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ericsshop...your long winded posts are boring propaganda...remarkable that you arrived on this forum just before Dubya's arrival.

I'm an American too, but to use a british phrase 'hop it, mate' and go back to your office in Langly...

yeah, what a surprise. Just another NeoCon script crawling the web for more disinformation. These people don't deserve the freedom that the US Constitution has granted them.

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Hi All:

A debate usually works by putting forth points and refuting other people's statements.  'Your ideas are boring crap' really does not offer much to the debate.  It does, however, sound an awful lot like 'I cannot think of anything intelligent to say back'.

Now let me pre-empt any angry responses to my post:  Your ideas are boring  &worthless trash, too stupid to warrant a response.



You are correct. But how do you argue with people who could justify any type of killing as long as it fits their political agenda ? This is the path the Nazis took in 1937, how long will it take for people to react to this ? are they are going to wait as long as they did for Hitler ? Bush could get away with invading Iran and Syria and he knows it. Just wait for another excuse for him to do so. He is got another 4 years waiting for him. This is just the beginning and it's all about oil.


Butterfly...settle down, man...what are you referring to when you speak of the US Constitution? Crazy assed libertarians use that language...

you ain't one of them are you?

No, I am not that insane  :o

The Constitution was just being used a reference here, not as my bible  :D


mrsaigon...please return to Idaho and your compound with your posse comititus friends to discuss the merits and shortcomings of the US Constitution. I have supported your ravings on this forum but now you have revealed yourself as a true maniac.

Dr Pat Pong keel haul this subversive...


Butterfly- I will be in BKK in Dec. Would you like to meet me for a drink, and reiterate how stupid I am?

Tutsi- My dear friend. How is it we always cross paths like this? Please come home, as you left your common sense over here.

Mr. V- When exactly is our secret meeting in Idaho, and how did Tutsi find out?


Good to hear from you again SoCal. Despite our differences I see that you have humanity.

However...to consort with mrsaigon and his horrid libertarian/survivalist crew in Idaho invalidates this proposition. It is well known that these organizations are fronts for white supremacy groups..heavily armed and wanting another Waco type confrontation.

To dispell these suspicions please repeat:

I like negroes and their friends...

So that you finish with threatening people that disagree with you I may be able to meet you in BKK for amiable repartee on Soi Nana. If you ###### with me the girls will flay your hide and do a good trade in lamp shades.

all the best


I have a great idea, lets keel haul bush elect Bin Landen and then see how many of these posts we can do after that.

As an American do I agree with Iraq approach not at all, but I can say it? something to think about.


Yes totsi warrior the foundations of freedom would not suit you very well as affirmative action would be eliminated. Perhaps this is one of your fears?

Never been to idaho, but had a loft in soho. Is this within your ideas of whatever it is you're thinking?

Mr SoCal, hey man, no a fruit juice for me on south Beach, or on phan thiet. Although I do frequent long beach a couple times a year:)


Mr Vietnam

mrsaigon...please return to Idaho and your compound with your posse comititus friends to discuss the merits and shortcomings of the US Constitution. I have supported your ravings on this forum but now you have revealed yourself as a true maniac.

Dr Pat Pong keel haul this subversive...

Using some pretty fancy language there dude, but I have to take exception to calling Mr V a "subversive" after already identifying his maniacal streak. That's a term more appropriate to such luminaries as Che Guevara or even Solzhenitzhin (it's spelled wrong, I know). From my limited knowledge, I'd say he probably represents the mindset of a fair proportion of your countrymen, so is too mainstream to be labelled a "subversive". Let's be frank and call him a plain "raving nutter" or a "basket case", please.


Butterfly your a conspiracy theorist and nothing more ranking up there with the unibomber.

Your blatant mouthy attacks with of no substance show you are actually extremely undereducated rather than overly as you obviously feel you are.  Which is more often the case with your types having either gone to a worthless university then proceeded to drop out or spent half your time high and not receiving a degree,  which are you?

The problem with your type is since you cannot refute anything anyone says with a fact you relegate yourself to saying your to intelligent to have the discussion.  I mean invade Suria for oil?  Or anything other than its harboring and aid to terrorists?  What oil?  Most myself included hope and believe the Syrian thing will never come about, its a waste of diplomacy.  Iran, North Jorea same thing, no need no want or desire, at least in my opinion.  Let the UN and the IAEA handle it, they are such experts.  I would rather sit back have a glass of Pinot Grigio and try and see what it is I and others desperately need to learn according to the butterflies of the world.

Length of post, many disliked that.  Long post but many points to be made thus the length.  I guess it would have been better to post in a way that you were used to speaking.  

