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Not Sure About Tha Girl


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Hey Newbie can you honestly say you have ever been to Isaan?

All the hot girls are in the bar?

You got your head stuck somewhere behind you somewhere between Saturn, Uranus and Pluto.

You can tell with your uneducated comments that you have never been out of the bar or bar town.

Ever been to a Grammy, RS Records, or Maxim party?

Ever seen the 1000's of stewardesses for Emirates and Thai Airways?

Ever spend a whole day at Siam Paragon?

How about the millions and millions of college girls parading around?

Sorry man, if you think bar girls are the babes you are sorely mistaken and better get your eyes checked.

Even 10 pounds of makeup cannot save what you wake up with in the morning.

From the Bangkokpost "100,000 farangs in Isaan contributing US $6 billion dollars to the Thai economy every year"

Now if all the girls are in the bars what do you think these 100,000 people are doing in Isaan?

Thailand is a big country, you should get off your bar stool long enough to explore it.

Next time you comment, before you stick your foot in it, come with some facts.

There are many many beautiful girls in Isaan, Many that will not think about working in bars.

My wife is from Isaan (A farners daughter) married her 1979, Really lovely girls in Isaan go take a look.

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Hey Newbie can you honestly say you have ever been to Isaan?

All the hot girls are in the bar?

You got your head stuck somewhere behind you somewhere between Saturn, Uranus and Pluto.

You can tell with your uneducated comments that you have never been out of the bar or bar town.

Ever been to a Grammy, RS Records, or Maxim party?

Ever seen the 1000's of stewardesses for Emirates and Thai Airways?

Ever spend a whole day at Siam Paragon?

How about the millions and millions of college girls parading around?

Sorry man, if you think bar girls are the babes you are sorely mistaken and better get your eyes checked.

Even 10 pounds of makeup cannot save what you wake up with in the morning.

From the Bangkokpost "100,000 farangs in Isaan contributing US $6 billion dollars to the Thai economy every year"

Now if all the girls are in the bars what do you think these 100,000 people are doing in Isaan?

Thailand is a big country, you should get off your bar stool long enough to explore it.

Next time you comment, before you stick your foot in it, come with some facts.

There are many many beautiful girls in Isaan, Many that will not think about working in bars.

My wife is from Isaan (A farners daughter) married her 1979, Really lovely girls in Isaan go take a look.

Good point - most Thai girls have nothing to do with bars and bar work, and that includes so-called "stunners".

Should note though that while the amount of Thai girls in the "bar business" is overall a low single figure percentage of all Thai girls, its a figure that is growing larger and larger every year.

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udder hogwash!

there are not a lot of good girls who want a guy who patronizes bars where girls are on sale.

all the hot babes from issan are in the bars of bangkok!

please try to give good info please.

Harry England this was directed to you:

Hey Newbie can you honestly say you have ever been to Isaan?

All the hot girls are in the bar?

You got your head stuck somewhere behind you somewhere between Saturn, Uranus and Pluto.

You can tell with your uneducated comments that you have never been out of the bar or bar town.

Ever been to a Grammy, RS Records, or Maxim party?

Ever seen the 1000's of stewardesses for Emirates and Thai Airways?

Ever spend a whole day at Siam Paragon?

How about the millions and millions of college girls parading around?

Sorry man, if you think bar girls are the babes you are sorely mistaken and better get your eyes checked.

Even 10 pounds of makeup cannot save what you wake up with in the morning.

From the Bangkokpost "100,000 farangs in Isaan contributing US $6 billion dollars to the Thai economy every year"

Now if all the girls are in the bars what do you think these 100,000 people are doing in Isaan?

Thailand is a big country, you should get off your bar stool long enough to explore it.

Next time you comment, before you stick your foot in it, come with some facts.

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So I guess you subscribe to the belief that BGs in general don't want there own family ever and don't want there own husband ever. Ok

Actually I never even thought about it. However now that you bring it up. I would have liked to be an Archeologist. Guess I should not have dropped out of college and worked for the Phone company. If a woman wants kids in a nice family with a GOOD husband, maybe she should think twice about popping her legs open at the sight of every 500 or 1000 baht note that gets waved at her.


They know the deal when they go that route. The smart ones save up their bread (as opposed to letting their worthless relatives bleed them dry) and open their own shop when they get too old to trick.

I often wondered if it would be possible to set up a Bar Girl Investment Fund. Like where you would get the mama sans to collect a cut of the BG's cash each week and put it up for 5-10 years. You make money off of the cash while your holding it, kinda like a bank. Then when the 5-10 years are up you provide them with a franchise outlet (small resturant, shop, or beauty salon) as well as management training and on going support.

