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Complaint Against Shop at Pantip Plaza


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I bought a Planex 300N wireless router and 2 Planex 300N wireless USB adapters from **** in Pantip a few days back. Couldn't get them to work properly in my apartment. Set up in exactly the same location as my old 54G router and USB adapter, configured the same, but after getting an initial connection at 130 Mbps it would drop down and fluctuate around 26 Mbps, at times even dropping down to 1 Mbps. I'm a retired programmer and systems integrator with 27 years experience, not someone who couldn't solve simple install problems. I gave up on the equipment and returned it to **** where they offered to replace it with the same brand which I refused because I now consider this equipment to be junk. The **** manager refused to refund my purchase because one of the USB boxes was torn at the corner. That ticked me off to the extent that I left the equipment on the store's table and walked out. I bought it with Mastercard so I'm disputing the charge. I've never done an international charge dispute (my credit card is from the US) but either Mastercard will do a chargeback or I'll simply cancel the card and refuse to pay the bill.

I know others have had bad experiences in Thailand trying to return bad products but I wanted to share this. I don't care what the store policy is, if they sell me junk they're getting it back. That's why I pay with a credit card, not cash.

Wayne Davis

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I bought a Planex 300N wireless router and 2 Planex 300N wireless USB adapters from **** in Pantip a few days back. Couldn't get them to work properly in my apartment. Set up in exactly the same location as my old 54G router and USB adapter, configured the same, but after getting an initial connection at 130 Mbps it would drop down and fluctuate around 26 Mbps, at times even dropping down to 1 Mbps. I'm a retired programmer and systems integrator with 27 years experience, not someone who couldn't solve simple install problems. I gave up on the equipment and returned it to **** where they offered to replace it with the same brand which I refused because I now consider this equipment to be junk. The **** manager refused to refund my purchase because one of the USB boxes was torn at the corner. That ticked me off to the extent that I left the equipment on the store's table and walked out. I bought it with Mastercard so I'm disputing the charge. I've never done an international charge dispute (my credit card is from the US) but either Mastercard will do a chargeback or I'll simply cancel the card and refuse to pay the bill.

I know others have had bad experiences in Thailand trying to return bad products but I wanted to share this. I don't care what the store policy is, if they sell me junk they're getting it back. That's why I pay with a credit card, not cash.

Wayne Davis

Well Wayne I appreciate your experience and frustration.

However confronation seldom pays here.

Unless you have a receipt or powerful Thai witnesses the vendor may deny goods returned or returned in re-saleable condition

I dont know the value my Fon router modem and usb cost under $30 and would not risk a credit blacklist for defaulting on such a small sum

However I suggest (and perhaps other members have direct experience of this firm.)

Return when calm with 2 or more Thai witnesses and calming ask the manager (no on else will have authority)for redress

A videocam.journalist and big crowd may help.

I fear you have been stuffed

Up with this you do not have to put in democracies with trading standards enforceable courts etc but TIT

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It's very difficult (but not impossible) to get an actual cash refund :)

That said, I've never had a problem getting a defective unit replaced (hard disks seem to be my nemesis) usually without quibble even from small outlets. The large, big name outlet you indicated in your OP before the name-and-shame rule was applied 'should' be no problem whatever.

I do however tend to buy 'name' brands, buying the cheapo Chinese junk is, I'm sorry to say, asking for it :D

I rarely if ever nowadays go to Pantip, I find Fortune or Zeer much more amenable and less 'sexy movie' hassle.

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I rarely if ever nowadays go to Pantip, I find Fortune or Zeer much more amenable and less 'sexy movie' hassle.

I have tried to go the Fortune route instead of Pantip, but each time to no avail. Just last week I went to Fortune to buy some simple monitor speakers. Three stores had the exact brand and model I wanted on display. And all three stores had none to actually sell.

So, I went to Pantip in my frustration, walked in the first shop at which I usually shop, there were the speakers on display and in a stack of unopened ready-to-go.

I try and I try.

