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Us President Obama Wins Nobel Peace Prize

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Republicans or Democrats start and or end more wars historically.

Incorrect, the clear majority of wars have been gone into by Democratic Presidents at the helm and ended with Republicans at the helm.

Don't let the past 8 years of disgrace taint the last 150 years of party history.

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Well they have to give him some awards before someone shoots him for rocking the boat...lol

Do you suffer from Asperger's syndrome?

People with Asperger syndrome often display behavior, interests, and activities that are restricted and repetitive and are sometimes abnormally intense or focused. They may stick to inflexible routines, move in stereotyped and repetitive ways, or preoccupy themselves with parts of objects.

pot calling the kettle black....

Hey, I'm sorry, I was just surprised that you were talking about something that people generally don't talk about, at least publicly.

Nobel PP trivia

Only declined by a Vietnamese Communist.

Lê Đức Thọ 1973. was awarded together with Kissinger for the Paris Peace Accords. but he declined to accept the award, because the Vietnam War was still going on.

Kissinger accepted to be awarded that he sign a peace deal for a war the US fought far away from home in another country.


Obama has good intentions and talks a good talk, but has not been able to walk a good walk, partly due the structure and organization of Usa and Global economic political structures.

He talked about cleaning up the credit card mess, but the banks are still allowed to be Loan Sharks with legalised usury.

At the G20 conference in France last summer they 'said' partnership with the emerging Nations will be vital for World wide economic recovery. That is true, but they will talk about it for 3 decades. The Solution is hire the people who started the Fair Trade movement, decades ago, to institute a sane and sustainable Model.

IF, he folds and sends 40,000 troops to Afghanistan it will prove the power of prayer works!

Bin Laden is praying America will bleed the Western Alliances economy by fallling for the Rope a Dope strategies.

He also is a president and supreme commander of a nation that is actively waging war at least in two fronts !

yes, wars on two fronts started by what's -his -name again???

you know, the one - with his cronies - :) looking for weapons of mass destruction between saddam's two legs????

Why is it I see you guys bitching about the U.S. on a regular basis, but never mention anything negative about the Taliban or Al Qaeda? On a day to day basis, those guys are, and have been responsible for more civillian deaths.

Anyway, I don't think he deserves the award, but as others have pointed out, this isn't the first time.


The Nobel people knew they were going to shock and surprise with their choice. I think this is their way of staying fresh and relevant. We are paying attention, yes? It is also as others have said a fire under Obama's butt to work even harder to make sure he someday actually deserves it. I respect Obama's intelligence and I don't believe even he believes he deserves it YET. But I bet you he wants to deserve it.

Republicans or Democrats start and or end more wars historically.

Incorrect, the clear majority of wars have been gone into by Democratic Presidents at the helm and ended with Republicans at the helm.

Don't let the past 8 years of disgrace taint the last 150 years of party history.

TAWP please go back and read my original 'unedited by another for effect' comment.

it was in the form of a question.

Have to say that this just devalues the Nobel Peace Prize.

I've got no beef with the guy at all, but he hasn't really done anything yet to warrant this award.

Uff da, how can those crazy Svenskes devalue the prize any further than after having awarded the prize, or even just half the prize to Kissinger?

the Nobel Peace Prize is is awarded by the Norwegian Nobel Committee.


Soon you can see the video on demand of the announcement, and get the answer as to why he got it.

So far, the committee are quoted: "for his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples".

Also, I see a lot of reference to "his vision of and work towards a world without nuclear weapons".

And from my own perspective, regarding the comments about the ongoing wars - well, he didn't start those wars. That was the former guy.


Mr. Nixon did not either start the Vietnam War. That was some former guy too, Mr. Kennedy.

A significant technical point I'm not gonna spend a lot of time on--JFK opposed initiating a theater war in Vietnam, preferring a far lesser support role of sending 1,000 US military advisors to S Vietnam. Prez Johnson sent the first combat units per se to Vietnam. Kennedy didn't need an act of Congress to send advisors; Johnson's comittment was of such a scale--500,000 troops--he needed the approval of the Senate (and got it). Kennedy was right and Kennedy also was assassinated, clearing the way for Johnson.

Either way, the point stands that Nixon did not start the war. In fact, he ended it.

