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Sunday October 25th

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will Gold help ? where to invest ? Better to buy a case of Mouton Rothschild and enjoy !

3 days to go -

"October 25, 2009 - A catastrophe starts on October 25, 2009. It could be that the H1N1 flu virus reaches a level of extreme lethality, the US dollar completely collapses, or Israel bombs Iran. In reaction to this crisis, the Obama administration will be thrown into major chaos ten days later.[2]

A complete collapse of the US Dollar in 2009.[11]

End of the World in 2012: The Web Bot has predicted that a cataclysm will devastate the planet in the year 2012, possibly a reversing of Earth's magnetic poles"



and "When Israel bombs Iran, they'll use a nuclear-tipped bunker buster that will hit something unforeseen underground. As a result, a radioactive cloud will form that will pollute and sicken Southeast Asia. This will cause much of the world to turn against Israel."


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will Gold help ? where to invest ? Better to buy a case of Mouton Rothschild and enjoy !

3 days to go -

"October 25, 2009 - A catastrophe starts on October 25, 2009. It could be that the H1N1 flu virus reaches a level of extreme lethality, the US dollar completely collapses, or Israel bombs Iran. In reaction to this crisis, the Obama administration will be thrown into major chaos ten days later.[2]

A complete collapse of the US Dollar in 2009.[11]

End of the World in 2012: The Web Bot has predicted that a cataclysm will devastate the planet in the year 2012, possibly a reversing of Earth's magnetic poles"



and "When Israel bombs Iran, they'll use a nuclear-tipped bunker buster that will hit something unforeseen underground. As a result, a radioactive cloud will form that will pollute and sicken Southeast Asia. This will cause much of the world to turn against Israel."


best thing to do is to make a tin-foil hat and go stand on a tall building, take some friends with you, make a BIG sign with 'we love you' written on it and wait for the aliens to come. When you see the big laser beam coming towards you, don't be scared, it's a 'love beam' it won't hurt you.

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As I open a bottle of wine a bit more on Web Bot .

"The Market's Current Psychological Map

..........If we are considering our emotional state, we may even want to take a morbid glance at what the web bots are sensing. A misconception about bots is that they predict big events on particular dates. But with the markets, the software actually reads feeling changes and, I suppose, puts together some kind of centroid of all it reads for a time approximation. Last year, they certainly did just that very accurately in timing the market's behavior. George Ure and Clif High are the "two guys in a hole in the woods in Oregon" creating what they call "The Web Bot Project". In commenting on the bots' recent dire prediction about October 25 (see my blog post "Web Bot Weirdness") George Ure says this at his site urbansurvival.com

"What is October 25th? The way the data reads, we are less likely to see a single event driving things (although that's possible) so much as we are expecting an emotional tipping point. So, for example, the kinds of news events that might feature the beginnings of a showdown between 'the people' on the one hand versus 'the banksters' on the other. The forces have been building there..."

It will be interesting to see how our feelings might change going into November. If the seers who have been calling things to a tee lately are right again, we are all going to get a little cranky. Even Larry Kudlow, the irrepressible CNBC optimist and bull, has lately started sounding more like Peter Schiff, lashing out at those who are debasing the dollar and drowning our prosperity in a sea of debt and federal meddling."


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As I open a bottle of wine a bit more on Web Bot .

..........If we are considering our emotional state, we may even want to take a morbid glance at what the web bots are sensing. A misconception about bots is that they predict big events on particular dates. But with the markets, the software actually reads feeling changes and, I suppose, puts together some kind of centroid of all it reads for a time approximation.

. So, for example, the kinds of news events that might feature the beginnings of a showdown between 'the people' on the one hand versus 'the banksters' on the other. The forces have been building there..."

Even Larry Kudlow, the irrepressible CNBC optimist and bull, has lately started sounding more like Peter Schiff, lashing out at those who are debasing the dollar and drowning our prosperity in a sea of debt and federal meddling."

I only recently became aware of this Web Bot project & as I said before interesting software.

Interesting as a market sentiment gauge as described..... Although lately the changes have been pretty obvious as stress starts to set in more & more.

Funny too......I caught Larry Kudlow's show the other day & that is the first thing I thought......Jeez I kind like this guy now that he has some teeth.

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Big day tomorrow is it? What time does it start?

the crash was scheduled for 14.00 hrs but i asked for a delay because at this time i still enjoy my afternoon nap. i was assured that the crash will not start before 15.30 hrs, meaning i will have enough time to sip a cappuccino without being disturbed.

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National Defense Authorization Act specifically mentions "epidemic" as an excuse to declare martial law

Obama Declares H1N1 Flu a National Emergency

1000 dead (linked to H1N1) & its a National Emergency?

Yet 40,000 die yearly from the common flu

Hmmm...Yeah someone can have my share I wont be attending.

I guess National Emergencies aren't what they use to be.

Wonder if Zorro see's the investment potential of Novartis (NVS) :)

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National Defense Authorization Act specifically mentions "epidemic" as an excuse to declare martial law

Obama Declares H1N1 Flu a National Emergency

1000 dead (linked to H1N1) & its a National Emergency?