"its the oil,  I know because my friends on Khao San Road told me so"  

"Bush is a criminal everybody at the ELF meeting said so"  

"Bush is trying to take over the world,  they had flyers that said as much at the WTO activist meeting so its fact"    That better?

Here I will make it easy for you simple minded gents.....just answer simple questions, rather than spouting BS and Neo Con, world domination BS.

Where are the WMD's Saddam admitted he made and the French, Germans, Russians, UN etc etc said he had?  Oh I know he deystroyed them, blah blah.....

If deystroyed where?  Oh I know he forgot where, blah blah.....

If he had no WMD's why give up his personal kingdom and not let inspectors go anywhere they desired?  I know he wanted to act as if he did to keep those in the region guessing and in fear of attack blah blah....

If no ties to terrorism, what was up with the terorist training camp north of Bagdad, that the leader of Ansar al Islam in London said yes was there and yes GW blew there azzez to heII.  I know they were religous pilgrims blah blah......

We can start with those simple ones so its short enough for you, though I doubt there will be anymore as you will refuse to even answer those.  So better to let the matter drop.

Axel... you have some very valid points and would love to debate with you on them as you are obviously an educated and rational thinker, but alas this is a open forum and the sideshow would make not worth the effort.  The length no worries, did not bother me in the slightest.  How could one make any points of substance or give any idea of reasoning without doing so.  

One thing you spoke about GW's fathers war, you don't believe that that was a mistake do you?  Nobody here honestly believes it would have been good to let Saddam just annex Kuwait?  Yes he made a mistake in my opinion it was listening to the UN and not going straight to bagdad,  just as Truman (the hapless president surrounded by Communists in his administration, thats unrefuted fact) did not let Patton push the Russians back to Russia and let Poland, Romanians, Hungary, etc etc again take charge of their own destiny.  

And unfortunately for butterfly the majority of Americans no have not changed their mind about the war.  But I would argue that the majority of Americans that you saw posting 6 months ago have just decided to stay off the boards and conversations when it comes to defended their country etc as its pointless and extremely tiring as I tried to do when first viewing this thread and most like it.  But again, Axel, nice chatting with you, you seem like a rather nice guy.

butterfly,  you have proved yourself to be nothing more than a hater which is sad.  Although, usually 99% above the BS I really take offense as an American at you anti-us BS.  Never been to a NASCAR race sorry and Oprah's leftist BS makes me ill.  But I read through the lines and got your point.

I live 50 yards away from Ratchathewi skytrain and will gladly meet you there and we can proceed to my parking garage and have a chat.  The security guards would gladly keep a lookout so neither of us gets arrested and does any damage to our visa status etc.  Haters like you on either side of the coin make me ill and I never lack the desire to give your types the only thing they understand a good beating.

tutsi, after living in Belsize Park for three years I too have a bit of the Brit in me.....piss off.

You too, if you feel the need are more than welcome to stop by.  Brothers can fight no doubt, I may be on the losing end of that one,  but in losing I would make sure one of your balls went with me.  If your gonna lose always good to at least let the guy remember the beating he gave you on your own terms, right.  At least thats how it was in my neighborhood.  

Any and all parties that feel its their duty to simply push hate about Americans is more than welcome, drop me an email.

Have a nice day.......  :o

As I said in my original post the US stealing or as you said "controlling" the oil is a grasp as something other than reality.  There is no way that the governments of the world let alone the opposition party in the US would allow this to happen.  Its a baseless argument for many reasons.  If you think that for one minute anyone in the US would allow GW to steal (what else could controlling it mean in this instance) the oil from Iraq myself included without raising all kinds of #### is sadly mistaken.  

I know Butterfly has already made a similar point, but I'll just reiterate - all crediblity for the rest of your long-winded  posts are blown out the water by this first para. Iraq was and is about nothing but OIL. Bush is an oilman, Cheney is an oilman, Rumsfeld is an oilman and Rice is an oilwoman (Condi's even got a supertanker named after her!), so please don't waste your time trying to convince rational thinkers it is about anything but the black stuff. Exxon Mobil (E$$0)gave the Bush campaign some of his biggest donations (if not THE biggest) and he immediately thanked them by scrapping the Kyoto Protocol and giving them licences to go and trash new wilderness areas of Alaska. Cause and effect. Payments and support equals big rewards in The Great Game. Afghanistan is an important piece in the gas supply jigsaw and now has a nice compliant regime (never mind the fact that half the justifications for invasion are now even worse than pre-invasion, heroin supply being the prime example), while Iraq is the Queen in the oil supply chessboard. The game is sown up for the US, bar these pesky "terrorists", who just don't seem to want to go away. Funny that, wonder why? Yes, Bush is a war criminal in the real sense of the word, but sadly, he's unlikely to ever stand trial for his crimes. It's the hegemonius world we live in (see an earlier thread started by SoCal).


plachon little man do you even know what Libertarianism is? Really, do you even have a clue? Where are you from little man? A bastion of freedom hahahaha right? So you must be an expert. Please illuminate the terrain for us will you?