Nixon in the 1968 election which he narrowly won, used among others The Dragon Lady Madam Chaing Kuy Shek to prevent a peace deal between Prez Johnson and Ho Chi Minh, which deprived the Dems of probably winning had Johnson and Ho reached a peace agreement that well was in the works.

Gen John Shalikashvilli, former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, later stated that Nixon knowingly sent American boys into that war for an additional eight years before finally accepting a "peace with honor" that in fact was the 1968 peace deal Johnson and Ho had been close to agreeing. Trouble is, by 1974 the situation on the ground in Vietnam had changed so radically that Nixon had assured the uinification of N & S Vietnam under Uncle Ho.

I could cite many of the country's high ranking military officers during the Nixon-Vietnam war years who were courts martialed or forced into early retirement because of their objections to Nixon's ruthless slaughtering of American boys in Vietnam. After his retirement as Chief of Naval Operations, Admiral Elmo Zumwalt spoke to a small invitation only group to say Nixon in his distractions, stupidity and recklessness almost started World War III against the USSR during the Arab-Israeli conflict of 1973.

I could go on.

Nixon brought us the same peace with honor in Vietnam as he gave us honor with Watergate. Which reminds me, as many have said, he was called Tricky Dick for two reasons. He is tricky. He is a dick.

So thank you Republican Party for Nixon, Jerry the Jerk Ford, Reagan, Bush the Father, Bush the Son and his Dick Cheney. (BTW, the latest Gallop matchups of prez in 2012 have Obama at 58% and Palin 33%, so maybe the R's in the US will continue to do peace and sanity a great service by offering up another of their best.)

It is kind of funny really. Both his supporters and his detractors mostly agree that he does not deserve the prize for anything that he has done so far. This must be the first time that most posters on Thai Visa have agreed on anything. :D

apart from the usual suspects.


This comes as no surprise. Evidently the Kool Aid is stronger than ever. Just remember however, he is just a politician and surrounded by the same so given time the glass will run empty. I think I'll have that beer just a little eariler today.


Either way, the point stands that Nixon did not start the war. In fact, he ended it.

Nixon in the 1968 election which he narrowly won, used among others The Dragon Lady Madam Chaing Kuy Shek to prevent a peace deal between Prez Johnson and Ho Chi Minh, which deprived the Dems of probably winning had Johnson and Ho reached a peace agreement that well was in the works.

Gen John Shalikashvilli, former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, later stated that Nixon knowingly sent American boys into that war for an additional eight years before finally accepting a "peace with honor" that in fact was the 1968 peace deal Johnson and Ho had been close to agreeing. Trouble is, by 1974 the situation on the ground in Vietnam had changed so radically that Nixon had assured the uinification of N & S Vietnam under Uncle Ho.

I could cite many of the country's high ranking military officers during the Nixon-Vietnam war years who were courts martialed or forced into early retirement because of their objections to Nixon's ruthless slaughtering of American boys in Vietnam. After his retirement as Chief of Naval Operations, Admiral Elmo Zumwalt spoke to a small invitation only group to say Nixon in his distractions, stupidity and recklessness almost started World War III against the USSR during the Arab-Israeli conflict of 1973.

I could go on.

Nixon brought us the same peace with honor in Vietnam as he gave us honor with Watergate. Which reminds me, as many have said, he was called Tricky Dick for two reasons. He is tricky. He is a dick.

So thank you Republican Party for Nixon, Jerry the Jerk Ford, Reagan, Bush the Father, Bush the Son and his Dick Cheney. (BTW, the latest Gallop matchups of prez in 2012 have Obama at 58% and Palin 33%, so maybe the R's in the US will continue to do peace and sanity a great service by offering up another of their best.)

I didn't say that Nixon ended it well, I said that he ended it.


I like Obama....per se. But I don't like him as President of the (currently) most powerful nation on earth. He is a great talker but a bad walker.....he is a wimp.

But for him to win the Nobel prize???? What the heck is the committee on??? Sniffing too much dynamite??

Google "The Obama Deception"

That film certainly blows apart the left/right paradigm that a lot of posters on TV seem to be caught up in.


Either way, the point stands that Nixon did not start the war. In fact, he ended it.

