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Liposuction In Pattaya


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I have tried dieting. I have tried exercising but I think I am just too old to do anything about it and I don't want to spend the last few years of my active life looking like fat fart. Does anybody know where to get liposuction in Pattaya? And what it costs if it is at all possible?

Thank you

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Out of curiosity, what type of dieting and exercise did you try? Maybe you just went about it the wrong way, and maybe there are people who can still help you lose weight the natural, safe way.

What does your typical daily diet consist of?

Be honest, how much of that diet consists of beer? :)

Also, how old are you?

How much do you weigh?

How tall are you?

How active are you?

Don't mean to pry, but maybe there is some low-hanging fruit that can be answered on this forum before going to extreme measures.

Best of luck to you.

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Perhaps you should explore the possibility of Beriatric Surgery.

If you are elligible and have the procedure done. You will lose weight fast!

I have a relative who has recently done this. She has lost weight fast. I doubt that she would have lived more thatn 10 more yearws with out it.

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Before you consider tying knots in your gut ^^, take a look at the "I'm too fat forum". There are a few threads about lipo and vaser lipo.

Also, the BPH has a cosmetic surgery department - expensive of course, but may be a good starting point for your enquiries.

I have considered lipo myself, as some lumps and bumps do not respond to diet and exercise, but my wife says I'm perfect as I am and should spend the money on shoes and handbags for her instead.

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Thanks for the info. I am going to have a look at all the options before doing anything. The Bariatric Surgery sounds a bit off putting. As for me

How old are you? = Too old

How much do you weigh? = Too much

How tall are you? = Standing up or sitting down

How active are you? = I use my computer every day

But seriously, I think I am an average middle aged guy. I don't drink excessively and I don't really eat junk food. I think that I do not do enough exercise but I find it very difficult to go to a gym. I have been to California Wow and all they did was bleed me dry. The personal training person that I had really did not help me much, as soon as he has the cash out of me he seemed to lose interest and the things he was making me do were a bit too much for me. I tried Tonys gym but I did not like the atmosphere. I do not to want to sound like a wimp but the place was very claustrophobic and intimidating for a fat fart like me. There were a couple of older guys like me but it's not really a place to mingle.

So that put my sporting attempt to an end.

I think am going to try the natural way for another month then consider the Lipo. I don't I could face getting cut open to get a knot tied in my belly.

If anybody needs some free grease let me know, will probably have a few buckets full next month! :)

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I don't want to discourage you, but it's going to take a lot longer than a month.

The good news is, going to a gym and sweating for an hour a day is not the way to go about it. You do need to eat well though, and you need to be active (like walking around, not necessarily running or pumping iron). Keeping some dumbbells at home and doing some light reps on your own wouldn't hurt either.

I don't have any idea what you currently eat (you were a bit vague about it), so I can't give you any specific advice there. The things that helped me were cutting out soda from my diet completely and replacing it with water, and reducing the amount of beer that I drink. I'll never give up beer, but I cut my intake in half and it has done wonders.

The other thing you can do is eat a lot of salads with light dressing. I don't mean the low-fat alternatives to the high-fat stuff. They all taste bland, in my opinion. I just stick with balsamic vinaigrette dressing. I eat lots of fresh fruit and vegetables, and unsalted mixed nuts for snacks. I usually put a heap of walnuts on my salad too.

You said that you don't eat much fast food, which is good, but there are other foods that are not "fast" but are bad for you in large amounts, like red meat (some is ok, just not a huge steak for dinner every night). Replace with lighter meat like chicken or fish (not fried, of course). Also, pasta, white rice and white breads have tons of carbs. You need some carbs, but if you're eating a lot already, maybe cut back on them and replace them with other foods.

Give yourself about 4 months to see if your weight is going in the right direction.

Even if you get lipo, if you don't change your diet you'll just gain weight again, so no matter what, if you want to be fit for the rest of your life, you're going to have to eat well.

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