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I bought a Planex 300N wireless router and 2 Planex 300N wireless USB adapters from **** in Pantip a few days back. Couldn't get them to work properly in my apartment. Set up in exactly the same location as my old 54G router and USB adapter, configured the same, but after getting an initial connection at 130 Mbps it would drop down and fluctuate around 26 Mbps, at times even dropping down to 1 Mbps. I'm a retired programmer and systems integrator with 27 years experience, not someone who couldn't solve simple install problems. I gave up on the equipment and returned it to **** where they offered to replace it with the same brand which I refused because I now consider this equipment to be junk. The **** manager refused to refund my purchase because one of the USB boxes was torn at the corner. That ticked me off to the extent that I left the equipment on the store's table and walked out. I bought it with Mastercard so I'm disputing the charge. I've never done an international charge dispute (my credit card is from the US) but either Mastercard will do a chargeback or I'll simply cancel the card and refuse to pay the bill.

I know others have had bad experiences in Thailand trying to return bad products but I wanted to share this. I don't care what the store policy is, if they sell me junk they're getting it back. That's why I pay with a credit card, not cash.

Wayne Davis

Wayne I don't know if you are aware of this but 99% of the crap that is sold in Panthip is chinese copied junk. Believe it. I don't care who says any different. A router of any make and model seems to be cheaper at Panthip than anywhere else in Bangkok is because it is not the real deal it is a chinese fake copy. I don't care what the box or warranty card says they are all copies and fakes of the originals.

The same is true of the majority of shops at Zeer Rangsit, Fortune and other places.

We use D-Link in our office, 12 wireless desktops and never have a problem.

D-Link bought from Central PowerBuy who stand by their products.

The reason you get NO refund from Panthip is because the guys knows he sold you chinese copied junk and he might not be able to find anyone else to buy it

You have to use your head and realize how many power buy stores/Central there are in Thailand and what is their buying power versus one junk shop at Panthip

The only way Panthip can undersell is because the products are not real

I can take you to many shops and ask the guy in Thai if it is real or copy and he tell me copy every time

I recently saw some creative labs MP3 in Zeer that were low, low priced

So I ask the lady are these the real Creative Products and she said no they are copies from China.

If it is too good to be true, then beware

Any mall like Panthip that allows millions of pirated software and DVD's to be sold is not the place to be buying if you want quality electronics

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If I can't name the store can I say the large computer store on the 2nd floor of Pantip Plaza? I don't want the unnamed store on the top floor to be mistaken as the one that treated me this way.

I'm definitely not returning to the store unless they ask me to come in to process a refund. I did write a letter to their manager but that's as far as I'm going to go with them.

People keep saying that confrontation doesn't work in Thailand. How does that fit in with Muay Thai? And how come the murder rate in Thailand is so high? I'm not engaged in confrontation anyway, I'm simply refusing to let a store rip me off. I won't accept this in the U.S., I won't accept it in England, and I won't accept it here.

I am most definitely not stuffed on this. It's unlikely that my U.S. credit union, the issuer of the Mastercard, will refuse to accept my dispute of the charge. If they do, well I'm a retired American citizen, I can live without credit. I've refused to pay bills before when large corporations thought they could run over me. I'm still here and still solvent. The unnamed store in Pantip Plaza is most definitely not going to be paid by Mastercard for this purchase.


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Wayne I don't know if you are aware of this but 99% of the crap that is sold in Panthip is chinese copied junk. Believe it. I don't care who says any different. A router of any make and model seems to be cheaper at Panthip than anywhere else in Bangkok is because it is not the real deal it is a chinese fake copy. I don't care what the box or warranty card says they are all copies and fakes of the originals.

The same is true of the majority of shops at Zeer Rangsit, Fortune and other places.

Sorry but that is complete and utter rubbish.

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And all three stores had none to actually sell.

This is something I fail to understand, display something you don't have.

Back home you can negotiate to buy the display unit at a discount, Thailand it's rare :)

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People keep saying that confrontation doesn't work in Thailand. How does that fit in with Muay Thai?

