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Graphic Picture Warnings On Alcoholic Drinks


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I gave up drinking 9 years ago - people forget that it is a very dangerous drug - ten times worse than smoking, even heroin for that matter.

I'm all for sticking photos of drunk driving casualties on bottles. The problem is that probably most people reading this thread drink alcohol and many will be dependant on it - difficult to get a reasonable, unbiased debate.

personally, i can get by without drinking any alcohol. But i choose to drink it. Mostly during weekends. I dont get pissed thou, just a few quiets, watching the footy or bbq. Im not into smoking or drugs. Its all in moderation.

Your a lucky guy, I wish I could.

Edited by Neeranam
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my sisters and I put the pressure on dad to quit when we were younger, he was on a pack a day. We used to hide the smokes and matches. He didnt like that but eventually gave up.

So when in my teenage years, I knew smoking wasnt my thing, sure i had a puff to try to look cool but it wasnt so cool when i was coughing my lungs out :)

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Are you a member of the PTSS?

Sorry, but can you explain what PTSS stands for? :)

do you mean Public Telephone Switching System, or Patient Travel Subsidiary Scheme, or Pipe&Tube Special Steel, or Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome...or what? Nothing of that makes any sense to me...

Edited by TallForeigner
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Are you a member of the PTSS?

Sorry, but can you explain what PTSS stands for? :)

do you mean Public Telephone Switching System, or Patient Travel Subsidiary Scheme, or Pipe&Tube Special Steel, or Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome...or what? Nothing of that makes any sense to me...

I don't get it either PTSS??????????

http://www.ptss.net/ PT Software solutions?

Edited by Garry9999
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I have the full collection of ciggie warnings, looking forward to collecting the full bottle warnings if they materialise. Gotta have something to do in between all that smoking and drinkin'


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Are you a member of the PTSS?

Sorry, but can you explain what PTSS stands for? :)

do you mean Public Telephone Switching System, or Patient Travel Subsidiary Scheme, or Pipe&Tube Special Steel, or Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome...or what? Nothing of that makes any sense to me...

Pattaya Train Spotters Society

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Pattaya Train Spotters Society

I still don't get it...where's the connection with cigarettes and alcohol??

To answer your question: No

My only active memberships in Thailand are a gym membership and membership at Boxer Rebellion...and several VIP memberships at restaurants and night clubs

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I think an issue would if these would also have to be printed on nice bottles of wine, single malt whiskeys, etc..

But on a bottle of Sang Som or Leo.. Bring it on!!! :D

just found the perfect pic, just change the coke for your brew :)


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Pattaya Train Spotters Society

I still don't get it...where's the connection with cigarettes and alcohol??

To answer your question: No

My only active memberships in Thailand are a gym membership and membership at Boxer Rebellion...and several VIP memberships at restaurants and night clubs

Wow, fit, tough and rich all in one sentence!

Not that you like to mention it of course - the internet sure does have a way of bringing out the best in people, especially on TV :)

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Pattaya Train Spotters Society

I still don't get it...where's the connection with cigarettes and alcohol??

To answer your question: No

My only active memberships in Thailand are a gym membership and membership at Boxer Rebellion...and several VIP memberships at restaurants and night clubs

I didn't think you would get it :)

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I didn't think you would get it :)

Well, I really just hope for you that your thinking was not going like this:

Train spotting is boring and is therefore for boring people --- only boring people don't smoke and don't drink ---- therefore I must be a train spotter... :D

Listen chap! There are people out there that don't need drugs and don't need to smoke and drink alcohol to lead an active, fulfilled, very happy and very interesting life. I feel sincerely sorry for you if you believe that you need to smoke and drink in order to have an interesting life.

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I didn't think you would get it :)

Well, I really just hope for you that your thinking was not going like this:

Train spotting is boring and is therefore for boring people --- only boring people don't smoke and don't drink ---- therefore I must be a train spotter... :D

Listen chap! There are people out there that don't need drugs and don't need to smoke and drink alcohol to lead an active, fulfilled, very happy and very interesting life. I feel sincerely sorry for you if you believe that you need to smoke and drink in order to have an interesting life.

I certainly dont think that smoking and drinking are necessary to have an intersting life. However I have never met a person who doesn't drink that i could call interesting - they often use language such as ............. 'Listen Chap'

PS By your list of pursuits I can see that you are (contrary to my previous statement) a very interesting person - well at least in your own mind.

Edited by rabcbroon
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Unlike cigarettes, moderate alcohol consumption is ridiculously good for you, preventing chronic disease and extending life. How do you put a warning label on that?

how bout a halographic one like this? :)


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Unlike cigarettes, moderate alcohol consumption is ridiculously good for you, preventing chronic disease and extending life. How do you put a warning label on that?

Wow, you really want to believe that alcohol is good for your health? That's nothing more than a myth. Alcohol even in moderation is toxic for your liver. There are some people claiming that red wine has some health benefits - but these are the antioxidants in the wine and not the alcohol that might be good for you. But even that is very controversial and many experts have proven the opposite:

"It's an absolute myth that red wine is good for you," says Professor Valerie Beral from the University of Oxford and lead author of the Million Women study. "The evidence is not there."

There was an interesting discussion about it here: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/health/8079816.stm

There are some studies that found that alcohol in moderation might lower the risk of cardiac problems in patients with diabetics -- but there are hundreds of studies that have established that even moderate amounts of alcohol are toxic for your liver. There is no study available that shows a different finding.

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TallForeigner ... .

It is not a matter of what I want to believe. It is now accepted by all non-quacks that moderate alcohol consumption is ridiculously good for you. Not just wine. Now there are hundreds of double-blind, clinical studies done and the conclusion is irrefutable. Professor Beral is a quack, a media hound trying to sell books.

Less disease. Longer life. Enhanced quality of life. The key is moderation.

So you like the BBC ... read this:


You can also read from the Harvard Medical School and the Mayo Clinic and many others. They are not funded by the beverage industry by the way.

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I remember growing up and back then they said eating a good old western breakfast daily including eggs, bacon etc was good for you...only to tell us 20 yrs later it is not.

Couple of weeks ago I read that a daily Aspirin is not good for you after all. Tell that to the millions of people who started taking them to lower their chances of heart disease - oops sorry.

What's next coffee?

Warning labels on everything seems to be the trend. I think we should really consider about applying for Hub position on this.

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Lovely, mountains of flesh. Pound for pound, the best value.

They should put this picture on the whiskey bottle with a warning "!!!WARNING!!! If this woman looks attractive to you, PUT THE BOTTLE DOWN, you have had enough!"

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