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Unless things have changed in the last few months you only have to show your Thai dliving license at the phuket zoo or aquarium and you get in for Thai price.

Wrong, it doesn't happen, unless your wife/g/f happens to appeal to the person responsible.

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7. Simian Taxi's from the airport.


Freudian slip?

Shouldn't that be Similan Taxis?

...groan....nah, it's an adjective and noun...it means....oh, never mind, heh, heh... :D


This whole conversation has been had before when we were discussing the price differences to get into the national parks. One price for white people and one price for thai people, actually i think it is free for thais?


Two tier pricing is abhorrent because it is blatantly racist. You are charged simply because you do not look like a Thai. In most other countries this would be illegal. However in Thailand it is actively condoned by the government.

The additional problem here in Phuket (as in many tourist dominated areas) is that for every one of us long term expats there is a daily plane load of halfwits, happy to leave the few braincells they once had at the airport and pay the first price anyone asks.

Just for information, Rawai Hardware (in my experience) grossly overcharges foreigners.

I ran my own business in the UK for years and my instinct has always been to support local, family run businesses. Unfortunately here I tend to buy from the big shops where at least I have a chance of paying a fair price. Local businesses are shooting themselves in the foot and deserve all the adverse publicity a forum such as this can give them.


"y pay 'tree hundit bart' for a foot-massage."

thai logic, falang foot bigger than thai foot

It seems that the forum members here are reluctant to name & shame the businesses that overcharge foreigners

and i can understand why.

Rubbish. :)

5. Any Beer Bar – and before any Jetstar Bogan from the Dingo's Dirtbox bar starts foaming at the mouth about his cheap overly fizzy lager, I would point out that their beer mats can be rather expensive.

6. I dunno what the Thais pay for massage services, but I think it's unlikely they pay 'tree hundit bart' for a foot-massage. I don't know what we can do to curb this quite dreadful practice..

7. Simian Taxi's from the airport.



A few months ago I went to Phi Phi. My Thai foreman bought the tickets, mine at the same price as his. Coming back I was spotted by the ticket seller & so my ticket was double price. I was told all tourists pay the higher price. Upon protetsting I was there to work & produced my WP the response was " I don't care you are not Thai". This attitude is extremely distasteful.

In the optical shop opposite Telewiz in Central one of the staff spent 30 minutes repairing my reading glasses & did not want any payment. I now use this shop for others in my family who require glasses.

In the optical shop opposite Telewiz in Central one of the staff spent 30 minutes repairing my reading glasses & did not want any payment. I now use this shop for others in my family who require glasses.

I feel that this is a very pertinent point Valentine.

In my opinion, a typical 2-week tourist possibly neither knows nor cares he is being over charged. (Not that this makes it right of course)

But the typical ex-pat DOES know and will USE THE SHOPS that he feels he gets decent service and value from time and again.

I used to use a tin-shack motorcycle service place purely because the lads there went over and above what was required and didnt charge me for it. I value that, and repay it by using their service again and again.

No one likes to be taken for a mug. It leaves a bad taste in the mouth.

Ok, kinda back on topic, i am not massively aware enough of places that overcharge me because i'm white. I dont go to places like Fantasea or the zoo etc. Most of the stuff i buy is in Phuket Town and i always speak Thai to the shop owners and feel that i get the Thai price.

The Phi Phi ferry is slightly different because by and large it IS used just by tourists. Yeah i know expats and Thai nationals also use it, but the point i m making is that its mainly used by tourists. There is a tourist price which they're happy to pay. If all the tourists find out that they are paying over the odds it could be bad for business. The Phi Phi ferry is a pretty tightly run 'mafia' - all the companies have agreements in place and getting the Thai price can be hard, particularly at the ferry itself.

I once went to the Thai boxing place in Kata and scoped it out for a while before getting my ticket. I noticed that Thais were getting different coloured tickets for 100b whilst people with white skin were paying something like 700b.

I got my thai chick to buy two tickets for 100b each.

