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Us President Obama Wins Nobel Peace Prize

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So? So did Yasser Arafat.

I'm sorry but Yaser Arafat got the Nobel Prize only after his change of political direction.

Arafat never had any intention to do anything besides go through the motions of pretending to want peace to buy time for terrorist tactics to work. He contiued to call for the destruction of Israel in Arabic on a regular basis, but stopped doing it in English.

Arafat wanted to push the Jews into the sea. He never wanted peace.


The Times, London

Pointless Nobel prize reveals how President Obama is lost in his own mystique

Bronwen Maddox: Foreign Briefing

Scrap the Nobel Peace Prize. It’s an embarrassment and even an impediment to peace. President Obama, in letting the committee award it to him, has made himself look vain, a fool and dangerously lost in his own mystique.

Where do you start, in the daftness of it? Anointing a leader whose character the panel admires, but who is only a fifth of the way through his term of office and has not yet clinched any peace? The fey, fanciful lack of criteria, which does no favours to the rigorous awards in science that, unfortunately, share the same brand name?

No, start with two hard-edged points. The Peace Prize has begun to distort and damage crucial negotiations. And Obama’s acceptance of the supposed honour is a misjudgment that will give power to his critics.


continue here: http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/worl...icle6868863.ece

I'm no fan of Limbaugh, but that seems a bit taken out of context. That Rush thinks that the Obama is a joke and the Taliban thinks Obama is a joke does not imply that Rush & the Taliban are on the same side, it just means that sometimes enemies have common enemies.

and everybody else think Obama wins Nobel Peace Prize is a joke. obama fan boys just can not resist to mock now the conservatives or paint a picture that only FOX news would report something uncool about their darling Obama. they are actually just (uber emotional) Bush basher.

Have to say that this just devalues the Nobel Peace Prize.

I've got no beef with the guy at all, but he hasn't really done anything yet to warrant this award.

Uff da, how can those crazy Svenskes devalue the prize any further than after having awarded the prize, or even just half the prize to Kissinger?

the Nobel Peace Prize is is awarded by the Norwegian Nobel Committee.


Double uff da then, d'em square heads must be hitting the snoose pretty hard these days.

I'm no fan of Limbaugh, but that seems a bit taken out of context. That Rush thinks that the Obama is a joke and the Taliban thinks Obama is a joke does not imply that Rush & the Taliban are on the same side, it just means that sometimes enemies have common enemies.

And of course the real danger is that when you have a democracy and the opposition defines the other side as an enemy to be despised and dehumanized in the same manner that war enemies dehumanize the opposing sides, then you are setting yourself up for a return to authoritarian rule or a fascist dictatorship. There is little humor in the far rights disagreements with Obama. They can't hide their animosity as was made perfectly clear when Chicago lost the recent Olympic bid. Yes, there are a few that disagree with him on purely ideological grounds such as John McCain. But former President Carter called out the others correctly as just good old fashioned Southern style racists. Beware that in our modern age the little Bavarian will come from the media. Limbaugh is just the predecessor, but still he and his ilk, Murdock's wayward and moronic children, remain a grave danger to the peace of the planet no less than Al Qaida.

They are getting out of Iran in a measured fashion.

And add that allowing the Taliban to retake Afganistan,

aggressively disseminate the worlds greatest stock of opium,

and get close to taking over Pakistan and it's nuclear arsenal

would in no way be furthering the route to a more peaceful world.

never shy of a lie, distortion of facts and just having a talk without any clue about.

anybody in Iran that is getting out now? NO.

The US of A are in Afghanistan on a "War on Drugs" mission, to fight opium trade??? NO. actually not, not officially. not even unofficial.

and like them or not, the Taliban are not part of that drug business. the opposite is true: "U.N. drug control officers said the Taliban religious militia has nearly wiped out opium production in Afghanistan -- once the world's largest producer -- since banning poppy cultivation last summer." read the full article "Afghanistan, Opium and the Taliban". but of course that was in year 2000. thanks enduring freedom Afghanistan is back in business.

but thanks to the miraculous black son of a white mother, a true superhero of the only in usAmerica saga, believing in hope and not yet neglected promises, america is the winner again.

