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Hard Violence By Insomnia Iclub Bouncers


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I completely agree Tropo.

Yes, if there is no regulation in the bouncing industry, these incidents will never be prevented.

It was like this in Australia in the 80's when security personnel didn't need licences and anyone could get such a job. Bashings like this were commonplace. People were being killed. In addition to the killing on the Gold Coast last year, I personally witnessed bouncers throwing a drunk down a flight of stairs and killing him about 25 years ago.

There's no point asking the thugs they employ to behave themselves...that's never going to happen because they are thugs and shouldn't be employed as bouncers in the first place.

Of course we know this is unlikely to happen in Thailand because it will cost money to properly train bouncers and hire the right kind of people.

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Tropo ive been to Oz many times and the bouncers there are absolute <deleted> pretty much all the time in comparison to English bouncers, who nowdays are very well regulated, theyve even got little guys and women doing the job in most places.

Thing is im guessing that if this bar is run by a farang as its already been said, its one of the thinkiamabadboy fools that are commonplace in Pattaya who think such incidents are good for their badboy superwealthy reputation and proof they can get anyone done over for 2 bht or whatever the rate they pay their youngboys.

The owner would have been notified of this incident being on the web and im willing to bet he will have done nothing about it. As we know these owners need to kiss ass of those that matter to continue being badboys!

Edited by whichschool
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I almost never go to walking street

and when I do I certainly don't enter the Insomnia club.

In the early evening their bouncers are to be seen outside the club looking for trouble.

Either by following behind people as they walk up the street

or standing on the opposite side of the street menacing the people as they walk by.

Why anybody would want to enter such an environment beats me.

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What surprise me the most is that the Insomnia management has not entered the discussion for some damage control. I know they are young and Internet savvy, they surely are aware of this thread by now.... Come on guys, what have you got to say about this?

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I have spent a lot of time in the area of Insomnia and seen the bouncers beat many farang. The bouncers there are not little 120 pound Thai's. They are big for Thai's, young, and in good shape. I'm going to guess I've seen 20 or more "fights." It's hard to call them fights, because it is always a beating. Also for those that say we don't know what the person did in the club, and maybe deserved it. I've never seen anyone dragged out of the club. Every beating I have seen, happened at the door. Why anyone would even want to go in is beyond me. Insomnia is the most uninviting bar in Pattaya with 4 - 6 bouncers standing at the door. None of them speak any English. There are two floors, first floor is an open front, the second floor has a door with a metal detector and a Bouncer standing on each side. While entering the second floor, the bouncers do a pat down of most people coming in. I don't know how they decide who to pat down, but it seems, that they don't mess with a young well built man, or those in a group of young men.

I would say that there are two main ways that the Insomnia beatings start. 1. The person objects to the way the way they are being searched. Two men that are not shy feeling you up isn't what most expect, especially if the reach in a pocket, or grab the family jewels. Any objection will result in the Thai on each side grabbing an arm and walking the person backwards to the street. Often that few step walk to the street comes with a couple of punches to the face. Always the person in thrown to the street forcibly landing on their ass. It appears that the correct response is to get up as quickly as possible and run. (those are the lucky people) What usually happens is the person says something like "what the f*** are you doing" at which the Insomnia Bouncers interpret as meaning, "my head is a soccer ball, kick the s**t out of it." So, they all do. I have even seen some Thai men that were just walking past add a kick or 2. I guess a bleeding farang on the ground is just to good an opportunity to pass up.

The second way that I see a beating start, is when a person tries go in carrying a drink. Then one of the "Bouncers" steps in front of the person, gets right in their face and starts screaming in Thai. Those that don't speak thai will be luck to understand what the problem is, or why an aggressive Thai is screaming at them. If the person doesn't retreat at that point, the "bouncer" on the right, the quiet one that isn't saying anything, will throw a sucker punch and run. 9 out of 10 times the person will go down and their head becomes a soccer ball for all of the Insomnia bouncers. From the laughs and smiles on their face, they enjoy their "work." It's the only time I've seen an Insomnia bouncer smile.

These Insomnia guys are cowards. Their reactions are in direct porportion to the persons age, what physical shape they are in, the number of people together, and how drunk they are. In short, those least able to defend themselves are in the most danger from Insomnia bouncers. I have seen 4 big body builders with shaved heads and tattoos walk in, without being searched, while carrying beers, and without a word being said. I think anyone that would go into Insomnia and spend money is just plain stupid.

My prediction: Insomnia bouncers will at some point, kill someone. They just throw to many head kicks not to. They have NEVER been held accountable for their actions. The police turn a blind eye, and the tourist police offer even less help. Personally, I will be amazed if they don't kill someone by the end of this tourist season. Of cource, this being Pattaya, the cause of death will be listed as suicide.

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These Insomnia creeps are cowards. They have some bad karma coming.

I would love to see them mess with some Korean Soldiers. Those ROK boys would burn the place to the ground!

Yes, sooner or later these cowards will pick on the wrong person, and be killed.

It is very clear where they work and you can go back for them anytime, so they are really setting themselves up...

