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Reporting Someone To The Police

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I read in another topic, from someone whose daughter worked in Immigration, he said in a post that others can be fined if they have not reported someone they know for a large overstay or for another passport or visa offense.

My question is this - Is this true or not?

I welcome any answers even those who love to criticize, as I often do.

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Just to add a footnote.

A Thai woman I know is not sure about squealing on her ex bf, as he is not paying her money for their son. She does not need the extra worry of being fined by the Police for not reporting him.

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I read in another topic, from someone whose daughter worked in Immigration, he said in a post that others can be fined if they have not reported someone they know for a large overstay or for another passport or visa offense.

My question is this - Is this true or not?

I welcome any answers even those who love to criticize, as I often do.

I would take a lot of what that particular poster says about Farangs and visas with a large container of salt.

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How would anyone know for sure that someone else is on overstay or a visa offense? It's not like we go and meet up with people, say 'Hi', shake their hand and then demand to see their passport.

I'd leave it well alone. Immigration has got a job to do so let them do it.

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How would anyone know for sure that someone else is on overstay or a visa offense? It's not like we go and meet up with people, say 'Hi', shake their hand and then demand to see their passport.

I'd leave it well alone. Immigration has got a job to do so let them do it.

She was his GF for over four years, and in those 4 years he never got a visa, or renewed his passport that expired over two years ago.

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I would never grass on a person who did not have a visa. What goes around comes around. If someone is dumb enough not to sort out their visa then it is there drama and I would not add to there problems wether I liked them or not. Farangs should stick together more, the Thais do.

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I would never grass on a person who did not have a visa. What goes around comes around. If someone is dumb enough not to sort out their visa then it is there drama and I would not add to there problems wether I liked them or not. Farangs should stick together more, the Thais do.

If the farang was working without visa and having no visa to stay in the kingdom, Then yes i would report him/her.

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If the farang was working without visa and having no visa to stay in the kingdom, Then yes i would report him/her.

Just curious... Why? And what business of yours is it if someone has some type of visa problem.

If you saw a person stealing candy from 7-11 or someplace, would you raise the alarm? How about litterbugs? People that run red lights? People smoking in the wrong section? How about if you saw money changing hands for the oldest business? Would you report all these things or are you one of those people who would just report the farang.

Be consistent in your life. If you feel the need to report one type of person, then you should want to report every type of person for their "crimes." If not, then it looks odd.


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I would never grass on a person who did not have a visa. What goes around comes around. If someone is dumb enough not to sort out their visa then it is there drama and I would not add to there problems wether I liked them or not. Farangs should stick together more, the Thais do.

If the farang was working without visa and having no visa to stay in the kingdom, Then yes i would report him/her.

I can not believe that anyone would want to report it, how often do you report things, like drivers speeding and police taking tea money I could go on but I think you get my drift. Your days here must be busy making out reports to all and sundry.

Ever thought about joining the Tourist Police, or doing a very big jigsaw. :)

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I would never grass on a person who did not have a visa. What goes around comes around. If someone is dumb enough not to sort out their visa then it is there drama and I would not add to there problems wether I liked them or not. Farangs should stick together more, the Thais do.

If the farang was working without visa and having no visa to stay in the kingdom, Then yes i would report him/her.

and your typical of the low lives who might even dob his own mother if she had not paid tax -=- oh wake up and get a life - and mind your own bloody business -- i can imagine how dull life is for you being stuck in the village while your wife is out taking care of the buffalo and all u have to do is sit in front of your old com and complain - or u a POM ????

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To reply to you all.

It would not matter if farang or Thai breaking the law.

I would not in anyway discriminate, I have always conducted my business within the law and i expect others to do the same.

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I would never grass on a person who did not have a visa. What goes around comes around. If someone is dumb enough not to sort out their visa then it is there drama and I would not add to there problems wether I liked them or not. Farangs should stick together more, the Thais do.

If the farang was working without visa and having no visa to stay in the kingdom, Then yes i would report him/her.

and your typical of the low lives who might even dob his own mother if she had not paid tax -=- oh wake up and get a life - and mind your own bloody business -- i can imagine how dull life is for you being stuck in the village while your wife is out taking care of the buffalo and all u have to do is sit in front of your old com and complain - or u a POM ????

For your info i suggest you look at my profile and previous postings.

One thing more my wife is full partner in my business (both uk/germany/africa and thailand) and has no need of buffalo.

Anyway time to sleep 3.30am now

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I read in another topic, from someone whose daughter worked in Immigration, he said in a post that others can be fined if they have not reported someone they know for a large overstay or for another passport or visa offense.

My question is this - Is this true or not?

I welcome any answers even those who love to criticize, as I often do.

I would take a lot of what that particular poster says about Farangs and visas with a large container of salt.

Are you trying to say that BS flows on these forums.....because I couldnt imagine that :D:)

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To reply to you all.

It would not matter if farang or Thai breaking the law.

I would not in anyway discriminate, I have always conducted my business within the law and i expect others to do the same.