You could even provide fringe benifits like direct deposit for kids school fees, discount clinque vists. Free birth control, discounted English lessons, email translations ect.

Whats really sad is seeing these washed up 40 year old hookers on beach road that have been polishing knobs for like 20 years and still don't have a dime to show for it.

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I don't buy it Maigo6, You keep saying EXPLOIT, when "purchase the services of" would be much more appropriate, these guys don't come here and run up in the jungle to "Whatdaphukaburi" and drag girls down to Pattaya with dreams of working in a resturant or as a hotel staff, then pimp em out. No see that would be exploitation. These whores are already down here to sell their bodies, they already made that conscious decision on their own. The ST's are just customers. Do you exploit MC Donalds when you buy a dann cheeseburger???? No, so why are ST's Exploiting these girls.

On the other hand when they lie to and steal from the ST, that's extortion, but your cool with that right? Would it be your fault if you went to MC Donald's for that Cheeseburger and you opened up the bun and all you had was a slice of pickle and a few squirts of ketchup!

I totally respect your time in country Maigo6, I really do, but I don't buy the "poor BG line" for a second.

What about western women that hide behind and screw men with favorable child support and divorce laws ?

Do you hold them to the same standard as bar girls ?

What about Paul McCartney's wife ? Did she not exploit him in your mind ?

Ok well as for Paul McCartney or his wife or exwife whatever, I don't know enough about either of them to comment.

As for the Western women you mentioned that game the league system to trap men they are even worse (as they bring the govt into the equation)! I loath those gold digging b*tches with a passion.

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Nothing unique about your position, 1752martin – at any given time there must be a couple hundred ex-pats (and other foreigners) in the same position as you with respect to their exotic Asian darling.

Been at home means sod all – there could be half a dozen other ex-pats all saying and thinking the same as you are about the situation, i.e. she's at home so all must be just hunky dory - all is just fine- I've corrected her wayward ways - I've saved her from eternal damnation - she'll be eternally gratefull to me for this ect ect .....

Meanwhile, she’s playing the same game with any number of other ex-pats, all at the same time...... there is nothing sophisticated about this manipulation – some bars girls become past masters at the game. Planning out their diary like this for months in advance - the key to its success is ensuring that no 2 ex-pats she is involved with, in this way, are in Thailand at the same time!

I know an ex-pat who used to spend time with his “t’raak” at the country pile up North. During the day her ladyship would take any number of phone calls from other expats. She would turn to him, and gesture – “shhhhhh …… he not know”.

The stupidity of the ex-pat (which he acknowledges now himself - in hindsight - yer, the benefit of hindsite is great isn't it) was not in knowing that there wre other ex-pats in the background, but in thinking he, and only he, was the genuine one – he was the only real boyfriend. Little did he know that as soon as he had gone back home, the shhhhh…… he not know” game began all over again - just with some other ex-pat!

The skill of the girl lay in creating a situation in which she did not have to worry about having to conceal the existance of other ex-pats from each other - just so long as she could avoid having any 2 around at the same time, it was now relatively easy for her to convince the one that was around, that the rest were just guys she had meet during her wayward time working in the bar - and now that she was no longer working in the bar enviroment, but staying at home, these other guys are not percieved as a threat [to the relationship] ...... oh, yer!

In short: don’t for one moment think that staying at home is a reliable gauge for measuring sincerity & commitment to the relationship. You could, unwittingly be playing into the very situation that helps her ladyship perpetuate the manipulation (i.e. the more absent ex-pats been played off in this manner, the longer she can stay at home and not worry about where the next Baht/Satang is coming from, and less she has to ask the same absentee ex-pat for financial help - which unwittingly only serves to help the image she wants you to have of her i.e. not that of someone constantly asking for financial aid). Oh yes ... some of them get very very good at playing "the game".

The ultimate outcome: usually down to whether she is presenting her situation and circumstances to you honestly, or is manipulating you .... and the best judge of this (?) - you, no-one else.

Edited by Maizefarmer
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This girl sounds different to the rest of them, looks like you found a gem there mate :)

Yeah I agree with transit. Just because she works in a bar it dosn't mean she's a bad woman. She could make a wonderful wife for you. You really got lucky she sounds like she's different from the rest of the girls you hear stories about. Go for it!


Don't listen!!! He only wishes he was hansom maan same same you

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As far as my "mechanism," I meant the system, as you well know. I was in the police station once after my car was booted when a Korean man and a ladyboy prostitute were brought in. Turns out the Korean man did not want to pay once he realized that the ladyboy wasn't a woman. The police not only made the man pay, they locked him up. So that is what I mean about the mechanism being in place to protect the local workers.