Really after all people like you have done such amazing things in the world with your useless ideology of taking from other people to support your miserable existence. What a joke you are.

Insomuch as being like my countrymen, no, I am certainly in the minority of people who really do hate force, and violence which if course is the underlying action in socialism. Hence I am an incredibly anti socialist kind of guy.

That said, I am absolutely into self defence and yes tootsie, I own guns. Legally and I own the big ones and have been  on outings where I use them for practice and would absolutely not hesitate to take care of anyone attempting to perpetrate theft at my homes or injury to my family and have done so. Legally and with congratulations from the Ft Lauderdale PD when it happened. ( I saved an elderly woman from a poor misunderstood and downtrodden negro who was attempting to break into her house and I held him until the police arrived)

And also insomuch as the somewhat hysterical and pathetic remarks about the land in which I call my home, ie: America, all I can say is we as a people have not been pissed off at anyone in many decades. One of these days though, we will be pushed over the edge and you people will probably be found hiding in your little baskets of existence begging for a handout and protection. Or hoping that some legislator will steal from people who work hard for aliving so as to supply you whining snivelling babies with some kind of welfare.

And after we slap you a few times to wake you up, we as a people will probably do just that, help you as this is what my people are really known for, and that's how big we are.

Good luck trying to scam the Thai government on your visa's. Methinks that game is coming to a close.

Mr Vietnam


Oh by the way, you are partially correct about the iraqui situation being about oil. It's about power and oil is power and guess what? Like it or not, the US has the power and the oil. There is nothing you or anyone else can or will do that can stop that reality. if you had any clue as to my Libertarian ideology you would already know how "I" feel about it.


chonabot "boxing" as well as mui thai? No siree, YOU're the cock.

I boxed a long time ago. Was qualified for GG. Incorporating thai style must really be a trip. Although Kung <deleted> would be better.

Mr Vietnam  ::o:


I went through most styles before Muay Thai , actually learnt boxing to improve hand speed for MT.

Kung <deleted> ( Lau Gar Style and Wing Chun) pretty cool styles , but not many places practice it in full contact , alas.

:o  :D  B)  B)

I have a great idea, lets keel haul bush elect Bin Landen and then see how many of these posts we can do after that.

As an American do I agree with Iraq approach not at all, but I can say it? something to think about.

Interesting responses from all sides that give me the feeling there is democratic thinking. I read comparing Bush with Hitler. I read soft and hard responses. I chose to quote "but I can say it?"

My answer yes and no. Yes, to stand up if you feel something is wrong. But you might face opposition. Opposition from authorities, from friends, from companies, if you are looking for a job. No, if you follow Mr. Thaksin's idea:

But the prime minister said, "As hosts we have to take care of our guests to the best of our ability.''

"These people will bring investment money to Thailand,'' in response to "Arrest world criminal George Bush" and "Bush is the real world terrorist" or "Why should we welcome him? In fact, he is a war criminal,''  http://www.thaivisa.com/index.php?514&backPID=514&tt_news=587

I saw pictures of Hitler and Bush in a shopping arcade in Helsinki, I read of a cabinet-minister in Germany being fired for making the same comparison. Was she just stupid or did she believe in her rights. She was fired for expressing an opinion that was politically not opportune while her boss tried to avoid a confrontation.

So perhaps Thaksin does the right thing after all"Take the investment and don't express an opinion. Who would call this cheque-book diplomacy?

Oops, I just run this through a spell-check, did not lik "Thaksin" and sugggested "Taking".

I went through most styles before Muay Thai , actually learnt boxing to improve hand speed for MT.

Kung <deleted> ( Lau Gar Style and Wing Chun) pretty cool styles , but not many places practice it in full contact , alas.

:o  :D  B)  B)

Yikes! My previous wife was a master ( from xi'an)

Also a lawyer. Was a rough divorce.


Mr Vietnam  B)


Hahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!! What a man of principles you are! I thought I was supposed to be on your pathetic little "must ignore list" along with Butterfly. Or are you suffering from amnesia as well as terminal self-delusion? Bet your New Year's Resolutions last well into .........January 2nd. Do us all a favour "big man" and go back to your Libertarian utopia where you can all play your little fantasies out in Idaho, or wherever it is, leaving the rest of the world in peace.