Nixon in the 1968 election which he narrowly won, used among others The Dragon Lady Madam Chaing Kuy Shek to prevent a peace deal between Prez Johnson and Ho Chi Minh, which deprived the Dems of probably winning had Johnson and Ho reached a peace agreement that well was in the works.

Gen John Shalikashvilli, former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, later stated that Nixon knowingly sent American boys into that war for an additional eight years before finally accepting a "peace with honor" that in fact was the 1968 peace deal Johnson and Ho had been close to agreeing. Trouble is, by 1974 the situation on the ground in Vietnam had changed so radically that Nixon had assured the uinification of N & S Vietnam under Uncle Ho.

I could cite many of the country's high ranking military officers during the Nixon-Vietnam war years who were courts martialed or forced into early retirement because of their objections to Nixon's ruthless slaughtering of American boys in Vietnam. After his retirement as Chief of Naval Operations, Admiral Elmo Zumwalt spoke to a small invitation only group to say Nixon in his distractions, stupidity and recklessness almost started World War III against the USSR during the Arab-Israeli conflict of 1973.

I could go on.

Nixon brought us the same peace with honor in Vietnam as he gave us honor with Watergate. Which reminds me, as many have said, he was called Tricky Dick for two reasons. He is tricky. He is a dick.

So thank you Republican Party for Nixon, Jerry the Jerk Ford, Reagan, Bush the Father, Bush the Son and his Dick Cheney. (BTW, the latest Gallop matchups of prez in 2012 have Obama at 58% and Palin 33%, so maybe the R's in the US will continue to do peace and sanity a great service by offering up another of their best.)

I didn't say that Nixon ended it well, I said that he ended it.

The Vietnam War ended after Congress passed the Boland Amendment in 1973 which prohibited the Executive Branch expending any taxpayer appropriated funds on any aspects of the war.

Nixon thus was hamstrung by US Rep Edward Boland (D-MA), then chairman of the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Defense, and the Congress which as we know constiutionally has the power of the purse in all matters. Only after Congress voted to prohibit the Executive expending any further US Government money on the war in Vietnam did Nixon finally, at long last, throw in the towel. Nixon had no choice but to withdraw US troops as the cash pipeline was rapidly drying up.

Nixon didn't know how to end the war with or without anything so in response to the clear demand of national public opinion, Congress acted decisively and firmly to end the war by bringing financing of the war by US taxpayers to a screeching halt. Nixon signed the documents, that's all.

This is an award that cheapens every other that goes before it, and I am not in any way "Anti-Obama".

Look up controversial Nobel prizes, I think you will find some even cheaper. :)


The number of "little people " who daily put their lives on the line for real and true peace efforts have again been ignored in favour of a celebrity President, (in office a mere 9 months!!!!), whose human rights record has to be questioned. What has he done to lead the world against Myanmar/Burma...Zimbabwe....North Korea.....Iran....Somalia....etc?? What about the slaughter of the Tibetans by the thugs in China?? Not a thing.

So what exactly has Obama done for world peace....exactly where on the planet has he achieved such a historic peace/peace efforts to earn the recognition,respect and honour of the Nobel Peace committee?? This puts him on a par with Nelson Mandela, Aung San Suu Kyi, John Hume, David Trimble, Medecins Sans Frontieres, Lech Walesa, etc.

He says he is "accepting this on behalf of the people around the world who deserve it"....then let him do the decent thing by refusing the prize, and let the stupid daft committee give it to those others who are far more deserving.

This devalues the whole prize for me. Boy have they got it wrong.

US President Obama wins Nobel Peace Prize


Oslo - US President Barack Obama on Friday won the Nobel Peace Prize less than a year after he took office with the jury hailing his "extraordinary" diplomatic efforts on the international stage.

The Nobel Committee said he was awarded it for "his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and co-operation between peoples".

There were a record 205 nominations for this year's prize. Zimbabwe's prime minister and a Chinese dissident had been among the favourites.

The laureate - chosen by a five-member committee - wins a gold medal, a diploma and 10m Swedish kronor ($1.4m).

"Only very rarely has a person to the same extent as Obama captured the world's attention and given its people hope for a better future," the Norwegian committee said as the prize was announced.

