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Posters On Phuket Forum Are Not Representative Of All Expats!

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Well, once again the noisy minority have had their way it seems and have caused another melt down.

I am pleased to see that my previous post has hands down shown that the noisy minority are definately NOT representative of all expats.Is very reassuring, because if the minority were the true reps Phucket would be a terrible place to live.Thanks very much for the personal messages,reassuring me that indeed 'The Few' are not representative of the true expats,and all of you also on post who said the same..As someone said Forum is about discussion, but ;The Few seem to think it is simply somewhere to just, go out of their way to pinpoint the smallest part of a post they personally disagree with and assert there view,belligerantly and antagonistically....Thats not discussion, people. Fortunately they are only an insignificant few, but they sure do form a 'wolfpack and go for the juggular when one of the few is

taken to task about their replies.

Forum..;Question up for discussion...Should posters who cross the line as far as decency and making totally below the belt type cowardly personal attacks on others be banned permanently from posting? I"m not talking about tit for tat stuff as is common[although is far short of discussion]

I'm not naming names or even mentioning anyone who i believe should be banned but if you care to read the last couple of replies before the mod closed up my original post..well..you make your own mind up.

Wow, see livinlos we have something in common after all..i'm standing up for someone who has been wronged just as you do.Where do you stand on this one?

PS I actually PM'd the poster to enquire as to why this gutter attack was needed and was told..i'm sticking up for my friend!And i feel good about myself...go figure huh. ..wolfpack??

Wow, see livinlos we have something in common after all..i'm standing up for someone who has been wronged just as you do.Where do you stand on this one?

There are already forum rules in place against personal attacks.. I guess that like most forum rules theres a few warnings before temp bans and perm bans.

it also helps if posters have 'thick skins' and dont take things too personally.

Exactly.. I think many posters seem to confuse a difference of opinion with a personal attack.. I also find it quite ironic that recently the more personal attacks that were made were coming from the very group complaining about the state of the online expats.


:D Sheesh.....listen oop, Chuckles, sometimes a few eggs get broken in these, ahem, discussions, and a few ego’s get bruised. It ain’t no bad thing, and as mentioned by a previous mutt, ya just gotta get ya self a thicker skin, and, I might add, a sense of humour and proportion about what’s said between the sundry meatheads that populate any Thai centric forum. I hate all of them equally..heh, heh..

The very idea that posters should be only be ya ‘Concrete slippered - 4 heartbeats a minute - pass me the bedpan’ expat variety is preposterous to say the least. Many worthy contributions from folk who reside in Outer Earth can shed valuable insight into discussions, although it can be noted that more latitude is given to the incumbent inmates than them thar pesky folk from the real world. But don’t let that put you off.... :)

it also helps if posters have 'thick skins' and dont take things too personally.

not naming names or even mentioning anyone who i believe should be banned but if you care to read the last couple of replies before the mod closed up my original post..well..you make your own mind up.

Are you referring to the guy with liver cancer,...he should have thick skin? :)

Wow a member for a full four days with four posts, instant expert ?

:) Forum is about discussion....D.i.s.c.u.s.s.i.o.n..Yes you are dead right, only 4 ,so you think that I'm not worldly enough to post...not good enough for you..wake up..another example of the small minded few...lol

Wow a member for a full four days with four posts, instant expert ?

:D Forum is about discussion....D.i.s.c.u.s.s.i.o.n..Yes you are dead right, only 4 ,so you think that I'm not worldly enough to post...not good enough for you..wake up..another example of the small minded few...lol

Best not let the few with views which you find unpleasent - or question your reality - post at all. The majority view is always right - right :)


So its now crept up to 6 full posts ! NO my point is that someone with so few posts stands to look arrogant by calling for possible bans on longer podsting members than yourself


I would guess that threads get closed down because some people's temperatures get too high and they perhaps need time to cool down and remember that TV is simply an anonymous discussion forum - restarting the fight in a new thread is a very unhealthy sign that the arguments are being internalized and personalized! Move on.


>> restarting the fight in a new thread is a very unhealthy sign that the arguments are being internalized and personalized! Move on.

To add to this discussion, it appears that's why this thread was started :) . If the thread is about how the forum bans or doesn't ban, take it up to the mods as mod discussion is supposed to be a verboten subject.

So its now crept up to 6 full posts ! NO my point is that someone with so few posts stands to look arrogant by calling for possible bans on longer podsting members than yourself

Did you read the my original posting? If you didn't, go read it..if you did i guess that means you condone what KB did...belittling a guy with terminal cancer in a bid to 'help a friend' .

