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Cycling Up Doi Inthanon


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Some friends and I plan to cycle to the peak of Doi Inthanon later this year and would like to get some feedback on the ride from the main road to the peak, especially the tough higher parts and decent. Anyone care to share their experiences doing this? We regularly do the Samoeng Loop, Doi Su Thep etc. and are looking for a challenge. Times & tips greatly appreciated. :)

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Some friends and I plan to cycle to the peak of Doi Inthanon later this year and would like to get some feedback on the ride from the main road to the peak, especially the tough higher parts and decent. Anyone care to share their experiences doing this? We regularly do the Samoeng Loop, Doi Su Thep etc. and are looking for a challenge. Times & tips greatly appreciated. :)

Have never done this myself by bike so can't say anything about it. Saw last year or so on the Thai TV a program about a race up the mountain. Many did not make it as they found it very difficult as the versy steep parts are on the end and it is almost all uphill. I do have a GPS track from the turnoff on Rd 108 (at Chomthong) to the top which shows the elevation profile over distance. Not sure if this would help but attach it here as it will show you where the difficult parts are.


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Needless to say (but I'll say it) is the difficulty of avoiding the absolutely insane songthaew drivers who careen up and down that highway as fast as possible while weaving all over both lanes. Make sure your insurance is paid up.

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Some friends and I plan to cycle to the peak of Doi Inthanon later this year and would like to get some feedback on the ride from the main road to the peak, especially the tough higher parts and decent. Anyone care to share their experiences doing this? We regularly do the Samoeng Loop, Doi Su Thep etc. and are looking for a challenge. Times & tips greatly appreciated. :)

Have never done this myself by bike so can't say anything about it. Saw last year or so on the Thai TV a program about a race up the mountain. Many did not make it as they found it very difficult as the versy steep parts are on the end and it is almost all uphill. I do have a GPS track from the turnoff on Rd 108 (at Chomthong) to the top which shows the elevation profile over distance. Not sure if this would help but attach it here as it will show you where the difficult parts are.

Thanks for the GPS, would you send me a full size version of elevation profile. Thanks.

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I haven't ridden it either. Does offroadlanna or someone else have a GPS graph of Doi Suthep/Doi Pui?

Would be interesting to see for comparison purposes. Does anyone know the max gradients? For example I have never measured it but I don't think Doi Suthep/Doi Pui ever hits 15%

And does anyone happen to know where i could get GPS tracks for Inthanon area? Had a scout about on the net to no avail. Thanks

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I did it earlier this year. It's was a mission! I started on the outskirts of Lampun and it took me the best part of a day to do. I found I tired quickly as I got near the top. This may have been to do with the air or my fitness! I'm not a regular mountain bike rider, but like a good mission. I have done Doi Pui, Samoeng loop etc and also rode to Pai this year too. I'd say that Doi Intanon shouldn't pose any problems to some who cycles regularly.

el jefe (a forum member) was a big help and gave me lots of useful tips. One of the most important was that you have to pick the right time to do it. Not too hot, not too wet. The window is actually quite small. I'd say it would be too hot to do anytime soon.

Best of luck and let us know how it goes.


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