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Gun Like Object Pointed Directly At Me On A Naklua Baht Bus


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OK, a disturbing incident happened to me tonight on a Naklua Road baht bus, 930 PM, heading south, in the general vicinity of Pizza Big.

Riding solo in the baht bus two motorcycles suddenly edged up to the right of the bus and one of the drivers (or riders) pointed a large gun or gun like object directly at me. As you might imagine this all happened quickly. In my case, my automatic reaction was an extremely obvious flinch. If I had time to think about it, I would have jumped to the floor of the bus, but no time for that. Right after the flinch, the obviously hopped up (yaba I guess) riders started laughing hysterically at my reaction, and then they quickly sped off.

Now I remember quite well being a hopped up teenager myself and what fun it is to "freak out" adults (though of course I never did anything like this). I don't know about guns and even if I did I am not sure I could tell you whether it was a real gun or not. All I saw was a barrel pointed directly at me. It looked enough like a gun to scare me and that was clearly the intention of the teens. Good clean fun.

I am not sure whether I should be posting this or not. I guess I kind of wonder if others have had similar experiences. I am not really shaken up by it, it was a quick scare, and then it was over.

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A new chapter in the Jingthing Baht bus Diaries... :D

Wouldn`t think yaba would be the case but more alcohol....

Glad your o.k na:)

Really . no i think hes on the money, ( probably on yaba ) lets not forget pattaya is full of prostitutes ,pimps and their offspring, guns are rife with teenagers here, for girls its the latest phone, for guys the latest gun,.NEVER retaliate to these kids ,they are fearless and do not consider the consequences,....... :)
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Thanks for the replies.

It was just a random event. The riders clearly didn't know me. I think they were attracted to "shooting" at me because I was alone in the bus as it probably looked like more fun. I have considered whether not being Thai was a factor, and of course I can't know. I also found the driver's response interesting. The response was nothing. Did he even notice? I don't know.

The comment about it being 930 and on the main Naklua Road is relevant. It is a well lit main road. 930 isn't late at night. Frankly at 3 AM on 3rd road near Xzyte I would almost expect stuff like this, but not on Naklua Road at 930.

Pizza Big? I ate somewhere else, so no food review today.

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It has happened to me just once, (in nine years) late at night while I was on a chartered Baht Bus on Second Road. I was pretty drunk and Mrs. Barrett was more disturbed by (it) than myself.

I think that late at night the bad boys of Pattaya are out on their bikes with either real handguns or false handguns, and pointing them at the odd farang is their idea of a laugh.

I say forget it.


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Interesting. So you were with a Thai and they pointed the gun thing at you, the farang? That adds another not very surprising issue to these kinds of incidents.

To the poster who said he knew who posted this by the title alone, well I am flattered that my writing style is so distinctive, but it leads me to the question: should people post about incidents like this, or not? I had never heard of this happening here before, if I had, I might not have bothered, as it would be like posting about a traffic stop (too common to mention).

But not always:

On an old thread I wrote a lot about my experience being pickpocketed on a baht bus and my unsuccessful almost disastrous effort to bring the perps to justice. In that case, although people are pickpocketed everyday, I thought there were unique factors: the victim being fully sober and on guard, the possible complicity of the baht bus driver, and the lessons others might learn from my mistakes in trying to have them arrested.

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To the poster who said he knew who posted this by the title alone, well I am flattered that my writing style is so distinctive,

Not your writing style JT, just your unique experiences with the baht busses and taxis of Pattaya!!

I think if something weird is going to happen to someone on a baht bus or taxi in Pattaya, it's gotta be you it happens to before anyone else. :)

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To the poster who said he knew who posted this by the title alone, well I am flattered that my writing style is so distinctive,

Not your writing style JT, just your unique experiences with the baht busses and taxis of Pattaya!!

I think if something weird is going to happen to someone on a baht bus or taxi in Pattaya, it's gotta be you it happens to before anyone else. :)

I ride the buses a lot. I think the same types of things would happen to anyone who rides them a lot. I agree not everyone wants to talk about it though.

Do you think these kinds of topics have any value? I was conflicted myself about whether to post this particular one.

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JT that's what you get for riding on them dam_n baht buses, they knew the driver wouldn't go after them (no money in it). If you were on a motorcycle they probably wouldn't have tried to pull a weapon (real or not) because you might go after them. You didn't get hurt and survived to tell the story so chalk it up to one of lifes interesting experiences.

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JT that's what you get for riding on them dam_n baht buses, they knew the driver wouldn't go after them (no money in it). If you were on a motorcycle they probably wouldn't have tried to pull a weapon (real or not) because you might go after them. You didn't get hurt and survived to tell the story so chalk it up to one of lifes interesting experiences.

OK, this is one of my pet peeves. Pretty much EVERY TIME a problem or incident is mentioned on a BAHT BUS, some people pipe in with you should buy a car or bike! It's really amazing and irrelevant. Many us have very good reasons to want to avoid private vehicles here. Check out the auto and bike forums, when has anyone EVER suggested that people trash their vehicles and ride the bus every time people post a problem or incident with those types of transport? Rant over ...

