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I smoke,not that much,but I like to have a cigarett with a beer and join good friends among music,barlife.NOW...the big brother is going to take this away,,The 1.st of June in Europe ...Forbidden in every restaurang,bar,even outdoorservice, So my question is?? Shall we all stop smoking?? :o

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I smoke,not that much,but I like to have a cigarett with a beer and join good friends among music,barlife.NOW...the big brother is going to take this away,,The 1.st of June in Europe ...Forbidden in every restaurang,bar,even outdoorservice, So my question is?? Shall we all stop smoking?? :o

I am off them 6 months now from 40 a day.

I’m sharing this and would appreciate no smart ASS remarks it’s the truth.

People who ever are trying to give them up it is not easy.

You can try Hypnosis Aqua puncture Patches Alan Carr’s book Seminars what ever,

I did, maybe it works for some but old die hard like me that tried them all and knew full well what damage they were doing couldn’t have given monkeys at the time I remember leaving a hypnosis session and lightening up as soon as I was out the door, I know a waste of money.

What finally did it was pure will power.

Went up to see my grandson who was one day old held him in my arms and realized that they was no way that I was going to see him grow up like I did my son and at that moment tears came to my eyes I realized what I had do when I went home I had 15 cigs in the box crushed them ** ed them into the bin and that’s it.

I get hoarse at times if I talk to much cough up some gunk also but ok a lot more energy. And at 50 + better late than never.

Smoking has been banned now in Ireland a year.

Can you just imagine these poor Bar workers breading in some one else’s smoke 8-12 hours a day not a bad law not bad at all.

That’s my bit on smoking and hopefully I will be alive to see my grandson Daniel grow into a man as I have seen my Son who I am very proud of.

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Good on you Bizz.

I started smoking at the age of 8. A mate and I would pinch a packet of his dad's fags and we would go down to the creek. We would smoke the entire packet of 20 between us in a matter of 2 hours or so...

Why did we do it. F###ed if I know.

I continued to smoke heavily until 10 months before my daughter was born when I was 26. My wife and I both gave up so that our child would not be poisoned by the cigarettes.

After our child was born we both went 3 years without a cigarette. Then one night at a mates wedding, when everyone was relaxed and pissed, my wife and I had a couple of another mates smokes.

The next day we were both smoking 30 cigs a day again each.

We both smoked again for another 3 years. Only outside the house though and never around our daughter.

Eventually gave it up again and haven't had another since.

Luckily, even the thought of smoking makes me feel ill now. Haven't had a smoke in 13 years.

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Whilst I agree with Tutsiwarrior to a large extent in as much as nobody forces people to work in the bars,clubs etc, here in New Zealand a law has also been passed prohibiting smoking in just about any closed area ie bars-clubs-hotels-airports,offices. A strange quirk in the law exists however that you are allowed to smoke in a bar etc provided the staff on duty are voluteers and not paid. The people I feel sorry for are the old soldiers who despite the fact that during their war service and in some cases paying the ultimate price, tthet were in facyt issued with cigarettes by the government free of charge how ironic is that. As for myself I have quit smoking after 50 years plus,quit cold turkey after my doctor advised me that i had the onset of emphasemia and being as i am due a fairly serious leg operation within a few weeks I should stop but after the operation who knows cause my god how I miss a smoke and I really do enjoy one (packet) with a beer or two. :o:D

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I am a heavy smoker, yesterday for example I met a bloke from this forum. There was him, his wife, myself, my wife and 5 of my wifes girlfriends. I smoked 4 packets yesterday. 80 cigs.

I would love to quit, but I do think it is impossible for me to stop. I am hooked beyond repair and I am only 30 years old :o

If anyone has a secret, please spill the beans.

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I'm also a heavy smoker, and i'm begining to feel the effects of smoking for 15 years... short of breath, sore throat, coughing all the time...

I think we need a ThaiVisa "quit smoking" regime.

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All I can say is that you both sound like very heavy smokers, and you are probably going to have to stop cold turkey. But you must stop. I have never been a heavy smoker, and only smoke occasionally

when I drink with smokers. I can feel the effects on my body from even this small amount.

My brother smoked 3 packs a day of Pall Malls unfiltered for 10 years, and stopped. He said it was all about changing the reflex in your brain to one of revulsion for cigarettes, and carrying 1 around at all times in his shirt pocket. This combination of revulsion and proximity helped him to quit by getting his will accustomed to the fact that cigarettes were always going to be around.