Muay Thai is a martial art, a display of skills.

And how come the murder rate in Thailand is so high?

IMHO, the murder rate is so high because so many don't confront problems, until they reach to point of snapping

I'm not engaged in confrontation anyway, I'm simply refusing to let a store rip me off. I won't accept this in the U.S., I won't accept it in England, and I won't accept it here.

The perception of "confrontation" can vary.


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I buy all my electronic needs in Phantip plaza, since 2001, nevere got a copy, always original, never had a problem, always satisfied.

You should be able to understand if an item is original or not, buy always branded stuff and beware of too much cheap products.


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People keep saying that confrontation doesn't work in Thailand. How does that fit in with Muay Thai? And how come the murder rate in Thailand is so high? I'm not engaged in confrontation anyway, I'm simply refusing to let a store rip me off. I won't accept this in the U.S., I won't accept it in England, and I won't accept it here.

I am most definitely not stuffed on this. It's unlikely that my U.S. credit union, the issuer of the Mastercard, will refuse to accept my dispute of the charge. If they do, well I'm a retired American citizen, I can live without credit. I've refused to pay bills before when large corporations thought they could run over me. I'm still here and still solvent. The unnamed store in Pantip Plaza is most definitely not going to be paid by Mastercard for this purchase.


Wayne, you're not ready for living in Thailand. I thought this when I read your first post, but after reading this one...wow.

Muay Thai is a competitive sport. Don't you know the difference between everyday life and sport?

You are most certainly involved in confrontation. Generally speaking that doesn't work here in Thailand. Let me tell you a little story. Several years ago I was upcountry -- I think it was Lampang -- and I went into a hotel that I had not booked ahead. A guy that reminds me a lot of you was ranting and raving over something at the front desk. They kept saying calmly, but firmly, "We have no room for you." Finally the Ugly American stormed off. I was up next. "Can I help you?" "Well, I heard you say you have no rooms. Could you kindly suggest to me another hotel?" "Oh, we have many rooms. Not for that man. He is not nice man. You are nice man. Sign book."

Are you being the "ugly American"? Yes, I think so. After all, you said, "well I'm a retired American citizen". So what? Who cares?

"The unnamed store in Pantip Plaza is most definitely not going to be paid by Mastercard for this purchase." Really? Let's wait and see. Oh, I forgot, YOU'RE AN AMERICAN!

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And all three stores had none to actually sell.

This is something I fail to understand, display something you don't have.

Back home you can negotiate to buy the display unit at a discount, Thailand it's rare :)

Oh yes, they all would allow me to buy the display copy. But I have no idea how long that's been on display or whether its been abused by customers. No thanks.

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Sometimes it can be brick wall here in Thailand..however only recently i bought some more ram for a laptop from a small shop in Pantip..when i got home to test it did i know that this laptop would not take the amount of ram i had bought....

I went back to the shop with the laptop and ram to show them and they did not have anything suitable and refunded me...to be honest i was shocked and was expecting a drawn out battle or a credit note....but no a straight refund...

I think to get anywhere here you need to be calm and stand your ground but explain the situation carefully, slowly and NICELY !

I think your problem came from your method of wanting a refund..which may work in the US but not here...you need to adjust your game plan....

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People keep saying that confrontation doesn't work in Thailand. How does that fit in with Muay Thai? And how come the murder rate in Thailand is so high? I'm not engaged in confrontation anyway, I'm simply refusing to let a store rip me off. I won't accept this in the U.S., I won't accept it in England, and I won't accept it here.

I am most definitely not stuffed on this. It's unlikely that my U.S. credit union, the issuer of the Mastercard, will refuse to accept my dispute of the charge. If they do, well I'm a retired American citizen, I can live without credit. I've refused to pay bills before when large corporations thought they could run over me. I'm still here and still solvent. The unnamed store in Pantip Plaza is most definitely not going to be paid by Mastercard for this purchase.


Wayne, you're not ready for living in Thailand. I thought this when I read your first post, but after reading this one...wow.