The doorman then stopped me and we had a 5 minute discussion. I produced my tax card (a thing he had clearly never seen before) and explained that i work here, live here and only have the same money as a Thai. As a matter of fact, my Thai female colleague earned the same as me.

He EVENTUALLY agreed i could come in.

Am i interested in going back there? Not on your nelly! I don't want to be made to feel that i have to beg to get in at the paupers price because i'm poor.


Come on people... get off that elevated equine...

Variable pricing happens all over the world. Western businesses price based on ability to pay as a matter of course. A similar bathroom renno costs a lot more for the professional couple living in the gated upper-class community than it does for the lower middle-class suburban couple. A corporate identity package costs the mom 'n' pop biz proportionately a lot less than the multinational corp. The only difference is it may be more visible here - kind of like corruption... this is a good thing peeps, visibility is always good. It all comes down to your ability to negotiate - get the price you want or walk the power is in you!

Two tier pricing is abhorrent because it is blatantly racist. You are charged simply because you do not look like a Thai. In most other countries this would be illegal. However in Thailand it is actively condoned by the government.

The additional problem here in Phuket (as in many tourist dominated areas) is that for every one of us long term expats there is a daily plane load of halfwits, happy to leave the few braincells they once had at the airport and pay the first price anyone asks.

Just for information, Rawai Hardware (in my experience) grossly overcharges foreigners.

I ran my own business in the UK for years and my instinct has always been to support local, family run businesses. Unfortunately here I tend to buy from the big shops where at least I have a chance of paying a fair price. Local businesses are shooting themselves in the foot and deserve all the adverse publicity a forum such as this can give them.

I don't think it is a racist policy, because it applies to all foreigners, also Chinese etc. So a nationalistic policy, yes, racist, no. For governemt activities, I have never experienced BTW I did not get the Thai price after showing my work permit. So that means to me: you pay taxes here, you get the lower price. And IMO there is nothing wrong with that.

At Rawai Hardware I have never had to pay more than the indicated price or more than my Thai staff pays for the same product.


This is something that will never change, personally I choose not to pay 400Baht for entrance while my wife pays only 40 Baht, possibly when I had a W/P I may after arguing been given entance for 40Baht but that isnt good enough. When I saw a queue of backpackers and after speaking to them found they were gap year students doing voluntary work in Thailand and in debt up to their eyeballs being charged 400 Baht while a Thai family in a 7million Baht Mercedes are only being charged 40baht made my stomach churn. Its nothing to do with foreigners earn more money, most of the poor Thais cant take advantage of theme parks etc and it is only the more affluent Thais that earn $$$$$ can visit them...I just imagine if the posters that agree with 2 Tier pricing would be quite happy that a U.K. resident pays for Windsor Castle approx £15 and any Thais had to pay 10 times that at £150...I probably think not! The system is here and here to stay, best just stay away from shops, parks etc that do it


A Thai friend of mine sent her housemaid to the market to buy a red bell pepper. The stall holder asked her if the bell pepper was for a farang or Thai, Thais not being big on bell peppers, to which the housemaid replied 'Thai'. 'That's okay then, I give Thai price'. Jeezuz ...

I was at the local talad nat on Rawai Road. The fishmonger from whom I'd bought my fish for five years noticed the 'gaeng som' in my plastic bag, 'khun gin aharn thai dai mai'? 'dai' 'okay, hai khun ka thai.

One of the fruit stalls. How much for the pineapple '30 baht', this right next to a peeled pineapple same size at 25 baht?! Thai woman showed up behind me and asked how much for the pineapple, unpeeled same as mine, er, '30 baht' :)

It's not the price. It's the fcking racism.

Unless things have changed in the last few months you only have to show your Thai dliving license at the phuket zoo or aquarium and you get in for Thai price.

Wrong, it doesn't happen, unless your wife/g/f happens to appeal to the person responsible.

