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Baggars Raking It In.


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This why I do not donate to any beggar or support those that do.


Bangla beggar's raking it in: Phuket police

phuket-The-man-stands-in-front-of-coins-and-notes-collected-from-Phuket-tourists-in-just-three-hours-1-GrhvhqS.jpgThe man stands in front of coins and notes collected from Phuket tourists in just three hours.

PATONG, PHUKET: On a night patrol in the early hours of Monday morning, Patong's top cop showed a crowd of shocked tourists just how much money Phuket's beggars can make.

Kathu Police Superintendent Grissak Songmoonnark stopped a known beggar in front of the Pizza Company restaurant on the famous Soi Bangla entertainment strip.

When the contents of the old man's bag were emptied onto a table in front of curious onlookers, the crowd was amazed to see a pile of notes and coins totaling more than 3,500 baht (approx USD 105.00).

The man said he collected the money in just three hours.

"Do you know why people gave you this money?" Col Grissak asked the man.

"They want to make merit," he replied.

"Then let's take this money to make merit," Col Grissak said.

The police proceeded to take the man to a local temple where he donated 3,400 baht, leaving him with just 100 baht to make his way home.

"I want to ask everyone who gives money to beggars to think before they donate," Col Grissak told the Gazette.

"If they have the ability to work, please don't support them because they'll only go and spend the money on drink and gambling."

Around 10 beggars persistently take money from tourists in Patong because the penalties for getting caught weren't strong enough, he said.

"It's just a 200 baht fine; then we have to let them go by law, so they always return," he said.

Col Grissak asked anyone who saw people begging for money to call the police or Patong Municipality. spacer.gif– Kitima Pornmongkhonwat

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There is a one eyed hilltribe woman in Chiang Mai who grabs people and is very aggresive about demanding money who has been using the same tactics for years. A couple of long visits to the clink might mellow her out some. :)

custodial sentences are unusual ( if at all). usualy a few hundred baht fine which still allows the unscrupulous to be quids in. police dont ususlly bother anyway

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I know some beggars are probably able to work and may have more than they appear to have, but if I'm moved by their circumstances, for whatever reason, I still give something. My wife and kids say I'm a bit of a sucker but I don't care.

I DID have a lady beggar in Xiamen once, who followed me around after I'd given her something and became more aggressive on each encounter. That was odd and if more were like that I'd probably change my habits, but she was a rare one.

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there was a blind man who used to play his harmonica whilst shuffling down the street aided by a walking stick and lead by his wife in the night bazaar quite often, and ive seen him play in the sunday markets as well.

One night watching the TV, ITV, when it was ITV back then, did a sting on beggars and he was one of them. The TV crew filmed outside his house and showed the guy walking from his house walking without his stick and with no problem seeing. After police were called, the guy fessed up that he had been doing it for a while.

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webfact, you need to do MMs now :)

I cannot see the problem. After all its not the biggest crime known to man. Even the cheating blind man deserves credit for ingenuity. We are not all stupid, we can usually spot a fake from a genuine case of need.

All the scams that are going on in the Kingdom, from taxi rip-offs to fake merchandise, to over-priced drinks in seedy clubs, make this minor lawless excursion the triviality that it is.

Nobody forces people to give.

The policemen was WRONG to confiscate the guy's money. He had obtained it honestly.

The policemean is guilty of theft.

There are beggars everywhere nowadays, not just in poorer countries. They are a fact of life.

As the Good Lord said "The poor will ... etc. etc."

As somebody else once said (was it Bob Dylan?), "There but for the Grace of God go I."


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there was a blind man who used to play his harmonica whilst shuffling down the street aided by a walking stick and lead by his wife in the night bazaar quite often, and ive seen him play in the sunday markets as well.

One night watching the TV, ITV, when it was ITV back then, did a sting on beggars and he was one of them. The TV crew filmed outside his house and showed the guy walking from his house walking without his stick and with no problem seeing. After police were called, the guy fessed up that he had been doing it for a while.

Some of those blind (I guess) singers in the wet markets have fantastic voices. Yeah, my wife shakes her head when I throw something in the can, but what do I care.

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I say; good luck to them.

If all someone has to do is sit somewhere on the street looking down on they’re luck and idiots give them money, I can see nothing wrong with that.

The so-called beggar makes a living and the idiot feels good believing he/she has done a good deed. So everyone’s happy all round.

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I say; good luck to them.

If all someone has to do is sit somewhere on the street looking down on they're luck and idiots give them money, I can see nothing wrong with that.

The so-called beggar makes a living and the idiot feels good believing he/she has done a good deed. So everyone's happy all round.

Thanks for your support, but I should have pointed out I'm pretty discerning and a good judge of circumstances. I can be fooled though. Hasn't harmed me yet.

One thing I don't do though is buy garlands from the vendors at traffic lights. Much poorer quality than anywhere else I've been in Thailand. My wife wants to steal (rescue?) one of the young girls and take care of her and put her through school . Not sure about that one.