According to the Beeb (which I admit is commie pinko faggot MSM) the declaration of emergency is an administrative measure which allows the swift distribution of vaccines should they be needed. Don't worry. The black helicopters are still in the hangar.

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National Defense Authorization Act specifically mentions "epidemic" as an excuse to declare martial law

Obama Declares H1N1 Flu a National Emergency

1000 dead (linked to H1N1) & its a National Emergency?

According to the Beeb (which I admit is commie pinko faggot MSM) the declaration of emergency is an administrative measure which allows the swift distribution of vaccines should they be needed. Don't worry. The black helicopters are still in the hangar.

Auntie's a faggot? :)

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National Defense Authorization Act specifically mentions "epidemic" as an excuse to declare martial law

Obama Declares H1N1 Flu a National Emergency

1000 dead (linked to H1N1) & its a National Emergency?

According to the Beeb (which I admit is commie pinko faggot MSM) the declaration of emergency is an administrative measure which allows the swift distribution of vaccines should they be needed. Don't worry. The black helicopters are still in the hangar.

endure I would be the first one to admit this H1N1 in itself would be inconsequential if it was an isolated incident.

But firstly as flying asks.........why on earth does it need to be a National Emergency ?

No other country has done this ?

Plus dont forget some of the many other questionable things that have happened at the White House........

1. The way Van Jones the Green Czar had to resign because of his extreme communist background.

2. The way the Science Czar believes in forced abortions and sterilisations.

3. The way the Media Czar wants to control the internet

4. finding out about Acorn which is linked directly to Obama ( and now there is evidence there was

voter fraud when he was elected )

By now there is more than enough evidence to be very nervous about this administration.

And dont forget when power corrupts - the result doesn't happen in an instant....it happens

in small increments.....................

Please see this speech from Naomi Wolf - The End of America in which she gives 10

" components" of rulers from the past that turned out to be downright evil.

You decide for yourself how many of these " components " are a feature right now

of the Obama Admistration ...........and by the way declaring a National Emergency

is one of 10 on the list.

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Just noticed Alexlala is reading this.

Stand by for some real conspiricy theories and world predictions! :D


For the best conspiracy and other wicked stuff, just read "The Mother Off All Threads"

The "They say you should never" Somewhere in a hidden place within TV forum...



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14.30 already. Obviously not an early kick off then!!!!!

Did the tea leaves give any indication of time?

US Time so Tomorrow sometime - Another bottle..

More than one I hope or it will be a very bad day indeed.

Well? what time did the runes say? and any chance of a quick trip to the beach to turn the tide too? :)

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National Defense Authorization Act specifically mentions "epidemic" as an excuse to declare martial law

Obama Declares H1N1 Flu a National Emergency

1000 dead (linked to H1N1) & its a National Emergency?

According to the Beeb (which I admit is commie pinko faggot MSM) the declaration of emergency is an administrative measure which allows the swift distribution of vaccines should they be needed. Don't worry. The black helicopters are still in the hangar.

endure I would be the first one to admit this H1N1 in itself would be inconsequential if it was an isolated incident.

But firstly as flying asks.........why on earth does it need to be a National Emergency ?

The Beeb said that it was an administrative necessity in order to for the government to distribute vaccine country-wide quickly if necessary.

I have noi intention of getting into the 'This is the end of America' arguments. I leave that to those who are interested.

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Well it is much reported a national emergency on Oct 25th here.

Albeit a Zobama poopoo but I say one to the web bots.

Was the declaration signed Saturday 24th?

Close enough eh?

As they say in golf a gimme :D

Have to laugh a bit as here is a thread about a software

program that predicts events based on what it ferrets out

on the internet & we are talking about the reasons Zobama declared a National

Emergency :)

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.why on earth does it need to be a National Emergency ?

No other country has done this ?

It gives ZObama dictatorial powers.


State of national emergency

Regarding what is known as a State of National Emergency, Paula Demers writes: "According to the United States Constitution, Article 1, only Congress shall make federal law. However, since the War and Emergency Powers Act of 1933, every president has usurped lawmaking powers. Their 'laws' are called Executive Orders (EOs). These EOs, not our Constitution, are what is governing America today. The War and Emergency Powers Act enables ... the president to declare a national emergency, and thereby become a dictator."[1]

"Presidents can also carefully choose their words and declare a war on anything, in order to give them dictatorial control. For example, the War on Drugs makes it possible to use federal authorities, such as FBI, FEMA, BATF, and the military against American citizens. A well-known example is Waco. Another example is Hurricane Opal. After Florida was declared a nation emergency, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) arrived on the scene and residents were placed under marshal law (restricted to the point of not going outside their door). When the federal government does this, it is going against the Constitution. The War and Emergency Powers Act is an unconstitutional act on the part of our government, created so that presidents can bypass Congress, and do whatever they choose."[2]

"It also makes it possible to do away with posse comitatus in cases of 'emergency'. Posse comitatus is what protects American citizens from the military being used against them."[3]

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