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Probably a couple of your fellow TV members tired of you droning on and on about the lack of good Mexican food in Pattaya :D

Funny, I ate at Pizza Big last nite and finished-up with a cappuccino at the Bon Cafe cafe about that time and didn't notice anything amiss. But I guess your report will be enough to get JR-Tex to post again about how one takes their life in their own hands when they leave their house in Patts :)

Will you become a "car-driving member" now?

PS: Pizza Big IMO is one of the best pizzas in town...good size, very tasty dough, and fair prices. Pastas are great as well. Numbers don't lie...they were doing a good business on a Wednesday nite.

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Do you think these kinds of topics have any value? I was conflicted myself about whether to post this particular one.

Yes they do have value. These forums are all about sharing experiences and information in this weird and wonderful place we have decided to make our home. Anything that you find beautiful, surprising, or even scary is worth a post. Some people might try to belittle it, but that just shows their immaturity. Please do keep on posting these small things, I doubt if I'm the only one who finds them interesting. :)

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I agree IHateCaptcha about Jingthing droning on and on and on. JT thinks he is the transportation specialist and food critic rolled into one and is willing to let everyone know his opinions. He complains about the baht buses and their tactics but continues to put up with their BS and actually fears them and Jomtien - Pattaya area. He's pretty snooty when it comes to food here also, he is obviously much more refined and cultured than I am!

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JT that's what you get for riding on them dam_n baht buses, they knew the driver wouldn't go after them (no money in it). If you were on a motorcycle they probably wouldn't have tried to pull a weapon (real or not) because you might go after them. You didn't get hurt and survived to tell the story so chalk it up to one of lifes interesting experiences.

OK, this is one of my pet peeves. Pretty much EVERY TIME a problem or incident is mentioned on a BAHT BUS, some people pipe in with you should buy a car or bike! It's really amazing and irrelevant. Many us have very good reasons to want to avoid private vehicles here. Check out the auto and bike forums, when has anyone EVER suggested that people trash their vehicles and ride the bus every time people post a problem or incident with those types of transport? Rant over ...

Nah mate, your just too quick to assume so when there is no love and compassion towards your ordeals in baht buses :)

He simply saying your an easier target in a baht bus as there is nowhere to go and nothing you can do when they flee the scene. Be it walking, bicycle or other mode of transport you are not stuck in confined space.

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I agree IHateCaptcha about Jingthing droning on and on and on. JT thinks he is the transportation specialist and food critic rolled into one and is willing to let everyone know his opinions. He complains about the baht buses and their tactics but continues to put up with their BS and actually fears them and Jomtien - Pattaya area. He's pretty snooty when it comes to food here also, he is obviously much more refined and cultured than I am!

I agree, I do indeed take the liberty to share my opinions, here on a FORUM for people to express their opinions. Am I take it that what you just wrote was not your opinion then? I don't fear riding the buses, where did you get that silly idea? They are much safer than private transport here. Next time there is a horrific bike accident, would people appreciate it I post: serves you right, you should have gone by BAHT BUS?

Yes, I experienced fear when what appeared to be BIG GUN was pointed directly at me. Who wouldn't? Rambo? Anyway, I drove cars for decades and had several fearful experiences in those as well. We have to get around somehow, and there are risks involved in any form of transport.

BTW, if y'all want this thread closed, just keep it up with the snippy personal attacks against me, instead of focusing on the topic of crazed youths with guns. I can assure you the punks didn't know me from Adam, it could have happened to anyone.

Also note: yes I like Pizza Big. For Thailand, its good pizza.

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I agree IHateCaptcha about Jingthing droning on and on and on. JT thinks he is the transportation specialist and food critic rolled into one and is willing to let everyone know his opinions. He complains about the baht buses and their tactics but continues to put up with their BS and actually fears them and Jomtien - Pattaya area. He's pretty snooty when it comes to food here also, he is obviously much more refined and cultured than I am!

Jingthing is probably the most interesting poster on Thai Visa. Anyone who whines about his posts is an unwashed cretin.

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Keep up the posts jing, I reckon your recent scary experience has value as it does tell us there's a growing problem with yabaa heads that the local policing methods have yet to address. I reckon we are only seeing the fringe of it inside Pattaya city limits and the Thai-on-Thai violence related to yabaa is probably a hundredfold higher than what's perpetrated on foreigners.

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Is JT flexing his muscles now? He should have done that during the baht bus really big gun escapade instead of fearing for his life.

What would you have suggested? Flying off the bus as in a Chinese martial arts movie and tackling them? What kind of macho fantasy world do you live in?

You know what those teens reminded me of? Video I have seen of drugged up child soldiers in African wars of massacre. We had all better hope some stability is maintained in this country, because if not, thugs like that might really run wild and we will all have to go ...

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