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Altho her tummy's getting a bit soft, I can still bouce 10 baht coins off her ass, which as you can imagine brings me hours of pleasure. Her stomach while ok, isn't fully up to the demanding standards set by her ass. I'd like to implement a workout routine (other than... :o ) that would keep her tummy tight and ....well you get the idea.

I've been over to Big C and looked at the exercise equipment there. They only have one sit-up board and it's so shitty the sales guy had trouble changing height settings. Is there anywhere in BKK that sells good quality exercise equipment for the home?


Why bother spending money on exercise equipment when the best exercise for tightening up stomach muscles is sit-ups... done properly... slowly and repetitively.

Start with the knees bent and hands at the sides, progress through straightened legs, hands crossed over the chest, then hands behind the neck. Gradually build up strength and endurance, and make sure they are done slowly... almost slow motion.

The muscle tone will return rapidly.

And of course, just for fun, lots of "sexercise". :o

Taoism: shit happens

Buddhism: if shit happens, it isn't really shit

Islam: if shit happens, it is the will of Allah

Catholicism: if shit happens, you deserve it

Judaism: why does this shit always happen to us?

Atheism: I don't believe this shit


The abs are always there, if it's a little softer than usual it's because there is more fat covering the area. The best way to remove it would be to do 30 mins cardio in the morning before she hasn't eaten anything, thereby burning fat and not just what you have eaten.

I would ignore other exercise equipment.


While I agree the best exercise is situps, a proper bench makes the whole process much easier, it is a lot easier to do a variety of exercises that fully work all the abdominals. Doing plain situps is boring, it's simply not fun and if it's not enjoyable at all, she won't stick with it. I would like to get my GF working out regularly and having a bench here at home will not only provide for a variety of exercises, it'll help her be more motivated to work out.

I don't agree that the abs are always there, of course there is always some muscle there and doing cardio will reduce fat but there is a big difference between losing fat and having strong and visible stomach muscles. She's not fat, but I have the pleasure of seeing her naked a lot. It's a wonderful thing to meet a girl that looks great naked. Many girls look great with close on but naked they don't cut it. The only way to look really great naked is to have muscle tone. I have to say that she does look great naked but, hey, I'm greedy, I want her to look even better :o .

The big trick is getting her working out and not hating it. A bit of a tall order but worth it if it's possible.

It's a wonderful thing to meet a girl that looks great naked.

Seconded. :o

Taoism: shit happens

Buddhism: if shit happens, it isn't really shit

Islam: if shit happens, it is the will of Allah

Catholicism: if shit happens, you deserve it

Judaism: why does this shit always happen to us?

Atheism: I don't believe this shit


Situps are inefficient and unnecessary for abs. They're not that great for the back either. Crunches are all she needs. Add oblique crunches. No bench required.

The abs are only good for maybe 18 inches of lift. You see a lot of bizarre forms of situps in the gym, too. Pay no attention. Wasted effort, most of it.


situps done correctly on a sit up board allow a number of exercises to be performed which is what I want. Done correctly are not a waste of time and do build good abdominal muscle mass Crunches are great exercise but they are really really hard work, for me to start her off with crunches would likely lead her to not doing any ab work. After I can get her doing a few different exercise types, I'll introduce her to crunches but to start with, I don't think so.


Nepal4me wrote on 2005-04-02 21:05:09:

> situps done correctly on a sit up board allow a number of exercises

> to be performed which is what I want.

The OP didn't say you wanted "a number of exercises", just abs. I

wouldn't have bothered to reply if I'd known you were going to change

the subject.

If you want those abs tightened up in the least amount of time,

crunches are best. You can do two crunches in the time it takes to do

one situp, too. That is, half the number of crunches as situps. Other

things equal, of course.

> Done correctly are not a waste of time and do build good abdominal

> muscle mass

Only the first part of the movement relates much to abs, the rest of

the movement uses muscles that are obviously best worked--if they

*need* to be worked--using other exercises optimal for those muscles.

