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However she is allowed to stay in the UK until her current visa expires, you can't have her sent back to Thailand before then.
The decision about whether or not the lady remains in the UK rests with the UK Border Agency, and the OP is under a duty to report any change in circumstances.
As already said all you can do is inform the UKBA of her change in circumstances. When her current LTR expires she will need your cooperation to extend it,

If we ignore all the conjecture, and wanton accusation, where exactly are we with the points I have highlighted.

I was under the impression if someone was here on a specific visa and the reasons no longer applied for its issue, it could be withdrawn, however it would be unlikely to be pursued, at this stage.

Or is it more likely that when the current LTR expires, it just wouldn't be renewed and you will either leave of your own accord, be removed, or be illegal.

Anyone make it clearer for me?

I don't think your statements as highlighted are contradictory, and they sum up the situation pretty well.

If someone has leave to enter or remain, it remains valid until expiry, or until it is cancelled by UKBA. I think it says in the caseworking instructions that if there is less than six months of leave remaining, it is not policy to issue a cancellation. They do look more closely these days at students whose non-attendance at their course is reported, and I can imagine that, for example, if a spouse deserted his/her partner shortly after entering the UK they might want to pursue cancellation. But in cases such as the OP's missis they will probably record his report, and then consider it along with any application, if she makes one.

In cases where the leave is cancelled, or an in-time application is made, there is a right of appeal, which explains why they don't often cancel - it's easier and usually quicker to let the leave run its course.

If the leave expires and there is no further application, and the party remains in the UK, he/she becomes an overstayer, liable to arrest and administrative removal.

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B*m, I pressed the wrong button on the edit thing

I meant to add that although I previously said that the OP was under a duty to report a change of circumstances, there's no legal obligation on him to do so. What he must not do is sponsor an ILR application, that would be illegal if they are no longer together. And he may consider that it's in his interests to report the break-up now, to forestall any attempts to forge his signature on an ILR application (or anything else).

" i do not want her to remain in the country"

Purely hypothetical, but what if it was the other way around ?

A Thai person asking advice as to how to get his/her partner removed from Thailand ?


That would be much simpler as a foreigner in Thailand does not receive Indefinite Leave to Remain status enabling them to stay forever.

In Thailand foreign spouses must renew their visa every year.

There were kids involved, who were innocent that is why i made that move. (not my kids but hers who i cared for).

The kids of course greatly complicate an issue like this. I had a horrible time trying to decide whether to file the immigration fraud case with ICE against my ex because I really cared about the two boys and wanted them to have a better future.

But I finally decided I had to kill this multi-headed monster before it completely devoured me. The ex should have thought more about her kids before she did the scam and all the rest. Turns out her next unfortunate victim is taking good care of them and I feel great about that. At least what I did for them was not all for naught.


How died and made you God? You don't know what this guy's been through. Maybe she slept with his best mate. You know how Thai women are. Instead of coming off holier than thou, why don't you try to answer his question or keep your mouth shut.


just wandering if anyone can give me some advice,

my thai wife moved to england with me 18 months ago over the last 6 months the marraige has broken down and we are no longer living together, i do not want her to remain in the country after her visa finishes in 6 months time, i just want to know what i need to do to withdraw my sponsership for her visa and possibly make it impossible for her to get indefinate leave to remain in the u.k.

would writing a letter to the home office informing them we are no longer living together and the marraige has broken down help my cause in any way?

i'm not bitter towards my wife and i just want to get over her and get on with my life, although i will find it extremely hard to do this when she is living near me.

any help with this situation would be greatly appreciated, i do not require any advice on relationships or the like, so just answers related to the question please :)

thanks alot.

If you are as you say, not bitter towards your wife, why then do you not leave her to live her life how and where she likes.


Who died and made you God? You don't know what this guy's been through. Maybe she slept with his best mate. You know how Thai women are. Instead of coming off holier than thou, why don't you try to answer his question or keep your mouth shut.


just wandering if anyone can give me some advice,

my thai wife moved to england with me 18 months ago over the last 6 months the marraige has broken down and we are no longer living together, i do not want her to remain in the country after her visa finishes in 6 months time, i just want to know what i need to do to withdraw my sponsership for her visa and possibly make it impossible for her to get indefinate leave to remain in the u.k.

would writing a letter to the home office informing them we are no longer living together and the marraige has broken down help my cause in any way?

i'm not bitter towards my wife and i just want to get over her and get on with my life, although i will find it extremely hard to do this when she is living near me.

any help with this situation would be greatly appreciated, i do not require any advice on relationships or the like, so just answers related to the question please :)

thanks alot.

If you are as you say, not bitter towards your wife, why then do you not leave her to live her life how and where she likes.


just wandering if anyone can give me some advice,

my thai wife moved to england with me 18 months ago over the last 6 months the marraige has broken down and we are no longer living together, i do not want her to remain in the country after her visa finishes in 6 months time, i just want to know what i need to do to withdraw my sponsership for her visa and possibly make it impossible for her to get indefinate leave to remain in the u.k.

would writing a letter to the home office informing them we are no longer living together and the marraige has broken down help my cause in any way?

i'm not bitter towards my wife and i just want to get over her and get on with my life, although i will find it extremely hard to do this when she is living near me.

any help with this situation would be greatly appreciated, i do not require any advice on relationships or the like, so just answers related to the question please :D

thanks alot.

