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Windows 7 Hits The Market


Will you upgrade to WIndows 7?  

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The REAL FORCE ... for Productivity, Security and Performance is called "Mac OS"

i stop using windows at NT 4.0 already .. and so far it did not getting better at all until vista :)

Really, Really?


Ups! Anyone can see anything in "Mac OS".

Good Luck for you! Don't take osx outside your home...

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No, I wont go for it - I use Linux. Windoes is too expensive and slow.

Windows way to slow??? Well it depends of your computer specifications and the use you have for it. I can't wait to see linux with Adobe CS on it, if faster, I may want to switch :)

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Hi there,

beside my linux and solaris systems i am running some windows 7 systems.

i have to say that it is the best windows i ever had. i came from XP, ran vista for two weeks and 5 weeks ago a switched to windows 7.

it turned out that redmond did a good job regarding to memory and multicore utilization.

in the final release they also fixed some bugs included in the RC and Vista (remember the smb2 attack...;-) ).

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"Wait until the bugs are ironed out"????

Windows 7 first beta had less bugs and was alot more stable then both windows XP and vista. I've been using Windows 7 RC for a while now (thats probably the one sold in pantip :) ). It's faster then vista (and xp) and a lot easier to use as well.

I have 5 computers with vista and xp with windows 7 as the second operating system on them. A family pack with windows 7 already on the way.

No doubt i'm going to change to 7 afther using the RC version (release candidate - last test version before it's out in the shops) .

Another thing that is important to me is the security when you are online. That as well is far better on windows 7. I wouldn't dare use windows 2000 online today :D

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I think the poll should be reworded to "Will you down-grade to windows 7?". Considering you'll have to upgrade to higher end computers, receive the same performance as XP on older hardware, and be prevented from using pirated software/music by the OS, I'd say it's a down-grade...

Another made-in-India flop

Firstly that's racist... You should apologize or be banned from this site. Comments like this using a race to indicate a product is no worthy of use is horrible.

And Windows 7 don't need new hardware I am installing it on 3-4 year old hardware no issue with no performance issues at all. I have HP DC7100 Desktops with 2GB ram and single core 2.8ghz CPU and they work great. I remind people that Windows 7 has only been released today and so anybody saying its no good have little to no experience to back that up. I however have been testing it for months as part of the Beta Testers team in Australia.

Also its on my Acer Laptop I purchased 4 years ago with 2GB ram and a 2ghz CPU and works great with no drivers required.

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Windows 7 hits the market


NEW YORK: -- Although the official U.S. launch event is still some hours away, Microsoft's Windows 7 operating system has hit the market, going on sale in a number of countries across the globe.

Boy -- here we go again. There is no direct upgrade path for users of Windows XP, which is the Microsoft operating system of choice of most corporations and computer-savvy home users. That means that most end-users will need to understand how to completely rebuild their own computer from scratch -- and for the average user -- that's gonna be a major challenge. Then you have to relearn the new Windows 7 user interfaces. I'm sure that, as usual, Microsoft will either move, hide, or obfuscate the legacy interfaces that can be used to control, monitor, and tweak the new operating system. So now you again have weeks of relearning as you attempt to figure out how to control the new OS. Well, I sure that Microsoft's "Authorized" Training Partners will be more that happy to teach you the new Window 7 operating system at $2500 a pop for a 5 day course. Microsoft has always been totally out of touch with their existing user base. Nobody I know likes relearning the new user interfaces that MS rolls out with each new version of their OS. But here we go again. Well -- not me!

My suggestion for the average user – buy an Apple. As for me, once Microsoft discontinues support for XP I'm switching to Linux and open source programs. I just don't see any value in the "new and improved" Windows 7. :)

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The REAL FORCE ... for Productivity, Security and Performance is called "Mac OS"

i stop using windows at NT 4.0 already .. and so far it did not getting better at all until vista :)

Really? I hate MacOSX environment, and I follow it since APPLE IIc... I tried all MacOS and I do not like one of them. I feel way better with Windows environment.

Sure Security is one good thing for MacOS because hackers are not really interested... but for how long? Antivirus have been already released foe MacOSX and the Snow Leopard has a kind of Antivirus integrated as Windows did since Vista. What I do not like is the monitor quality of Mac, very bad colors and quality for Design and Photography when I compare to my Brand New Dell U2410. If buying a Mac means getting their crappy monitors, I will never go for it :D

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No, I wont go for it - I use Linux. Windoes is too expensive and slow.


My suggestion for the average user – buy an Apple


For me the same never Windows :D ehhhh what is that windows :D

- I use Mac, :)

expensive, but you can trust it

Edited by Putu94
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I've been running Win7 RC on three machines for half a year now.