Muay Thai is a competitive sport. Don't you know the difference between everyday life and sport?

You are most certainly involved in confrontation. Generally speaking that doesn't work here in Thailand. Let me tell you a little story. Several years ago I was upcountry -- I think it was Lampang -- and I went into a hotel that I had not booked ahead. A guy that reminds me a lot of you was ranting and raving over something at the front desk. They kept saying calmly, but firmly, "We have no room for you." Finally the Ugly American stormed off. I was up next. "Can I help you?" "Well, I heard you say you have no rooms. Could you kindly suggest to me another hotel?" "Oh, we have many rooms. Not for that man. He is not nice man. You are nice man. Sign book."

Are you being the "ugly American"? Yes, I think so. After all, you said, "well I'm a retired American citizen". So what? Who cares?

"The unnamed store in Pantip Plaza is most definitely not going to be paid by Mastercard for this purchase." Really? Let's wait and see. Oh, I forgot, YOU'RE AN AMERICAN!

Wow! A little patronizing this morning? :) Oh sorry, this is your normal MO. BTW, Your trite American bashing does not amount to much either.

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I know others have had bad experiences in Thailand trying to return bad products but I wanted to share this. I don't care what the store policy is, if they sell me junk they're getting it back. That's why I pay with a credit card, not cash.

Wayne Davis

Thanks for sharing this info. Might come in handy. I know this is Thailand but I think in this case, you are right--Mastercard rules!!!

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I don't think he is America-bashing, he is merely pointing out an attitude that some foreigners seem to have here, that because they are citizens of a fading (or faded) power, that they must be interacted with in the same way that they are at home. Sorry, you're not in Kansas anymore...

A smile, and a non-confrontational explanation of a situation (in Thai if possible), will get you much farther than the "ugly foreigner" ("Don't you know what country I'm from?", "You can't do that where I come from!", "How dare you <insert different cultural interaction or norm>!"), as well as the realization that "cash-refund" is not a normal practice here.

That being said, knowing where and what to buy from where helps too. I know now which shop the OP is talking about, and I wouldn't buy from them either.

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Most stores like these have signs that clearly state all sales are final and no refunds. Did this store have such a sign? Did it have a sign that said they would refund if not satisfied?

As others have said, this is Asia, and there are few consumer rights here and if you want to have the ability to get refund if not satisfied, you need to shop at stores that clearly state it is available.

The store has probably already got the money from the credit card. If you dispute the charge either they will eat it or insist you pay and damage your credit rating.


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Wayne I don't know if you are aware of this but 99% of the crap that is sold in Panthip is chinese copied junk. Believe it. I don't care who says any different. A router of any make and model seems to be cheaper at Panthip than anywhere else in Bangkok is because it is not the real deal it is a chinese fake copy. I don't care what the box or warranty card says they are all copies and fakes of the originals.

The same is true of the majority of shops at Zeer Rangsit, Fortune and other places.

Sorry but that is complete and utter rubbish.

Hey smart guy I have a deal for you? How about you and I go over to Panthip and buy something electronic. Then lets take it back to my engineering company and disassemble it? If you find out what I am saying is true and the it is not the original and a copy, you pay for the electronics and the labor to prove this to you?

You don't get it do you?

Why is Bangkok China Town one of the largest grossing economic markets in Asia?

Ever spent any quality time in China Town?

Do you think Creative Labs, Sony, Pioneer and other name brands are selling to China town wholesale shops?

Give me a break man, you cannot be this silly.

Read the news, did you just see the photo where they confiscated 100's of copied chain saws from China? Exactly like the original OEM but made in china and copies.

How about a large Thai company manufacturing parts for the Thai military that is involved in a major lawsuit with the US and govt over the fact they manufactured parts here in Thailand and then stamped them with the same counterfeit US stamp and US part number. (these parts are strategic national defense parts)

Before you go piping off, you should get some facts straight and do some exploring of Thailand and Thai business practices

When you have been here over 15 years in business, then come tell me something is rubbish or not

To think that everything in Panthip is real?

