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Foods For Tuberculosis Cure


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I have been diagnosed with TB and have a legion on my voicebox which is excruciatingly painful. It is unbearable to eat and currently chew the cud when I attempt to as food gets blocked. Down to 73kg when I should be 90!

I'm on a course of medication but pain in the throat isn't easing.

According to the net, best cures are below but I need to find the Thai translation so please help if you can. Thanks in advance.


Nettle juice









Nasturtium juice

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You should go on some serious medication, TB just doesn't "vanish"!

Yes, I appreciate that. The hospital has given me a course of medication. I have to take 9 pills before I go to bed. This is making me lose even more weight and I have no confidence in the medical system here as I had pneumonia last year and the same problem (pills they gave me made me worse). Went back to UK and sorted after 4 days in hospital. The ailments I have cited should cure my throat pain. Please advise if you can help.

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definitely take the medication. TB will go down to very low but will stay at a low level for quite sometime(about a year). Be wary because it can come back during that period if you let your guard down.

In taking care of yourself then observe all the basics like improving your immune system. Avoid all the usual suspects that lower immunity like drinking, smoking, sugar, fried foods, excessive sodium.

Get lots of sleep, reduce stress. Proper hydration helps moisten the lungs and promotes lung function. Any tonics for lung and respiratory function are helpful.

Please people if you post something in health then tell us where in Thailand your located. There is a good health food store here in Chiang Mai has many Thai herbs that correspond to some of the more western herbs you listed. Some of those exact herbs you listed are hard to find in Thailand as they have to be imported.

I would say find a health food store and a chinese medicine dispensary to find tonics that will help promote lung function and balance to ease your symptoms and speed your recovery. These are not a substitute for the meds but will assist them.

Acupuncture can help stimulate and bring up the weakness of the lung meridian.

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Start taking vit.c to bowel tolerance. There were studies in the 1920's and 30's with vit.c treatment of TB it didn't cure TB but it help to stop the damage to tissue and stopped lung hemmorage.

Also find a health provider who gives vit. c thru IV your body will tolerate higher dosages given this way. Check out the vit.c institute they may have good infomation on the use of vit.c treatment of TB

You need vit.c in large dosages just to replace what the body requires in your battle aganist TB.

Good Luck

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"Yang" foods as carrots, beets, brown rice, small red apples, carp (not too often), ginger, garlic..

Check out this site for more:

click here:


the wiki says:

more info:

waht ever, special in the case of TB, there is NO way around proper medication yet, food stuffs are only seen as asupport as fitness and good state of general, over all well being seems to be large part of the cure!

stay away from stress, specially emotional stress!

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it's important to get diagnosed by a TCM (traditional chinese medicine) doctor. They will check the pulse to determine if a meridian is yin or yang. Your lung and Liver/GB meridian could be Yang already because its working so hard to fight the infection. Conversely some meridians could be yin because they are weak. It's really hard to say without getting a pulse and tongue diagnosis. A TCM practioner will look for the element or meridian that is pulling things out of balance.

If you just assume your Lung or Liver Yin and start eating lots of Yang foods and the assumption was incorrect then could throw things into an even more unbalanced situation.

Just like in regular medicine self diagnosis is often incorrect and harmful.

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The pain will diminish as the lesion resolves. In the meantime there are numbing throat sprays/gargles that might help if used before eating, ask your doctor about it.

Vit C a good idea and I would also add zinc. I imagine pills are painful going down, if so and if you are in Thailand there is a preparation called redoxon which contains both zinc + Vit C in effeervescent form, dissolves and you drink it. Or if that is harder than tablets, then get zinc tablets. But definitely, supplement with zinc.

Beyond that I think the most important thing is to get in a balanced diet however you can and try to slow down or reverse the weight loss. Adequate nutrition is very important to recuperation. I wouldn't worry much about supposed food cures, hot/cold etc -- just go for whatever nutritious food you can get down. Milkshakes etc -- cold might soothe the throat pain -- put your favorite ice cream in a blender with whole milk or yogurt, blend and drink between meals to boost the caloric + protein intake. If necessary you can buy Ensure or something like it (complete nutrition in a liquid drink, used for the elderly & people with chronic diseases0 -- doesn't taste very good but a bit of ice cream will improve that as well as help it go down.

Good luck

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Leicester, the book Curing the Uncurable by Thomas Levy MD. has the info on treating TB with Vit. C. Most of the doses were very small as compared to the doses of today for treating many infections.

TB in the pass was called consumption because of the weight loss experienced by patients. In the studies mentioned in the book once a patient went on Vit.C their weight loss reversed. Unless you supplament with Vit.C you could suffer from a form of localized scurvy which appears in many TB patients as lung hemmorage.

Hope this info helps and all the best to you in whay ever treatment you decide upon, please keep us informed about your progress.

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