Do the research. If you've just *got* to buy a situp board (money

better spent buying a couple of dumbells, IMO) she can of course just

do slant crunches on that. Leg lifts using a slant board aren't too

bad for lower abs, but of course just doing crunches gives you both

lower and upper at the same time. You can add weights for weighted

crunches too.

If you want exercises for other muscles, do the ones that are most

appropriate for those muscles. Squats and deadlifts are both excellent

general exercises for the lower body and back whereas situps aren't.

> Crunches are great exercise but they are really really

> hard work, for me to start her off with crunches would likely lead

> her to not doing any ab work.

In fact crunches are easier than situps. It just stands to reason that

lifting your body and legs 18 inches or so is easier (just the first

part of a situp, basically) than lifting your whole upper body all the

way to the top of a slant board. And then you gotta turn around and do

leg lifts to get the lower abs too. Hence crunches give results much

faster w/ less effort.

Further you've got back support w/ crunches. Situps can be detrimental

for both back and knees. Don't even mention trying to get the obliques

by twisting your way up on a slant board. Just depends on the back and

knees, of course: some people are invulnerable, like smokers who live

to 99.

> After I can get her doing a few

> different exercise types, I'll introduce her to crunches but to

> start with, I don't think so.

Up to you, pal. Part of the fun of going to gym lies in having a

secret smile at all the needless suffering :o.


Hello Pal

> situps done correctly on a sit up board allow a number of exercises

> to be performed which is what I want.

The OP didn't say you wanted "a number of exercises", just abs. I

wouldn't have bothered to reply if I'd known you were going to change

the subject.

**Sorry to have inconvenienced you...........I meant a number of "abdominal' exercises. With a sit up board you can configure your positioning differently and get a few good exercises done.

If you want those abs tightened up in the least amount of time,

crunches are best. You can do two crunches in the time it takes to do

one situp, too. That is, half the number of crunches as situps. Other

things equal, of course.

**I'm not disagreeing that crunches are good, I know they're great. I disagree that they're easier than virtually any other half decent ab exercise. I personally find them to be one of the most difficult exercises period. I'm not a personal trainer and there are always new and better ways discouvered to do things, I've been working out since my late teens, going on 25 years....ouch and in all those years, I've disliked crunches and I've done lots of them.

> Done correctly are not a waste of time and do build good abdominal

> muscle mass

Only the first part of the movement relates much to abs, the rest of

the movement uses muscles that are obviously best worked--if they

*need* to be worked--using other exercises optimal for those muscles.

Do the research. If you've just *got* to buy a situp board (money

better spent buying a couple of dumbells, IMO) she can of course just

do slant crunches on that. Leg lifts using a slant board aren't too

bad for lower abs, but of course just doing crunches gives you both

lower and upper at the same time. You can add weights for weighted

crunches too.

** I have in fact purchased a couple of 3KG dumbells (but that would have to be another thread wouldn't it), which we use almost daily after our nightly walk/run event. She's quite motivated to be fit.

If you want exercises for other muscles, do the ones that are most

appropriate for those muscles. Squats and deadlifts are both excellent

general exercises for the lower body and back whereas situps aren't.

> Crunches are great exercise but they are really really

> hard work, for me to start her off with crunches would likely lead

> her to not doing any ab work.

In fact crunches are easier than situps. It just stands to reason that

lifting your body and legs 18 inches or so is easier (just the first

part of a situp, basically) than lifting your whole upper body all the

way to the top of a slant board. And then you gotta turn around and do

leg lifts to get the lower abs too. Hence crunches give results much

faster w/ less effort.

Further you've got back support w/ crunches. Situps can be detrimental

for both back and knees. Don't even mention trying to get the obliques

by twisting your way up on a slant board. Just depends on the back and

knees, of course: some people are invulnerable, like smokers who live

to 99.

> After I can get her doing a few

> different exercise types, I'll introduce her to crunches but to

> start with, I don't think so.

