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Hard Violence By Insomnia Iclub Bouncers


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This is not the first time I saw the Violence-Guards of Incomnia's iClub beat up tourists (in this case Koreans?)


Perhaps they need a bit of training? - A bouncers job is to escort trouble makers out the door, not pull them down the street, gang-up on them and kick them while they are down.

Ahh well - at least this is one way of getting your club closed.

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I saw the Insomnia guys beat the crap out of a German a couple of months ago.

The three Insomnia guys came as a pack with each hitting the German in the head with a chain with a handle on it. One would go in for the hit then another guy one come in to hit. They all aimed at the German's head. I have seen a similar chain in a couple of martial arts movies.

The Insomnia guys chased him down Walking Street to Soi BJ and after their hitting caused the German to fall, all three Insomnia guys began kicking him. It was very unusual because like the head hitting each Insomnia guy took turns kicking the guy. The German received about 18 kicks altogether.

The German was extremely bloody and in a corner near the Jasmine Hotel. As the Insomnia guys were leaving the German started to cry. The lead Insomnia guy went back. I thought he was going to help. Instead he turned the German face up, and spread his legs and delivered the final kick to the German's "family jewels" area. Judging by the kick and the scream of the German, I doubt the young man will ever sire a family if you know what I mean.

This occurred about 4:30 AM. No police came. I don't think the German was killed because it did not appear in the Pattaya news.

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It is one thing to throw some one out of your club, because of the persons inappropriate behavior. But it is some thing altogether different to go out to really hurt some one in such a vicious manner. Establishments that treat people in this way should be boycotted.

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Usually the injured can get away.

I have seen it happen three times. The German was a most severe case.

Usually after a couple of blows to the head with the chain, the Insomnia gang relents.

But sometimes, like the German case, the Insomnia boys blood lust overcomes them.

I would never go to Insomnia and when I walk by Insomnia on WS I walk on the opposite side of the street.

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Its horrible to see, and quite scary really. I never really get nasty when I've had a few, just loud and jolly, the thought of being thrown out by these c**ts and getting a kicking like that scares me, therefore I'll never go there. I think if someone gets thrown out of a club for fighting or starts on a doorman etc then you kind of expect they get a slap and be on there way but that vid clip was a bit extreme.

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It is one thing to throw some one out of your club, because of the persons inappropriate behavior. But it is some thing altogether different to go out to really hurt some one in such a vicious manner. Establishments that treat people in this way should be boycotted.

agree with that hit them where it hurts "in the pocket" :)

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^ I agree that its best to not visit these fine establishments that abuse -beat unconscience- customers. But foreigners will continue to go and the bouncers will continue to gang up on people.

Usually zero downside for harming foreigners and the criminals know it.

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what are you people doing in bars that makes you fear going to someplace like Insomnia and doing the same? while no one is saying these bouncers beat the shit out of people for fun, no one is saying exactly what these patrons did to get a beating.

here is some advice for those worried about getting beat up... stop acting like an idiot when you have a couple of beers in you.

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Really a shame the city does not have any control over this behavior. If I saw this on you tube I would consider a change of venue to Bali Indonesia. Rarely does this happen as they will prosecute the bouncers for using customers for punching bags. And it is a lot nicer than walking street & the same action & internationals to play with as well.

Great for Pattaya's tourism.

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what are you people doing in bars that makes you fear going to someplace like Insomnia and doing the same? while no one is saying these bouncers beat the shit out of people for fun, no one is saying exactly what these patrons did to get a beating.

here is some advice for those worried about getting beat up... stop acting like an idiot when you have a couple of beers in you.

I strongly disagree here. If someone is behaving bad in a pub, the bouncer should at first politely show him the door. If the guest refuses to comply, there are arrest techniques that immobilize the offender and the bouncer can walk him to the door without injuring him. Once the offender is outside the problem should be considered solved.

If the offender attacks the bouncer, the bouncer should have enough martial arts skills to counter such attack or he is the wrong person for the job.

In case the offender does whatever illegal (drugs for instance), the bouncer should hand him over to the authorities.

Beating the crap out of someone with a chako (sp?) is neither a display of martial arts skills nor an appropriate measure to deal with whatever offender in a bar.

