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Do You Know Who Lady Gaga Is?


Do you know who Lady Gaga is?  

84 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you know who Lady Gaga is?

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Kabala and adopting an African baby has been done.

Ha ha too true. Old hat mate time for something new. Anything to keep the public interested. People seem to like oddities like Lou Reed, David Bowie and Iggy Pop in days gone by they pushed the limits. They were outrageous!

Cheers, Rick

Lady Gaga is the new gay icon? I am burning my gay membership card and going straight! :)

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Kabala and adopting an African baby has been done.

Ha ha too true. Old hat mate time for something new. Anything to keep the public interested. People seem to like oddities like Lou Reed, David Bowie and Iggy Pop in days gone by they pushed the limits. They were outrageous!

Cheers, Rick

Lady Gaga is the new gay icon? I am burning my gay membership card and going straight! :)

I'm sorry but that's not allowed. Once a poof always a poof (unless you chop your danglies off).

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The only context in which I've heard of Lady Gaga is a Yahoo news story in which she was denying she was a man (though there was some rumour in the story that she was a hermaphrodite).

Otherwise no clue about her music or anything else- would suspect she's a short-lived star who's having her metaphorical 15 minutes of fame.

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I've seen Lady Gaga interviews on YouTube where she explains that "Poker Face," is about her lesbian side and how she fantasizes about being with a women while having sex with a man. I love the lyrics where she says she's "bluffin' with my muffin."

Also have seen a few YouTube videos where she sings live, playing the piano, and at least her voice is real, not some contrived and/or electronically enhanced product.

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  • 2 months later...
Lady Gaga sux. She'll be as popular as Lady Bunny is 2 years from now and in 5 years, you'll have forgotten her just like you ditched RuPaul.

This abomination wrote songs for New Kids On the Block...... Need I say more? Ok, then how about she also wrote for the trainwreck called Britney. Yes K-Fed aka The Fat 1's ex. We're talking disposable trend, no staying power. She'll be out of style soon enough. At least Cher reinvented herself. In a caged fight, Pink would rip her to pieces.

She doesn't have the class or the power of Kylie - and if I have to write a last name there, you have lost the right to be gay. :)

And puhleeze. Her claim to paying homage to Burlesque? Bett Midler did that in the 70's with Barry Manilow in NYC's bathouses.


That's not a fair test though, your could also ask "who is Jack White" and just as many people over the age of 40 would have no idea.

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Jack White isn't a publicity hound and he's all man. :) He can also kick the crap out of anyone that gets in his face. Lady Gaga might break a nail. No doubt she's got great handlers and marketing advisers. She also has the strength and drive to get her where she is now. However, that doesn't change my perception that she is a semi literate bimbo. (She isn't because she did have a decent high school education.) jack White is the darling of the college kids and the 20 and 30 somethings because he's alot like Michael Stype of REM - He's got staying power and has created a unique oddness that gives him a cool vibe. Lady Gaga has marketed herself to the Klub Kids, twinks and boys and girls that jump from trend to trend. If you look at Madonna, she was able to keep herself in the public eye by doing movies and picking various famous penises with which to pole dance in front of the paparazzi. Cher as corny and annoying as she was/is, has a very vulnerable side to her that as hard as she tries to cover up always peeks out. She's a smart business lady and tough as nails. Britney? Now that's where we see the differences between some mental abilities and a product of the Disney factory. Britney is all flash and belongs back in her trailer park. She didn't work it the way Madonna and Cher did. And so that brings us back to Lady Gaga. No doubt she owes alot to her being in the right place at the right time and perhaps even having a welcoming vagina when needed, but I will give her her due for working hard to get where she is. The problem for her is that she has come too far, too fast and doesn't have the experience of the other big girls to cope with the business and social aspect of her industry. It's too soon to say whether she will last. remember Whitney Houston? She was supposed to be the next big thing. Now look at her, a <deleted> train wreck and the subject of crack ho jokes on the comedy circuit.