Anyway, everyone's different. Do whatever it takes.

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for those looking for a tobacco substitute those of you that live in BKK can buy snuff at the Swedish Church off Suk. It's called snoose in Sweden. I was a heavy smoker until I started using the stuff over 30 years ago. Here in Bahrain Copenhagen is available and I use that with maybe 2 or 3 Marlboro Lights when I get home from work. You still get the nicotine without the smoke.

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Yes. it takes a lot of will power to give them up. Also, one has to really want to.

I gave them up for 5 years, swore I would never touch the things again. I would have taken any bet. I was on holiday in Greece, lying on a beach. My wifes ciggy's lay on a towel. I don't know what possessed me, but I thought I'd try one. It made me slightly dizzy, but it was a one off, and I didn't crave another. After a while, I tried another, then another. Now, I smoke more than I did before. The moral is, when you give them up and think you are over them, you are not, so don't even think about having one. :o

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I've tried before, using the patches, i found them very effective in taking away the desire for a smoke. Unfortunately eventually i broke down, gave in and started again.

The cigs in Asia must be stronger, more addictive (and more full of cr*p) than the ones back in Europe because its only since moving out here that the detrimental effects have become apparent, but at the same time the desire is stronger and i'm smoking more.

My will power is pathetic, as Oscar Wilde once said

"I can resist everything, except temptation"

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That light headedness you felt was actually the posion in the ciggies in your blood stream, as a regular smoker you get used to the toxins and dont notice them, which is why having a smoke after going without for a while you can really feel it.

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You are absolutely right, Simbo. Which is why my brother - who smoked 3 packs a day - has not touched another cigarette for more than 10 years.

I on the other hand, am a social or occasional smoker, who still lights up from time-to-time. Sometimes even after months or years. Many people tell me this is the ideal way to smoke, but honestly, there is no ideal. I would like to stop completely as well, but then that would mean that I would have to stop drinking socially with friends that smoke :o I guess my will is not as strong as my brother's. But then again, he knew he had no choice but to stop completely.

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having only given up for 8 weeks im not a non smoker yet but i would like to tell you all a short story.

30 a day man for over 20 years and then someone gave me some zyban pills to take, all appeared to be going well for 4 weeks apart from shocking imsomnia, i didnt even feel like a smoke.

All of a sudden things began to go wrong, i started to feel my life was going to shit and didnt know what was wrong with me.

It took me a while to find out that the zyban pills have some shocking side effects and is used as an anti depressent.


theres a lot more to this story but i'll just say that they cost me my best friends as i did some crazy stuff i didnt even know i was doing while i was taking them.

Edited by one powerball
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So much good advice here - here are my (ex-smoker's) thoughts

...What finally did it was pure will power....

I truly believe that is the only answer - apart from being physically refrained, of course.

...I do think it is impossible for me to stop. I am hooked beyond repair and I am only 30 years old  :D

If anyone has a secret, please spill the beans.

No secret - you just have to want to do it. Don't kid yourself, if you know you're just pretending to want to give it up, you won't give it up :D You really have to want to!

All I can say is that you both sound like very heavy smokers, and you are probably going to have to stop cold turkey. ...

Yes, it will hurt but you have to concentrate on all the good things that giving up will give you, not the pain of the cold turkey.

Yes. it takes a lot of will power to give them up. Also, one has to really want to...

No comment - this says it all.

But the reason for wanting to stop has to be real. For me it was wanting to be able to play squash. Pretty pathetic reason, but for me it was important. I just got a knew girl friend who liked to play, so I wanted to play. We also had a squash ladder at work - so I wanted to work my way up to the top. So the answer was simple - if I didn't want to be this pathetic sweating, breathless loser collapsed in the corner of the squash court being run ragged by everyone I played, I had to get fit and that included stopping smoking.

The outcome was I didn't stay with the girlfriend, but I got to number 2 in the squash ladder :D I would've got to number one but when I played the best guy in the company - and while I was winning in the last game - I broke the bloody ball! I squashed it against the wall and popped it and there wasn't time to warm up another ball and finish the game. And then after that both ankles "went" (ligaments stretched, snapped, swollen ankles, etc) so I gave it up. But at least I remained fit and off the ciggies.

