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A friend of mine went to Boots pharmacy yesterday and was horrified to see Shark Cartilage for sale. She contacted Boots and also posted it on Facebook.

If you know anything about this then you surely understand that it is not okay to decimate the already and rapidly declining shark populations in the world, partially thanks to people who insist on eating Shark fin soup.

For UK Company to do this is just outrageous. And it is their own Brand also.

Here is the link to the contact page if you have something to say.. (make sure you add the www)


The story was picked up by another blog here but there is no contact info. Also this story was told to me first hand so I hope it is ok to post it and I think that in Phuket we have an opportunity to make a small environmental difference here or at least a stand.


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Sharks are yummy, same as cows, chickens, pigs,dogs etc etc.

So you would eat dogs? :)

I think Boots have something to answer for here, and I hope they withdraw this product

Ah, the politically correct crowd has awoken. I just remembered why I left the UK.

Nothing whatsoever to do with political correctness.

This is about an issue in the same vein as The Chinese Fur Farms(google it)

in other words cruelty to animals


This is ridiculous. Shark meat is the staple diet of tens of millions of poor coastal people in South Asia. . The fins are processed and exported to countries that eat sharks fins. For poor Asian fishermen it provides them with extra income. What are they to do with all the sharks fins if people like you have thier way? Likewise in Australia and New Zealand much of their famous "fish and chips" is made from shark meat.

If you want to protest you should focus on those who catch sharks and cut thier fins off and throw the carcas away. No South Asian fishermen would do such a thing.

And as for sharks becoming extinct this is utter nonsense. A scuba divers fantasy. Hoards of SCUBA divers invading coastal waters with thier noisy boats and breathing apparatus have scared all the sharks away. I saw this in the Maldive Islands. When I first went there before any SCUBA divers I could not see the sea bottom because of so many sharks. Since the SCUBA invasion its hard to see any. Maldivian fisherment don't fish for sharks so they can't be blamed for thier disappearance as most SCUBA divers would have us believe.


I live on Vancouver island for 20 yearswe had what was called mud sharks. They were a problem for fidherman of other species of fish. There were so many at times they would be on top of each other under the boat.No one wanted them just a problem. They were abundant. Maybe someone found a market for these scavengers. If you want a real cause go after salmon fishing. most natural stock is gone the all the farmed fish released into nature is done by volunteers and funded partially by governments. Without these volunteers salmon would be history alresdy.


In countrys with a managed fishing industry sharks are not rare or endangered and they are commercially fished for there flesh, the fins and cartilage are a by product. Also endangered species of shark are fully protected, including the white pointer which is more likely to eat you. They also ban the fishing of sharks for fins in there territorial waters. If the cartilage is a by product why shouldn't it be sold in pharmacy's if its helpful for people with arthritis etc.

So you would eat dogs? :)

I think Boots have something to answer for here, and I hope they withdraw this product

why not dogs? No soi dog problems in korea :D pretty tasty in Bosintang spicy soup

shark meat is a part of several cultures diets, you suggesting they should just throw away the fins?

This is ridiculous. Shark meat is the staple diet of tens of millions of poor coastal people in South Asia. . The fins are processed and exported to countries that eat sharks fins. For poor Asian fishermen it provides them with extra income. What are they to do with all the sharks fins if people like you have thier way? Likewise in Australia and New Zealand much of their famous "fish and chips" is made from shark meat.

If you want to protest you should focus on those who catch sharks and cut thier fins off and throw the carcas away. No South Asian fishermen would do such a thing.

And as for sharks becoming extinct this is utter nonsense. A scuba divers fantasy. Hoards of SCUBA divers invading coastal waters with thier noisy boats and breathing apparatus have scared all the sharks away. I saw this in the Maldive Islands. When I first went there before any SCUBA divers I could not see the sea bottom because of so many sharks. Since the SCUBA invasion its hard to see any. Maldivian fisherment don't fish for sharks so they can't be blamed for thier disappearance as most SCUBA divers would have us believe.

"If you want to protest you should focus on those who catch sharks and cut thier fins off and throw the carcas away. No South Asian fishermen would do such a thing."

You obviously haven't seen countless fotos and videos of live sharks being hauled aboard fishing boats to have their fins hacked off and then thrown, alive, back into the sea to die in agony and slowly :)


The worst thing about this is that the cartilage does nothing to prevent cancer or alleviate pain or anything. Various studies have confirmed this. It's a complete scam. Pharmaceutical companies have gotten in trouble for labeling it as an anti-cancer treatment.

And as for the finning of sharks for shark fin soup, it is believed to be the primary cause of the reduction of many species of sharks, by up to 90%. It is a HUGE problem. Not to mention the mercury in chark fins can cause sterilazation in men, and it is recommended that children and pregnant women don't eat it due to the Murcury content.

You won't find shark fin soup in Phuket as often as you used to, thanks partly to the actions of a few environmentally responsible people a few years back that helped educate the restaurant owners.

