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Did You Know Your Posts Are Maybe On Nation Website?


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I post on ThaiVisa because it is ThaiVisa - a forum for people living and/or interested in Thailand. Although it is a public forum, I do not expect my posts to be published on another forum without at least some prior announcement to me that this might happen.

Now I discover one of my recent posts on the Nation webboard forum, on the home page of that website. Apparently, many of TV posts appear on that website because it not only links directly to the TV forum, but also seems to 'select' recent postings for publishing on the Nation website.

I would be grateful if George can give some clarification about what is going on here. I am sure other TV members will also like to know more details about this.


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This forum is no longer simply called thaivisa forum, it is now officially The Nation/Thaivisa forum - so what can you expect?

Besides, i dont see whats wrong with The Nation copying and pasting comments on 'their' site - you cant complain, they half own this place now.

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They are just links from the Nation home page directly to threads here at tv. It is true, the ones featured are clearly selected by an editor of some kind. This site is a public site, anyone on the net can see it, those are just links to specific content on this site. I am always happy to see any of the threads I have started or posted to featured on the Nation website. Keep up the good work of expanding the exposure of the content of this site.

I agree people should be aware this is going on. Now you know. I can't imagine why you would stop posting here or have any real objection to this practice, but that's your choice.

Edited by Jingthing
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I was unaware of this. At the very least a statement should be visible on the Forum splash page that this can occur. Appreciably the owner of this website can do as he wishes, however, basic courtesy and transparency would suggest a statement to that possibility.

Thank you Simon for bringing this to my attention.

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I post on ThaiVisa because it is ThaiVisa - a forum for people living and/or interested in Thailand. Although it is a public forum, I do not expect my posts to be published on another forum without at least some prior announcement to me that this might happen.

Now I discover one of my recent posts on the Nation webboard forum, on the home page of that website. Apparently, many of TV posts appear on that website because it not only links directly to the TV forum, but also seems to 'select' recent postings for publishing on the Nation website.

I would be grateful if George can give some clarification about what is going on here. I am sure other TV members will also like to know more details about this.


Guess this shows that not too many folks read the Nation in its online edition. I take the BKK Post hard copy daily, but do check the Nation about daily, and noticed the TV repeats some time back.



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Did you not read the announcement made what was it, a year ago? I am quite sure things were laid out very clearly at the time.

As jingthing says, they are direct links to the ThaiVisa forums. Not Nation webboard copy pastes.

And just curious if any of you have ever done a google search for anything remotely Thailand related? ThaiVisa forums almost always comes up within the first four hits. How is this different? In fact, its probably even more intrusive since far more people use google to search for Thailand information than read The Nation online.

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They are just links from the Nation home page directly to threads here at tv. It is true, the ones featured are clearly selected by an editor of some kind. This site is a public site, anyone on the net can see it, those are just links to specific content on this site. I am always happy to see any of the threads I have started or posted to featured on the Nation website. Keep up the good work of expanding the exposure of the content of this site.

I agree people should be aware this is going on. Now you know. I can't imagine why you would stop posting here or have any real objection to this practice, but that's your choice.

I think it's understood that TV is an expat forum, albeit one that is likely to be read by Thai's - I also think it's clear that The Nation is a national newspaper that will be read by Thai's, the expected audiences and coverage are very different and the means of communication even more so, it's therefore all about tempering comments for the expected audience, a "qualified" Editor notwithstanding.

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I bet they don't publish any of mine :)

But apart from that, an internet search with any random wording may bring up anybody's posts, what is the difference?

Maybe one is by chance and the other selective, either way what difference does it make? Perhaps one is personal choice and the other someone else's preference, either way it is all public material, so I don't see any invasive media ravishment.

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You mean that my thoughts and posts might be published for any anonymous reader to read.

Well, I never, I think that it is absolutely.............

exactly what I have always been doing when posting on any forum, whether it be tied on the nation or not.

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You may not have known before, but you can't honestly say there weren't some strong hints:

:)post-37101-1256561392.jpg :D

This thread helps me understand why communiccation online is so difficcult. People read what they think is there not what is written. This site is clearly named


But how many times have people posted on this forum without ever reading the full name.