Up to you, pal. Part of the fun of going to gym lies in having a

secret smile at all the needless suffering :D.


At any rate, my question was: Does anybody know a store that sells good quality home exercise equipment in Bangkok???


You can do situps or any other stomach exercise and not see any results. Spot reducing is ineffective. Get involved in some exercise that works the whole body. Get involved in yoga classes. Yoga is difficult and really shapes the body.

Besides exercise, stay away from the crap food that thais tend to eat. All thechips and noodles and rice can add of white sugar.

Weight loss and firming is a combination of diet and exercise. Machines are useless and only will become a place for you to throw your clothes after a week or two. Exercising in the house is boring. Go to a gym that offers exercise classes.

Stay away from the 4 deadly whites and you will see results with a moderate exercise program. The 4 whites are white sugar, white flour- bread, white rice, and white milk.

IF you want to keep her tight, get her off of her ass and get moving. But to get a Thai exercising without the 20 minute rest breaks is easier said than done. She has to want to do it. If you continue to force her or comment on her looks she will start to react poorly to you. Be careful.

How are your looks and is your tummy flat with a 6 pack? Be an example!


find something she enjoys doing that requires physical exercise. my wife loves to play badmiton, so when i'm there we usually play a good hour a day along with a 20-30 minute jog to the court and back. now shes hooked and runs on her own when i am not there :o

You can do situps or any other stomach exercise and not see any results.  Spot reducing is ineffective.  Get involved in some exercise that works the whole body.  Get involved in yoga classes.  Yoga is difficult and really shapes the body. 

Weight loss and firming is a combination of diet and exercise.  Machines are useless and only will become a place for you to throw your clothes after a week or two.  Exercising in the house is boring.  Go to a gym that offers exercise classes.

Very true. Tight abs holding in a pillow of fat don't really do that much for one's appearance. Gotta lose the fat as well.

As you say a gym is the thing. Having other people around helps motivation tremendously. Plus you have all the variety.

A final point I'll make is that muscles need to be balanced and aligned. Tight abs and weak back or vice-versa is asking for back pain. There's some controversy on the value of stretching, but I'm a firm believer in it as well.

You can do situps or any other stomach exercise and not see any results.  Spot reducing is ineffective.  Get involved in some exercise that works the whole body.  Get involved in yoga classes.  Yoga is difficult and really shapes the body. 

Weight loss and firming is a combination of diet and exercise.  Machines are useless and only will become a place for you to throw your clothes after a week or two.  Exercising in the house is boring.  Go to a gym that offers exercise classes.

Very true. Tight abs holding in a pillow of fat don't really do that much for one's appearance. Gotta lose the fat as well.

As you say a gym is the thing. Having other people around helps motivation tremendously. Plus you have all the variety.

A final point I'll make is that muscles need to be balanced and aligned. Tight abs and weak back or vice-versa is asking for back pain. There's some controversy on the value of stretching, but I'm a firm believer in it as well.

a way to make sure you follow this is work lower back the same day you work abs, the muscles will stretch out the opposite muscle


Yoga is not only stretching but requires alot of strength. I bet some of you muscle type guys would be very hard pressed to finish a yoga flow class. It works all teh muslces and strecthes and pushes them. And, the women in the class are another reason to get up and get to class.

Yoga is not only stretching but requires alot of strength.  I bet some of you muscle type guys would be very hard pressed to finish a yoga flow class.  It works all teh muslces and strecthes and pushes them.  And, the women in the class are another reason to get up and get to class.

Interesting. I've never tried yoga. Tell you what, next time I learn of a class that could fit into my schedule I'm gonna try to take it.

  • 3 weeks later...

Get her to join a gym where she can do some classes. A lot have dance classes for women and also all kinds of fitness routines.

If you buy some shit for the house she will get bored and give up.

Turn it into a social event and she'll stick with it. California on Silom Road has plenty of stuff going on and is cheap.

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