I dunno, I get laughed at by some of my coworkers for having weird disco songs on my ipod but sometimes they have staying power like the Pet Shop Boys 12" version of Go West, which makes the Village People seem like a Baptist Church's choral society. I don't have any Lady gaga, not even my my po po poker face :D Call me an old fogie, a grouch, but when you are raised on the love of Blitzkrieg Bop (RIP my beloved Joey) you get a feel for what's going to last and what's going to end up in some club's urinal stuck like a discarded kleenex.

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Jack White isn't a publicity hound and he's all man. :) He can also kick the crap out of anyone that gets in his face. Lady Gaga might break a nail. No doubt she's got great handlers and marketing advisers. She also has the strength and drive to get her where she is now. However, that doesn't change my perception that she is a semi literate bimbo. (She isn't because she did have a decent high school education.) jack White is the darling of the college kids and the 20 and 30 somethings because he's alot like Michael Stype of REM - He's got staying power and has created a unique oddness that gives him a cool vibe. Lady Gaga has marketed herself to the Klub Kids, twinks and boys and girls that jump from trend to trend. If you look at Madonna, she was able to keep herself in the public eye by doing movies and picking various famous penises with which to pole dance in front of the paparazzi. Cher as corny and annoying as she was/is, has a very vulnerable side to her that as hard as she tries to cover up always peeks out. She's a smart business lady and tough as nails. Britney? Now that's where we see the differences between some mental abilities and a product of the Disney factory. Britney is all flash and belongs back in her trailer park. She didn't work it the way Madonna and Cher did. And so that brings us back to Lady Gaga. No doubt she owes alot to her being in the right place at the right time and perhaps even having a welcoming vagina when needed, but I will give her her due for working hard to get where she is. The problem for her is that she has come too far, too fast and doesn't have the experience of the other big girls to cope with the business and social aspect of her industry. It's too soon to say whether she will last. remember Whitney Houston? She was supposed to be the next big thing. Now look at her, a <deleted> train wreck and the subject of crack ho jokes on the comedy circuit.

I dunno, I get laughed at by some of my coworkers for having weird disco songs on my ipod but sometimes they have staying power like the Pet Shop Boys 12" version of Go West, which makes the Village People seem like a Baptist Church's choral society. I don't have any Lady gaga, not even my my po po poker face :D Call me an old fogie, a grouch, but when you are raised on the love of Blitzkrieg Bop (RIP my beloved Joey) you get a feel for what's going to last and what's going to end up in some club's urinal stuck like a discarded kleenex.

Agreed to the jist of what you're saying. Comparing Jack White to Michael Stype is a bit of put down though, I'd compare him more to an Iggy Pop crossed with a Robert Johnson crossed with a Jimmy Hendrix. Micheal Stype & REM were more like Talking Heads '77 crossed with a middle school librarian. Plus, I can say with certainty that no one ever fell asleep at a White Stripes concert (excluding pass-outs & OD's), whereas one must assume that was a real problem at REM concerts. That's off-topic though and doesn't require further exploration at this juncture

Edited by OriginalPoster
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  • 3 weeks later...

I didn't know who lady gaga was before ,but then I went and googled her and read some stuff about her,closed the link ,sat back and thought.......

'well,that's another two minutes of my life I've just wasted'....

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  • 2 months later...
  • 5 weeks later...

LMAO , cheers Jingthing.

And Bizz, this is the gay forum, like a few other forums on ThaiVisa, say the football forum, it doesn't necessarily have to be specific to Thailand. Cheers.

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Is this a gay poll? I didn't vote as I'm not gay. If I had then I'd have to admit I know who she is. (My father in law who used to celebrate 'gay Friday' with his son every week told me about her).

Frankly I prefer Mika.

EDIT: Do I get a toaster?

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Is this a gay poll? I didn't vote as I'm not gay. If I had then I'd have to admit I know who she is. (My father in law who used to celebrate 'gay Friday' with his son every week told me about her).

Frankly I prefer Mika.

EDIT: Do I get a toaster?

Yeah, its a gay poll because the idea is that if you are gay you are supposed to know some basic cultural things.

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That soldier Telephone Gaga video isone of the hottest viral videos going now. It struck a nerve. An interesting article about it:

The frisson of homoeroticism does Gaga and Beyoncé a step better, because there's a tenderness to it. It's not just there for the shock value.


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