You are exactly right. This will someday be a one at a time type of revenge on all of them. It's coming and you can count on it. Cowards like this won't do so well by themselves if caught alone.

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I have spent a lot of time in the area of Insomnia and seen the bouncers beat many farang. The bouncers there are not little 120 pound Thai's. They are big for Thai's, young, and in good shape. I'm going to guess I've seen 20 or more "fights." It's hard to call them fights, because it is always a beating. Also for those that say we don't know what the person did in the club, and maybe deserved it. I've never seen anyone dragged out of the club. Every beating I have seen, happened at the door. Why anyone would even want to go in is beyond me. Insomnia is the most uninviting bar in Pattaya with 4 - 6 bouncers standing at the door. None of them speak any English. There are two floors, first floor is an open front, the second floor has a door with a metal detector and a Bouncer standing on each side. While entering the second floor, the bouncers do a pat down of most people coming in. I don't know how they decide who to pat down, but it seems, that they don't mess with a young well built man, or those in a group of young men.

I would say that there are two main ways that the Insomnia beatings start. 1. The person objects to the way the way they are being searched. Two men that are not shy feeling you up isn't what most expect, especially if the reach in a pocket, or grab the family jewels. Any objection will result in the Thai on each side grabbing an arm and walking the person backwards to the street. Often that few step walk to the street comes with a couple of punches to the face. Always the person in thrown to the street forcibly landing on their ass. It appears that the correct response is to get up as quickly as possible and run. (those are the lucky people) What usually happens is the person says something like "what the f*** are you doing" at which the Insomnia Bouncers interpret as meaning, "my head is a soccer ball, kick the s**t out of it." So, they all do. I have even seen some Thai men that were just walking past add a kick or 2. I guess a bleeding farang on the ground is just to good an opportunity to pass up.

The second way that I see a beating start, is when a person tries go in carrying a drink. Then one of the "Bouncers" steps in front of the person, gets right in their face and starts screaming in Thai. Those that don't speak thai will be luck to understand what the problem is, or why an aggressive Thai is screaming at them. If the person doesn't retreat at that point, the "bouncer" on the right, the quiet one that isn't saying anything, will throw a sucker punch and run. 9 out of 10 times the person will go down and their head becomes a soccer ball for all of the Insomnia bouncers. From the laughs and smiles on their face, they enjoy their "work." It's the only time I've seen an Insomnia bouncer smile.

These Insomnia guys are cowards. Their reactions are in direct porportion to the persons age, what physical shape they are in, the number of people together, and how drunk they are. In short, those least able to defend themselves are in the most danger from Insomnia bouncers. I have seen 4 big body builders with shaved heads and tattoos walk in, without being searched, while carrying beers, and without a word being said. I think anyone that would go into Insomnia and spend money is just plain stupid.

My prediction: Insomnia bouncers will at some point, kill someone. They just throw to many head kicks not to. They have NEVER been held accountable for their actions. The police turn a blind eye, and the tourist police offer even less help. Personally, I will be amazed if they don't kill someone by the end of this tourist season. Of cource, this being Pattaya, the cause of death will be listed as suicide.

Great post and unfortunately probably all too true.

I am put off the place anyway by the deafening level of the music and freezing aircon.

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Perhaps some of the Pattaya Tourist Police volunteers can comment.

Yeah! bring on Howard the Duck and his bunch of Muppets to the rescue, unfortunatly when it comes to crime on tourists they are about as much use as a condom with a hole in it, as for Insomnia the 13 Farang owners will have paid off everybody within a few days and it will be bussiness as usual, why waste money going to this sess pit in the first place, overpriced beer and overpriced freelance fa**y.

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to hear everyone's opinion on this thread, you would think this is a "pattaya only" problem. It's not. Where I'm from (a "rich" western nation) if you act up in a club the bouncers will beat you up just as bad, with brass knuckles and steel toed boots instead of chains. It's just the personality some of these bouncers have... they think they're super tough and like to be thugs. Personally I would love to see someone go all jet li on them and be able to defend themselves...

as for insomnia itself, went there with a girl and hated it. The girls there were so harsh, they were elbowing her in the ribs to get the best spots to dance, telling her "get the f*** out of here, you have a guy already" and all sorts of crap like that.

Edited by bigtime
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Lovedog100, I agree, I have seen the same thing but just once.

Bouncers.. they do the same thing everywhere in Europe, too. Wakking street with the massive tourist volume and no police enforcement simply gives much larger opportunity to practice/fight boredom for bouncers.

On the other hand, I have seen how a beating like this was triggered.. a tourist hit a Thai. And after that everything goes as we know.

Stay away from Wakking St, can't be difficult!

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If you aren't a gang type, Thai or falang with connections, stay away from all places where these types go. Thats it. Simple. Even if you think you're tough, you aren't tough enough for a gang of viscious thugs often using weapons who will attack you from all sides. Even if you are the winner of the ultimate fighting championship, or a professional boxer, or a 6th Dan in Judo or Karate....if you are the type that goes everywhere alone, not with a big gangs of connected toughs, stay away.

