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Need Help Translating Some Legal Terms

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Can anyone help me translate these legal terms into English for me? I'm not having much joy with online translators. Thanks in advance.








I can't give you definitive answers, but here's some clues, maybe context can help you fill in the gaps:

งานรับฟ้อง - รับฟ้อง = to accept a complaint (I'm not sure what งาน adds here, maybe the place or office where these are accepted, or the task/job of accepting complaints?)

งานหมาย - หมาย = warrant, writ, summons (again, not sure about งาน)

งานห้องสำนวน = สำนวนฟ้อง = (legal) case (guessing the place/room where cases are heard or kept?)

การเขียนคำร้อง = writing applications or petitions

คำแถลง = a report, an account, a declaration

คำร้องขอปล่อยตัวชั่วคราว = (this is also a guess, but perhaps something like 'application for temporary release', perhaps in English it refers to 'bail applications')

Sorry I can't be more definitive, but I'm also interested in these legal terms, so if anyone can shed further light that would be great.

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