1am, I had a bad day yesterday, and here I am laughing out loud . . .

thanks for this post, made my day (even if it's only 1hr old)

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I bought my wife a small taser that she keeps in her bag at all times. Some cops that live in our area have commented on it and said it's no problem.

Only problem is that I can see that she is dying to try it out on someone and I think it may be me...

We used to get drunk and zap each other with the type that has the twin prongs and blue sparky thing...it's not that bad...makes you twitch a bit though! I saw a japanese SM movie where the chick used one on a guy's nuts...that looked to sting a bit! :D

Buggered if I would do that, drunk or sober. looks very nasty to me when I press the red button. And it isn't getting anywhere near my nuts, even with the safety on. Nossir, brings a tear to my eye just thinking about it.

As a matter of interest, how dangerous are the little ones with the built-in flashlight? Horrible noise and smell of ozone but are they effective in an attack situation I wonder?

Remind me to tell you about the mace tube and the taxi driver sometime... I still get embarrassed thinking about it, it took a week to get the smell out of my trousers :)

Please elaborate on the taxi driver story :D



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That's a classic! Lucky it didn't burn your John Thomas.

To be honest I wouldn't mind one of those extending battons but there is no legitimate reason for getting one so I won't!

Dogs are a legitimate reason in my book.

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As a matter of interest, how dangerous are the little ones with the built-in flashlight? Horrible noise and smell of ozone but are they effective in an attack situation I wonder?

Dam things had better work, thats what I got for myself!

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I would love for someone to try and come at me with one of these tasers. There is no way they could take me down, and then, Itd be my turn. I have studied meditation for several years and I am confident that I could mentally survive the tasering to fight back, and once I did fight back, it'd be all over.

Get'em... oh Menacing Buddha


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As a matter of interest, how dangerous are the little ones with the built-in flashlight? Horrible noise and smell of ozone but are they effective in an attack situation I wonder?

Dam things had better work, thats what I got for myself!

I think you will find them significantly lower than their american counterparts.... scary and a little noisy but if you have been shocked like one (I have) you will realize they aren't much protection especially if you are fighting off someone more powerful than yourself, and don't forget if they are touching you its going to conduct.

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I would love for someone to try and come at me with one of these tasers. There is no way they could take me down, and then, Itd be my turn. I have studied meditation for several years and I am confident that I could mentally survive the tasering to fight back, and once I did fight back, it'd be all over.

Ok Yoda: I bet you can stop bullets like superman too. :)

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I would love for someone to try and come at me with one of these tasers. There is no way they could take me down, and then, Itd be my turn. I have studied meditation for several years and I am confident that I could mentally survive the tasering to fight back, and once I did fight back, it'd be all over.

Haha, funny man.

What you guys are talking about is called a " electronic restraint device " or commonly a "stun gun"carried one for several years. Hand held, 2 prong, arcs for show. Problem is you have to have physical contact and yes, they can be overcome and not by meditation.

Carried one for several years and used on numeous. Would piss drunks off. Only really worked on dogs and other law abiding citizens who wanted nothing to do with it.

Now, step up to the big leagues...

M26 Taser, made by Taser International of Scottsdale, Arizona

Small, hand held (looks like a small pistol ) complete with a "aim point" laser sight.

This is the bad boy that will stop a bull in it's tracks. I have seen it. I had to have the pleasure of it's power before I could carry it.

21 feet of small electrical lines ( 2 ) and 2 small fish hook looking probes that attached in the dermis or clothing.

First trigger pull shoots out the probes with a 5 second charge to it's target. Any additional trigger pulls and it's another 5 second ride into the space and time that is neither here nor there. It feels like an electrical jackhammer and you can feel the pulses run through you. Believe me, it hurts like nothing you have ever felt before and will stop you dead in your tracks. No if's and or buts about it.

I have met several "tough guys" who were rendered into weeping babies after, and begged for no more..and some of these were really really tough bad assed guys.

We used to make bets during training sessions on who who be stupid enough to take a double 10 second ride on this electrical pony. One one did in the 5 yrs I carried it.

Only sold and legally carried by law enforcement/military.

Videos can be viewed of it's power on the taser websight. ( NFI )

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There is a new 'bad boy' on the market. Meet the X3:

"On 27 July 2009, Taser introduced the X3, capable of subduing 3 suspects without reload."


Torture and Death

"A report from a meeting of the United Nations Committee against Torture states that "The Committee was worried that the use of TaserX26 weapons, provoking extreme pain, constituted a form of torture, and that in certain cases it could also cause death, as shown by several reliable studies and by certain cases that had happened after practical use."[73][74] Amnesty International has reported several alleged cases of excessive electroshock gun use, that possibly amount to torture, including the death of an individual after being struck 12 times with a Taser in Orange County, Florida.[75][dead link] They have also raised extensive concerns about the use of other electro-shock devices by American police and in American prisons, as they can be (and according to Amnesty International, sometimes are) used to inflict cruel pain on individuals. For example, Eric Hammock of Texas died in April 2005 after receiving more than 20 Taser shocks by Fort Worth police officers.[76][dead link] Maurice Cunningham of South Carolina, while an inmate at the Lancaster County Detention Center,[77][78] was subjected to continuous shock for 2 minutes 49 seconds, which a medical examiner said caused cardiac arrhythmia and his subsequent death. He was 29 years old and had no alcohol or drugs in his system.[79]"


Anyone saying they can handle Taser shocks has never experienced the 'pleasure' of being eletrocuted to death.

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Dubious about flashlight ones and I own one. :) Suggest maybe giving a thai 500bht to test it out on them?

Really not nice, but not terrible either... makes you kind of jump. I have done it and seen it done on many occasions and i have a dinky heart.

So won't put you on the floor and out of commission for a 5-10min? In reality pretty useless and probably just piss off whoever is attacking you.

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I have heard of people getting in trouble for carrying a knuckle duster they bought off the street here. He was already in trouble and they found it on his person and fined him quiet a bit for it.

A good friend of mine got attacked by another farang guy in a bathroom at a club several months ago. Luckily a couple other people who knew him were also in the bathroom at the time and were able to prevent the guy from hitting him with his fist more than once or twice. When the cops arrived they found brass knuckles in the guys pocket but he didn't get into any trouble at all for having them or even attacking my friend. He was taken to the police station and questioned and everything, and they even found out that he had been arrested the night before for attacking someone else! My friend went to the station as well to file a report of the incident and was in view of the attacker the whole time and said he never saw the guy bribe the police or anything. Needless to say my friend was very displeased with how the whole situation turned out...

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