An anecdotal case that you don't know the details of is a bit thin to claim that sex workers enjoy solid protection under Thai law and policing. How desperate do you really need to be before selling yourself to ugly old men becomes a voluntary choice? I think Maigo6 gets some undeserved flack; girls by and large are in a very vulnerable position. Not every customer is as nice a guy as you or me.

What mechanism is in place to help some poor sap who while he maybe should have known better, is getting fleeced by a local pro?

Common sense? Capitalism? People get fleeced in the West all the time; it's called alimony. In Thailand you pays your money and you takes your chances. And if things go sour, you don't lose more money than you put in. That to me is fair. Also to the girl, who not only doesn't get alimony, she also doesn't have any kind of social security. I think you're focusing on a tiny number of scam artists too much, where the vast majority are just trying to survive and send their kid through school.

First, I am not making any claim that Thai prostitutes get "solid" protection under Thai law.  I am not sure how you read that into any of my posts.  I just wrote that the mechanism of Thai law tends to protect Thai citizens over foreign, and that includes prostitutes.  If some poor sap buys a woman a house for them to live in, then when it is done, her husband moves in and tells the foreigner to hit the road, Thai law gives him no recourse.

Second, how does alimony come in here?  I personally don't think alimony is fleecing anyone in most cases.  And I think it is a shame that Thai law does not enforce child support.  But that is another issue and not relevant to this thread.

And I don't know where I have ever posted that the majority of prostitutes are scam artists.  In fact, if you read my posts, I wrote that I know of one who is happily married now.

Some of you are attacking posters like Huey and myself with accusations of being anti-Thai.  If you read either of our bodies of posts here on TV, you would see that that is far from the case, and in fact, both of us tend to react to Thai-bashing.  However, that does not mean that I won't post when I think someone like Maigo6 makes sweeping generalities bashing all things foreign.  Truth be told, while I don't care for his ardent all-encompassing statements, I probably have alot more in common with him inasfar as my views on Thailand than I have with many of the more stringent posters here who tend to bash this country.

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Because Whores are universal, never tie them down to one race. It insinuates that one race (by blood) is more prone to trick than another and I don't think that's the case.

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So I guess you subscribe to the belief that BGs in general don't want there own family ever and don't want there own husband ever. Ok


I often wondered if it would be possible to set up a Bar Girl Investment Fund. Like where you would get the mama sans to collect a cut of the BG's cash each week and put it up for 5-10 years. You make money off of the cash while your holding it, kinda like a bank. Then when the 5-10 years are up you provide them with a franchise outlet (small resturant, shop, or beauty salon) as well as management training and on going support.

You could even provide fringe benifits like direct deposit for kids school fees, discount clinque vists. Free birth control, discounted English lessons, email translations ect.

Whats really sad is seeing these washed up 40 year old hookers on beach road that have been polishing knobs for like 20 years and still don't have a dime to show for it.

I often thought about the same thing myself. I have some friends in Europe who are in the 'oldest profession' and the amount of money they blow through every month is phenomenal. If they saved just 10% of it, they would be able to have a decent life after hooking, instead of trying to extend their working lives into their 40's (and beyond!)

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So I guess you subscribe to the belief that BGs in general don't want there own family ever and don't want there own husband ever. Ok

Actually I never even thought about it. However now that you bring it up. I would have liked to be an Archeologist. Guess I should not have dropped out of college and worked for the Phone company. If a woman wants kids in a nice family with a GOOD husband, maybe she should think twice about popping her legs open at the sight of every 500 or 1000 baht note that gets waved at her.


They know the deal when they go that route. The smart ones save up their bread (as opposed to letting their worthless relatives bleed them dry) and open their own shop when they get too old to trick.

I often wondered if it would be possible to set up a Bar Girl Investment Fund. Like where you would get the mama sans to collect a cut of the BG's cash each week and put it up for 5-10 years. You make money off of the cash while your holding it, kinda like a bank. Then when the 5-10 years are up you provide them with a franchise outlet (small resturant, shop, or beauty salon) as well as management training and on going support.

You could even provide fringe benifits like direct deposit for kids school fees, discount clinque vists. Free birth control, discounted English lessons, email translations ect.

Whats really sad is seeing these washed up 40 year old hookers on beach road that have been polishing knobs for like 20 years and still don't have a dime to show for it.

Fortunately most of them have been sensible enough to turn to the massage trade once they realise they are not attractive enough to make money in the bar trade.

It may not provide them the riches for which they once hoped, but at least it gives them a living - plus the hope they may still meet the much longed for farang.

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Because Whores are universal, never tie them down to one race. It insinuates that one race (by blood) is more prone to trick than another and I don't think that's the case.

Couldn't agree with you more Huey.

My wife was an exotic isaan asian darling when i married her, In fact still is in my eyes after 30 years of marriage and she was never a whore.


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