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No Leg To Stand On

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Hey everyone,

I'm new to this site and forums in general so forgive me if my questions are alittle noobish.

I graduated from high school a year ago and have been saving money ever since for traviling. I didnt want to go right into post secondary (because I have no idea what I want to do) without seeing abit of the world I'v herd so much about. But there in lies the problem, I plan on staying in Thailand for a year but I fear my funds wont last that long. So I'm hoping against hope that I can find some kind of job, teaching english seems to be the way most people go. But I read the posting and hear of people wondering if they can get teaching jobs when they only have BA's and such, me having nothing at all this gets me worried. So what I'm asking is there any chance a person in my situation (no post secondary school, no experiance) could get a teaching job, or ANY kind of job for that matter.

Thanks so much "Eric"


I was also wondering if you can get TEFL certificate and training over there with maybe some kind of pay as you go or work it off wile you teach system (me not having a great deal of money).

Thanks again.

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Bangkok Kid

If you’ve just finished high school maturity isn’t on your side and that speaks volumes in Asia. While the Thai securities might be squeezing your soft rosy cheeks the DOS might not be impressed by the fact you’ve just completed school yourself because if you teach in the adult market you’ll find that most of you students will be older than you and you ‘in their eyes’ won’t fit the profile of a teacher.

If you are determined to teach – get yourself a TEFL.

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Eric, if you're for real, you might come over here, pay $1,200 for a four week course, and get about 19,000 baht/ onth (when school's in session) or 23,000 baht/month in Bangkok. You'll work and sweat hard, have the experience and challenge of your life, and it'll be great stories to tell for the rest of your life when you return home. You'll return home penniless.

However, I'm home on holiday, and nobody wants to hear more than 30 seconds of Thailand teaching stories at a time, except my BA-MEd daughter, to whom it's shop talk.

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Your best bet is to approach the international schools. Most of them take on "GAP" students. ie. a person who has finished high school but not yet entered uni. for a year to help out in the school. Boarding schools are best as gappies are used mostly for boarding duties.

Don't know how much luck you will have as there is usually a long selection process. You will need to have a fairly impressive CV. My niece has just completed a gap year here and had a wonderful time. The pay isn't great but accom and food are all part of the bargain.

Good luck.

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