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Chiang Mai City Life

john b good

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I have to hand it to you (and also to some other members of 'your team')

I believe that the October 2009 "pink issue" of City Life Chiang Mai will perhaps become a collectors item.

You interview with 'Book, Jen, Sali, Pink and Koy was excellent. (move over Larry King, Jay Reno and all the other hip interviewers)

I was not too long ago at the home of a couple (friend's of the GF's) and there was a 'tom' and a 'dee' present. They were both tidy looking ladies but it was clear who was the 'tom' mostly because of the short spikey hair. It was also pretty obvious that they had, had a 'spat' before coming out because the 'tom' barely spoke a word with anyone other than myself and I had to engage her and draw her out, so to speak.

The 'dee' was vocal and acted as if nothing was amiss.

I could relate to the girls responses to your questions very clearly.

The article / interview by Hakan Jakob Kosar (The Gay Precept) with a young Burmese monk was also very enlightening.

"And I endorse the continuing use of the name Burma (along with Rangoon)"

RetroSexual by James Austin Farrell was also good.

Phil Daring also wrote a very good article.

Now I do have to say something which is, I cannot really get my head around this "LGBT" thing. I see in Thai women (most, not all) someting close to perfect when it comes to their looks "I won't say anything about what goes through their minds at times" but physically to me they are close to 'perfection' and I could never look at any other gender, and then I think stop for a moment that is perhaps wrong.

I look at the photographs of 'Kwang' and I think that I would willingly trade my principles for having her shoes inside my door. And the rest of her apparel strewn all over the place. She is a seriously good looking young lady.

An excellent issue, and I will be interested what others opinion's might be. I already have a list of of TV 'handles' in my head who will be in agreement :)

Edited by john b good
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Wow how kind of you! To be perfectly honest, I have been quite nervous about this issue as it can be quite a touchy subject. We tried our best not to be sensational, and keeping it quite serious, while also having a bit of fun with it. And sure enough I have already irritated a friend who was not impressed, but it is hard to please everyone. Thanks, it is always good to know that some people read what we write! Pim

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I look at the photographs of 'Kwang' and I think that I would willingly trade my principles for having her shoes inside my door. And the rest of her apparel strewn all over the place. She is a seriously good looking young lady.

I just checked it on-line. Kwang isn't technically 'a lady', as such. Are you telling us that on a score of say , 1 to 10, you'd give her one?

What does the missus think of your new found liberation?


Edited by KevinHunt
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I was wondering about the picture of Kwang before I read the article because Citylife does not usually have foldouts and it does not seem Pim's style.

My unbiased opinion was that Kwang is not overly attractive, but the photographer did a good job of making her look alluring in the picture.

Not that I know she was not always a female it all makes sense, but why not have a real girl as a foldout every once in a while? I know that it is not PC and maybe a little sexist, but it would make a lot of us old guys happy. :)

Edited by Ulysses G.
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I look at the photographs of 'Kwang' and I think that I would willingly trade my principles for having her shoes inside my door. And the rest of her apparel strewn all over the place. She is a seriously good looking young lady.

I just checked it on-line. Kwang isn't technically 'a lady', as such. Are you telling us that on a score of say , 1 to 10, you'd give her one?

What does the missus think of your new found liberation?


Actually my missus wouldn't mind all that much because we don't live under the same roof.

The GF would probably be reaching for the knife drawer though :)

And on the "would I give her one" the answer would probably be "not very likely", but I would not hesitate to take her out to dinner, nor would I be embarrassed to be seen with her.

But I don't think that is going to happen as my GF is not all that liberated. :D

And, UG, it's probably good that our tastes differ as it wouldn't be best if were were chasing the same chicks would it ?

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I post this as an member, not a mod.

I have always enjoyed Citylife here in CM as the most insightful and probing publication here in our burg.

I particularly remember the issue on handgun violence in Thailand, and another issue on Burmese sex workers.

Very brave stuff, I thought at the time.

But you have survived, and thrived. And it does bigger and better things every month.

People, do not be put off by the glossy cover, and advertising.

There is a lot of very excellent quality editorial content in this monthly, IMHO.

And no, I have absolutely zero business interest. And Pim would not recognize me, though I have met her a few times.

Love the magazine.


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Hi Pim

Could you also email me the list of distributers? On the rare occasions that I have managed to track down a copy, it has always been a good read. Shame I can't track it down more often.

Thank you in advance


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I post this as an member, not a mod.

I have always enjoyed Citylife here in CM as the most insightful and probing publication here in our burg.

I particularly remember the issue on handgun violence in Thailand, and another issue on Burmese sex workers.

Very brave stuff, I thought at the time.

But you have survived, and thrived. And it does bigger and better things every month.

People, do not be put off by the glossy cover, and advertising.

There is a lot of very excellent quality editorial content in this monthly, IMHO.

And no, I have absolutely zero business interest. And Pim would not recognize me, though I have met her a few times.

Love the magazine.


That's great. Super Moderators justifying their recommendations!!! :D

Edited by KevinHunt
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I post this as an member, not a mod.

And no, I have absolutely zero business interest. And Pim would not recognize me, though I have met her a few times.


That's great. Super Moderators justifying their recommendations!!! :D

He was not posting as a moderator. :D

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I post this as an member, not a mod.

And no, I have absolutely zero business interest. And Pim would not recognize me, though I have met her a few times.