"His diplomacy is founded in the concept that those who are to lead the world must do so on the basis of values and attitudes that are shared by the majority of the world's population."


-- The Nation 2009/10/09

Ronald Regan defeated the Soviets without firing a single shot and he got no Nobel prize. Nobel prizes are a joke and are just a fest for clueless academics and Euro trash.


All Americans, regardless of political affiliation, stand proud and tall today in the glow of patriotism that one of our native American sons, Barack Hussein Obama, has been been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize!


I am a liar!

:D :D :D :D :D

Ronald Regan defeated the Soviets without firing a single shot and he got no Nobel prize. Nobel prizes are a joke and are just a fest for clueless academics and Euro trash.
LIE. Gorbachev earned the Prize by realizing Reagan was insane; Gorbachev dismanted the Soviet empire non-violently.

In my pacifist opinion.

US President Obama wins Nobel Peace Prize


Oslo - US President Barack Obama on Friday won the Nobel Peace Prize less than a year after he took office with the jury hailing his "extraordinary" diplomatic efforts on the international stage.

The Nobel Committee said he was awarded it for "his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and co-operation between peoples".

There were a record 205 nominations for this year's prize. Zimbabwe's prime minister and a Chinese dissident had been among the favourites.

The laureate - chosen by a five-member committee - wins a gold medal, a diploma and 10m Swedish kronor ($1.4m).

"Only very rarely has a person to the same extent as Obama captured the world's attention and given its people hope for a better future," the Norwegian committee said as the prize was announced.

"His diplomacy is founded in the concept that those who are to lead the world must do so on the basis of values and attitudes that are shared by the majority of the world's population."


-- The Nation 2009/10/09

Ronald Regan defeated the Soviets without firing a single shot and he got no Nobel prize. Nobel prizes are a joke and are just a fest for clueless academics and Euro trash.

Ronald Reagan was bombing Lybia and Lebanon by either sea or air, shooting up tiny Carribbean Granada, then Panama, putting guerillas into Central America with the bloody purpose of overthrowing governments while funding their operations by illegally selling arms to the ayatollahs in Iran, and would have attacked Mexico and Canada too if they weren't our two largest trading partners.

Reagan saw that 80% of Canadians were massed along the Canada-US border and ordered DEFCON 1 until the equally senile CIA director Bill Casey told Ronnie the people there were in their houses and in shopping malls. :)

[LIE. Gorbachev earned the Prize by realizing Reagan was insane; Gorbachev dismanted the Soviet empire non-violently.

In my pacifist opinion.

People ridicule Regan....you think he ws insane(to which I do not subscribe). Spare a thought for Yeltsin. Do you remember that drunk?? That insane danger to humanity? His brain was so pickled he had no idea where he was most of the time and his finger was on the button.

He arrived into Shannon to meet the Irish PM. After an embarrassing hour on the tarmac the word finally came down....he was as pi**ed as a newt and couldn't be woken. You think Regan was a problem and a danger????

Ronald Regan defeated the Soviets without firing a single shot and he got no Nobel prize. Nobel prizes are a joke and are just a fest for clueless academics and Euro trash.
LIE. Gorbachev earned the Prize by realizing Reagan was insane; Gorbachev dismanted the Soviet empire non-violently.

In my pacifist opinion.

Regan was not insane,Regan was the man. He knew that the communist system was flawed so he got into an arms race with them because he knew they would go bankrupt trying to keep up. That is the tactic that ended the war.

[LIE. Gorbachev earned the Prize by realizing Reagan was insane; Gorbachev dismanted the Soviet empire non-violently.

In my pacifist opinion.

People ridicule Regan....you think he ws insane(to which I do not subscribe). Spare a thought for Yeltsin. Do you remember that drunk?? That insane danger to humanity? His brain was so pickled he had no idea where he was most of the time and his finger was on the button.

He arrived into Shannon to meet the Irish PM. After an embarrassing hour on the tarmac the word finally came down....he was as pi**ed as a newt and couldn't be woken. You think Regan was a problem and a danger????

Nixon, Reagan, Yeltsin, Putin, Ahdeminejad etc etc....the list gets long, but it includes Reagan.

