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Strong Sleeping Tablets Or Relaxing Pills


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Please need your HELP. I have booked various flights to bkk and around other islands. Mum will be flying 6 times in total of 19 days. I arranged the whole trip and when I just explained the itinery to her, I thought she was going to faint. She wants to have a lovely time in Thailand and dosent want the worry to spoil her trip.

We talked about tablets and she's happy taken some to help her sleep and relax for the flights.

I know you sometimes can get them from pharmacys around in bkk..

Do you have an ideas of makes that are good and strong. And where we can get some.

Failing that I will take her to BNH


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I would think twice about that. I am very scared of flying myself and, on the advice of some friends, took sleeping tablets on a flight to Europe a couple of years ago. It was horrible: the pills didn't take me out and i felt like crap as, whilst I still couldn't sleep, the medication made me feel horrible.

I also gather from your post that most of your mom's flights will be short hops; if she takes strong pills the effects will linger on well after landing.

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Good advice above.

Also not advisable (and illegal) to buy these drugs over the counter; your mother is obviously not young any more and it would be wise to just have a medical check before feeding her "good and strong" sleeping medication.

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  • 2 weeks later...

FBN, how is this a good advice? If a OP asks for a med to relax on a flight and reply from user 'hanno' is " Don't do it, I did and it made me feel horrible "

what is horrible? what med did he take? horrible as in 'not sleepy' or horrible as in having suicidal thoughts on airplane?

to OP: go see a doctor in bkk and ask for anti anxiety med. xanax is available but as prescription only. It may have side effects, like feeling drowsy. 'feeling horrible' is not one of side effects

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I am not sure but it seems to me that your mother has not reached Thailand yet. If that is the case, you'd better have some pills prescribed by her doctor (and of course keep the prescriprion with her)

Secondly: I am sorry but you are talking about flying in Thailand and unless you plan to go East to reach west I don't see more than one hour or so on the plane.

Thirdly: to answer directly your question, sleeping pills where widely available in Thailand at any counter 10 to 15 years ago but due to the heavy traffic of these pills to countries like Singapore the Government decided to forbid the sale of these pills without a prescription. So I would not my time looking for it around here

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