Win7 is an excellent OS, it's fast, very stable and has a ton of usability improvements.

I have zero compatibility issues on all three machines (Acer laptop, Macbook Pro and an i7 desktop - this runs x64), no driver problems and every software I run works flawlessly.

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The REAL FORCE ... for Productivity, Security and Performance is called "Mac OS"

i stop using windows at NT 4.0 already .. and so far it did not getting better at all until vista :)

Really? I hate MacOSX environment, and I follow it since APPLE IIc... I tried all MacOS and I do not like one of them. I feel way better with Windows environment.

Sure Security is one good thing for MacOS because hackers are not really interested... but for how long? Antivirus have been already released foe MacOSX and the Snow Leopard has a kind of Antivirus integrated as Windows did since Vista. What I do not like is the monitor quality of Mac, very bad colors and quality for Design and Photography when I compare to my Brand New Dell U2410. If buying a Mac means getting their crappy monitors, I will never go for it :D

mmmm , you must be a newbie in mac :D

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:D Good luck trying to buy it from the MS Store! After several failed attempts to buy online, followed by calls to my credit card company to confirm and reconfirm nothing was wrong there, followed by 6 calls to Microsoft Store to place the order via a human, I finally got an order confirmation:

Order #669XXXX

Order Date: 10/21/2009

Billing: My USA Address

Payment: Visa


Exp. 11/2010

Thank you for your purchase:

Windows 7 Ultimate Upgrade

Quantity: 1

Product Key: Available on delivery date $219.99

Only to be followed up an hour later with this:

Order Date: 10/21/2009

Your Order Was Not Placed

While processing your order we encountered a problem and your order was not placed. Your account will not be charged. We apologize for the inconvenience. If you would still like to purchase these items please place your order again. View your cart

Your Cart Items

Windows 7 Ultimate Upgrade

Unit Price: $219.99

Quantity: 1 Credit: $219.99

Thanks for shopping at Microsoft Store!

Yeah, THANKS! Thanks for wasting my fkn time trying to order this POS.

The first rep mistyped my care-fully-and-deliber-ately-spok-en-inform-ation, then passed me on to security, this second human informed me that the first human screwed up and "transferred" me back to the order desk to correct the info on my order. The third human corrected the misttyped info, but for whatever reason recreated my order as a new order and then passed me on to security who promptly dropped my call. So, I called back only to be put in queue for no less than 30 minutes. I hung up and called again, was transferred to security, verified all info was correct, and was told everything was fine. Note that the 2 calls to my credit card company to make SURE everything was ok also happened between calls. All up, I wasted at least 2-3 hours ordering only to discover that my order was not placed!

I am hoping that this is for the first order attempt, and that the second order attempt went through. But who knows? A human won't be available until 0600 (if I call Hawaii), and my online Microsoft Store account says my order is still pending....

Aaaaargh! Things to come, perhaps? :)

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Been using windows 7 Beta and now RC 1 for nearly a year. I will be buying the real thing soon. Once you use it, you will get hooked. The usability tweaks are fantastic once you figure out what they are and how to use them. When I sit down and use an XP machine I feel like I am going back to the stone ages, the productivity increases in 7 are tremendous.

Linux is great, but still has some issues for me. My main problem is the way that it handles multiple monitors, and drivers for graphics cards. I also enjoy playing games, and it just doesn't work well for that.

Linux is great for single monitor non gaming machines. My second computer is simply an email and internet computer and Ubuntu works great for that. Ubuntu, Open Office, Mozilla, Gimp, and a whole host of other FREE Open Source Software, it covers all of your basic needs.

If you are a gamer or are afraid of Linux, Windows 7 is far better than anything else to date.

P.S. I'll be waiting to buy Windows 7 until I get my hands on a proper DVD in an actual brick and mortar store. I'm not going to waste my time trying to order online. No upgrade DVD either, give me the full OS please!

Edited by anuban
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I'll wait until all the bugs have been ironed out and the final verdict comes in.

They're still ironing out the bugs in XP!!

I can see no point in not only paying out money for an OS that does nothing more than XP, but I will also have to upgrade many applications. plus the time and hassle of reformatting the drive and instaliing all the new programs.

I am taking this time to become very familiar with Linux so when the time comes that I have to change I have an OS that I am familiar with to change to.

By your own logic you should still be using DOS 1.0, that worked. If you have to upgrade to an OS that does nothing more than XP, need to upgrade many applications, and spend the time and hassle to reformat and install programs again (I thought you already did that) - how is the process any different for Linux, your apparently preferred OS that you're not even using. Oh that's right, you're running Windows.

Do you sleep with your tin-foil hat on?