How about you and Bill Gates getting together to see if Panthips Windows 7 is real?

Where you find counterfeiting, you find it everywhere

and if Panthip doesnt work for you, try China Town, Zeers, Thonglor or any other place known to sell chinese copied electronics

Take a guess what percent of the Thai banks are owned by the Chinese and then guess where the Chinese get all the money?

The dam_n rent per square foot in Panthip is going to be way more expensive than the malls on the outskirts of Bangkok.

With that in mind ask yourself how they can sell the same product for half as much as other malls with lower rent?

The poster got screwed because the seller knew he sold him a load of junk and that is the reason he would not take it back.

Believe what ever you want that is why Panthip thrives because they will always have customers that say if looks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it must be a duck!

Ever see the Movie Zohan?

Sony $300 and then the customer gets to the store is it some no name with Sony guts for $450, same point here.

Do some research before piping off next time

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I buy all my electronic needs in Phantip plaza, since 2001, nevere got a copy, always original, never had a problem, always satisfied.

You should be able to understand if an item is original or not, buy always branded stuff and beware of too much cheap products.


How would you know it is a copy?

Are you an expert in electrical engineering and circuit board design?

Can you honestly say you have ever opened up anything electrical and taken a took inside?

You might be one of the lucky ones that everything is working, but more often than not you are the exception and not the rule.

Any one familiar with PC's and building a PC?

Buy a Hewlett Packard desktop of any price in Thailand and I mean even the expensive ones and take the cover off and look inside.

Then tell me what you see?

Whereas in the USA an expensive HP desktop is using built like a tank and will last for ever, the same HP's here are built with inferior mother boards, peripheral components and on and on.

The 12 HP pc we bought for our office when we upgraded last year all had 24" monitors. In the fine print in HP Thailand it is OK for a new monitor to have a burned out pixel. No refund, no warranty, it is acceptable.

Our office HP's which see limited to no use have had hard drives fail repeatedly, dvd/cd rom drives fail, multiple card reader failures, power supplies and you name it

The power supply is some no name and feels exactly as cheap as it is

When you finally take one of the PC's apart you know the reason why

Thailand is not a world class electronics manufacturer like Japan and Singapore

To get electronics into Thailand you have to pay the import tax of 20% (electronics)

So we have wholesale the following:

  1. Wholesale cost from Japan (name brand products)
  2. Shipping Costs
  3. Import taxes 20% of value of each item
  4. In country delivery charge from Airport
  5. Mark up for retailer to make a profit

Now tell me with all that, how in the world is Panthip going to have the same products selling for half as much as say Powerbuy?

Enough said

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Wow! A little patronizing this morning? :) Oh sorry, this is your normal MO. BTW, Your trite American bashing does not amount to much either.

No, not bashing America at all. Bashing some specific Americans. Surely you've heard the term "ugly American" before. And, BTW, I am American and think -- overall -- it's the greatest country on earth.

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Well cwdavi1. you bought it and it is not faulty. (If faulty they offered to exchange it).

They deal wasn't test it and if you don't like it bring it back.

What is the shop supposed to do with the used equipment? They can't sell it, they can't return it to the factory.

They are a shop who just buy and sell that product, they aren't the factory.

If you would be retired programmer and systems integrator, you would know that 90 % of these electronic things never work as shown in the promotion and read some reviews, test on the usual webpages BEFORE you buy it.

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...Thailand is not a world class electronics manufacturer like Japan and Singapore

...Enough said

Thailand is the worldwide leader in the manufacture of hard disk drives and integrated circuits, exporting some $30 billion each year. The chances are greater then 50% that when you buy a computer anywhere in the world, the HDD was made in Thailand.


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I don't think he is America-bashing, he is merely pointing out an attitude that some foreigners seem to have here, that because they are citizens of a fading (or faded) power, that they must be interacted with in the same way that they are at home. Sorry, you're not in Kansas anymore...

