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Attack In Daylight On Female Jogger - Promthep Cape

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ใ......akin to what one saw in Vietnam in the 1970's.

Before or after 1975? :) just kidding.

I for myself just doesnt like the behaviour of the most farang here which think something like this can never happend to them, because my house is safe, i dont go jogging or I dont walk after dark somewhere etc.....

and geriatrickid, I understand what you are talking about, I just wonder why I have after the break ins in my house about 16 (SIXTEEN) different officers visiting us, walking around everywhere but found nothing, not a single fingerprint somewhere.

So there is obviously enough police, like we can see if some bigheads mia noi goes for dinner somewhere and the streets are blocked by hundreds of police...may be THEY make the decisions on what they working on and what they just put aside.

btw. we have rain here in Phuket since about two month....do you think there is some visible police around`? :D

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Some good advice above, and I'm sorry but I am going to use something you said as an example here. I know your not the only one that has said this, but:
Crime happens in all countries Phuket is no different than Sydney, New York, Rome.

is something I see people on ThaiVisa saying all the time. I am not sure the motivations for these types of comments. It seems like a rationalization excusing the crimes as well as the excusing the lazy "I don't give a shit" attitude of the poster, which unfortuantley a common trait among many expats, like that exhibited by moskito above. (not you though jay) What would you rather have us do? Remain silent and just let others be victimized while letting the police off the hook? Sorry, we may be in Thailand but we are not Thai. There is no point to these "crime happens everywhere" comments other than to generalize and minimize the problem and make the commenter feel better about doing nothing.

People, Thai and farang alike, can institute change.

I agree. Previously in this thread I made a comment about reading the 'Manchester Evening News'. Unfortunately, the quote that I was replying to was the mega list of Phuket crime, which subsequently didn't appear in my post, and hence it looked like mine was a throw away comment. Not sure what if anything can be constructive in helping this problem. Forums like this, and sharing information on location and type of crimes obviously help from a personal preventative measure viewpoint. Other than that, I think diplomacy (though I'm frequently guilty of a lack of it), through complaints to our respective national missions (embassies/consulates), and through them on the local Government/Governor is probably as good as it's going to get, at least for now.


There is still a very high majority of farang that live here that have not yet experienced any crime against themselves, or, their property.

When this changes, maybe something will happen (though, I won't hold my breath).

There is still a very high majority of farang that live here that have not yet experienced any crime against themselves, or, their property.

When this changes, maybe something will happen (though, I won't hold my breath).

Last year i personally apprehended a burglar in my business 2:30am who was high on Ya baa. Fortunately she was alone and submitted with out a struggle. I called my wife who called the police, who arrived within 15 minutes. The burglar was young lady whom had worked briefly as a server for me. She was taken into Chalong station where we spent the better part of the night filing a report. Over the next few weeks she and her family appealed to have the charges dropped. With a word to the police it could of all gone away for her, we would of received some compensation. She was addicted to Ya Baa and I we felt this would not of helped her. Facing her actions would maybe give her a chance. We met with a community service worker for young offenders and drug related criminals. The worker asked if we would accept a reduced sentence if she were to enter a drug rehab program. Obligingly we did. She did serve time and went into the program. What has become of her i do not know.

On a lesser note I had a small bungalow built, got three estimates and went with the middle one, halfway through the construction I realized they were doing a botched job and told them so. They quit without completeing the job. I hired a new crew to finish, to make a long story short In the end after threats of going to court I ended up going to court. The court heard the case and ordered the builder to repay the 100,000B in payments over a two year period. With the first payment starting two months after the court date and a minimum of 10,000 baht first payment. He has paid.

Some people claim the police and the courts don't work here. Its not true. In many cases they have there hands full or there really is no way to catch a burglar/murderer/rapist unless caught red-handed.They slip into the night never to be seen again.

In many cases community response/assistance will assist in catching criminals but it is not as easy as the cop shows on television make it out to be. Finger prints, car number plates etc don't mean a whole lot.

I have a number of expat friends living here for many years that have experienced crime at home and elsewhere. Most of them moved to safer neighborhoods, installed security bars, systems. This doesn't mean they will not fall victim again but it does help.

I have also heard stories of paying the police motivation money to get results.....

