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The Chumpon "keep Left" Scam


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On my way up north from Phuket a couple of weeks ago, I was stopped near Chumpon at 2:30 in the morning by a masked, torch waving BiB. I pulled over and he started rabbiting on about "chit sai, chit kwa" so I knew he was talking about me staying in the outside lane. Just how he knew I was doing that, when he could see only a few hundred yards down the road eludes me, but that's not the point.

Anyone who has travelled around Chumpon knows that the road is crap in many places. If you don't want your axle broken, tracking bent, shock absorbers trashed or tyres damaged, you keep in the right hand lane just like the VIP buses and trucks do. I've been doing that for years without any problems from the BiB.

He starts saying that I should keep left, so I say that the left side is no good "Thanon mai dee!" and make a hand movement indicating that the road is bumpy. He carries on talking. My g/f translates to me that he wants 300 baht and for me to sign a piece of paper.

I let out a rather loud "WHAT! Why have to pay?", put on my best "you scheming little toe-rag" scowl and stared the bloke out. He eventually said something and waved his hand and my g/f said we could go. So I took off feeling rather proud that I'd not given in to this scammer.

A couple of weeks later, 3:30 AM heading south towards Chumpon, staying in the outside lane like everyone else, I noted I was 70 KM from Chumpon. Another flashing light, another BiB wearing a face mask (could've been the same one), the same discussion about keeping left, the same response about the f*cking bad road from me, another demand for 300 baht. He wanted to see my license and took it. This was a new development - I didn't want to go without my license. He went to the pickup he stopped in front of me and his hand went inside the drivers window, so I guess he got his tea money. He came back to where I sat and scowled. He said something and my g/f translated that we could go. I took my license back and drove off.

It must be nice for the BiB working in a town surrounded by crap roads. A nice little earner they've got.

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yes its not all bad with the BIB.got caught in a road block,police checking for non helmet wearers.mine was sitting in wire basket.was told to put it on and was let go.another time i was going up a one way street(just lazy)and was pulled over by whistle blowing policeman asking me where i was going.i told him i wanted to get to macca's (pom hiew),he just laughed and told me to park bike.

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I got hit with the same thing on the way to Chumpon from BKK this year. They only asked for 100 and I chocked that up as a "license returnal fee".

Are you sure that not traveling in the passing lane isn't an actual rule?

it is a law.

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You win some you lose some.

One time I double-parked outside a shop while the missus went in to pick up a couple of cases of beer. Caused a bit of traffic mayhem in the narrow street but it didn't seem fair to make her walk with all the beer. Police car pulls up behind & gives a blast of the lights & siren. I think best to ignore it as the wife should be out soon. After about 30 seconds or so another blast & some garbled Thai from the loudspeaker. Ignore it, if they want some money they can come & get it. After about a minute or so there is a break in the traffic & off they go. Lazy buggers. :)

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I got hit with the same thing on the way to Chumpon from BKK this year. They only asked for 100 and I chocked that up as a "license returnal fee".

Are you sure that not traveling in the passing lane isn't an actual rule?

it is a law.

Documented where?

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I got hit with the same thing on the way to Chumpon from BKK this year. They only asked for 100 and I chocked that up as a "license returnal fee".

Are you sure that not traveling in the passing lane isn't an actual rule?

it is a law.

Documented where?

not sure but when i went up for my driving license it was mentioned there too.

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^^Land Traffic Act B.E. 2522 Section 34.

Although looking at the other regulations listed I doubt if a single local driver from Isaan has ever read them. :)

Edited by mca
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On my way up north from Phuket a couple of weeks ago, I was stopped near Chumpon at 2:30 in the morning by a masked, torch waving BiB. I pulled over and he started rabbiting on about "chit sai, chit kwa" so I knew he was talking about me staying in the outside lane. Just how he knew I was doing that, when he could see only a few hundred yards down the road eludes me, but that's not the point.

Anyone who has travelled around Chumpon knows that the road is crap in many places. If you don't want your axle broken, tracking bent, shock absorbers trashed or tyres damaged, you keep in the right hand lane just like the VIP buses and trucks do. I've been doing that for years without any problems from the BiB.

He starts saying that I should keep left, so I say that the left side is no good "Thanon mai dee!" and make a hand movement indicating that the road is bumpy. He carries on talking. My g/f translates to me that he wants 300 baht and for me to sign a piece of paper.