The troops in Afghanistan are under orders to leave alone the opium fields that are found. This has been reported in the media and is common knowledge amongst amongst troops I know.

When Gore got it, it convinced me the prize was an absolute farse, now it is confirmed. The Pres of Zimbabway nominated too?? They should go back to making dynamite. :)

I believe it was the Prime Minister of Zimbabwe and not Mugabe who was nominated.

There were a record 205 nominations for this year's prize. Zimbabwe's prime minister and a Chinese dissident had been among the favourites.

That would be Morgan Tsvangirai a brave and dedicate ANTI-Mugabe opposition leader.

Who's wife was killed in a car accident intended for him. He survived.

I certainly think he deserved the award and I bet Obama thinks so too.


But the good moves Obama has made so far, even as not yet completed,

have potential for much greater good over the whole globe in comparison.

But again Obama would have been first to sincerely congratulate him if he had been chosen instead.

US President Obama wins Nobel Peace Prize


Oslo - US President Barack Obama on Friday won the Nobel Peace Prize less than a year after he took office with the jury hailing his "extraordinary" diplomatic efforts on the international stage.

The Nobel Committee said he was awarded it for "his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and co-operation between peoples".

There were a record 205 nominations for this year's prize. Zimbabwe's prime minister and a Chinese dissident had been among the favourites.

The laureate - chosen by a five-member committee - wins a gold medal, a diploma and 10m Swedish kronor ($1.4m).

"Only very rarely has a person to the same extent as Obama captured the world's attention and given its people hope for a better future," the Norwegian committee said as the prize was announced.

"His diplomacy is founded in the concept that those who are to lead the world must do so on the basis of values and attitudes that are shared by the majority of the world's population."


-- The Nation 2009/10/09

First of all this si from a Super Mod so it has to be of great Gold Truth and its from the Nation after TV got the boot, to boot

You will note the Super Mod says nothing about it opinion wise.

It is simply posting a news link, which is part of the job description.

Seems to be quite fitting when you look at what Alfred produced. I guess used as a weapon of war on many occasions.

In 1863, Alfred Nobel invented the Nobel patent detonator or blasting cap for detonating nitroglycerin.

Then he organises a peace prize. interesting!

Cheers, Rick

Alfred Nobel was paranoid about that being his legacy, he didn't want to be known throughout history as a person who's life's work was dedicated to inventing things that kill people. According to folklore, that's what motivated him to stipulate that his fortune be used to fund Nobel Prizes upon his death, it was basically an attempt to posthumously change his reputation.

Well great intent but I think that he failed miserably on that score. he will always be remembered for the detonator even though he did design and build some fantastic buildings throughout Sweden.

For me and I guess many other people around the world the Nobel prize has just lost all credibility by making this ridiculous decision. This award was meant to be for a lifetime of dedicated work, not for someone who has only spent one year in the Whitehouse and is still insistent on sending more troops to fight a war that cannot be won.

Cheers, Rick

'm sorry but Yaser Arafat got the Nobel Prize only after his change of political direction.

At least Arafat got his for "good behaviour". And love him or hate him, you can't say he didn't spend decades fighting for his people at grave personal risk.

Giving Obama a 'peace prize in advance' is a crock. He should have declined.

Yes, there are a few that disagree with him on purely ideological grounds such as John McCain. But former President Carter called out the others correctly as just good old fashioned Southern style racists.

Jimmy Carter has gone from one of the worst American Presidents in history to a deluded, anti-Semitic nutcase. Unlike him, the right's disagreement with Obama has nothing to do with race.

I'm no fan of Limbaugh, but that seems a bit taken out of context. That Rush thinks that the Obama is a joke and the Taliban thinks Obama is a joke does not imply that Rush & the Taliban are on the same side, it just means that sometimes enemies have common enemies.