Well, once again the noisy minority have had their way it seems and have caused another melt down.

I am pleased to see that my previous post has hands down shown that the noisy minority are definately NOT representative of all expats.Is very reassuring, because if the minority were the true reps Phucket would be a terrible place to live.Thanks very much for the personal messages,reassuring me that indeed 'The Few' are not representative of the true expats,and all of you also on post who said the same..As someone said Forum is about discussion, but ;The Few seem to think it is simply somewhere to just, go out of their way to pinpoint the smallest part of a post they personally disagree with and assert there view,belligerantly and antagonistically....Thats not discussion, people. Fortunately they are only an insignificant few, but they sure do form a 'wolfpack and go for the juggular when one of the few is

taken to task about their replies.

Forum..;Question up for discussion...Should posters who cross the line as far as decency and making totally below the belt type cowardly personal attacks on others be banned permanently from posting? I"m not talking about tit for tat stuff as is common[although is far short of discussion]

I'm not naming names or even mentioning anyone who i believe should be banned but if you care to read the last couple of replies before the mod closed up my original post..well..you make your own mind up.

Wow, see livinlos we have something in common after all..i'm standing up for someone who has been wronged just as you do.Where do you stand on this one?

PS I actually PM'd the poster to enquire as to why this gutter attack was needed and was told..i'm sticking up for my friend!And i feel good about myself...go figure huh. ..wolfpack??

For starters

If you come into TV and instantly get arrogant you will stand a good chance of being taken down a peg or two


It would help if when in Phuket you learnt to spell it


:):D:D MY APPOLOGY...from the heart

I have posted on tv a few times and now in retrospect have become one of the petty minded, bitter and twisted posters that seem to cast all expats in bad light.The advice that expatdiana gives about one needing to leave at least once a year so you dont become bitter and twisted is spot-on for all .I unfortunately don't have the energy or the motivation to do so.I wish....

My terminal illness is the catalist for my lowering down to the gutter level with several other well known identities,but is not an excuse for it.

When one is basically home/bound small things tend to become HUGE,and my reaction to some threads became almost an obsession,as an outlet for the frustration i have along with the clinical depression..tends to cloud ones mind!!!

Please, don't think i'm looking for sympathy, ..far from it, i'm just so embarressed now when i look back over some comments i have made..it is simply not the old me to make such pathetic conversations and especially, to ever, in my 55+ years to post on a forum..WOW.,I always had so much to do to entertain myself.Looking at some of my sparring partners..makes me wonder if there is a name to attach to them...CPD for eg [compulsive posting disorder] Honestly ,previously if i had a spare moment or two ..very rarely.., i would rather watch Thai soapies with my lady, than post on a forum. Scurilous actors on soapies are a better choice than some of the "characters" on forum that i let [at the time unknowningly] drag me down to their level.NEVER AGAIN!

I saw on T visa one time this quote, along these lines..'' Dont argue with idiots,because they will soon drag you down to their level and beat you up''.Unfortunately i did argue.....

and the detrimental effect it has had is huge..but it was my doing!!To the nice people out there...be lucky, take care. To the others....take time to smell the flowers,and take that holiday so you dont stay bitter and twisted!

I'm outa hereshortly,this has been home, and up till recenlty loved it, but my family want me buried at 'their'.. home....Finally an old quote but a relevant one..Live every day like its your last, because one day it will be.....never thought it would happen to me... :D

To the thing that referred to my enquirey a while ago,about where i stood regarding back to back visa..understand this, i wasn't complaining to anyone about my pitiful pension, simply

asking a question relevant to my circumstance. For you to use that in your petty attack on me has left me shocked, to say the least. Karma will get you... :D

Come on you lot....life is short..nobody needs all this hostility.

Thanks for the ride...

it also helps if posters have 'thick skins' and dont take things too personally.

not naming names or even mentioning anyone who i believe should be banned but if you care to read the last couple of replies before the mod closed up my original post..well..you make your own mind up.

Are you referring to the guy with liver cancer,...he should have thick skin? :)

no i was referring to your goodself.


This discussion is just a continuation of the previous closed topic. Even worse, discussion about who should be banned from Thaivisa forum.

I remind members of rule 21..

21) Not to discuss moderation publicly in the open forum; this includes individual actions, and specific or general policies and issues. You may send a PM to a moderator to discuss individual actions or email support (at) thaivisa.com to discuss moderation policy

This topic is closed.... again.

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