I let out a rather loud "WHAT! Why have to pay?", put on my best "you scheming little toe-rag" scowl and stared the bloke out. He eventually said something and waved his hand and my g/f said we could go. So I took off feeling rather proud that I'd not given in to this scammer.

A couple of weeks later, 3:30 AM heading south towards Chumpon, staying in the outside lane like everyone else, I noted I was 70 KM from Chumpon. Another flashing light, another BiB wearing a face mask (could've been the same one), the same discussion about keeping left, the same response about the f*cking bad road from me, another demand for 300 baht. He wanted to see my license and took it. This was a new development - I didn't want to go without my license. He went to the pickup he stopped in front of me and his hand went inside the drivers window, so I guess he got his tea money. He came back to where I sat and scowled. He said something and my g/f translated that we could go. I took my license back and drove off.

It must be nice for the BiB working in a town surrounded by crap roads. A nice little earner they've got.

yep they have been doing this for years and i've noticed they like the down hill slope right where, as you say the left lane is in horrible condition. so now when i am in that area and in the right lane i put my passing light (turn signle) on and cruise down the road thus far it has worked.

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Hi Jetset...as a self confessed "right lane hogger" I hope it's not you in your pickup overloaded with pineapples to the height of 14 metres and traveling at 50kph that I flash past on the inside at 170kph at 3am some mornings. :D

:D - nah, not me, but I understand the technique of driving so fast that you don't feel the holes :)

But some times you just have to be a "bike lane hogger".... :D

...or a "central reservation" hogger.... :D

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yes its not all bad with the BIB.got caught in a road block,police checking for non helmet wearers.mine was sitting in wire basket.was told to put it on and was let go.another time i was going up a one way street(just lazy)and was pulled over by whistle blowing policeman asking me where i was going.i told him i wanted to get to macca's (pom hiew),he just laughed and told me to park bike.

I agree. It's just such a shame that the good 'uns don't tell the bad 'uns to *&^%$ off and get a life.

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yep they have been doing this for years and i've noticed they like the down hill slope right where, as you say the left lane is in horrible condition. so now when i am in that area and in the right lane i put my passing light (turn signle) on and cruise down the road thus far it has worked.

That's a trick I use when a vehicle gets too close behind me trying to force me onto the crap left side even when I'm doing over the speed limit. I pretend I'm going to turn right or U-turn and they usually give up waiting and make a run for it on the left side before quickly getting back to the good side.

That trick doesn't work with VIP buses though. I'm sure I had one about 10 cm from my rear end once. I chickened out and moved over. :)

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It does seem unfair when there are bad roads, but I've managed to never get pulled over for it ever. The stretches of bad road are typically just a few hundred meters at a time, and it's not illegal to get into the passing lane (while signaling to avoid holes in the road). It IS illegal to adopt a philosophy of 'I'm just going to drive in the passing lane then.'


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Folks, it really is illegal to ride on the right side if you are on a bike. The BIB aren't making this up. It's the law. If you get caught, you are doing something illegal. Fines? You pay to play. I wish I could get away with doing illegal things in the U.S. and only pay a $3 fine to get out of it.

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I pulled over
That's was your first mistake.  :)
Folks, it really is illegal to ride on the right side if you are on a bike. The BIB aren't making this up. It's the law. If you get caught, you are doing something illegal.
Maybe, but staying in the left-hand lane is simply too dangerous. I'll take my chances on the right. If they can catch me, I'll pay. But I don't stop for this band of organised criminals unless they're physically blocking my path and there's no way past. Edited by RusticCharm
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WHAT? You mean there actually ARE lanes that drivers are SUPPOSED to stay in? Having driven all over Thailand I can't recall any Thai actually STAY in a lane. Most often they STRADDLE two lanes or drive in the oncoming lane. :)

The only rule seems to be there are no rules. :D:D

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Ahem, of course it's not like riding a fancy schmanzy Ducati would give the BiB a hint that the rider may have some dough to cough up either. :)

And yes, I ride on the right. I would just pay and not complain about it if I'm caught.

That is my view on it too.. i know im wrong if im on the right lane so i pay up. Though i have been there and stopped and the police did nothing. They said it was illigal and let me go, a lot has to do with how you act with them and who you encounter.