And of course the real danger is that when you have a democracy and the opposition defines the other side as an enemy to be despised and dehumanized in the same manner that war enemies dehumanize the opposing sides, then you are setting yourself up for a return to authoritarian rule or a fascist dictatorship. There is little humor in the far rights disagreements with Obama. They can't hide their animosity as was made perfectly clear when Chicago lost the recent Olympic bid. Yes, there are a few that disagree with him on purely ideological grounds such as John McCain. But former President Carter called out the others correctly as just good old fashioned Southern style racists. Beware that in our modern age the little Bavarian will come from the media. Limbaugh is just the predecessor, but still he and his ilk, Murdock's wayward and moronic children, remain a grave danger to the peace of the planet no less than Al Qaida.

Yes, and that seems to be exposed repeatedly for all to see.

We just got rid of aggressive authoritarian rule... time for a break.

Oh yes the Taliban is not letting AFGANI's get opium, non-muslims is another story.

they were shipping it outside the country in record amounts.

Send it to the great satans apostates, and islam will win eventually.

If the army took the time to eradicate every opium field under cultivation,

they would be shot dead one by one as they picked it, with no time to stand guard.

That's not the job of soldiers.

Having seen the Viet Nam toll heroin took on US soldiers, it's no wonder

they are being told don't touch the fields.

There were a record 205 nominations for this year's prize. Zimbabwe's prime minister and a Chinese dissident had been among the favourites.

That would be Morgan Tsvangirai a brave and dedicate ANTI-Mugabe opposition leader.

Who's wife was killed in a car accident intended for him. He survived.

I certainly think he deserved the award and I bet Obama thinks so too.


But the good moves Obama has made so far, even as not yet completed,

have potential for much greater good over the whole globe in comparison.

But again Obama would have been first to sincerely congratulate him if he had been chosen instead.

a car accident, intended for him? true or fictional? let's check the facts:

Zimbabwean Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai has said the car crash that killed his wife Susan was an accident. Mr Tsvangirai said there was only a "one in a thousand" chance that the incident involved any foul play. ... "When something happens, there is always speculation but I want to say in this case, if there was any foul play, it was one in a thousand," Mr Tsvangirai was quoted as telling mourners outside his home in the Zimbabwean capital, Harare. source BBC

ABC News in the United States cited unnamed US officials as saying the truck belonged to a contractor working for the US and British governments.

The truck, which had a USAID insignia on it, was purchased by US government funds and its driver was hired by a British development agency, the report said. USAID stands for the US Agency for International Development. State media in Zimbabwe had earlier reported that the lorry involved in the incident belonged to the US government aid organisation, USAID, and was carrying Aids medicines to Harare. A US Embassy official in the capital confirmed that the vehicle had been contracted to USAID. This may help calm fears that foul play was involved. source: Telegraph.co.uk

Oh yes the Taliban is not letting AFGANI's get opium, non-muslims is another story.

they were shipping it outside the country in record amounts.

Send it to the great satans apostates, and islam will win eventually.

If the army took the time to eradicate every opium field under cultivation,

they would be shot dead one by one as they picked it, with no time to stand guard.

That's not the job of soldiers.

Having seen the Viet Nam toll heroin took on US soldiers, it's no wonder

they are being told don't touch the fields.

true or fictional? let's check the facts:

US government agencies have been crucial in escalating this supply of heroin to the western world.

In 1947 the CIA's supply of arms and money to Corsican gangs recruited to harass French trade unionists in Marseille docks was the beginning of the 'French Connection' which supplied heroin to North America until the early 1970s.

Heroin trafficking subsequently developed in areas of SE Asia suffering from weak central governments, endemic warfare and private armies allied to the CIA. CIA support of anti-Communist Chinese Nationalists who had settled near China's border with Burma [Myanmar] and of Hmong tribesmen in Laos helped the development of the so-called 'Golden Triangle' which, after American withdrawal from Vietnam in 1973, supplied about one-third of heroin smuggled into the US.


Crucially, in 1979, the Carter administration shipped arms to the mujaheddin [Muslim holy warriors] resisting the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan. These American-backed rebels raised money for arms by selling opium, and by 1980, 60% of heroin in the US originated in Afghanistan.

UK Government spokesman has stated that Osama Bin Laden 'has been closely involved in the Afghan drugs trade and has encouraged major traffickers in the past to flood Europe and the US as a means of undermining and destabilising'. This may be overstated, for drug trafficking does not seem to be a major source of money for his al-Qaeda network.