Phuket is a great place to live. I too tire and fear the situation here. I often say lets move to the country or some other island..... just for the peace and serenity and honesty of country folk. I grew up in the country and there is not much country feeling left in Phuket.

KarenBravo, sorry to say but it's not going to change.

Last year i personally apprehended a burglar in my business 2:30am who was high on Ya baa. Fortunately she was alone and submitted with out a struggle. I called my wife who called the police, who arrived within 15 minutes. The burglar was young lady whom had worked briefly as a server for me. She was taken into Chalong station where we spent the better part of the night filing a report. Over the next few weeks she and her family appealed to have the charges dropped. With a word to the police it could of all gone away for her, we would of received some compensation. She was addicted to Ya Baa and I we felt this would not of helped her. Facing her actions would maybe give her a chance. We met with a community service worker for young offenders and drug related criminals. The worker asked if we would accept a reduced sentence if she were to enter a drug rehab program. Obligingly we did. She did serve time and went into the program. What has become of her i do not know.

On a lesser note I had a small bungalow built, got three estimates and went with the middle one, halfway through the construction I realized they were doing a botched job and told them so. They quit without completeing the job. I hired a new crew to finish, to make a long story short In the end after threats of going to court I ended up going to court. The court heard the case and ordered the builder to repay the 100,000B in payments over a two year period. With the first payment starting two months after the court date and a minimum of 10,000 baht first payment. He has paid.

Some people claim the police and the courts don't work here. Its not true. In many cases they have there hands full or there really is no way to catch a burglar/murderer/rapist unless caught red-handed.They slip into the night never to be seen again.

In many cases community response/assistance will assist in catching criminals but it is not as easy as the cop shows on television make it out to be. Finger prints, car number plates etc don't mean a whole lot.

I have a number of expat friends living here for many years that have experienced crime at home and elsewhere. Most of them moved to safer neighborhoods, installed security bars, systems. This doesn't mean they will not fall victim again but it does help.

I have also heard stories of paying the police motivation money to get results.....

Phuket is a great place to live. I too tire and fear the situation here. I often say lets move to the country or some other island..... just for the peace and serenity and honesty of country folk. I grew up in the country and there is not much country feeling left in Phuket.

KarenBravo, sorry to say but it's not going to change.

Good post. Nice to hear actual experiences, and also the aftermath in real time.

......as easy as the cop shows on television make it out to be. Finger prints, car number plates etc don't mean a whole lot.

Excuse me? thats bull....t.


In every country where numberplates are used it is also possible (if the people in duty are not too lazy or bored) to find out the car or motobike HOLDER, not the driver.


Specially in Thailand where every Thai Citizen with an ID Card has the fingerprint on, it should be more than easy to find out WHO belongs to the fingerprint, cause everybody today know that fingerprints are unique! ...but for sure it is work, and I mentioned above why they often not find prints :)

......as easy as the cop shows on television make it out to be. Finger prints, car number plates etc don't mean a whole lot.

Excuse me? thats bull....t.


In every country where numberplates are used it is also possible (if the people in duty are not too lazy or bored) to find out the car or motobike HOLDER, not the driver.


Specially in Thailand where every Thai Citizen with an ID Card has the fingerprint on, it should be more than easy to find out WHO belongs to the fingerprint, cause everybody today know that fingerprints are unique! ...but for sure it is work, and I mentioned above why they often not find prints :)

Plates and prints certainly do mean something, however the Thai ID cards only take one index finger, and I am not sure that those prints are indexed on a computer and matched against a suspected print anyway. I'm pretty sure only people with prior records have full set of prints on a search-able database.


My point being even in the west unless it is a serious crime they will not involve forensics.

Number plates more often than not when used for serious crimes are stolen plates or stolen autos.

What a load of sensationalist cr*p for goodness sake! If you want to pick any tourist destination in Thailand and judge it based on the number of sensationalist headlines we can find about it then perhaps we can have a competition as to who can build the longest list of rubbish. meaningless, absolutely meaningless and very juvenile.

"Rubbish, absolutely meaningless & very juvenile"... For you to discredit claims based on actual events is rubbish indeed! You are either not aware of what's been happening in this area or you're in a serious state of denial. I notice your logged in as "Chiang Mai". If you actually reside in Chiang Mai with little first hand knolwedge of the Phuket area, you should "temper" your comments.