Im not that tough, but tough enough to handle the average Thai or falang on their own, one on one. Tough enough perhaps to deal with 90% pf either Thais or falang on their own, one on one, no weapons. But I know that in the real world of gang attacks and use of weapons and sucker punches and kicking your head like a football if you fall, that isnt enough.

And I also know that the gangs will not consist of the weak and unfit and untrained. In fact, gangs may consist mostly of cowardly will mental retards with nothing else in life, but they are probably also capable of dealing with the average Thai or falang even one on one. Thats doesnt make them real tough, but tough enough in a gang.

And, some, a few, of these gang types are very tough. Indeed, a few, a small number. may be Muay Thai types, possibly have even been fighting at a professional level, or they may just have been doing Muay Thai for their whole lives. And the falang gang types, the Australians etc, that go there may be the same. So however tough you think you are, beware, if you are alone, you wont be tough enough.

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Perhaps some of the Pattaya Tourist Police volunteers can comment.

why waste money going to this sess pit in the first place, overpriced beer and overpriced freelance fa**y.


If you play in the gutter, you're gonna get dirty!

Some of the worst selection of freelancers in Pattaya. Old, ugly, and overpriced!

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I got my head kicked in at a disco called The Pig Pen in Taichung in Taiwan about 8 years ago, they were bar tenders and door men.

Cant remember what I did as it was my birthday so I was a bit drunk, but it must have warranted some kind of action.

I was alone.

I was lucky to escape with minor injuries ( stiches and concussion),,and they beat me up in the reception in view of the world.

At least they gave me the chance to get my bag from a locker on my stumble out, bleeding all over the place.

Welcome to Asia!

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If you be respectful in Thailand and have a laugh without upsetting others one would like to think you'd be fine. I don't know what the tourists did but it must have been something bad to annoy the security there and provoke such a vicious reaction.

However, I do not condone their actions! The owners should be shown this tape, and the police, so legal action would be taken. If it was my bar, these animals would be given their marching orders straight down to Pattaya police station along with the video footage. We have moved on since the stone age and this should not be happening - get these animals off the street!

Edited by jeanclaude
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I almost never go to walking street

and when I do I certainly don't enter the Insomnia club.

In the early evening their bouncers are to be seen outside the club looking for trouble.

Either by following behind people as they walk up the street

or standing on the opposite side of the street menacing the people as they walk by.

Why anybody would want to enter such an environment beats me.

Never seen!!!

Seems like peope like to bash Insomnia now. I don't go there too often, but never had any probs.....

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Insomnia Club on Walking Street, raided by Police, again.

Pattaya, October 17 [PATTAYA ONE NEWS] : For the 3rd time in just over a month, Police have once again raided the Insomnia Club located on Walking Street and once again found them to be breaking the law. Police Lieutenant Colonel Sutum, the Deputy Chief of Pattaya Police led the raid which took place at 5am. There were over a thousand patrons inside the venue at the time of the raid who were randomly drug tested and 12 patrons were found to have recently ingested methamphetamine. No actual drugs or any other illegal items could be found in the club; however the manager of the venue was arrested and charged with operating the venue well over its permitted licensed opening hours. He, along with the 12 patrons were taken to Pattaya Police Station and a further report on the club will be sent to the Banglamung District Licensing Unit. Despite the results of the raid, the club is expected to be open for business as usual over the weekend and it is unlikely any further action will be taken against the venue.

3rd time in a month, maybe something is been done the Thai way???? although do like the last line!!!!!!!!!!!!

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  • 2 years later...

I would like to know if this is still the case when going out in Pattaya. I would like to head out a couple of nights while I am here but I am starting to think that armed bodyguards is the only way. Of course those bodyguards cannot be Thai men.

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I would like to know if this is still the case when going out in Pattaya. I would like to head out a couple of nights while I am here but I am starting to think that armed bodyguards is the only way. Of course those bodyguards cannot be Thai men.

Don't worry about - you'll be as safe in Pattaya as anywhere in the world and there are loads of great places on WS, and elsewhere, to enjoy yourself.

Just don't make a d1ck of yourself and try not to draw too much attention your way. I go out a lot on my own and have never had the slightest bit of aggro anywhere.

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always alone and never had a problem but some of the insomnia guys are looking for it, especially the small ones who know they have back up. Not a place i frequent to much, to late and always potential for trouble

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I'm the same too. I go down Beach Road, Walking Street and many different places on my own - sometimes I prefer my own company - but I never get too drunk and have never had any trouble.

Common sense applies, as usual.

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I'm the same too. I go down Beach Road, Walking Street and many different places on my own - sometimes I prefer my own company - but I never get too drunk and have never had any trouble.

Common sense applies, as usual.

less trouble here on a Fri / Sat night than in the UK !

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Insomnia attracts younger punters who, as well as often being rather naive think they can behave as they do in Falangland. They fail to realise that the average young Thai young earns but a fraction of their salary and has to watch Falangs throwing money around like confetti. He also knows that we can afford to shag their prettiest girls and live a lifestyle they can only dream about so it must be accepted that they absolutely hate us and will use the slightest excuse to attack us.

Younger blokes had better be even more careful as they represent more of a challenge to these liberty taking vermin than the older fellows.

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