Indeed, when the Taleban temporarily banned the cultivation and trafficking in opium during 2000, it was their opponents the Northern Alliance who continued to grow and sell the poppy crop. source: BBC


Tsivangani changed his original story for the usual political reasons. He had to.

Business as usual. Zimbabwe is a rough place.

But what of the OTHER truck that cut off the one that hit him, and left the scene?

Mugabe hates the aid workers from outside, thinks they are either spies or out to

embarrass his regime or just the fact aid is needed is an ebarrassment.

Run a USAID truck into his biggest political enemy and he wins both ways.

You of course left out this:

Movement for Democratic Change leaders in neighboring South Africa said they suspected the head on collision with a lorry which left Prime Minister Mr Tsvangirai injured and his wife Susan dead was not a genuine accident.

In a statement released on Friday night, they said: "We suspect that this is not a genuine accident and we appeal to Zimbabweans in South Africa to remain calm as facts continue to surface.

"We strongly believe that these are the evil acts of a few individuals bent on derailing the progress of the Inclusive government.

"We are, however, alive to the fact that a lot of Robert Mugabe's opponents died in suspicion road accidents involving army trucks."



The heroin is harvested from opium farms across Afghanistan and taken to factories in the remote Pamir mountains in the Badakhshan region, where it is turned into heroin. It takes about 15kg of opium to make 1kg of heroin, said Daoud. From Badakhshan it is brought west to Kunduz, for the trip to Tajikistan. The weapons follow similar routes, but in the opposite direction, south and east to the fighting.

"We are like a company," said Daoud. "We have some big sponsors who support us in the government."

A kilogram of the best Afghan heroin is worth £600 in Afghanistan. It is worth twice as much at the bazaar in Tajikistan. But rather than take cash, they take weapon parts, because they double their value in Afghanistan. An AK-47 assault rifle costs £50 at the bazaar. It is worth up to £100 in northern Afghanistan, and even more in the south and east where demand for guns is higher, because of the fighting.

The Taliban go-between said fighters in Helmand expect to get six AK-47s for 1kg of good quality heroin, a similar number of rocket-propelled grenades or a dozen boxes of ammunition.



Noorzai met Mullah Mohammed Omar in the 1980s while the two fought in the same Mujahideen faction. In the mid-1990s, when the Taliban was ascending to power in Afghanistan, Noorzai used his influence in Kandahar to assist Omar in securing the position of supreme leader of the Taliban. Noorzai then provided the Taliban with arms, including AK-47 assault rifles, rocket propelled grenade launchers, and anti-tank weapons, as well as vehicles and a portion of the proceeds of his narcotics trafficking activities. In 2001, after the United States began military operations in Afghanistan, Noorzai at Omar's request, provided the Taliban with 400 of his own fighters to wage a battle against Afghanistan's Northern Alliance in Mazar-e-Sharif.

In return for his financial and other support, the Taliban permitted Noorzai to continue his drug trafficking activities with impunity. In addition, Noorzai and his co-conspirators benefitted from advance knowledge of the Taliban's 2000 opium ban, and used that information to stockpile opium and sell it at a tremendous profit after the ban caused opium prices to spike.

Since then the Taliban have gone back into the heroin business.

If it suits their interests they will trade heroin.



(From AP Worldstream)


An alleged Taliban-linked drug lord who once boasted that selling heroin to Americans was a form of jihad has become the first man ever extradited from Afghanistan to face U.S. charges, authorities said Monday.

The man identified in an indictment as Baz Mohammad, also known as Haji Baz Mohammad, is believed to have close ties to the Taliban and other Islamic-extremist groups, the government said as it announced a news conference on the subject later Monday....

Accused of smuggling more than ...

One ban 8 years ago, when they believed they had control of the country,

does not mean they are suddenly nice people and won't do it anymore.


There's a lot of disagreement and Prof Ronald R. Krebs of the University of Minnesota in the US helps to clarify why. Quoting the professor:

"The Nobel Peace Prize's aims are expressly poltical. The Nobel committee seeks to change the world through the prize's very conferral, and, unlike its fellow prizes, the peace prize goes well beyond recognizing past accomplishments.