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what are you people doing in bars that makes you fear going to someplace like Insomnia and doing the same? while no one is saying these bouncers beat the shit out of people for fun, no one is saying exactly what these patrons did to get a beating.

here is some advice for those worried about getting beat up... stop acting like an idiot when you have a couple of beers in you.

I strongly disagree here. If someone is behaving bad in a pub, the bouncer should at first politely show him the door. If the guest refuses to comply, there are arrest techniques that immobilize the offender and the bouncer can walk him to the door without injuring him. Once the offender is outside the problem should be considered solved.

If the offender attacks the bouncer, the bouncer should have enough martial arts skills to counter such attack or he is the wrong person for the job.

In case the offender does whatever illegal (drugs for instance), the bouncer should hand him over to the authorities.

Beating the crap out of someone with a chako (sp?) is neither a display of martial arts skills nor an appropriate measure to deal with whatever offender in a bar.

AGREE 100%

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If there is video of the attack on the German (or others) this should be all that's necessary for prosecution.

Assuming the victim is identified and wishes to prosecute.

Failing this, money talks, and should this ever occur to myself or a friend (highly unlikely) 10,000 Baht would buy a lot of justice. And I want video. Mobile-phone video acceptable.

Perhaps the people who make an effort to video these events should make the video available to the victims in the future.

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I strongly disagree here. If someone is behaving bad in a pub, the bouncer should at first politely show him the door. If the guest refuses to comply, there are arrest techniques that immobilize the offender and the bouncer can walk him to the door without injuring him. Once the offender is outside the problem should be considered solved.

Beating the crap out of someone with a chako (sp?) is neither a display of martial arts skills nor an appropriate measure to deal with whatever offender in a bar.

Exactly. The bouncer's job is to manage people who can not manage themselves. "Managing" people does not include beating them to near death or permanent injury.

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These Insomnia creeps are cowards. They have some bad karma coming.

I would love to see them mess with some Korean Soldiers. Those ROK boys would burn the place to the ground!

Yes, sooner or later these cowards will pick on the wrong person, and be killed.

It is very clear where they work and you can go back for them anytime, so they are really setting themselves up...

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I would love to see these Thai door staff attempt to work in a European, Australian or American city were the customers outnumber the bouncers by hundreds to 1. I'm no tough guy but these cowards can't even fight properly, they just jump in with a sneaky blow when the victim is not looking. It would be great to see one of these dogs try to have a one on one fight with someone, they would crap their pants for sure.

I had look at the you tube video and followed a few other links, every "Fight in Thailand" clip was a group of Thai guys ganging up on someone. Not one of two people having a fight. What's wrong with these people?

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I agree, most Thai Doormen are cowards just hitting when outnumbering the target, which is usually the case. And they never know when it is enough.

HOWEVER, I saw over the years a few fights, and it was mostly the bad behavior of drunken guests (mainly farang) starting the trouble. Mind your word, be polite, but some guys don't know how to do this in a drunken state....

Anyway, the Tourist Police and the PV's should take a closer look to those guys at Insomnia.

Have fun anyway

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while no one is saying these bouncers beat the shit out of people for fun, no one is saying exactly what these patrons did to get a beating.

Speak for yourself.

They beat the shit out of people because they enjoy it and more...a crazed blood lust stirred by hate for foreigners. That's probably half the reason why they do such work in the first place. They have a big group for support so they feel invincible.

They pick on tourists because it's safe too. They are cowards. If they kicked the shit out of a Thai national there would be a good chance the guy would be back with a gun.

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This place should be closed down if this is true ! its disgusting these things happen. people should get together and do something. :D


Do something,Yea right :):D:D:D

All you can do is not go there, everything else is futile, trust me, I know


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This club should be shut down!!!

And the owners (farang?) serve time before deportation!!!


Have herd the owners of insomnia are australian,and co owners of a bar in soi 8, the party bar,

and the doormen are all from deep south thailand,were all the trouble is, only what i herd.

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This club should be shut down!!!

And the owners (farang?) serve time before deportation!!!


Have herd the owners of insomnia are australian,and co owners of a bar in soi 8, the party bar,

and the doormen are all from deep south thailand,were all the trouble is, only what i herd.

didn't know manchester was in australia. :)

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