This is too funny Cookstar is trying to get his wife out of the UK, and Mercury is desperately trying to get his wife (I mean cook/cleaner/house maid) into the UK ... You crazy guys .... :)

To the reply of this post:You're a DICK aren't you,i would put a question mark,but it doesn't take a ingenious to work it out.Well maybe i should then put a question mark,You're a DICK aren't you? :D

Who died and made you God? You don't know what this guy's been through. Maybe she slept with his best mate. You know how Thai women are. Instead of coming off holier than thou, why don't you try to answer his question or keep your mouth shut.

just wandering if anyone can give me some advice,

my thai wife moved to england with me 18 months ago over the last 6 months the marraige has broken down and we are no longer living together, i do not want her to remain in the country after her visa finishes in 6 months time, i just want to know what i need to do to withdraw my sponsership for her visa and possibly make it impossible for her to get indefinate leave to remain in the u.k.

would writing a letter to the home office informing them we are no longer living together and the marraige has broken down help my cause in any way?

i'm not bitter towards my wife and i just want to get over her and get on with my life, although i will find it extremely hard to do this when she is living near me.

any help with this situation would be greatly appreciated, i do not require any advice on relationships or the like, so just answers related to the question please :)

thanks alot.

If you are as you say, not bitter towards your wife, why then do you not leave her to live her life how and where she likes.

What do you mean you know how Thai women are?I have traveled around the world and have met many women that have done the same thing,even in England.You people go to another country have a better life style than you ever had before,get drunk,sleep around,without a care in the world and think you can keep a women in from this country?Don't you think if you did the same thing back home to a European women that she would leave you too?

Well, i have lived in Thailand for the past eleven years i don't really drink, and i don't sleep around.I have been happily married for ten years.And i know other people that do the same as i,and have a happy relationship with their wives

Who died and made you God? You don't know what this guy's been through. Maybe she slept with his best mate. You know how Thai women are. Instead of coming off holier than thou, why don't you try to answer his question or keep your mouth shut.

I just gave my opinion, that is what message boards are for. I know a lot about Thai woman and i must say there a lot of good ones and a lot of bad ones just like everywhere.

That he wants his wife deported isn't nice but if it is lawful so be it, but then trying to hold out on money that is not lawful. I just a guy who tries to see 2 sides to a story and stay on the good side of the law. Morally you could be right, but it still does not change the law.

You should see the responses on this board if a Thai girl swindles a guy, now its the other way around and everyone is defending him.

Anyway i think the TS has had his answer already from other posters.

also just another quick question if anyone has any experience of divorcing in thailand i am aware that she is entitled to 50% of anything gained after the marraige (i believe this to be true please tell me if i am wrong) but i do not have any property in my name and all i have is my savings, would it be possible to literally give all my money to someone until after the divorce then have them put it back in my bank after the divorce? i don't have alot of cash left after all the costs i've had to pay for getting my wifes visa and living in thailand with her over the past 5 years so all the money i have is what i have managed to save over the last year which is money i would like to keep hold of.

thanks alot

So, you took her away from her life, family, friends and culture with who knows what promises, and now you want shot of her without a dime.

Sounds as though she might be the lucky one to be shot of you.

Don't jump to conclusions. I got divorced from my Thai wife after 9 years of hel_l. She finally walked out leaving me with a kid, whom she then did not see for 2 years. I fought bloody hard in the courts to protect my assets. She was advised by a Brit feminist lawyer who hates men, so every lie she told this person was grist to her lawyer's mill. Scamming?? I did what I had to do to protect my assets from 40 years of work. Taking her away from her family? Don't make me laugh, she pursued me, as they say, to the ends of the earth. Did I ever cheat on her? NO. Did she ever cheat on me? Oh YES!!!

The courts, fortunately saw through her because her lies changed so often they got frustrated with her. Did I hide assets and money? Well make up your own mind on that one. Was she a poor little Thai Plaything? Put it this way, her parents are wealtheir than mine. Mine live in a rented council house, my mother was a char (cleaner); Her parents had businesses, were corrupt as the day is long and owned at least 5 properties. I don't feel guilty about anything so, as I say, look behind the curtains before you assume what the furniture looks like!!!


dumping wife attitude...

you wanted her, you married her, be responsable and hopefully the tax payer will not have to pay for you throw away mentality

hopefully they will take half of your salary to pay for anything she needs


To the OP. If you really wanted to be deporable you could cosy back up to her and suggest a holiday to Thailand? Once in Thailand you can divorce at the amphur. if she doesn't play ball fly back alone. You would obviously offer some money as part of the deal.

Depends on what her recourse to funds is, but I feel that a divorce in Thailand would have a favourable outcome in protecting your assets, if thats what your looking to do.

Maybe she slept with his best mate. You know how Thai women are.

Hypothetically, slept with his best mate, but you know how Thai girls are, hmmm, selective stereotyping there me thinks :)

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