I know of many incidents involving westeners (rapes, murders, etc) that are never reported in the newspapers to avoid the backlash of negative news and it's effect on tourism. The problem is actually worse than it would appear from the censored Thai news. I have seen statistics on rape in Thailand and they are extremely high also, but severely under-reported (by Thai women in many instances) due to Thai culture and the stigma of being raped. I read a study compiled by the UN which confirmed that many of the violent crimes in Thailand are under-reported.

I disagree with Patriot's statement that statistics for the UK would be double that of thailand. I'd love to see the statistics demonstrating his comment.

I personally know women who have been victim of attempted sexual assaults at Nai Harn only to be laughed at by the police when they attempted to file a report.

Here are some statistics that will back up Laosuwan's claim that Phuket (and Thailand in general, as I maintain) is out of control:

As per the Global Peace Index 2008:

Thai vs USA

Number of homicides per 100,000 people 3 : 2

Level of violent crime 4 : 1

Level of organized conflict (internal) 3 : 1

Overall rank 2008 1-140 (1 most peacful) 118 : 97

As per WHO:

Heavy vehicle driver collision with car, pickup, van *

Rank Countries Amount (top to bottom)

#1 Ecuador: 185 deaths

#2 Thailand: 48 deaths

#3 Mexico: 15 deaths

#4 Venezuela: 6 deaths

#5 Korea, South: 6 deaths

Unspecified drowning and submersion (per capita)

World Ranking Deaths per 1 million people (numbers rounded to nearest whole digit)

#1 Belize: 64

#2 Thailand: 56

#3 Cayman Islands :45

#4 Kyrgyzstan: 44

#5 El Salvador: 42

As per the OECD Factbook 2007: Economic, Environmental and Social Statistics for 2005, road fatalities/million population for Italy and the US were 90 and 145 respectively. As per the Department of Highways of Thailand, road fatalities for the same period were 504 (per million population)! That's almost 6 times the fatality rate in Italy for the same year.

The homicide with firearms rates in Thailand are equally as staggering. Based on the 8th UN survey 2002, Thailand rated 3rd in the world for murders with firearms, surpassed only by Columbia and South Africa. On a per capita basis, Thailand's murder rate was approximately 6 times that of the US. Thailand's murder rate (all causes) was double that of the US.

Not sure what any of this has to do with the attacks on the women at Promthep cape,
You're right. Maybe move all the off topic posts to 'Thefalang - Driver'?
but anyway, I wonder what the police did in the meantime about this attempted rape. Do they help the victim to create an identikit picture to find this animal`? or just writing another protocol for which the victim has to pay for and thats it`?

If you read้ำ........ story you will see the 2 victims got together on their own to see if it was the same guy. Do it your self justice. The police should have tried to determine that. WE, the people of Phuket, need to know if there are 1 or 2 rapist on the loose in Nai Harn!

A story about the cops. my friend told me he rented out a house to a tourist who called him at 4am because he caught some little SH*t inside his house. So he locked him up somewhere. My friend got to the house and they called the police and no one came and he said they called like 3 times, even speaking some Thai explaining what happened. He said the police officer sounded so so drunk.

They never came and they had to let the kamoey go...

Last night there was a bike accident close to my house. Ambulence took ONE HOUR to come.

A call was made to the stupid 191 number and then about half hour later, after the Thai girls who were with him or stopped had been moving this guy around, trying to hold his head up, smoking cigarettes in his face while trying to help him, the police come. (If he had a neck injury he is certainly much worst today).

The cops come, light up a fag and look at the guy, determine he is drunk. But HE WAS injured! Finally the ambulance comes. (note to self: Next time call the over priced 1179 myself or direct to Karon Fire dept).

I was so upset and complainted to Thai Mrs Man about it. All she said was that if Thailand was so bad why does everyone want to live here (her idea is that everyone wants to live here) and that she is so tired about Farangs complaning about Thailand like now even at 4 am.

I guess we just get frustrated because it would not be so hard to just make it a little bit beter, safer, help people. But it is useless. a Thai will normally no listen to the suggestion of a farang just because it has come from a farang.

In the case of the rape, of course GEt a sketch, someone even posted a link soemwhere else..

www.lashface.ctapt.de to a FREE program.

USE THE PUBLIC TO HELP. PUT IT IN THE THAI PRESS.. what color bike, what shoes was he wearing, features, etc...........