So that's my story - and my advice is, you've got to find a real reason for giving up, no pretending, no betting with your mates, but a personal reason and make a personal decision to do it. Good luck! :o

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Cold turkey about 5 years ago after 25 years of 20+ cigs/day.

Changed to Marlboro lights when they came out, Phillip Morris (even lighter) later. Yes it did mean I smoked a few more but it also meant when the time came to stop it was mainly an issue of breaking a habit (more than breaking an addiction).

The fact that it is no longer seen as socially acceptable to smoke in most parts of Europe just made it easier. Being the only one who had to step out for a smoke took a lot of the joy.

Edited by madsere
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I have plenty of "will-power". It's won't-power" I'm short of. Am still smoking after 34 years and will have yet another go at quitting when I get home from work.

I must agree with the previous poster regarding Xyban. Myself and a friend that took them got terrible stomach cramps and had to discontinue taking them. The list of side-effects is mind-boggling.

I understand the need to give them up and I try not to smoke around non-smokers, but these nico-nazis really get up my nose. The way to stop them is ask if they drive a car. Then ask them if you smoked 10 cigarettes at once, continously smoking, how long would it be before they died. Then ask them if they breathed the emissions from their car's exhaust pipe, how long would it take them to die? Also like asking them if they drive by any schools or hospitals. As I don't drive a car, I feel like I've grabbed the moral high-ground. They shut-up pretty quick-smart.

Anyway, hope my next attempt will be my last.

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Yes I agree that two wrongs don't make a right, but it does highlight their hypocracy.

You won't have to drive a car into Dave's bar. All the air in a city is polluted by carbon monoxide and particulates from cars, doesn't matter where you are.

Edited by Sir Burr
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Some people say quitting smoking is harder than quiting heroin. I've tried a couple of times, and couldn't make it last.

The last time I went for it full bore. Picked a "memorable" date to quit, stocked up on Zyban, patches and nicorette gum (against the advice of my pharmacist, she thought it was too much).

Started on the Zyban, then added the patches, then quit smoking. Used the gum when the going got tough. After a little while, started replacing the nicorette gum with some of those Dentyne Ice types. Went 38 days and was feeling OK (no weird side effects from the Zyban).

Then I had to attend a formal mess dinner (it's a military thing). The day of the dinner just happened to be the day I had used the last of the Zyban and my last patch. Got a little drunk and during the 2nd "break", bummed a smoke from a buddy. No coughing fits or dizzy spells, felt like I'd never quit at all.

The next day I was back to a pack a day habit. Now I'm here in Afghanistan, where we can buy a carton (10 packs) of smokes for $3.00 US (40 baht a carton !!). Back in Canada, in some places it's close to 300 baht for a single pack !

I'm going to have to try quitting again, and it ain't going to be easy, especially here.

Edited by Kerryd
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After quitting hashish, speed, coke and heroin I have no intention to quit smoking as well.

Maybe in the future when I can't get it up anymore.

Smoking has that effect. Luckely iv never yet had to use Viagra and i do mean yet.

After seven months now i can honestly say. Your sex life gets better without the cigs

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Well look into smoking that new brand that has coupons that can be remitted for a lung machine when needed.

skycop :D

I am a heavy smoker, yesterday for example I met a bloke from this forum. There was him, his wife, myself, my wife and 5 of my wifes girlfriends. I smoked 4 packets yesterday. 80 cigs.

I would love to quit, but I do think it is impossible for me to stop. I am hooked beyond repair and I am only 30 years old  :o

If anyone has a secret, please spill the beans.

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Well look into smoking that new brand that has coupons that can be remitted for a lung machine when needed.

skycop :D

I am a heavy smoker, yesterday for example I met a bloke from this forum. There was him, his wife, myself, my wife and 5 of my wifes girlfriends. I smoked 4 packets yesterday. 80 cigs.

I would love to quit, but I do think it is impossible for me to stop. I am hooked beyond repair and I am only 30 years old  :o

If anyone has a secret, please spill the beans.


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I am a heavy smoker, yesterday for example I met a bloke from this forum. There was him, his wife, myself, my wife and 5 of my wifes girlfriends. I smoked 4 packets yesterday. 80 cigs.

Errr... that would have been me I guess.... :o

I went through a coupla packs myself too...

It ain't easy is it? Especially when you're in the company of other smokers, having a few beers and a good time...

I know it's not doing me any good at all, but I am just too weak-willed to do anything about it. :D

Ciggys are so cheap here too... :D

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