"As Francis Sejersted, the chairman of the Norwegian Nobel Committee in the 1990s, once proudly admitted, 'The prize...is not only for past achievement...The committee also takes the possible effects of its choices into account [because]...Nobel wanted the prize to have political effects. Awarding a peace prize is, to put it bluntly, a political act'."

http://www.foreignpolicy.com/articles/2009...prize?page=full Krebs' piece has an interesting header photo of Obama discussing his award.

Prof Krebs traces the history of the peace prize and its 'aspirational' nature in contrast to its fellow prizes which are given to honor exceptional acheivement. Krebs' conclusions aren't always comforting but it's a good discussion of the political nature of the prize and some subsequent political consequences to its recipients.

Krebs is stating something a good number of us already know and recognize, simply in a more illuminating detail. So I'd ask why do we have the political pile on that this thread has been from the first post to the present page of posts etc. Maybe it could be related to the possibility that Jimmy Carter knows more about people than many of us would be prepared to admit.

.... "The Nobel Peace Prize's aims are expressly poltical. The Nobel committee seeks to change the world through the prize's very conferral, and, unlike its fellow prizes, the peace prize goes well beyond recognizing past accomplishments.....


.....Krebs is stating something a good number of us already know and recognize, simply in a more illuminating detail. So I'd ask why do we have the political pile on that this thread has been from the first post to the present page of posts etc....

Seems it is pretty galling to many to see Obama getting world wide recognition for things he inteneds to do,

and that it is an implicit backing up of his ideas and plans that is the motivating force behind the award.

As witnessed by the river of abuse being spouted at him,

as opposed to those just saying it is premature.

Tsivangani changed his original story for the usual political reasons. He had to.

Business as usual. Zimbabwe is a rough place.

of course and to provide support the international media change all their initial stories and speculation about an assassination and murder attempt conspiration to the distorted view that it was simple just an normal accident and the roads are so bad in Zimbabwe version.


In return for his financial and other support, the Taliban permitted Noorzai to continue his drug trafficking activities with impunity. In addition, Noorzai and his co-conspirators benefitted from advance knowledge of the Taliban's 2000 opium ban, and used that information to stockpile opium and sell it at a tremendous profit after the ban caused opium prices to spike.

Since then the Taliban have gone back into the heroin business.

If it suits their interests they will trade heroin.

ever doubt that the http://www.militantislammonitor.org would you provide you with an other view or just looking for any reasons to justify their War on some terrorists (Robert Anton Wilson)

for the fun of it, go to http://www.militantislammonitor.org and type 'Obama' into the search mask.

There's a lot of disagreement and Prof Ronald R. Krebs of the University of Minnesota in the US helps to clarify why.


<a href="http://www.foreignpolicy.com/articles/2009...prize?page=full" target="_blank">http://www.foreignpolicy.com/articles/2009...prize?page=full</a> Krebs' piece has an interesting header photo of Obama discussing his award.

the funny thing is that despite the interesting header photo of Obama the author, Prof Ronald R. Krebs, makes no mention of Obama even once in his text, published on July 30, 2009.

Yes, there are a few that disagree with him on purely ideological grounds such as John McCain. But former President Carter called out the others correctly as just good old fashioned Southern style racists.

Jimmy Carter has gone from one of the worst American Presidents in history to a deluded, anti-Semitic nutcase. Unlike him, the right's disagreement with Obama has nothing to do with race.

I will me back in CNX next month I will let you know what I have to listen to everyday. If you think that the right's disagreement with Obama has nothing to do with race then that is simply a naive conclusion resulting from your being distant from the reality. The bottom line is that the far right extemists, AKA the Republican base, use the word "socialist" as the code word for "nigger" and they imbue that word with all the venom and hated they would normally use with the older word. Ask them what is " socialism" and they haven't a clue. As Carter, despite his flaws, pointed out, it is not those who disagree with Obama on political grounds that are the racists, just those who demonstrate this incredible personal animosity.

Tsivangani changed his original story for the usual political reasons. He had to.

Business as usual. Zimbabwe is a rough place.

of course and to provide support the international media change all their initial stories and speculation about an assassination and murder attempt conspiration to the distorted view that it was simple just an normal accident and the roads are so bad in Zimbabwe version.