You can't depend on the police to help out or do their job, especially in the Rawai/Nai Harn area.

I know of similar stories involving friends, one of which apprehended a burglar and delivered her to the Chalong Police Station who let the her free!

I cannot name one friend here (who does not have dogs who's home has not yet been burglarized at least once!

Thailand has a high number of police per capita (ranking #14 out of 48 countries) as per the UN 1998-2000 crime survey. Most of the other 34 countries with less police have lower crime rates than Thailand also! This might suggest that the Thai police are ineffective and/or not doing their job.

I always hear that the Thai police are "under-staffed", "overworked", "can't keep up with the crime", etc, etc. The statistics suggest that the Thai police are simply ineffective and/or not doing their job.


You can't depend on the police to help out or do their job, especially in the Rawai/Nai Harn area. I cannot name one friend here (who does not have dogs who's home has not yet been burglarized at least once!

serious? is it that bad?

I don't know of one friend here (inland/Chalong) who's had a burglary, basically in village-style living (as it exists on Phuket, anyway) and burglary has not been a concern for me.

Having said that . . . am i tempting fate, like saying i haven't had a cycle puncture this year?


Last night in Kata, at about 8pm, a Thai man, Chongtam Srisongkerm, 27, was arrested for kidnapping a female dive instructor as she sat in a converted pickup truck along Kata road waiting for a group of divers to return. The woman was able to bail out of the truck when she saw police. The perpetrator then drove around Kata attempting to flee in the truck, but was unable to escape due to police roadblocks. (Said truck drove past me once) Eventually the police shot out his tires in front of stunned unlookers in front of the Kata Beach resort. Nothing on Phuket Gazette yet, but if you Google "Phuket Police Open Fire as Kidnap Knifeman Flees" you will find more info.

The report did not say if the victim was farang, (there are both Thai and farang female dive instructors here) if she is, then the MO fits the other incidents, and I would say there is a strong likelihood it is the same guy responsible for the other kidnappings/rape/attempted rape. (Still still possible if the victim of Thai of course) I don't recall there being any description released of the previous suspects.

Luckily no bystanders were hit by stray bullets.

I sure hope the police ask the previous victims to come in for a line-up.


You can't depend on the police to help out or do their job, especially in the Rawai/Nai Harn area. I cannot name one friend here (who does not have dogs who's home has not yet been burglarized at least once!

serious? is it that bad?

I don't know of one friend here (inland/Chalong) who's had a burglary, basically in village-style living (as it exists on Phuket, anyway) and burglary has not been a concern for me.

Having said that . . . am i tempting fate, like saying i haven't had a cycle puncture this year?

Well, one could claim that there are basically two types of falangs in Phuket, those who have been burglared and those who are yet to be burglared. I happy you are of the later type!

There are a number of upscale falang areas in Nai Harn & Rawai that the thieves concentrate on. Burglaries in those areas occur with much more frequency than surrounding areas.

Unfortunately we are in a second world nation with many third world aspects, and the policing is one of them. We must accept certain risks living here, but that doesn't mean that we can't get involved in trying to improve them. Thailand will be better off because of it. The Thai's have figured out that the police are, and will remain, an ineffective wholly corrupt entity, unless they rise up and block some roads etc., the police will do nothng but continue to make thier rounds collecting thier payoffs from every business in Phuket. Only when the people rise up do the police mobilize and get things done, or at least successfully fool the masses into thinking they are getting things done. Since we don't have the numbers they do, if we want to get things done, we have the Thaivisa community to spread information and promote the dessimination of that information to the local English papers and online sources such as Phuket Gazette, Phuket Post, Phuket-info.com and Phuketwan.com. Thai's will never come out in numbers in support of an injustice to a farang like they do with their own. Justice received by a farang usually means justice served on a Thai.

I agree with you 100%.

One of the main purposes of this forum is (or should be) to share experiences and information so that everyone benefits. Statements should be backed by actual experiences and/or other factual basis instead of the irrational, unsubstantiated remarks that I often see in these forums.

The first step at correcting a problem is to acknowledge it's existence and this should be the primary function of this forum. The "Thai-way" of problem-solving is to deny that the problem exists and "finito" which is way, I maintain, that problems take so long to be corrected here.