I have been to both venues in the last 12 months with my thai partner and on showing my Thai driving license which shows i reside here had no problem getting tickets at the local price, if you are polite and friendly it goes a long way.

A Thai friend of mine sent her housemaid to the market to buy a red bell pepper. The stall holder asked her if the bell pepper was for a farang or Thai, Thais not being big on bell peppers, to which the housemaid replied 'Thai'. 'That's okay then, I give Thai price'. Jeezuz ...

I was at the local talad nat on Rawai Road. The fishmonger from whom I'd bought my fish for five years noticed the 'gaeng som' in my plastic bag, 'khun gin aharn thai dai mai'? 'dai' 'okay, hai khun ka thai.

One of the fruit stalls. How much for the pineapple '30 baht', this right next to a peeled pineapple same size at 25 baht?! Thai woman showed up behind me and asked how much for the pineapple, unpeeled same as mine, er, '30 baht' :)

It's not the price. It's the fcking racism.

First of all, all produce on a local market is meant to be consumed by Thais. The local markets do not store 'farang goodies'.

In my experience, on the local markets the prices are the same for whoever buys something.

If you really believe that the standholders on a market will ask all Thai women: 'is this meant for you or for a farang', and will adjust the prices depending on the answer, you must be really paranoid. Try to enjoy life a bit, not worry about it.

I don't think it is a racist policy, because it applies to all foreigners, also Chinese etc. So a nationalistic policy, yes, racist, no. For governemt activities, I have never experienced BTW I did not get the Thai price after showing my work permit. So that means to me: you pay taxes here, you get the lower price. And IMO there is nothing wrong with that.

At Rawai Hardware I have never had to pay more than the indicated price or more than my Thai staff pays for the same product.

Of course it is racist. It's incredibly naive to believe it isn't. It DOES NOT apply to all foreigners, it applies to people that don't look Thai. I pay taxes here and rarely get the lower price. Those of you condoning this behaviour are quite frankly the reason that some Thai people persist in using such an abhorrently racist practise.

Ask the mixed race kids who have been brought up here if it's ok that they are charged extra money for the same product as their friends. Do you think they enjoy having to pull out ID or explain themselves every time they go to a temple or national park? Try explaining to them that this is a fair and just practise.

You may not care that you have to pay 400 baht extra once a year when you visit a temple or park, but that doesn't make it less of an issue for others.

First of all, all produce on a local market is meant to be consumed by Thais. The local markets do not store 'farang goodies'.

In my experience, on the local markets the prices are the same for whoever buys something.

If you really believe that the standholders on a market will ask all Thai women: 'is this meant for you or for a farang', and will adjust the prices depending on the answer, you must be really paranoid. Try to enjoy life a bit, not worry about it.

First Of All, you seem not to have the capacity to understand my post. Where did I say I asked for 'farang goodies?'. Read my post again: Bell pepper bought by THAI housemaid for THAI bosslady. Numbers two and three, well, I wouldn't count a fish and pineapple as being 'farang goodies'. :)

First Of All, you seem not to have the capacity to understand my post. Where did I say I asked for 'farang goodies?'. Read my post again: Bell pepper bought by THAI housemaid for THAI bosslady. Numbers two and three, well, I wouldn't count a fish and pineapple as being 'farang goodies'. :)

Stevenl is right as far as I'm concerned. I have never been over charged in a market or any other Thai shop or restaurant. Maybe some people have mug written all over them. That's why I never understand this being such a big problem for everybody. I don't pay more than the going rate for anything, and if you haven't got enough common sense to check that the price of what your buying is appropriate, before you buy it, then I don't really hold it against the shop keeper for trying it on. I get the feeling, if you're that easily ripped off you would probably get taken for a few quid back in your own country as well. Or are you telling me, back in your own country there weren't any businesses trying to get away with over charging people, yeah right. If my wife was ever asked who the food she was buying was for, she would ask them <deleted> it had to do with them, put the food down and shop somewhere else, and I'm fairly sure most Thai woman would do the same, so that isn't really an issue worth mentioning. The only place I obviously pay more is places like parks and zoos etc, and that I have no problem with at all. Instead of seeing it as you being over charged, why not look at it at you paying the going rate and locals getting a discount. For me to feel over charged, I would have to feel that the product or service isn't good value for money, and if it is good value, then what's it got to do with me if someone else is getting it even cheaper. Good luck to them. I would have to be very selfish and self involved to hold it against them.