Conducting your business within the law... We are all proud of you and keep up the good work. :) However, the line, "I have always conducted my business within the law and i expect others to do the same." Really sounds like you are speaking with your arms folded across your chest and looking down your nose. When I read it, I laughed and this image popped into my "I could not squeal on someone for visa issues brain." :D


Sorry I could not resist, but sending out that line just begged for something.


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There might be a law about someone in an official capacity must report violations to the immigration folks, but for the average person, there is no way of knowing or verifying whether their passport is real or fake, whether they have/haven't done their 90 day reporting, whether their visa is current or not.

There are places where you have to use your passport and they may be required to report irregularities.

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(quote) CYB

For your info i suggest you look at my profile and previous postings.

One thing more my wife is full partner in my business (both uk/germany/africa and thailand) and has no need of buffalo.

Anyway time to sleep 3.30am now


I really didn´t know that this type of guy still exist. And absolutely not exist down here in "paradise" (Thailand),

But I guess that every paradise has it´s snake......


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To reply to you all.

It would not matter if farang or Thai breaking the law.

I would not in anyway discriminate, I have always conducted my business within the law and i expect others to do the same.

Time to close one eye, and grow a squint, maybe?

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I read in another topic, from someone whose daughter worked in Immigration, he said in a post that others can be fined if they have not reported someone they know for a large overstay or for another passport or visa offense.

My question is this - Is this true or not?

I welcome any answers even those who love to criticize, as I often do.

It can't be true. Not in LOS.

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I would never grass on a person who did not have a visa. What goes around comes around. If someone is dumb enough not to sort out their visa then it is there drama and I would not add to there problems wether I liked them or not. Farangs should stick together more, the Thais do.

If the farang was working without visa and having no visa to stay in the kingdom, Then yes i would report him/her.

well I guess the rest of us will just stick together then!

your on your own buddy.

by the way, I have always had the correct visas and permits to stay here and other countries, but I do break the law in many other ways. if you see the car in my avator speeding or doing an illigal U turn feel free to call the police!

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I would never grass on a person who did not have a visa. What goes around comes around. If someone is dumb enough not to sort out their visa then it is there drama and I would not add to there problems wether I liked them or not. Farangs should stick together more, the Thais do.

If the farang was working without visa and having no visa to stay in the kingdom, Then yes i would report him/her.

Not a very nice thing to do. My mother always taught me that grassing someone up is not done, mind your own business I say.

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I would never grass on a person who did not have a visa. What goes around comes around. If someone is dumb enough not to sort out their visa then it is there drama and I would not add to there problems wether I liked them or not. Farangs should stick together more, the Thais do.

If the farang was working without visa and having no visa to stay in the kingdom, Then yes i would report him/her.

Not a very nice thing to do. My mother always taught me that grassing someone up is not done, mind your own business I say.

My mother always told me to tell the truth, I guess our mums went to different schools. I am curious though, whilst I would not ever consider "grassing" on someone with Visa irregularities, a lot of posters have said that they would never dob someone in and that they mind their own business, do they keep that philosophy when they hear a couple of people discussing planting a bomb on a bus? Or conducting a suicide attack on an Embassy? Life is not always black and white people, different circumstances call for different actions. I don't care for divisive language with "us" and "them" messages. Please use your discretion and decide for yourself which transgressions you may feel inclined to report to the authorities. In these times of international terror attacks, does a Visa overstay really mean that much to you? As already mentioned by several other posters, how would they be able to prosecute you? After all you don't know when his/her visa expires.

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Hammers fan ! and a potential question about grassing ref a visa......

Oh dear if the same mind set was put at their home ground the stadium would be almost empty . :)

But on a more serious note YES it is illegal to wittingly know about a person non gratis and not inform the authorities, I believe there is even a hot line set up to assist such reporting.

However the authorities proving that such a crime has been ignored and not reported is almost impossible.

So sleep easy and leave them be.

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I would never grass on a person who did not have a visa. What goes around comes around. If someone is dumb enough not to sort out their visa then it is there drama and I would not add to there problems wether I liked them or not. Farangs should stick together more, the Thais do.

If the farang was working without visa and having no visa to stay in the kingdom, Then yes i would report him/her.

Not a very nice thing to do. My mother always taught me that grassing someone up is not done, mind your own business I say.

My mother always told me to tell the truth, I guess our mums went to different schools. I am curious though, whilst I would not ever consider "grassing" on someone with Visa irregularities, a lot of posters have said that they would never dob someone in and that they mind their own business, do they keep that philosophy when they hear a couple of people discussing planting a bomb on a bus? Or conducting a suicide attack on an Embassy? Life is not always black and white people, different circumstances call for different actions. I don't care for divisive language with "us" and "them" messages. Please use your discretion and decide for yourself which transgressions you may feel inclined to report to the authorities. In these times of international terror attacks, does a Visa overstay really mean that much to you? As already mentioned by several other posters, how would they be able to prosecute you? After all you don't know when his/her visa expires.

You do realise that telling the truth and grassing someone up is not the same thing ? Unless of course you are contacted by the authorities and asked specific questions regarding their visa status, something that I guess would never happen in any case. As this topic is about visas, I don't think a suicide attack on an embassy is of any relevance, but indeed that would not be a case of mind your own business, someone's visa status is.

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