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I want to give Windows 7 a test drive but I believe that you have to start fresh with new hardware so I am saving up for a hardware upgrade as well. I am upgrading because I am hoping for performance improvements. (Presently using XP)

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Buying a new OS is like putting a new engine in your car. If you are satisfied with what you have and how it is running, why spend the money just to have a new engine. Do you have to be the latest with the newest? It’s your money. But if the difference for you is like changing from a six cylinder to a V8 then maybe you might want to do it. It all depends on how much money you want to give to Microsoft and how often. If you want to support them and their business practices, then run right out and change as fast as you can. If you fell otherwise then at least wait until all the support structure is available (drivers and such).

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Boy -- here we go again. There is no direct upgrade path for users of Windows XP, which is the Microsoft operating system of choice of most corporations and computer-savvy home users. That means that most end-users will need to understand how to completely rebuild their own computer from scratch -- and for the average user -- that's gonna be a major challenge. Then you have to relearn the new Windows 7 user interfaces. I'm sure that, as usual, Microsoft will either move, hide, or obfuscate the legacy interfaces that can be used to control, monitor, and tweak the new operating system. So now you again have weeks of relearning as you attempt to figure out how to control the new OS. Well, I sure that Microsoft's "Authorized" Training Partners will be more that happy to teach you the new Window 7 operating system at $2500 a pop for a 5 day course. Microsoft has always been totally out of touch with their existing user base. Nobody I know likes relearning the new user interfaces that MS rolls out with each new version of their OS. But here we go again. Well -- not me!

My suggestion for the average user – buy an Apple. As for me, once Microsoft discontinues support for XP I'm switching to Linux and open source programs. I just don't see any value in the "new and improved" Windows 7. :)

Everything you said is true until the last paragraph. By your logic it isn't worth changing your OS because it's a hassle (and expensive) to learn a new one, so your solution is to buy an Apple and go through an even worse learning curve?? OSX is next to nothing like Windows whereas Windows 7 is at least similar.

If you want to preach the word of Steve Jobs go right ahead, just stop trying to disguise it as something it's not.

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No, I wont go for it - I use Linux. Windows is too expensive and slow.

Thu 22 Oct 09, 1:39 pm

It's a pity, really. I remember the days of Windows 3.x and the non-stop chatter, anticipation and excitement over the pending and much delayed release of Win95, then Win98. These were Events with a capital "E". By the time ExPee was released--ironically the only one that was really any good up to that point--the excitement was more muted, and there was more discussion about "Would I? Should I? Could I?" By the time Vista was released, it seemed to be regarded by most as a chore and problem and something to "deal with" rather than something to get excited about. People say that Win 7 is a superior product, but I still don't here any excitement. Microsoft reached it's peak a decade ago. Now it is just a an old, mainstream fuddy-duddy with nothing very compelling to offer, just waiting around for whatever the next paradigm brings.

I suppose we will all have to upgrade to Win 7 sooner or later. I escaped having to deal with Vista, and I am perfectly happy to stick with ExPee and see how long I can hold out before I am forced to make the change.



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The RTM version of Windows has been available for some time and has been evaluated by many of us ever since MS released it. It has been 100% stable. I have not seen a single blue screen yet, with normal office systems (including Office 2010 beta) nor any of the home/technical/diagnostic/test software I have run on it.

I have installed it on dozens of computers with no problems. It has had built in drivers for all motherboards except for ancient ones by small manufacturers such as PC Chips (with weird onboard graphics and bug ridden HDD and RAID controller). The muiltilanguage support has also been rock solid. It transforms notebooks - especially those struggling to run Vista.

For XP owners, it runs much more sweetly than XP even on older hardware with smaller amounts of memory.

It is easily the best operating system produced by Microsoft. XP can now safely be upgraded and Vista can be tossed in the nearest Klong.

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The REAL FORCE ... for Productivity, Security and Performance is called "Mac OS"

i stop using windows at NT 4.0 already .. and so far it did not getting better at all until vista :D

Really? I hate MacOSX environment, and I follow it since APPLE IIc... I tried all MacOS and I do not like one of them. I feel way better with Windows environment.

Sure Security is one good thing for MacOS because hackers are not really interested... but for how long? Antivirus have been already released foe MacOSX and the Snow Leopard has a kind of Antivirus integrated as Windows did since Vista. What I do not like is the monitor quality of Mac, very bad colors and quality for Design and Photography when I compare to my Brand New Dell U2410. If buying a Mac means getting their crappy monitors, I will never go for it :D

mmmm , you must be a newbie in mac :D

Newbie??? It's about more than 20 years that I follow Apple (MacIntosh) computers.... and never liked :D Sorry, it happens. I've also made my studies on MacOS 7 (I will always remember the bomb :) ), the same nightmare as Windows 98. I've really enjoyed windows since Windows 2000.

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