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Ahem, of course it's not like riding a fancy schmanzy Ducati would give the BiB a hint that the rider may have some dough to cough up either. :)

And yes, I ride on the right. I would just pay and not complain about it if I'm caught.

And where do you suggest a 4 wheeled vehicle drives on this bit of road?

I know where I'd drive - in the two places the minibuses were: the bike lane or the strip next to the central reservation.

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It must be nice for the BiB working in a town surrounded by crap roads. A nice little earner they've got.

Jealous, huh? Standing out in the middle of the road, getting sun burned and arguing with people for a 300 baht take that has to get chopped up with your superiors hardly sounds like a dream job too me. White skin like this?, Id burn up like pop corn.

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WHAT? You mean there actually ARE lanes that drivers are SUPPOSED to stay in? Having driven all over Thailand I can't recall any Thai actually STAY in a lane. Most often they STRADDLE two lanes or drive in the oncoming lane. :)

The only rule seems to be there are no rules. :D:D

spot on including the bib, i often feel like i have been in some twisted obsticle course, it is really crazy and i do feel lucky every timei make it home with an accident. :D

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I got hit with the same thing on the way to Chumpon from BKK this year. They only asked for 100 and I chocked that up as a "license returnal fee".

Are you sure that not traveling in the passing lane isn't an actual rule?

it is a law.

It's not a law. Last year Thai Rath had an article which they suggested readers cut out and keep in the car and show when stopped for this 'offence'. They quoted the relevant laws to show that it's definitely not illegal (in a car, think it is on a bike though). But it is one of the most common money spinners right across the country.

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Jealous, huh? Standing out in the middle of the road, getting sun burned and arguing with people for a 300 baht take that has to get chopped up with your superiors hardly sounds like a dream job too me. White skin like this?, Id burn up like pop corn.

Getting sun burned? :)

<snip>I was stopped near Chumpon at 2:30 in the morning<snip>
<snip>A couple of weeks later, 3:30 AM heading south towards Chumpon<snip>

It's a scam, no doubt about it. All the other police check points with proper coned off roads, red flashing lights on top of police signs, several officers standing next to police vehicles.... no problem from them at all, just a "where are you going", "where are you coming from", "have a nice day".

This guy with his three cones, no other signs, just a flash light, is out to make a quick few baht based on people's fear of the police. His temporary road block could be removed in seconds if his accomplice further back up the road called him on the radio to tell him some real police were coming.

There are a lot of good police, but these guys are the ones you remember.

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WHAT? You mean there actually ARE lanes that drivers are SUPPOSED to stay in? Having driven all over Thailand I can't recall any Thai actually STAY in a lane. Most often they STRADDLE two lanes or drive in the oncoming lane. :D

The only rule seems to be there are no rules. :D:D

spot on including the bib, i often feel like i have been in some twisted obsticle course, it is really crazy and i do feel lucky every timei make it home with an accident. :D

I'm amazed to hear there are parts of Thailand where police work the hours 5pm to 8am., and stop you for alleged violations other than no helmet (only when they run out of beer money--about twice a month)! Guess we're just spoiled in Isaan! :)

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Same in Pattaya area been yanked over 2 times within a month . first pencil dick gives me a 800 baht ticket which was reduced to 200 baht due to no real infraction on record. Second one was an officer who was polite & lived for 6 years in the U.S. with his American wife & he told me while there is nothing in the drivers handbook where a bike can drive(left or right side or sidewalks) He did tell me that sukimvet is a moneymaker for the police if you drive on the fast lane & don't pull over for faster traffic.This is after I pretended to not see the heat on the first roadblock They used a radio. He politely accepted the 200 baht to pay the ticket for me to augment his stinkin income here in LOS & advised me to watch out the police will kick your bike over if you try to elude them. Good luck at 50 kilos & up. Might get a face full of asphalt trying that trick. I wonder why the minivans & buses are allowed to drive solely on the right lane?

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I'm amazed to hear there are parts of Thailand where police work the hours 5pm to 8am., and stop you for alleged violations other than no helmet (only when they run out of beer money--about twice a month)! Guess we're just spoiled in Isaan! :)

I think it's "private" work - extracurricular, non-taxable. :D

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