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So Im looking at Maxnet packages:


3mbps/512kbps 590 baht

4mbps/512kbps 790 baht

5mbps/512kbps 1,000 baht


2mbps/1mbps 1,090 baht


I use the internet for just about everything, working, browsing , emails (a lot!) ftp uploads, wordpress, youtube, torrents (but not always) and some online gaming.

So what is the difference between the 1,000 baht Indy package and the 1090 Premier package?


So what is the difference between the 1,000 baht Indy package and the 1090 Premier package?

Indy is absolute crap and Premier is just crap :)

Being a little more serious, when international sites return a 404 error on Indy - you have half a chance of reaching them on Premier. Premier is also essential if you use VoIP because the upload speed is far superior.

If you only browse sites in Thailand and don't use VoIP - go for Indy :D


Ok thanks.

I will definitely be going for Premier then because upload speed is essential for me.

So just how 'crap' is Maxnet Premier? Ive been reading threads here but just as many people say Maxnet is great as the ones that say its rubbish. Seems to be the same with True.

The phone line will be TOT btw....

So just how 'crap' is Maxnet Premier?

Nowhere near as crap as Indy.

To be honest, the upload speed is most important to me too and it rarely lets me down when FTPing or VoIPing. My upload speed is actually more than my download speed. I can be sat waiting 20 seconds for a web page to download and the next minute pick up the phone and make a reasonable VoIP call.

So just how 'crap' is Maxnet Premier?

Nowhere near as crap as Indy.

To be honest, the upload speed is most important to me too and it rarely lets me down when FTPing or VoIPing. My upload speed is actually more than my download speed. I can be sat waiting 20 seconds for a web page to download and the next minute pick up the phone and make a reasonable VoIP call.

Interesting. Your upload sounds good but 20 seconds for a site to load sounds terrible. Right now Im on some crappy 600 baht a month 'package' that I pay at a serviced apartment and sites aren't usually that bad...

Which premier package are you on?

Interesting. Your upload sounds good but 20 seconds for a site to load sounds terrible. Right now Im on some crappy 600 baht a month 'package' that I pay at a serviced apartment and sites aren't usually that bad...

Sorry - it's not always that bad. It's generally a good solid connection, but with Maxnet, you have to accept that the connection can drop out at any time - or just grind to a crawl. Some people don't experience the bad stuff, so you never know - you could be one of the lucky ones :)

Which premier package are you on?

Just the basic one. It was a good move from Indy.


upload is not important for voip, the latency and packet loss are the main reason for problem.

10ko/sec so 10% of the upload speed of maxnet premier is more than enough for voip use.

Ok thanks.

I will definitely be going for Premier then because upload speed is essential for me.

So just how 'crap' is Maxnet Premier? Ive been reading threads here but just as many people say Maxnet is great as the ones that say its rubbish. Seems to be the same with True.

The phone line will be TOT btw....

Maxnet Premier is the absolute shittiest plan there is, except for all the others.

What I don't understand is with the extortionist prices, terrible speeds and line quality, complete lack of customer service, where is all this money going?

Nevermind..I know.


I have premier and pretty much use the internet 16 hrs a day. I have been very impressed with my connection in the last 3 months i have had no cut outs and the speeds have been pretty good. Before this i tried indy for a week and it was terrible. I would definitely go for the Premier package. I am lucky that i live right next to the DSLAM though.

I also have TOT diamondcyber - the less said about TOT the better really.

  • 2 weeks later...

I am too another victim of Maxnet -> TTT -> 3bb or JASMINE what ever name they want to be..

My advice, avoid them, dont take the chance. They will lock you in a 1 year contract and once they do, you are nothing to them.

There customer service is notorious for "we will call you back", but never will call you back.

There indy plans are falsely advertised, EG: 4mb plan, you get 3mbit only (locally).. Their connection to overseas is 1mbit if you are lucky and its 4am in the morning.. I have never downloaded over 50kbit/s from overseas...

I do alot of programming work, and uploading files via ftp to my server in the morning takes 3 minutes (50kb file), and from lunch time till about 2am it takes about 30 minutes per file.. No joke.. This happens EVERY DAY...

Two weeks ago I wanted to upgrade my internet to Premier in the hope to save my sanity, they wanted me to email my passport to this company www.jasmine.com (I think this is who maxnet wholesale off).

