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I personaly feel Thais are the most stupid race of people i have ever met and lived with, am i alone or dose any one share my view, this is not a race'st statement just my thought's.
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I personaly feel Thais are the most stupid race of people i have ever met and lived with, am i alone or dose any one share my view, this is not a race'st statement just my thought's.

People are people, Thaksin is Thai, he cant be so stupid can he, not many stupid billionaires about i think.

Is it because Thais are different to you that you have a low opinion of them?

Do you think people think you are stupid?

If you had a bad accident would you not let a Thai doctor save your life, because he is Thai, therefore stupid? According to your way of thinking that is.

Stupid Thread.

well obviously an educated thai cant be stupid can they after all to become a doctor in the first place i would think that one would need a brain dont u? i think what gfunk is saying is that people in general like the average person r u trying to tell me u havent met one yet ???? u must be in another thailand where is it im coming right now  :o
I havent got a single exam or education to talk of, put me in a room with a doctor set us a task and and long as it isnt a blood transfution or any thing else programed into the doc i will win cus i have common sense thais are like robots they cant think only carry out oerders change the orders you've got chaos, no common their thick
Guest IT Manager

It is racist, and they aren't. Farangs are a stupid race for wanting to be them. It's a choice issue. We get to choose if we want to be farangs. They have no choice about being Thai.

Your statement is based IMHO on a bad hair day and I suggest a dose of life in Cambodia then see who you think are the stupidest. Then try Vietnam, Ceylon (Sri Lanka) and China. Then go home, convinced that ASIANS are the stupidest RACE as opposed to nationality on the planet adn you wioll be happy. So will most people around you.

You choose to live here, so live with it. Or of course the other option is available. Anyone can accuse a developing country of having stupid people. Harder is to move them forward without patronising them, into what you view as a close approximation of civilised.

What would be better, again, IMHO, is if you told everyone what happened, so we could help you see the funny side of it then you would feel better, we could say "poor old bastard, fancy that", and you would laugh, we would laugh, and then everyone can get on with life and living in LOS.

At the same time, Geezer, getting in the covering shot, well done. Am I standing up for them, or suuggesting you have a good look at your location, lifestyle etc, then ask (if you are here of course), Why am I here?

A very old man in Chiang Mai who has been here since the late 40's is now well into his 80's said to me every month I get cross about something. I sit down and do a balance sheet, with Thailand on the one side and UK on the other. I write all the good thingsa about each, then all the bad things about each. Thailand wins every time single time.

Just a thought. I actually warn my clients when they move here, that after 6 months they will hate the place and be accusing the Thais of being brain dead etc., etc. I say go home for 2 months at the end of 6. See you when you get back.

Expat life isn't for everyone. The six month rule is IMHO. If it is soooo bad, go home. Otherwise, do your own balance sheet and re-assess your persoonal situation, without the influence of the bad hair day. Life is full.. enjoy

And yes. I do love it here. Hugely.

ever tried ordering fish and chips without the peas? tell the thai no peas and they start walking around aimlessly bunping into each other droping drinks and crying in the corner, the only people i know that count your change 8 times, oh yeah and their the clever ones cus they went to uni to work in boots!!!!!!!!!!
I.T if i told you what happand i would take up the whole memory on the web cus i witness stupity every time leave my house, every time i go into a shop, drive on the road, enter a shop, need i say more but i will aree with you asians are stupid

It is racist, and they aren't. Farangs are a stupid race for wanting to be them

excuse me but who ever said we falangs wanted to be them ???

i dont im happy to be me  so its ok for yourself to compare thais to perhaps chinese who i might add have just put a man in space being a falang in this country means becoming a second class citizen it doesnt matter how much of thai culture u know or how well u speak thai u r still labled the stupid kwai falang would u know how that feels it ???

probably not  :o

Guest IT Manager

Should you both be so clever, if you read what I wrote, I said we are stupid for wanting to be farang. That is our CHOICE. I didn't mean we want to be Thai and what I wrote, if correctly read, can only be read as that.

I did not say "Asians are stupid". I said after living in various countries in asia you would say asians are stupid, as opposed to Thais are stupid.

If it is so hard to live here, when you have choice, why do you.

And G-funk at the risk of sounding somewhat shallow, try me with the details. Then I will share a few stories about life in a rural village that will make your hair curl and make you feel life isn't all that bad.

I T   mabey you misunderstod me, i still like living here i still like the thais i'm not angry with them in fact it makes me laugh at how stupid they are its one of the best reasons to live here but mate their thick simple as that,

oh yes just another point it have you see the apec meeting adverts on tv like the one with the waiter being paid too much and then chasing the farang down the road to give it back or the taxi driver not wanting a tip ??

oh come on get real thicko


I.T if i told you what happand i would take up the whole memory on the web cus i witness stupity every time leave my house, every time i go into a shop, drive on the road, enter a shop, need i say more but i will aree with you asians are stupid

I guess, every time you brush your teeth, you see an idiot doing the same thing ... The best is just to ignore him.

George, can we close the thread ... thx

Guest IT Manager
ever tried ordering fish and chips without the peas? tell the thai no peas and they start walking around aimlessly bunping into each other droping drinks and crying in the corner, the only people i know that count your change 8 times, oh yeah and their the clever ones cus they went to uni to work in boots!!!!!!!!!!

Have you ever tried ordering something exciting? I just had Kaow Soi Gai (sic?). It was made by Uncle Yen and cost 15 baht. As usual it was perfect. My Thai son had Tom Yum something or other and my Akha son had Kaow Padh Gai sai kai daow.