Sad really, the apathy shown by some board members here. Indicative of the lack of education out there. I'm glad there seem to be a greater number of expats living here that actually give a shit about the world they live in. For the rest of you, I hear Cambodia is nice.

Someone in Pattaya noticed the same thing a few days ago and also started a thread: http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/Shocked-Boot...ay-t299188.html


A few things to add..

I have seen shark finning first hand (in World Heritage National Parks), i have also lived with countless fisherman all over South East Asia.

While some of you comment about eating dogs and cats, others remenise on why they abandoned their own country and some blame stupid Scuba divers for fantasy.... I will tell it like it is.

Firstly ... it is a condition of forum membership not to 'flame' other users. Why antagonise the young girl with passion for her cause.

Second ... the cause is valid.

Thirdly ... the argument against the protection of the shark is built on misinformation. ....take for example "Shark meat is the staple diet of tens of millions of poor coastal people in South Asia" ...the staple diet of the people mentioned here is fish, squid and rice, not sharkmeat.

.... If you don't care - don't comment.

... If you don't like environmentalist swagger ... don't listen.

... If you don't KNOW ...don't comment.

I KNOW the following:

shark finning is a multi BILLION dollar industry.

traditional fisherman are recruited by Singaporean + Taiwanese shark fin dealers, trained and paid twice as much as they're regular (sufficent) incomes from fishing (apx. $5 a day) to catch sharks, cut their fins and throw them back in the water to die, illegally.

It is happening all over the world, not just asia.

Sharks statistically kill less than 10 people every year ..the world over (unbelievable only if you believe what the movies / news tells you)

Humans kill over 200 000 000 sharks every year. including young. the overwhelming majority of them dying inhumanely.

Sharks reproduce at the age of 20 years.

Do the math.

... respect yourself, respect each other, respect the ocean, respect Thailand.

...and if you want to speak about sharks ... do so ONLY after watching SHARKWATER on you tube - see "full documentary"


A friend of mine went to Boots pharmacy yesterday and was horrified to see Shark Cartilage for sale. She contacted Boots and also posted it on Facebook.

For UK Company to do this is just outrageous. And it is their own Brand also.

The story was picked up by another blog here but there is no contact info. Also this story was told to me first hand so I hope it is ok to post it and I think that in Phuket we have an opportunity to make a small environmental difference here or at least a stand.

Thanks for this post...I posted the same info in the Pattaya sub-forum a week ago or so...not much support from the punters there, however, sadly.

A few things to add..


A really excellent post LT. Thank you so very much for bringing your insight to this thread.

A friend of mine went to Boots pharmacy yesterday and was horrified to see Shark Cartilage for sale. She contacted Boots and also posted it on Facebook.

For UK Company to do this is just outrageous. And it is their own Brand also.

The story was picked up by another blog here but there is no contact info. Also this story was told to me first hand so I hope it is ok to post it and I think that in Phuket we have an opportunity to make a small environmental difference here or at least a stand.

Thanks for this post...I posted the same info in the Pattaya sub-forum a week ago or so...not much support from the punters there, however, sadly.

The challenge environmentalists (and we all need this planet to survive, so we should all be environmentalists) will always have is overcoming the feeling by so many people out there that simply don't see human caused species extinction as a bad thing. The millions of years of evolution needed to create these majestic creatures, (all creatures) simply ceases. Call it "manifest destiny lite" Very sad.

Thanks for MisterMan and Pattyabunlover, and the un-named friend of MisterMan for bringing this to our attention. I will be using the link above to contact boots to inquire about where they get there shark cartilage, not that I expect to hear anything back.

Some more info about the shark cartilage scams:




I mam appaled by the ignorance of people answering in this thread.

A lot of sharks species are on the verge of extinction, and yes, a lot of fishermen only use the fin and throw away the rest.


BTW, Some time ago they were selling shark fins at Tesco Lotus on Phuket. We started threads on different diving forums and had people write in to Tesco, and within 2 months they announced a ban on sales of shark fins at Tesco, whereas in the beginning they were really arrogant about it.

So yes, one can do something about it.

A few things to add..... if you want to speak about sharks ... do so ONLY after watching SHARKWATER on you tube - see "full documentary"

เห็นด้วย LaoTzu ขอบคุณมากเลยที่แสดงความคิดเห็นที่ไม่ตื้นนะครับ Good thoughts, good info, thanks!

BTW, Some time ago they were selling shark fins at Tesco Lotus on Phuket. We started threads on different diving forums and had people write in to Tesco, and within 2 months they announced a ban on sales of shark fins at Tesco, whereas in the beginning they were really arrogant about it.

So yes, one can do something about it.

News today

Update: Boots to Withdraw Shark Product from Sale

Phuket Consumer's Victory Boots has undertaken to withdraw from sale in Thailand a shark cartilage supplement that was spotted on sale in Phuket stores by an observant local diver.