In return for his financial and other support, the Taliban permitted Noorzai to continue his drug trafficking activities with impunity. In addition, Noorzai and his co-conspirators benefitted from advance knowledge of the Taliban's 2000 opium ban, and used that information to stockpile opium and sell it at a tremendous profit after the ban caused opium prices to spike.

Since then the Taliban have gone back into the heroin business.

If it suits their interests they will trade heroin.

ever doubt that the http://www.militantislammonitor.org would you provide you with an other view or just looking for any reasons to justify their War on some terrorists (Robert Anton Wilson)

for the fun of it, go to http://www.militantislammonitor.org and type 'Obama' into the search mask.

Yes, that's quite the point in referencing sources. It's good to reference sources. However, after you and I (or other forumists) can hit the identical website and return with completely opposing points of view what's to stop certain of us quoting selectively, editing purposefully, or just going to a different source which of course would be a source you or I particulary like because of a mutuality we have with the site/source.

I reiterate sources and references are good and often do contribute to the discourse.


.....Your quotes above pertaining to the CIA are presented selectively, edited carefully and purposefully. I don't want to read whole articles regularly presented by numerous various forumists, but that would be the only way to determine how much and to what extent the presented quotes are taken out of context.

And so the merry go round turns ad infinitum.

Go read Chalmers Johnson, he doesn't mention Obama either.


my guess is that the list of people that make no mention of Obama is endless. but how can it help to reading them for the clarification in the " Obama wins Nobel Peace Prize"?

Yes, there are a few that disagree with him on purely ideological grounds such as John McCain. But former President Carter called out the others correctly as just good old fashioned Southern style racists.

Jimmy Carter has gone from one of the worst American Presidents in history to a deluded, anti-Semitic nutcase. Unlike him, the right's disagreement with Obama has nothing to do with race.

I will me back in CNX next month I will let you know what I have to listen to everyday. If you think that the right's disagreement with Obama has nothing to do with race then that is simply a naive conclusion resulting from your being distant from the reality. The bottom line is that the far right extemists, AKA the Republican base, use the word "socialist" as the code word for "nigger" and they imbue that word with all the venom and hated they would normally use with the older word. Ask them what is " socialism" and they haven't a clue. As Carter, despite his flaws, pointed out, it is not those who disagree with Obama on political grounds that are the racists, just those who demonstrate this incredible personal animosity.

Hear, Hear!!

Exactly, thx.


Hear hear seconded.

Johpa, have a great trip back, bring is word from home and cookies if you can.

Toll House preferred! :)

What ever Obama says he is planning to do,

is directly applicable to many of the observations and points Chalmers Johnson

is making in more than one erudite and cogent tome.

Also see John Roosa for an Indonesian / pre-ASEAN perspective

on the sea change in USA direction that Obama is embarking on.

The neo-cons and their acolytes are soiling themselves over this.

Hence the orchestrated biliousness being foisted on the unsuspecting masses.


ever doubt that the http://www.militantislammonitor.org would you provide you with an other view or just looking for any reasons to justify their War on some terrorists (Robert Anton Wilson)

for the fun of it, go to http://www.militantislammonitor.org and type 'Obama' into the search mask.

Yes, that's quite the point in referencing sources. It's good to reference sources. However, after you and I (or other forumists) can hit the identical website and return with completely opposing points of view what's to stop certain of us quoting selectively, editing purposefully, or just going to a different source which of course would be a source you or I particulary like because of a mutuality we have with the site/source.

I reiterate sources and references are good and often do contribute to the discourse.


my guess is that on the http://www.militantislammonitor.org website you will find mostly a biased onesided preselected, narrow minded views on the "muslim problem". that isn't so useful for a discourse in a factual and objective manner.

the Litmus test would be, to check what they say about obama. the result will be a colour none of the both or three of us would put on his flag.

ps. as a reader of the Foreign Policy Mag, you might be interested in their turn on Abhisit, he is on the list of the Five Governments That Deserve to Fail.

the article was published in April 2009. follow this link: http://www.foreignpolicy.com/story/cms.php?story_id=4865 in case you didn't read it yet.

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