Just some confirmation of the one thing we both agree on:

"If you are trying to talk about Iraq and if you were not encumbered by the fear that your actions would be linked to Exxon Mobil or the oil industry, you'd be talking about oil issues". --- Bush advisor speaking anonymously to the NEW York Times, 22 November, 2002


Butterfly- I will be in BKK in Dec. Would you like to meet me for a drink, and reiterate how stupid I am?

Tutsi- My dear friend. How is it we always cross paths like this? Please come home, as you left your common sense over here.

Mr. V- When exactly is our secret meeting in Idaho, and how did Tutsi find out?

hahahaha !!! you are joke. Go back to your redneck white trash trailer. You are not even worth it for a fight or anything else and I don't fight with the mentally challenged  :o

I have a great idea, lets keel haul bush elect Bin Landen and then see how many of these posts we can do after that.

As an American do I agree with Iraq approach not at all, but I can say it? something to think about.

I think you are a little bit too extreme here. Nobody has been asking for Bin Laden to replace Bush. Actually Bush and Bin Laden are the same people and come from the same backgroud: rich kids from an oil family with too much free time on their hands.


Butterfly your a conspiracy theorist and nothing more ranking up there with the unibomber.

blah blah [insert insane rant]

blah blah right [insert right wing nuts BS]

blah blah [more insecure uneducated right winger BS]

I live 50 yards away from Ratchathewi skytrain and will gladly meet you there and we can proceed to my parking garage and have a chat.  The security guards would gladly keep a lookout so neither of us gets arrested and does any damage to our visa status etc.  Haters like you on either side of the coin make me ill and I never lack the desire to give your types the only thing they understand a good beating.

tutsi, after living in Belsize Park for three years I too have a bit of the Brit in me.....piss off.

You too, if you feel the need are more than welcome to stop by.  Brothers can fight no doubt, I may be on the losing end of that one,  but in losing I would make sure one of your balls went with me.  If your gonna lose always good to at least let the guy remember the beating he gave you on your own terms, right.  At least thats how it was in my neighborhood.  

Any and all parties that feel its their duty to simply push hate about Americans is more than welcome, drop me an email.

Have a nice day.......  :o

Typical Republitard response: when words can't win, the fist will.

What happened to the civil attitude you were preaching a few posts ago ? again all talk, no action. You are a joke.

I don't fight with the handicapped and I am not impressed by your retard long post. It's all trash. Go buy a brain or something.

People like you belong to the Cuba detention camp with the Talibans. You are the same people with the same ideology so you should fit right in.

You are a disgrace and you don't deserve those rights and freedom that America has granted you. Bush does deserve to win in 2004 with people like you.

Just some confirmation of the one thing we both agree on:

"If you are trying to talk about Iraq and if you were not encumbered by the fear that your actions would be linked to Exxon Mobil or the oil industry, you'd be talking about oil issues". --- Bush advisor speaking anonymously to the NEW York Times, 22 November, 2002

And look for how many times they have changed the stories for invading Iraq ? WMD ? no, Terrorist activity ? no, Regime Change ? no etc...

But it's OK, because we are Americans and we do pretty much what we want. We don't care about the UN but we come crying for help when we need more men to be shot at.

yeah, sure, and don't forget to act suprised when more planes will hit your buildings.

"Bring them on"

What a disgrace this administration has been. A total joke and the laughing matter of the world if only so many people wouldn't get killed.

Just some confirmation of the one thing we both agree on:

"If you are trying to talk about Iraq and if you were not encumbered by the fear that your actions would be linked to Exxon Mobil or the oil industry, you'd be talking about oil issues". --- Bush advisor speaking anonymously to the NEW York Times, 22 November, 2002

And look for how many times they have changed the stories for invading Iraq ? WMD ? no, Terrorist activity ? no, Regime Change ? no etc...

But it's OK, because we are Americans and we do pretty much what we want. We don't care about the UN but we come crying for help when we need more men to be shot at.

yeah, sure, and don't forget to act suprised when more planes will hit your buildings.

"Bring them on"

What a disgrace this administration has been. A total joke and the laughing matter of the world if only so many people wouldn't get killed.

Maybe not such a joke if you happen to be a "freedom fighter" labelled a "terrorist" by Bush, or an orphaned Iraqui, Afghanistani,........ (take your pick of a dozen countries),,,,.kid, whose parents were killed in the "fight for freedom", or a Mexican illegal immigrant forced to work in a sweatshop, or a Laotian/Cambodian/Vietnamese  kid who loses a led or arm to an US "bombie" or one of the millions of poor destined to perpetual poverty through FTA's.

By the way, is Mr V's avatar Buster Gonad and his unfeasibly large testicles or what?

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