Perfect, good news.

No all we need is some education of the ignorant, see quite a few posts here, and we're all good.

Perfect, good news.

No all we need is some education of the ignorant, see quite a few posts here, and we're all good.

Too many condoning the cruelty;

I agree, education needed, but someone who wants dog leg for Sunday roast wants more education than most ,I fear.

Too many condoning the cruelty;

I agree, education needed, but someone who wants dog leg for Sunday roast wants more education than most ,I fear.

Why's that then?

It's just that maybe you aren't used to eating dog. Or cat. Or rabbit. Or crocodile. Or kangaroo.

Can you imagine how horrified Hindus are at you actually wanting to eat beef for your sunday roast.

Or a Muslim at you wanting to eat pork?

A dog bred for meat is just meat, the same as pork or beef. Just because it's a 'new' or unusual food to you doesnt mean it's wrong. Maybe it's you who needs education Mr boef Wellington!

Doesnt it appear slightly hypocritical that people choose which animals they will kill and eat, and choose others that should be spared because they are cute, or 'pets' or similar.

In some parts of Africa, elephants are considered a great menace. But many people in the West wouldnt eat them because they are 'cute'.

I applaud Boots stopping selling shark cartlidge. I wonder if they will also stop selling cod liver oil too?

Now some might argue that sharks are killed inhumanely. This may be so. But have you stopped to think how the fish on your table was killed? It suffocated, slowly and painfully to death.

Do you think ANY of the animals in Asia that are killed for human consumption, are done so humanely? Care to join me in a visit to an abatoir?

You know how Halal meat is prepared right? Throat cut and bled to death. Humane? I dont think so.

With Vegetarian fest fast approaching, you'd think people might actually consider exactly what it is they are putting in their mouths, rather than squaking about cute or endangered animals only.

"If you want to protest you should focus on those who catch sharks and cut thier fins off and throw the carcas away. No South Asian fishermen would do such a thing."

You obviously haven't seen countless fotos and videos of live sharks being hauled aboard fishing boats to have their fins hacked off and then thrown, alive, back into the sea to die in agony and slowly :)

J have seen the videos and its is apalling. However these people are not fishermen and do not come from poorer countries. The fishermen of India, Bangladesh, Pakisitan and Sri Lanka catch sharks for thier meat not fins. They used to throw the fins away but now they dry them and export them. But even then they do not get much for them since the real cost of sharks fin is the processing which is done in the countries that eat sharks fin. To give you an idea from personal experience the fishermen would sell the shark meat for 100 times more thanr what he would get for the raw fin.

And shark meat is the pricipal protein food of all coastal areas mentioned above.

I still maintain that it is much better tp protest against "finning" (throwing the carcas away) than against the consumption of sharks fins.

News today

Update: Boots to Withdraw Shark Product from Sale

Phuket Consumer's Victory Boots has undertaken to withdraw from sale in Thailand a shark cartilage supplement that was spotted on sale in Phuket stores by an observant local diver.

They stopped selling in Thailand, what about the rest of the world?


It is shark meat. The fishermen sell thier fish and eat shark meat. The people are too poor to buy fish. Shark meat is much cheaper. They don't eat much sqid either/ You should get your facts right.

The multi billion sharks fish industry you talk about is fuelled by the tons of dried sharks fin which they buy very cheaply from the indian sub continent. The processing into edible sharks fin is very costly which makes the finished product very valuable..

None of the posts suggest what is to be done with the vast quantities of dried sharks fins from these poor countires!


News today

Update: Boots to Withdraw Shark Product from Sale

Phuket Consumer's Victory Boots has undertaken to withdraw from sale in Thailand a shark cartilage supplement that was spotted on sale in Phuket stores by an observant local diver.

They stopped selling in Thailand, what about the rest of the world?

I think we have to enjoy every victory, no matter how small.

News today

Update: Boots to Withdraw Shark Product from Sale

Phuket Consumer's Victory Boots has undertaken to withdraw from sale in Thailand a shark cartilage supplement that was spotted on sale in Phuket stores by an observant local diver.

They stopped selling in Thailand, what about the rest of the world?

Well if you look at all the photos you will see it is a Thai product as normally a Thai ingredients sticker is (annoyingly) stuck over the English one.

According to their statement which as on a local news blog and emailed directly to my friend they said

"Our supplement which contains shark cartilage is produced in Thailand by a local supplier and the product is manufactured using the cartilage from an animal which is also used for many other purposes, not solely for this particular product."

I wonder if they are decimating their own shark population.



I applaud what Boots did. I have seen this bottle for many months. I am against animal cruelty. For that reason I refuse to go to Phuket zoo because they have a tiger used for taking pics for all and is heavily sedated.

The monkey shows, elephant shows at Fantasea, etc etc etc. I can go on and on.

What I complained about, but not too effectively, it appears, is people bring their western perceptions of what is right and wrong and imposing it on the locals.

Off my soap box.

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