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My Opinion On The Reality Of Computer Users And Computer Nerds


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Just out of curiosity. Where this urge to push your preferred OS as only solution comes from? Looks like the next world war will be between governments and the radical linuxinistas declaring "jihad" and trying to destroy the capitalism and take over the world :)

Live and let live or something to that nature !

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^ Kao jai Insight ? :)


Maybe you should re-read MJo's post again:

Just out of curiosity. Where this urge to push your preferred OS as only solution comes from? Looks like the next world war will be between governments and the radical linuxinistas declaring "jihad" and trying to destroy the capitalism and take over the world

Live and let live or something to that nature !

Whatever. I detailed a problem I have with Linux, an experience on advice on how to resolve it, and now I'm being attacked for it. You've just reinforced my already less-than-positive opinion on hardcore Linux users.

Ballmer must be laughing his tits off.

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Whatever. I detailed a problem I have with Linux, an experience on advice on how to resolve it, and now I'm being attacked for it. You've just reinforced my already less-than-positive opinion on hardcore Linux users.

What ? You asked how to launch a program using shortcuts and a simple command on Linux and I answered. Then you came again arguing that it was easier on Windows bla bla bla.

I didn't ask you to use Linux or Mac, I don't have any share in these OS. I just just use it instead of Windows. So give me a rest.

Ballmer must be laughing his tits off.

Good for him coz most of the time it's others who laugh at him making a fool of himself. Look at youtube :)

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I used to be a computer nerd, but have happily downgraded myself to a user. However, because of my nerd background I'm usually able to address any problems in whatever OS I happen to be working with, with or without a bit of experimentation or research... I miss the programming a lot more than I miss knowing the operating systems inside out, though.

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The "Run" prompt in Windows may not be as wonderful as its Linux counterpart, but it I've found it pretty practical for my requirements.

Its too easy to go on and on and its not really sensible to compare windows with linux anyway.

Edited by OxfordWill
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The problem with Linux is the endless configuration work to be done which IMO wastes even more time than Windows. I tried various Ubuntus on my Acer laptop to see which one would "just work" out of the box. Between version 7 and 8, none did. One upgrade even broke my networking (which had worked in the previous version). I am perfectly capable of firing up a text editor and editing this config file or that, and I can find all the solutions online - but I don't want to. I want things to just work, quite literally.

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The problem with Linux is the endless configuration work to be done which IMO wastes even more time than Windows. I tried various Ubuntus on my Acer laptop to see which one would "just work" out of the box. Between version 7 and 8, none did. One upgrade even broke my networking (which had worked in the previous version). I am perfectly capable of firing up a text editor and editing this config file or that, and I can find all the solutions online - but I don't want to. I want things to just work, quite literally.

Spot on nikster, many people just don't want to spend time configuring their OS and do not enjoy it as some do.

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1st things some of this is turning into a how to for linux which, was not the intent of my post, if you got questions, issues or problems with a distro put it in the linux forum as a question. I did however forget to mention that I have to keep in eye on my one of main computers. I set it up as a basic server computer that handles a lot of important information regarding:





and a whole lot more.

It took me 3 days of putting in the information on this database. Some of you won't realize how much you need to keep everything working orderly. In the 1 year 6 months its been running nothing has happened to it and its not about luck. I'll tell you exactly how this computer as had no problems

1. Keep up to date with automatic updates

2. Have a really good anti virus that auto updates & yes daily scans

3. Use a limited user account, you'd be surprised how less things happen on a windows pc when your NOT RUNNING IT AS ADMINISTRATOR all the time

4. I have various other ways of keeping it up to date to

Please try to keep the comments in line with the posting otherwise I'd have the admin or other close this post

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Yea you made the only point worth making in your OP, and that is that most users dont know how to use, maintain or fix their computers. Possibly, the only discussion relevant to your OP worth having beyond this is what OS can be better tuned to provide a safer experience for such users, so as they are less likely to do much damage or less likely to need to know about maintenance or fixing. As you say, running not as admin is a big and important step. But even so, the weaknesses in windows even for a non admin user are easy to see by allowing a normal user to browse the net or read his email. As soon as a user is allowed to open attachments or click on links in the wilderness, windows is alot more vulnerable, and the reasons why arent relevant. I can sit the same user down at a windows pc, and then at a linux pc, and let him browser the net in the same browser anonymously for a day. I could even make both interfaces look identical- a windows theme for linux or a linux theme for windows. Which system will be more likely to have a problem, security thread, etc after the 24 hours of anonymouse surfing? And thats even if we beefed up both systems to our top security standards. If we got a brand new PC running windows and brand new pc running linux, both "out of the box" working and connecting to the net, the difference in vulnerability would be even bigger.

Edited by OxfordWill
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The problem with Linux is the endless configuration work to be done which IMO wastes even more time than Windows. I tried various Ubuntus on my Acer laptop to see which one would "just work" out of the box. Between version 7 and 8, none did. One upgrade even broke my networking (which had worked in the previous version). I am perfectly capable of firing up a text editor and editing this config file or that, and I can find all the solutions online - but I don't want to. I want things to just work, quite literally.

Spot on nikster, many people just don't want to spend time configuring their OS and do not enjoy it as some do.

That's the beauty of it... While this may be appealing to some, others simply won't bother. Although Windows is a no-brainer, that doesn't mean it's 'bad' as some hardcore *nix users would lead you to believe. However, I find it challenging to use Linux. I don't mind tinkering around and getting my hands dirty. Compared to Windows, Linux gives me more options to play with, that's all.

In the end, you do have a choice. Use whatever suits you best. :)

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