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Buddhist Party For Newborn Baby


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Does anyone know if it is customary for Thais to celebrate the birth of a child with a "party" or other religious ceremony in which family members and neighbours are invited to join.

My on-again/off-again GF, who just recently gave birth to my baby girl, is trying to hit me up for 50,000 baht to cover the expenses of the "party". (I use this word, because that is what she uses).

In typical Thai style, the GF avoids giving me direct answers to my questions. I have asked her what the money will be used for... is it to provide alcohol and food the guests, and/or is it to buy gold for the baby? She "refuses" to give me a direct answer.

Speculation aside, is it, or is it not, customary to have this type of party? Can a westerner (farang?) construe this to be something similar to a baby shower?

P.S. Although I could shrug off the loss of 50K, I still want to know that I am not getting ripped off. I find it hard to believe that the average Thai family can afford such extravagance, considering that they have on average 5 kids! I think that I am being tapped for money because I am a farang.

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Does anyone know if it is customary for Thais to celebrate the birth of a child with a "party" or other religious ceremony in which family members and neighbours are invited to join.

My on-again/off-again GF, who just recently gave birth to my baby girl, is trying to hit me up for 50,000 baht to cover the expenses of the "party".  (I use this word, because that is what she uses).

In typical Thai style, the GF avoids giving me direct answers to my questions.  I have asked her what the money will be used for... is it to provide alcohol and food the guests, and/or is it to buy gold for the baby?  She "refuses" to give me a direct answer.

Speculation aside, is it, or is it not, customary to have this type of party?  Can a westerner (farang?) construe this to be something similar to a baby shower?

P.S.  Although I could shrug off the loss of 50K, I still want to know that I am not getting ripped off.  I find it hard to believe that the average Thai family can afford such extravagance, considering that they have on average 5 kids!  I think that I am being tapped for money because I am a farang.

I think you are getting off quite lightly.

The usual price, for men in your position is often more than 100,000 baht. For that you also get a marriage certificate and a monthly bill of about 20,000 to her Mum and Dad (plus the daily expenses of the care and upkeep of your child including, of course, medical and educational fees).

Rumour has it that this economic slavery eases off when your child reaches 18. But don’t you believe it.

That’s life.

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50,000 a bit steep for a party and a small amout of gold. but she will need a lot of baby stuff as well. Take her shoping to buy the gold and you go and buy the grog then just give her money for the food that should bring it down by at least 50%. I have had many partys and none of them cost 50,000 not even new years with two large pigs heaps of fire works and plenty of grog to go around. :o


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In the flush of creativity, I made a stupid error in my posting to this thread. It should read:

I think you are getting off quite lightly.

The usual price, for men in your position is often more than 100,000 baht. For that you also get a marriage certificate and a monthly bill of about 20,000 to her Mum and Dad (plus the daily expenses of the care and upkeep of your child including, of course, medical and educational fees).

Rumour has it that this economic justice eases off when your child reaches 18. But don’t you believe it.

That’s life.:o

(You, of course, will have a beautiful Thai lady as your wife with whom you can share the parental duties for your child - that is unless you are yet another delicate farang who crawls away from the responsibilities of having his brain situated in his testicular region).

Edited by Thomas_Merton
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50,000 a bit steep for a party and a small amout of gold. but she will need a lot of baby stuff as well. Take her shoping to buy the gold and you go and buy the grog then just give her money for the food that should bring it down by at least 50%. I  have had many partys and none of them cost 50,000 not even new years with two large pigs heaps of fire works and plenty of grog to go around.  :o


I am not sure what the 50K is going towards, and unfortunately, I will not be able to attend the party, since I am here in the US.

I still would like to know if a "party" or other ceremony is normally given in honour of 6-month old baby. The baby and her mother live in Korat, so I am not sure if this type of celebration is a local thing or not. I searched TV for matters related to this issue, but found nothing.

If any TV members are in Thailand, please ask you spouses, GFs, or neighbours. I would like to know more about what my GF is planning. Maybe she is merely trying to milk me of my money.

Thanks in advance.

Edited by Gumballl
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