A smile, and a non-confrontational explanation of a situation (in Thai if possible), will get you much farther than the "ugly foreigner" ("Don't you know what country I'm from?", "You can't do that where I come from!", "How dare you <insert different cultural interaction or norm>!"), as well as the realization that "cash-refund" is not a normal practice here.

That being said, knowing where and what to buy from where helps too. I know now which shop the OP is talking about, and I wouldn't buy from them either.

Really??? Those upper cases sound very LOUD to me! :)

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Wow! A little patronizing this morning? :) Oh sorry, this is your normal MO. BTW, Your trite American bashing does not amount to much either.

No, not bashing America at all. Bashing some specific Americans. Surely you've heard the term "ugly American" before. And, BTW, I am American and think -- overall -- it's the greatest country on earth.

Oh dear! So sorry! Sounded so much like our distant cousins! Your definitely not trite. Patronizing yes, trite no.

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Wayne I don't know if you are aware of this but 99% of the crap that is sold in Panthip is chinese copied junk. Believe it. I don't care who says any different. A router of any make and model seems to be cheaper at Panthip than anywhere else in Bangkok is because it is not the real deal it is a chinese fake copy. I don't care what the box or warranty card says they are all copies and fakes of the originals.

The same is true of the majority of shops at Zeer Rangsit, Fortune and other places.

Sorry but that is complete and utter rubbish.

Hey smart guy I have a deal for you? How about you and I go over to Panthip and buy something electronic. Then lets take it back to my engineering company and disassemble it? If you find out what I am saying is true and the it is not the original and a copy, you pay for the electronics and the labor to prove this to you?

You don't get it do you?

I don't think you get it actually. I don't care what you think, as long as other people who are looking for info on this topic don't see your posts and think you are right.

Because, you claim that 99% of electronic goods in Panthip are fakes, is absolute utter rubbish. Obviously fakes do exist, especially with internal components and software, but, you can buy originals as well. To claim that all the routers, MP3 players, cameras, TVs, stereos etc are fakes is just simply ridiculous and just goes to show you don't have a clue what you are talking about.


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...Thailand is not a world class electronics manufacturer like Japan and Singapore

...Enough said

Thailand is the worldwide leader in the manufacture of hard disk drives and integrated circuits, exporting some $30 billion each year. The chances are greater then 50% that when you buy a computer anywhere in the world, the HDD was made in Thailand.


Excuse me? Are these Thai companies engineering their own products or Japanese/Taiwanese companies running plants in Thailand on cheap labor?

What is the name brand of a Thai engineered and designed hard drive?

Do your homework.

Made in Thailand means assembled in Thailand, not designed or engineered in Thailand

Companies are here for 1 reason only CHEAP LABOR

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...Thailand is not a world class electronics manufacturer like Japan and Singapore

...Enough said

Thailand is the worldwide leader in the manufacture of hard disk drives and integrated circuits, exporting some $30 billion each year. The chances are greater then 50% that when you buy a computer anywhere in the world, the HDD was made in Thailand.


Excuse me? Are these Thai companies engineering their own products or Japanese/Taiwanese companies running plants in Thailand on cheap labor?

What is the name brand of a Thai engineered and designed hard drive?

Do your homework.

Made in Thailand means assembled in Thailand, not designed or engineered in Thailand

Companies are here for 1 reason only CHEAP LABOR

You need to be sure what you say. You said "Thailand is not a world class electronics manufacturer like Japan and Singapore", there is nothing in that statement about engineering or designing electronics.

Your comment was understood to mean that in your opinion no electronic device manufactured in Thailand was any good and you had to import from Japan or Singapore. In fact, no hard drives have been made in Japan for a long time, and though Singapore was once the leading HDD manufacturer, that position has been taken over by Thailand. And as you say, this was mainly due to they can do it cheaper in Thailand.

The multi national companies that dominate the electronics market are here for the right combination of skilled workers at the cheapest cost. If they just want cheap labor there are far more cheaper places then Thailand.

What was your point in your statement anyway?


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