Then, my Thai son gave me 6 lamyai, stuffed with pineapple in natural syrup (none of this was canned and Uncle Yen made it all, with his sister Daeng who likes to do deserts). He left 6 lamyai in the frig for my Ahka son, who is ill today but will be OK in the morning.

Total cost was 75 baht. No beer today.

The people who do your fish and chips work for a foreigner who thinks fish and chips are great. I like them sometimes as well. Like at Pun Pun Guesthouse. The difference there is the owner doesn't beat the Thai staff into snivelling compliancy, rather he teaches them how to do stuff. They screw up, he shouts, they get it right. I enjoy.

If a foreigner wants to own/operate a restaurant here, he is a glutton for punishment as far as I can see, because foreigners complaining about meals "not the same as me old moom made'm" is standard issue.

In Uncle Yens restaurant, our big complaint is that sometimes I order Padh Krapow and he forgets and makes something else. It's still delicious, but not what I ordered. My penh <deleted>*king rai. TiT


I.T why are you talking about food, lets calm down here girls, the point is this, thais are robots programe them set them in motion and they will work all day every day no problem, ask them to think outside the box, use common sense and thats it game over they cant function!

oh yeah i eat all thai/loa food and love it! just an example

it that small quote under everything u write that is just the attitude we (farangs)put up with everyday surely u have benefited from western education but then slag us all off just because we are in your country very sad mate i come from a free and open country where one can say whatever the <deleted> he/she wants
Guest IT Manager
oh blow it ya ass sort ya life out will ya

I ass-ume you are referring to me not having a life, old man. LOL thats a funny one. Wish there was an ignore button in the forum.

Guest IT Manager
it that small quote under everything u write that is just the attitude we (farangs)put up with everyday surely u have benefited from western education but then slag us all off just because we are in your country very sad mate i come from a free and open country where one can say whatever the <deleted> he/she wants

Geezer, the more I read the more I would like to use you as an example of why Thai people think all foreigners are as stupid as you are.

Last post. I am a foreigner you dolt. The quote is exactly how I feel when I meet whackos like you. I am married to another (western) foreigner (a woman), we have 2 kids. We live in a village. we are happy. Go home idiot. How's that for personal.

As to why I brought food up, ask how many foreigners coming through Don Muang are here to sample fish and chips with peas. If you want to eat pies and peas, go to the caravan outside Garden Island Dock in Sydney and try theirs. Then at least you won't be here.


It has already been established that the average IQ of Thais are getting lower..  By the Thai Government mind you..

The reason..?   Poor schooling and not enough vitamins and minerals in the food of the mother to be I guess.. ???

Guest IT Manager

And educate us whiplash, what IQ has to do with anything. Does the fact that the average IQ of Thai children is 2.5 points or something below the Asian Median mean that it is OK to say they are all ######wits?

They aren't, same as all foreign residents aren't; but enough may well be to make the generalisation say something to the educated west about who does what to whom and who pays the rent.

I think there are elements of Thailand which suck enormously, but let me tell you something as you hoof it into fish, chips and peas, that there are enough good things here to make the shitty bits pale into insignificance.


I am not saying every Thai is thick..

I only contributed a reason why maybe some are.

And having a child in the Thai schooling system I can say it has much to be desired..  and when some Thai families cannot afford their daughters or sons to finish school, and make them finish early at the age of 10, sometimes even earlier.

There is not surprising that lack of knowledge and such will come into play on the farangs impression that some Thais are slow/thick/dimwitted..  But far from everyone are..

Guest IT Manager

True enough Whiplash. My son goes to a Thai school which he wanted (I didn't, I wanted him to go to Fatih. His decision, he deals with the end product.

I supplement his education with thinking exercises outside the "Thai"educational envelope. He researched his decision thoroughly and arrived at it based on quotas from his chosen school for acceptance numbers to Thai Public University. He then negotiated with me adn we made some compromises. He enjoys the school, I enjoy the supportive educational roles my wife and I have as a result (part of the compromise).

Currently he is editing an online game in C++ which I bought him a book about for 99 baht. I can't really complain can I?


Like ###### I too live in a village and I do not think that Thai are stupid,not as quick as some of us from more developed countrys,but not stupid.

When you have been raised and worked in a fast paced life style then your mind is more open to different thoughts,,The Thai do not have the advantage thar some of us have, I have worked all over the world in the construction and marine trades, and have worked people from almost every country.

I have worked with people that are on their first trip out and heard some of them say that english are slow and stupid,I have heard this about a lot of different nationalities, but it all depends on what your life was when growing up to how fast you can grasp new ideas.

Thailand is still a very undeveloped country,and new ideas come slower to them,so cut em some slack,what would the speed of your mind be if your father had to plow the rice paddy with a water buffalo and you had to plant the rice instead of going to a fine school with computers and all the latest teaching aids.spent your life in a small village and never had thoughts of anything better?

My wife is a school teacher at a country school in a village far from town,some of the kids have never had a pair of shoes or nice cloths,and have to stay home and work part of the time, I know that it is hard to get new ideas across to the Thai sometimes,new things come hard and eventually their minds will begin to open and recieve new ideas at a more rapid pace.


I think Gfunk and  geezer are a) the same - obviously

                                          B) Homosexual - undoubtably

                                          c) dyslexic - of coruse

                                          d) Troll(s) - winder uppers

                                          e) Transvestite(s) - Oh Yeah , Baby Yeah!

                              :o  :D  B)  B)  B)

entertaining thread , for about a microsecond , probably the same people as Bulldog, maig06 , etc etc

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