Unless things have changed in the last few months you only have to show your Thai dliving license at the phuket zoo or aquarium and you get in for Thai price.

Wrong, it doesn't happen, unless your wife/g/f happens to appeal to the person responsible.

I have been to both venues in the last 12 months with my thai partner and on showing my Thai driving license which shows i reside here had no problem getting tickets at the local price, if you are polite and friendly it goes a long way.

Really??? I never play it any other way.

Instead of seeing it as you being over charged, why not look at it at you paying the going rate and locals getting a discount.

Instead of seeing the theft of your motorcycle as a crime, why not look at it as a chance to meet some friendly policeman and get an upgrade to a better faster model.

What a fantastic idea. Well done. Really.


What an exciting thread.

Most of the shoppingcentres giving 3 % discount and 7% vat refund to any farang showing passport must be on this list.

A tax refund is almost exactly the same as being ripped off because you have white skin.

Good grief.

I don't know who you are ,because for some strange reason you didn't feel able to post in your own name. Seems a bit gutless to me.

Says the man/woman called woohoo. :)

This whole conversation has been had before when we were discussing the price differences to get into the national parks. One price for white people and one price for thai people, actually i think it is free for thais?

National parks shouldn't be included in the discussion. There is a legitimate reason for that position, chief of which is that the national parks are held in trust on behalf of the citizens of Thailand. In plain language, rich or poor, a Thai is an "owner" of the land. Ok, in practice that's not true, but that's why it is so.


So where's the list then people. So far we have just had people winging and whining but no list. It would appear the zoo and the aquarium need to be taken off, because it seems most people with work permits can get in at the Thai price, and they seem to be the people most aggrieved. National parks technically belong to the thai people according to Geriatrickid, (Woohoo is my real name by the way) So they need to be taken off the list, which means so far, thanks to 'Misterman' and others, this thread has produced more places that offer discounts or loyalty schemes to residents, than it has places with dual prices. You really have uncovered a major injustice here fellas, keep up the good work. So come on people, (especially the O.P) stand up for your convictions, and make this list.

So far we have just had people winging and whining

:) No they haven't, you started the whinging by boo-hoo-ing to the mods about, "Isn't that against the rules"..sniffle sniffle..followed by your Christian assertion that "Perhaps we should compile a list of tight ***** instead" + "Spend a day as a Kurd" "race is irrelevant" "I have never been over charged in a market or any other Thai shop or restaurant" "I don't pay more than the going rate for anything" etc, was quite hilarious, I do find it quite offensive that folk like you continue to describe Lalaland as a developing country. It is what it is.

So far we have just had people winging and whining

:) No they haven't, you started the whinging by boo-hoo-ing to the mods about, "Isn't that against the rules"..sniffle sniffle..followed by your Christian assertion that "Perhaps we should compile a list of tight ***** instead" + "Spend a day as a Kurd" "race is irrelevant" "I have never been over charged in a market or any other Thai shop or restaurant" "I don't pay more than the going rate for anything" etc, was quite hilarious, I do find it quite offensive that folk like you continue to describe Lalaland as a developing country. It is what it is.

I'm touched billythehat. I always assumed that most people don't even bother reading my posts. You read them, take them in, and remember them well enough to quote them, thanks mate, that shows a lot of respect. You even had the decency not to do that wierd 'writing with an accent' thing you do. :D ...mmmmmm... I dunno why ya gotta do it lad, whats oop, summat wrong wiv yer, but I sure is glad you neva done it this time.