US President Obama wins Nobel Peace Prize


Oslo - US President Barack Obama on Friday won the Nobel Peace Prize less than a year after he took office with the jury hailing his "extraordinary" diplomatic efforts on the international stage.

The Nobel Committee said he was awarded it for "his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and co-operation between peoples".

There were a record 205 nominations for this year's prize. Zimbabwe's prime minister and a Chinese dissident had been among the favourites.

The laureate - chosen by a five-member committee - wins a gold medal, a diploma and 10m Swedish kronor ($1.4m).

"Only very rarely has a person to the same extent as Obama captured the world's attention and given its people hope for a better future," the Norwegian committee said as the prize was announced.

"His diplomacy is founded in the concept that those who are to lead the world must do so on the basis of values and attitudes that are shared by the majority of the world's population."


-- The Nation 2009/10/09

Ronald Regan defeated the Soviets without firing a single shot and he got no Nobel prize. Nobel prizes are a joke and are just a fest for clueless academics and Euro trash.

Ronald Reagan was bombing Lybia and Lebanon by either sea or air, shooting up tiny Carribbean Granada, then Panama, putting guerillas into Central America with the bloody purpose of overthrowing governments while funding their operations by illegally selling arms to the ayatollahs in Iran, and would have attacked Mexico and Canada too if they weren't our two largest trading partners.

Reagan saw that 80% of Canadians were massed along the Canada-US border and ordered DEFCON 1 until the equally senile CIA director Bill Casey told Ronnie the people there were in their houses and in shopping malls. :)

The only thing standing between the world and chaos is the US military. Somebody needs to police the world and not worry about winning popularity contests in the process, I am not even an American.

Reagan saw that 80% of Canadians were massed along the Canada-US border and ordered DEFCON 1 until the equally senile CIA director Bill Casey told Ronnie the people there were in their houses and in shopping malls. :)

Reagan would be remembered with real affection if he had shut up the Canucks! :D


Ronald Regan defeated the Soviets without firing a single shot and he got no Nobel prize. Nobel prizes are a joke and are just a fest for clueless academics and Euro trash.

Ronald Reagan was bombing Lybia and Lebanon by either sea or air, shooting up tiny Carribbean Granada, then Panama, putting guerillas into Central America with the bloody purpose of overthrowing governments while funding their operations by illegally selling arms to the ayatollahs in Iran, and would have attacked Mexico and Canada too if they weren't our two largest trading partners.

Reagan saw that 80% of Canadians were massed along the Canada-US border and ordered DEFCON 1 until the equally senile CIA director Bill Casey told Ronnie the people there were in their houses and in shopping malls. :)

The only thing standing between the world and chaos is the US military. Somebody needs to police the world and not worry about winning popularity contests in the process, I am not even an American.

A good thing too, thanks. Bush actually is an American, and so's Cheney. We had our hands full for quite a while there, but the times they're achangin'.

The Vietnam War ended after Congress passed the Boland Amendment in 1973 which prohibited the Executive Branch expending any taxpayer appropriated funds on any aspects of the war.

Nixon thus was hamstrung by US Rep Edward Boland (D-MA), then chairman of the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Defense, and the Congress which as we know constiutionally has the power of the purse in all matters. Only after Congress voted to prohibit the Executive expending any further US Government money on the war in Vietnam did Nixon finally, at long last, throw in the towel. Nixon had no choice but to withdraw US troops as the cash pipeline was rapidly drying up.

Nixon didn't know how to end the war with or without anything so in response to the clear demand of national public opinion, Congress acted decisively and firmly to end the war by bringing financing of the war by US taxpayers to a screeching halt. Nixon signed the documents, that's all.

Boland Amendment? in 1973? i think you got here a couple of facts wrong.

anyway, what a bizarre and wacky bricher style point of view on the war that the US of A fought in vietnam and south east asia.

heroic taxpaxyers ended the Vietnam war? okay, there was of course a opposition to the US involvement in the Vietnam War. growing from year to year. out of many different reasons and arguments from the left to the right. and the average american. the public opinion became less supportive. the body count grew, lots of ugly pictures in the news and for the war-monger politican that adventure become more and more difficult to justify.

in the (north) vietnamese view the war ended in 1975 and thats because they won the war and kicked the americans out.

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