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Living With Hiv, What Is It Like?


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I am very sorry that you have HIV, there are some good medication out there now if you can afford it. be strong. I am sure there are many posters on this site that can help you out and point you in the right direction.

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It's not certain the OP has HIV but wants to know what life is like with it. I do think there are probably better sites to discuss that then this one.

Why? This is a health forum and there are plenty of people with the disease in Thailand coping with it.

I knew two men in Washington, D.C. that had it. One has been living with it fairly well for almost 20 years. The other for 4 years. Both said that after awhile they adjusted to the medicines, although for a while the vomiting and diarrhea were horrendous...similar to cancer therapy. They said now that their biggest fear is that every time they catch even the slightest cold they wonder if this is the beginning of the end, and panic sets in while they run through worst-case scenarios in their mind.

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"Just wondering, what is living with HIV like? One has to take meds everyday? Can't have sex anymore? Can that person function like a normal person health wise or experience difficulties?"

It's difficult to believe that the OP is expected to be taken seriously. There is so much information in the general media, internet, and specialized publications - anyone asking questions as he did is either is purposely ignorant, and is just mucking around.

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HIV is not the death sentence it used to be, thanks to the development of new drugs which help keep the infection in check. these drugs do not cure it, however, and must be taken for life with close monitoring, regular blood tests etc.

I have received PMs from HIV+ members who feel this thread is in questionable taste. I am inclined to agree with them.

It may not have been the OP's intention but it could be interpreted as an attempt to get TV members who are HIV positive to "out" themselves.

Or it could be an attempt to establish that living with HIV "Isn't so bad" in order to rationalize high risk behavior.

Or it might just be idle curiosity

In any case, thread now closed.

Rest assurred that while no longer invariably fatal, HIV remains a serious infection and one well worth taking measures to avoid.

Detailed information on living with HIV (as well as on getting tested) can be found at www.thebody.com This is a website run by and for people who are HIV positive.

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