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This why I do not donate to any beggar or support those that do.


Bangla beggar's raking it in: Phuket police

phuket-The-man-stands-in-front-of-coins-and-notes-collected-from-Phuket-tourists-in-just-three-hours-1-GrhvhqS.jpgThe man stands in front of coins and notes collected from Phuket tourists in just three hours.

PATONG, PHUKET: On a night patrol in the early hours of Monday morning, Patong's top cop showed a crowd of shocked tourists just how much money Phuket's beggars can make.

Kathu Police Superintendent Grissak Songmoonnark stopped a known beggar in front of the Pizza Company restaurant on the famous Soi Bangla entertainment strip.

When the contents of the old man's bag were emptied onto a table in front of curious onlookers, the crowd was amazed to see a pile of notes and coins totaling more than 3,500 baht (approx USD 105.00).

The man said he collected the money in just three hours.

"Do you know why people gave you this money?" Col Grissak asked the man.

"They want to make merit," he replied.

"Then let's take this money to make merit," Col Grissak said.

The police proceeded to take the man to a local temple where he donated 3,400 baht, leaving him with just 100 baht to make his way home.

"I want to ask everyone who gives money to beggars to think before they donate," Col Grissak told the Gazette.

"If they have the ability to work, please don't support them because they'll only go and spend the money on drink and gambling."

Around 10 beggars persistently take money from tourists in Patong because the penalties for getting caught weren't strong enough, he said.

"It's just a 200 baht fine; then we have to let them go by law, so they always return," he said.

Col Grissak asked anyone who saw people begging for money to call the police or Patong Municipality. spacer.gif– Kitima Pornmongkhonwat

Good look to him, I say.

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I say; good luck to them.

If all someone has to do is sit somewhere on the street looking down on they're luck and idiots give them money, I can see nothing wrong with that.

The so-called beggar makes a living and the idiot feels good believing he/she has done a good deed. So everyone's happy all round.

Agreed. Nobody is forcing anyone to give. In Canada we have welfare (social assistance) to help the unfortunate. In Thailand the poor have to subsist on their ingenuity.

As for myself I'd rather help people help themselves and I do so in many ways. I get a little annoyed at the constant stream of flower children in the bars at night, but a simple "Mai ow kup" sends them on their way.

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Some of those blind (I guess) singers in the wet markets have fantastic voices. Yeah, my wife shakes her head when I throw something in the can, but what do I care.

Look closer. Most of them aren't singing - they're miming. Good luck to 'em. Blind, or not.

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I say; good luck to them.

If all someone has to do is sit somewhere on the street looking down on they're luck and idiots give them money, I can see nothing wrong with that.

The so-called beggar makes a living and the idiot feels good believing he/she has done a good deed. So everyone's happy all round.

Thanks for your support, but I should have pointed out I'm pretty discerning and a good judge of circumstances. I can be fooled though. Hasn't harmed me yet.

One thing I don't do though is buy garlands from the vendors at traffic lights. Much poorer quality than anywhere else I've been in Thailand. My wife wants to steal (rescue?) one of the young girls and take care of her and put her through school . Not sure about that one.

This is not a simple process and can be dangerous.

16 years ago I knew a rich Englishman, (will call him John for privacy purposes) who lived in Chiang Mai. He decided with some prompting from his Thai wife, to adopt 3 of these child street vendors.

First he had to pay off the mafia that owned the kids, using the police as go betweens, who also had to be paid for their services.

One of the children, a girl aged 7, was so far gone mentally, violent and extremely unruly, that it was impossible for John to keep her and sadly she was returned back to the streets.

So it`s not as cut and dry as this appears and one really does need to know what is involved with the cash to back it up.

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And the other two??

The other two, a boy and a girl, if I can remember, were aged about 7 & 8. It took John and his wife 2 years to get them settled in as part of a real family and out of their street life routines. The children believe this or not, had never used a toilet and had to be toilet trained, plus they could not read or write and spoke the language of the gutter, so to speak. Mentally they still behaved like 4 year olds. The process required a lot of patience, love and understanding.

I lost touch with John many moons ago, but I heard that later on John and his wife, with the 2 kids, moved to Germany.

A happy ending I expect, 2 children saved from a life of poverty, abuse and given a future of prosperity.

Nice one John, good ole sport, whereever you are.


Edited by sassienie
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Thanks Sassienie,

I think that part of the story emphasises the dedication and hard work required, more than the part about the one that went back.

I hope they are a real family together now and enjoying the broad experiences and fun that comes with it.

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webfact, you need to do MMs now :)

I cannot see the problem. After all its not the biggest crime known to man. Even the cheating blind man deserves credit for ingenuity. We are not all stupid, we can usually spot a fake from a genuine case of need.

All the scams that are going on in the Kingdom, from taxi rip-offs to fake merchandise, to over-priced drinks in seedy clubs, make this minor lawless excursion the triviality that it is.

Nobody forces people to give.