Last night in Kata, at about 8pm, a Thai man, Chongtam Srisongkerm, 27, was arrested for kidnapping a female dive instructor as she sat in a converted pickup truck along Kata road waiting for a group of divers to return. The woman was able to bail out of the truck when she saw police. The perpetrator then drove around Kata attempting to flee in the truck, but was unable to escape due to police roadblocks. (Said truck drove past me once) Eventually the police shot out his tires in front of stunned unlookers in front of the Kata Beach resort. Nothing on Phuket Gazette yet, but if you Google "Phuket Police Open Fire as Kidnap Knifeman Flees" you will find more info.

The report did not say if the victim was farang, (there are both Thai and farang female dive instructors here) if she is, then the MO fits the other incidents, and I would say there is a strong likelihood it is the same guy responsible for the other kidnappings/rape/attempted rape. (Still still possible if the victim of Thai of course) I don't recall there being any description released of the previous suspects.

Luckily no bystanders were hit by stray bullets.

I sure hope the police ask the previous victims to come in for a line-up.

Thanks Scubabuddah, this is v interesting.

The time frame is different as both the previous attacks occurred v early in the morning, but I'm sure all the farang women living here will be VERY interested to know whether he is identified by the previous victims.

Thanks Scubabuddah, this is v interesting.

The time frame is different as both the previous attacks occurred v early in the morning, but I'm sure all the farang women living here will be VERY interested to know whether he is identified by the previous victims.

Police are reporting it is the same guy. I think both the previous victims aren't in the country anymore so I'm not sure if an in person ID will be possible. And why the heck hasn't Phuket Gazette online picked up this story yet? Is the media really that censored here? Sad.

Police are reporting it is the same guy. I think both the previous victims aren't in the country anymore so I'm not sure if an in person ID will be possible. And why the heck hasn't Phuket Gazette online picked up this story yet? Is the media really that censored here? Sad.

Its weekend thats why its not in the Gazette (should be named Gaslow) and they have to ask the grown ups to post it, when have you seen them been the first to post something???


Sigh, sigh. I guess this topic has been running too long. Now it's all just bickering between members. I have cleaned out all the bickering. Gentlemen & ladies, please keep on topic else this topic will be closed. Thank you.

Well, one could claim that there are basically two types of falangs in Phuket, those who have been burglared and those who are yet to be burglared. I happy you are of the later type!

Now firmly in the latter type.. Burgled last night while I was out and the GF slept.

Relatively minor stuff, laptop, camera etc.. Odd what he took and what he left. Also he stole our Buddhas !! I mean they werent valuable so he took them cos he wanted them, so what kind of luck does a stolen Buddha bring ??

Anyway its small stuff just annoying, last time they got 50 baht weight of gold (not mine but was in my villa). Just thankful with the spate of rapes that it was only some crappy electronics.


Yeah its odd.. I am normally quite a hot head and have a tendency to get wound up.. And I would have thought this would have really made me hopping mad, but oddly I am not fussed, just happy shes ok, its only some craptronics and no real harm done.

Have to say, kinda shocked at stealing the buddhas !!

Yeah its odd.. I am normally quite a hot head and have a tendency to get wound up.. And I would have thought this would have really made me hopping mad, but oddly I am not fussed, just happy shes ok, its only some craptronics and no real harm done.

Have to say, kinda shocked at stealing the buddhas !!

Blimey, bad luck Mate. Wish all the best to your good lady from the strange guy who likes wearing leopard skin birefs. :)


these are horrifying experiences....

next time when the guy or guys are caught,

if i could be there i surely would not just call the police.... lol

probably, i would become unusually aggressive.... on my gf's behalv.... lol


Has anybody heard anything that would confirm that the man caught is indeed the Nai Harn rapist? Or whether the woman attacked in Kata was Thai or farang?


It is unconfirmed if he was the same person.

while he was in the hospital, the Kata Kidnapper was released. Allegedly he did go to court and is out on bail now and lives in Nai Harn.

What I have heard about the Thai Law is that when a victim identifies the criminal then the police must take a photo of the victim pointing to the perpetrator, for the record or who knows why. So even if they can identify them through a once sided mirror after it is confirmed then they pose for a photo together. That is why you see photos like that. It is mandatory.

I won't even go into my thoughts about this but really it is hard comprehend and not judge harshly!

The girl in Kata was a Thai dive instructor waiting for divers.

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