Probably for ever it seems.

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I post on ThaiVisa because it is ThaiVisa - a forum for people living and/or interested in Thailand. Although it is a public forum, I do not expect my posts to be published on another forum without at least some prior announcement to me that this might happen.

Now I discover one of my recent posts on the Nation webboard forum, on the home page of that website. Apparently, many of TV posts appear on that website because it not only links directly to the TV forum, but also seems to 'select' recent postings for publishing on the Nation website.

I would be grateful if George can give some clarification about what is going on here. I am sure other TV members will also like to know more details about this.


If you post anything on the internet, you have just made a permanent entry. Twitter, facebook. youtube, thaivisa etc. They are are backed up, stored, available. Your posts never go away!

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You may not have known before, but you can't honestly say there weren't some strong hints:

:)post-37101-1256561392.jpg :D

This thread helps me understand why communiccation online is so difficcult. People read what they think is there not what is written. This site is clearly named


But how many times have people posted on this forum without ever reading the full name.

Probably for ever it seems.

Ten out of ten lovelomsak, since January it seems, for my part I need to think about all of this.

Edited by chiang mai
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Of course I'm aware that anything that I post anywhere on the internet will be available for ever, for anyone to see :) (I make my living from the internet after all).

But maybe I'm ilked by this because I have an inherent distaste for the English language newspapers in Thailand. I don't really want my learned comments being reproduced on their website - sort of destroys the 'cosiness' of the Thaivisa community.

In future, I will restrict my postings on TV to inane comment and childish name-calling. That should ensure that my posts stay where I post them :D


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You may not have known before, but you can't honestly say there weren't some strong hints:

:)post-37101-1256561392.jpg :D

that is just an image, an gif logo. some people turn that off while browsing. the forum rules say nothing about The Nation and that content is maybe published there.

and i did not read some announcement made a year ago.

but i am not sure what the OP is talking about. if it just the frame called webboard and that sport a few seleted thread titles that link to here, thaivisa.com, i guess then isn't much to complain about. it's like the rss-feed that tvforum.com offer and that any third party could include in a frame at their website. that is the internet and you have to live with that.

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I post on ThaiVisa because it is ThaiVisa - a forum for people living and/or interested in Thailand. Although it is a public forum, I do not expect my posts to be published on another forum without at least some prior announcement to me that this might happen.

Now I discover one of my recent posts on the Nation webboard forum, on the home page of that website. Apparently, many of TV posts appear on that website because it not only links directly to the TV forum, but also seems to 'select' recent postings for publishing on the Nation website.

I would be grateful if George can give some clarification about what is going on here. I am sure other TV members will also like to know more details about this.


I am puzzled as to why you find this so upsetting.

For example if you type into Google search; syd barrett sausages my opinions are displayed fourth. So basically every view or comment I have made in the last 6 years is available for all to see.

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I would be grateful if George can give some clarification about what is going on here. I am sure other TV members will also like to know more details about this.

This is a quote from George in another topic where the subject came up.

Thaivisa has a a topic feed running on http://www.natiionmultimedia.com linking to popularf topic on Thiavisa forum. This has been in effect since February 2009.

No topics is posted on the Nation, only links to topics on Thaivisa.

From this topic

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Sorry Will. I had no idea that the privacy policy so prominently mentioned on such an important page as the Forum Rules was so easily missed. Especially, since every member is supposed to read this page and tick the box about having read the forum rules when they sign on as a member.

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Readers who click on the Nation web site in the web board on a link will read within Thaivisa and nowhere else.

A question was asked if someone (Nation readers) can edit the posts of TV members.

Answer: NO - only the poster (who has to be a member) for a few minutes after posting

and Thaivisa Admin or moderator. If you move your cursor over a link on Nations web board you will realize

it is direct link.

In simple terms: readers of the Nation front page can read Thaivisa on click on a topic link.

The entire world can read your postings on Thaivisa through Google search or open the web site in the browser.

But they can"t edit it.

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Some seem to be missing the point.

If someone finds posts on a google search, tehy are actively looking for information of which the posts here will be one of thousands of snapshots.

If someone is simply reading the nation online and a post is presented to them that shows "X says Y", then that is very different.

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