That's great. Super Moderators justifying their recommendations!!! :D

He was not posting as a moderator. :D

WHAT ! !

Is this what we've always suspected...... more than one person living in the same body..... What is the name the shrinks have for this ??? MPD......... Wasn't there a story of a woman years ago [40-50 yrs ] like this ??? Bridey McPeep or something like that .... I think she had an Irish sounding name.

PS Mods I'm not posting this as a poster, but as my alter ego ..... super hero


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If you pm me I can send you a list of our distribution points, it will make things easier for you.

Daft question, but why don't you have a list of these on your website (or maybe I missed it)?

Anyway, congratualtions on an excellent issue. The Pink in Khaki article bought back great memories of an "only in Thailand" day trip to a nearby army camp with some gay friends to visit more gay friends undergoing basic training (can you imagine doing that in the US? :D ). Hillarious! Far from being persecuted by their colleagues, our young gay privates were the stars of the platoon :)

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If you pm me I can send you a list of our distribution points, it will make things easier for you.

Daft question, but why don't you have a list of these on your website (or maybe I missed it)?

Anyway, congratualtions on an excellent issue. The Pink in Khaki article bought back great memories of an "only in Thailand" day trip to a nearby army camp with some gay friends to visit more gay friends undergoing basic training (can you imagine doing that in the US? :D ). Hillarious! Far from being persecuted by their colleagues, our young gay privates were the stars of the platoon :)

their privates were the stars of the platoon. :D:D

should they not have been in uniform?

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As the City Life people read this, may I say that City Life is a high quality and professional magazine, unlike all the other freebies and that appalling weekly rag. I speak as a writer, publisher and journalist. Just one problem - it's damned hard to get hold of!

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Cheers, to answer your questions, I am afraid that I don't want to post the distribution list online as we update it every month and I know I won't remember to update it here and then I will get into trouble if someone goes somewhere where there are no copies. So, please just send me a pm or an email and I will send you a list (please note that some places we deliver hundreds of copies, others just a few, so please try to go as early in the month as possible to guarantee a copy).

Oh, and here's an idea! We have subscriptions too, for only 650 a year you can get your own copy mailed straight to your door (everywhere in Thailand). So if you are interested please just [pm to get info] (sorry, couldn't resist!)

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If you pm me I can send you a list of our distribution points, it will make things easier for you.

Me too please !! Where to find the mag ?

Ive looked the past 2 days and cant find one anywhere.. :)

I have some at my place. If you don't know where that is, PM me.

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If you pm me I can send you a list of our distribution points, it will make things easier for you.

Me too please !! Where to find the mag ?

Ive looked the past 2 days and cant find one anywhere.. :D

I have some at my place. If you don't know where that is, PM me.

careful, to some that could be subliminal :):D

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The pink issue contains 2 accounts of Buddhist 'experts' - the 'monk chat' monk and a Thai prof at CMU. Rubbish comments, in my non-Buddhist opinion. 'The Buddha never mentioned it because there never were any gays in Asia. :) Suure, like Queen Victoria saying there are no lesbians. Third sex? :D Rubbish; 99.9% of all babies are clearly either male or female; two genders. I dunno, but it sounds like the same same-sex rubbish preached by Christian anti-gays. In my homo opinion.

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OK, I think I have sent eveyone who has asked a delivery list. Unfortunately it may not help much this month as we normally delivery again at teh half month point, but we have nearly run out of copies so can't even do that this month. So, if you want a pink copy, you may have to come to our office I am afraid. But for future months the list should work. Cheers. P.

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Many cheers to Pim and team for an especially great issue.

(Also remarkably swift and great service to those asking where they can find their copies of City Life).

Peace Blondie, there did seem to be some avoidance at work in the item you mention. I am afraid to comment further.

The article on the Toms and Dees contained some rather surprising information. (The more explicit stuff). I must say I wondered if there might be a little prevarication there, also -- group pressure? (No pun intended). But, I certainly don't know.

Edited by WaiWai
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I post this as an member, not a mod.

I have always enjoyed Citylife here in CM as the most insightful and probing publication here in our burg.

I particularly remember the issue on handgun violence in Thailand, and another issue on Burmese sex workers.

Very brave stuff, I thought at the time.

But you have survived, and thrived. And it does bigger and better things every month.

People, do not be put off by the glossy cover, and advertising.

There is a lot of very excellent quality editorial content in this monthly, IMHO.

And no, I have absolutely zero business interest. And Pim would not recognize me, though I have met her a few times.

Love the magazine.


That's great. Super Moderators justifying their recommendations!!! :D

It's really quite simple, Kevin.

I put the disclaimer of posting as a member, not a moderator, to make it clear that Thai Visa is not recommending or endorsing Citylife.

Though I am a moderator, I have a perfect right to exercise free speech. As a member.

As to the "Super Moderator" jibe.

I am not Super Anything. Never claimed to be. On the forum, we have "moderators" who moderate on a specific forum; say "Golf In Thailand".

And we have "Super Moderators" who have the ability to moderate on any sub-forum.

Hope this clarifies things.

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At the risk of seeming like a kiss-ass, both Mr. Mcgriffith and Mr. Peace Blondie do a fine job on the Chiang Mai forum and are looking to make this an enjoyable place to visit.

They are not looking to pick fights with the members or throw people off unless they deserve it.

We are lucky to have both of them! :)

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