The policemen was WRONG to confiscate the guy's money. He had obtained it honestly.

The policemean is guilty of theft.

There are beggars everywhere nowadays, not just in poorer countries. They are a fact of life.

As the Good Lord said "The poor will ... etc. etc."

As somebody else once said (was it Bob Dylan?), "There but for the Grace of God go I."


Don't agree.

Many of these people are taking money under false pretences which is a crime.

And as someone said many could be working at a legit job :D

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webfact, you need to do MMs now :)

I cannot see the problem. After all its not the biggest crime known to man. Even the cheating blind man deserves credit for ingenuity. We are not all stupid, we can usually spot a fake from a genuine case of need.

All the scams that are going on in the Kingdom, from taxi rip-offs to fake merchandise, to over-priced drinks in seedy clubs, make this minor lawless excursion the triviality that it is.

Nobody forces people to give.

The policemen was WRONG to confiscate the guy's money. He had obtained it honestly.

The policemean is guilty of theft.

There are beggars everywhere nowadays, not just in poorer countries. They are a fact of life.

As the Good Lord said "The poor will ... etc. etc."

As somebody else once said (was it Bob Dylan?), "There but for the Grace of God go I."


on this occasion the policeman was not guilty of theft, he found an appropriate solution. establishing that the beggar had obtained money from people wishing to make merit he took him to thev temple and all but 100 baht was handed over as merit. :D

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Begging is against the law, so the policeman had justification for giving the money to a superior cause.

Yep- I prefer to give money to the garland sellers, at least I get something for my money and they are selling something to merit it- not just sitting in the street with their hands out. But simply my way. :)

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webfact, you need to do MMs now :)

I cannot see the problem. After all its not the biggest crime known to man. Even the cheating blind man deserves credit for ingenuity. We are not all stupid, we can usually spot a fake from a genuine case of need.

All the scams that are going on in the Kingdom, from taxi rip-offs to fake merchandise, to over-priced drinks in seedy clubs, make this minor lawless excursion the triviality that it is.

Nobody forces people to give.

The policemen was WRONG to confiscate the guy's money. He had obtained it honestly.

The policemean is guilty of theft.

There are beggars everywhere nowadays, not just in poorer countries. They are a fact of life.

As the Good Lord said "The poor will ... etc. etc."

As somebody else once said (was it Bob Dylan?), "There but for the Grace of God go I."


Don't agree.

Many of these people are taking money under false pretences which is a crime.

And as someone said many could be working at a legit job :D

Dont agree either, BUT they are not the only "business" / people , which takes money under false pretences. In Thailand or elsewhere !!

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webfact, you need to do MMs now :)

I cannot see the problem. After all its not the biggest crime known to man. Even the cheating blind man deserves credit for ingenuity. We are not all stupid, we can usually spot a fake from a genuine case of need.

All the scams that are going on in the Kingdom, from taxi rip-offs to fake merchandise, to over-priced drinks in seedy clubs, make this minor lawless excursion the triviality that it is.

Nobody forces people to give.

The policemen was WRONG to confiscate the guy's money. He had obtained it honestly.

The policemean is guilty of theft.

There are beggars everywhere nowadays, not just in poorer countries. They are a fact of life.

As the Good Lord said "The poor will ... etc. etc."

As somebody else once said (was it Bob Dylan?), "There but for the Grace of God go I."


Don't agree.

Many of these people are taking money under false pretences which is a crime.

And as someone said many could be working at a legit job :D

Dont agree either, BUT they are not the only "business" / people , which takes money under false pretences. In Thailand or elsewhere !!


i suppose its no differrent than the tv evangelicals that solicit donations for their income/lifestyles, although on a different level.

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Offer food instead of money. Odds are you're standing next to a food stall when you are asked for money.

I don't like it when you get a cup waved in your face while eating at an open air market. They by-pass all Thais and go straight to the Western guy. I offer to buy them a meal and if they don't want food, maybe they really aren't in that much of need.

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Offer food instead of money. Odds are you're standing next to a food stall when you are asked for money.

I don't like it when you get a cup waved in your face while eating at an open air market. They by-pass all Thais and go straight to the Western guy. I offer to buy them a meal and if they don't want food, maybe they really aren't in that much of need.

I related a story about an unfortunate young woman and her babe in arms sleeping in a hole in the wall ("Sad but true"). This post is a direct response to that. It's here soley to satisfy people like you. To help you sleep at night. It was started by someone with the moniker of 'Gotlost'. :)  (innuendo).

Are you telling me that that woman and child shouldn't be helped? She's sleeping rough with a young baby, it's about to rain, but so long as she has eaten, she doesn't need help, right? If I offered some of the bread and biscuits I had just purchased at 7-11, and she refused them, then she was obviously out to con me. Her Mercedes was probably parked around the corner. Right?

That's all you need, I presume? Just food. Nothing else. Clothes? A roof over your head? A bed? A shower? Medicine? Luxuries!!! (sarcasm).

Edited by KevinHunt
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