After 8 emails, and two thai people calling the call center and head office several times, I have not been upgraded yet. They could never give us a time when it would be upgrade (I had the initial install at my condo done in 5 days) until today.. Now they are saying it will be done in 2 days, which I think is a lie because its a public holiday on Friday.

My advice:

* Don't even bother going with them, there are much cheaper and more stable ISPs available

* Don't believe the lazy call center staff

* Remember, they advertise a speed, but knock a mbit or two off that, and that is your LOCAL SPEED..

* The call center is useless, they are nothing more than a call back service, so if you have a problem, be prepared for a long drawn out headache.

For those who want to try and get something resolved, call this number.. They are a little bit better than the call center, but not by much..


My feeling here is that JASMINE.com is the company who are actually serving their internet, and for Maxnet to resolve any issues, upgrades, account stuff they have to contact and talk to Jasmine...

PS: While writing this email, I am still waiting for a 30kb php file to upload to my server (which does not have issues btw, I can do it faster on my true move gprs connection.....)

Here is my broadband speed tests on Maxnets test service and SpeedTest.net to a Bangkok server.... Remember, I paid for a 4mbit plan, and I have never received over these results shown here..



Maxnet 3 MBit Premier, Torrents up to 300 kbit/s, webdownloads usually 100 - 250 kbit/s internationally.

As you mention better and cheaper alternative, where are those?



I was previously with True (at my old condo).. I tried to go with them again, as I had no issues with them, and their call center was manageable but they are not available in this tower until december...

I just had a quick look at their plans now, here they are:


I always got advertised speed, local and international not a problem (international was a touch under max). And it was stable.. For the 12 months I was with them, it was maybe down 3 times for a period of 5 minutes.. There was never any slow periods during the day..


I see the original question has been answered - then the link generated into slagging off their ISP which is quite natural.

In defence of TT&T in the Northeast for the last 4/6 months the service has been very good. Speed tests using S.Pore and HK generally clocked 2.6Mb down and upload 402.. Thee speed have been very consistent even on Sunday evenings when the world and his dog is using the net.

BUT!! then I realized I was paying for the 4Mb service, so a quick call to the call centre, later that day and since my down load speed is typically 3.6Gb upload the same.

I know the cost of DSL services is higher here in LOS than many Western countries which is very sad. If the government(which it does) wants to increase use-age of the internet they must get a grip on costs. One country links GDP to internet usage, its proven to be beneficial to a country the more people are on-line. The plus side here is if you hare having problems you can have a house call - how many countries offer that service ??????

And the answer is NO I have never needed a house call. But I do know people who have and it has been nothing more than a loose telephone plug -ugh.

My feeling here is that JASMINE.com is the company who are actually serving their internet, and for Maxnet to resolve any issues, upgrades, account stuff they have to contact and talk to Jasmine...

No wonder my internet has been crap for the past 2-3 months. I've been with JI-NET (a subsidiary of Jasmine) for over two years and never experienced any problems. For those who haven't heard of JI-NET, it's a lesser known ISP which has been around long before True or Maxnet. Up until recently, the service has been excellent. After what has been posted in this thread, I knew the days of good and reliable internet were numbered. And it seems my intuition was indeed correct, as everything started going haywire ever since 3BB arrived on the scene. :):D

As a longtime subscriber to JI-NET, I'd appreciate it if 3BB get off our network and provide their own. Better for us, better for 3BB customers.

I was previously with True (at my old condo).. I tried to go with them again, as I had no issues with them, and their call center was manageable but they are not available in this tower until december...

I just had a quick look at their plans now, here they are:


I always got advertised speed, local and international not a problem (international was a touch under max). And it was stable.. For the 12 months I was with them, it was maybe down 3 times for a period of 5 minutes.. There was never any slow periods during the day..

Oh man I fancy that 8mbps (will settle for 6) but I don't know what to do, people say TOT are rubbish.

Is it true if your condo phone is with TOT then if you get the internet with them the phone rental (107baht) is free?

Anyone using the 8mbps with TOT??

Have a great day in paradise, I think.

I was previously with True (at my old condo).. I tried to go with them again, as I had no issues with them, and their call center was manageable but they are not available in this tower until december...