So where's the list then people. So far we have just had people winging and whining but no list. It would appear the zoo and the aquarium need to be taken off, because it seems most people with work permits can get in at the Thai price, and they seem to be the people most aggrieved. National parks technically belong to the thai people according to Geriatrickid, (Woohoo is my real name by the way) So they need to be taken off the list, which means so far, thanks to 'Misterman' and others, this thread has produced more places that offer discounts or loyalty schemes to residents, than it has places with dual prices. You really have uncovered a major injustice here fellas, keep up the good work. So come on people, (especially the O.P) stand up for your convictions, and make this list.

Maybe this thread hasn't produced quite the level of information or dialogue that stimulates you, but that doesn't mean that some people are averse to information, even if it's repeated from previous threads. Think we all know that there's an element of frustration in dual pricing and the comments it brings, but the reality is that it's not going to change. You keep up the good work also, WOOHOO, always great to know someone is happy to roll over and take it. Jing mak.

Maybe this thread hasn't produced quite the level of information or dialogue that stimulates you, but that doesn't mean that some people are averse to information, even if it's repeated from previous threads. Think we all know that there's an element of frustration in dual pricing and the comments it brings, but the reality is that it's not going to change. You keep up the good work also, WOOHOOThai, always great to know someone is happy to roll over and take it. Jing mak.

The point I was making (without wanting to whine or winge) is that for a thread that was specifically started to create a list, there didn't seem to be enough information to go on it. As I pointed out, the positive information outweighed the negative, which is all due, I believe, to everyone building the problem up way out of proportion, making a mountain out of a mole hill as it were. Most people, who stay here for any length of time and learn to speak a few words of Thai, don't get charged any differently to Thai people in the markets and shops, but people rave on as if every single shop on the island had two different price lists on display in the window, which simply isn't the case. The reality of duel pricing comes down to the same old 2 or 3 things, which is things like parks and zoos, which most people disagree with, I personally will happily roll over as you put and pay the extra couple of quid. It's the, over the top, jumping on the 'Thai people are all greedy savages' band wagon that everyone does that I find annoying.

I'm touched billythehat. I always assumed that most people don't even bother reading my posts. You read them, take them in, and remember them well enough to quote them, thanks mate, that shows a lot of respect. You even had the decency not to do that wierd 'writing with an accent' thing you do. :D ...mmmmmm... I dunno why ya gotta do it lad, whats oop, summat wrong wiv yer, but I sure is glad you neva done it this time.

:D Dear me, Khun Boohoo, you really haven't got a good handle on this alleged weird writing thing...tsk, tsk...that was a truly awful attempt and you got the accent completely wrong :D

I note from your avatar an image of the Marley man. I saw him in England in the early 70's with the original line up of the Wailers...quite marvellous they were too...whoops, off topic :) , sorry Guv... :D

I'm touched billythehat. I always assumed that most people don't even bother reading my posts. You read them, take them in, and remember them well enough to quote them, thanks mate, that shows a lot of respect. You even had the decency not to do that wierd 'writing with an accent' thing you do. :D ...mmmmmm... I dunno why ya gotta do it lad, whats oop, summat wrong wiv yer, but I sure is glad you neva done it this time.

:D Dear me, Khun Boohoo, you really haven't got a good handle on this alleged weird writing thing...tsk, tsk...that was a truly awful attempt and you got the accent completely wrong :D

I note from your avatar an image of the Marley man. I saw him in England in the early 70's with the original line up of the Wailers...quite marvellous they were too...whoops, off topic :) , sorry Guv... :D

Dear Billythehat, I managed to see your full post seconds before it disappeared, in fact it vanished right in front of my eyes. It's a shame cos it was well written and amusing, and (although I maybe wrong) it was written in good humour. You have my full permission to call me those things again if you desire, I would do it myself but I've forgotten them already, there was definitely smug and sarcastic but I can't remember the rest. My avatar does look like the legend himself now you mention it but it's actually a white bloke called Ray Lamontagne.

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