I just had a quick look at their plans now, here they are:


I always got advertised speed, local and international not a problem (international was a touch under max). And it was stable.. For the 12 months I was with them, it was maybe down 3 times for a period of 5 minutes.. There was never any slow periods during the day..

Oh man I fancy that 8mbps (will settle for 6) but I don't know what to do, people say TOT are rubbish.

Is it true if your condo phone is with TOT then if you get the internet with them the phone rental (107baht) is free?

Anyone using the 8mbps with TOT??

Have a great day in paradise, I think.

I agree, the 8mbit plan looks nice.. I was very happy with true and wish I could get them in my condo.

When I had True, the phone line was through TOT and it was about 107 baht per month for the line rental..... Sometimes true have their own lines (or so I am told by the True Shop)

True have plans which are called "Local" (490-590 baht if i recall correctly) which are like the indy plans, and are only good for Thailand. All there other plans, are proper adsl plans with great speeds..

If you give the 8mbit plan a try, let us know on the forum and do a speed test at www.speedtest.net.. I would be interested in a look!


Using maxnet 2mb premier and its fast for me.. downloads up to 220kb/s from newsgroups in the USA. Pings to games in the EU are not that great but i can live with that.

I think it depends on where you live how good your internet connection is. I live a lil bit outside BKK in nonthaburi and i must say i almost never have any problems with my maxnet connection. I have never have to call their helpdesk.

  • 2 weeks later...
Using maxnet 2mb premier and its fast for me.. downloads up to 220kb/s from newsgroups in the USA. Pings to games in the EU are not that great but i can live with that.

I think it depends on where you live how good your internet connection is. I live a lil bit outside BKK in nonthaburi and i must say i almost never have any problems with my maxnet connection. I have never have to call their helpdesk.

I live outside chiang mai and the last 2 weeks my connection has been shit. It ranges from 850 kbps as a high to zero as a low and it is at zero way too often. I have called the service center many times and they keep telling me there is nothing wrong. I would be happy with a constant 400 kbps but what i have now sucks. I would switch but it is my only option.

Maxnet 3 MBit Premier, Torrents up to 300 kbit/s, webdownloads usually 100 - 250 kbit/s internationally.

As you mention better and cheaper alternative, where are those?


Same as me.. A solid 2.5 plus Mbit internationally all day every day from 1090 baht (plus VAT IIRC).

If theres better out there I would love to know.



I have premier 3mb



Before i had the Indy 5 mb, my indy was the same download speed as now its only upload there is faster now, gone up from 400 to 6-700


I'm have TOT broadband through extortion, not by choice.

I've been getting 200kb (daytime) and 500kb (night time)...on a supposedly 2mb...DO NOT GET TOT NO MATTER WHAT.

I had no other choice because my 'condo' made some pact with TOT where they do not allow anyone else into the building. Is this even legal? Of course we're in Thailand so it is.

Looks like that pact is finally over...and I'm looking to jump ship pronto.

I have choice btw Maxnet and True...and I have to choose lesser of the two evils (TOT is the mother of evil).

My only small satisfaction is that I'd asked TOT to switch me to their 8mb for a trial run. Which I'm trying to stretch to two weeks...just in time for my new broadband provider to come in...now which one do you guys recommend?

PS I noticed going to nearby Internet cafe (they all use True) that they have heck of a time accessing some int'l sites like Myspace.

Thanks in advance...


I have premier 3mb



Before i had the Indy 5 mb, my indy was the same download speed as now its only upload there is faster now, gone up from 400 to 6-700

I have premier 3 mb and it is shit here. When i first switched it was a constant 800-850 kbps download and in the 600's for up load. For the last few weeks the connection has been off more often than it has been on. When it is on it is around 200 kbps download and 400 - 600 upload.

Maxnet 3 MBit Premier, Torrents up to 300 kbit/s, webdownloads usually 100 - 250 kbit/s internationally.

As you mention better and cheaper alternative, where are those?


Same here, cannot complain at all.

I'm a client of TT&T Maxnet for more than 4 years now and the speed and service has improved every year (Premier up to 3M now). Though I don't recommend to use the modem they provide for free, it's usually crappy cheap hardware.

Last month I paid my connection for 1 year and got 10% discount.

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