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Shattered Heart


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you mention you have some money problems, new guy probably does not. thats the way it is here i am afraid. no consolation but most had hearts broken at least once over here. difficult to beleive but it comes down to money a lot of the time. not a good time of year to be over there alone. stick to the local girls at home.

just my opinion not everybody will think same

Edited by NALAK
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I am a cynical S.O.B., so I am going to just give my brief herein:

Number One: If what you are saying is true and she has based the majority of her decision upon reading past MSN conversations and seeing whether you two are "compatible", then she is obviously not very experienced in relationships in the first place and shouldn't be pulling you into teaching her either.

Number Two: If she did not base her decision on the compatibility of your MSN conversations, then she has some other reason and can't be trusted to just spill her beans and be honest with you about it. Another sign of the wonders to come if you two stayed together longer.

Number Three: You will NEVER understand 95% of Thai womens' logic and reasoning. You can try and try and try but all us guys do is assume that our western logic is something they should easily grasp and accept as fair. The closest you will ever get is being able to PREDICT her behaviour... NEVER understand it. Is that something you are willing to do long distance anyways?

On a final note, let the girl be. You sound like the hopeless-romantic type that has to keep trying before accepting failure, and that is only going to work out bad for you in the end. You can't "get" her back without being here... and I certainly wouldn't recommend you jumping over here just for her (considering her actions as of late).

There a PLENTY of other women out there [here] for you to browse through and get to know. A relationship with a Thai girl is tramatic, unnerving and disorderly. You just learn to accept it as the price you pay for the other parts of their personality that exceed that of women in our home countries. Jump back on the Internet and hunt down 5 more... visit them all in one visit.. and put the power back in your lap instead of a single woman.

Too cynical?

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I have to agree with sbk. Time to move on. I can't understand why ANYBODY thinks they can carry on a long distance love affair.

I've been with the other half (3 weeks at a time ) for the past 16 years. If anything ever happened to split us up we'd both be devastated.

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Love the pic, loganberry :) .

I'm not really the hopeless romantic type, and the reason that I need closure is that I feel she hasn't been honest with me in her reasons for ending this. I understand the problems on both sides, but I think that ending a relationship due to a lack of communication, rather than compatibility, is a mistake. It's only when we've both been stressed that we haven't talked properly.

I don't think it's a case of this other guy is more wealthy than me, either, more a case of him not existing. I messaged one of her pals on the website, and she hadn't a clue about this other person, and said that the first she knew that there were any problems was when I messaged her.

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Could be worse, I lived in Thailand for 5 years, had a Bar, girlfriend of 4 years, i sold the bar and she stole the money, £15K. I'm now in the UK with our 4 year old daughter.

She has not seen her daughter in 2 years, she found a wealthy German guy so she won't be jepordising that!

What goes around, comes around . . . hopefully!

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Thanks for the replies, folks.

She hasn't been returning my calls.

I sent flowers on Monday morning, but no response either.


My friend, don't torture yourself. Remember what you wanted with her and play it forward. She has told you she thinks it's over, and her actions, or inactions, prove it.

By continually going over every nuance and action of the past only cements you to that past. All relationships end sometime, and many end before we're ready for them to end. But, at the end of the day, we must accept that EVERYONE has a right to make the decision that is best for them. She is clearly showing you that she is finished.

Don't beat yourself up, and definitely don't go for the grog to recover; instead, do whatever you must to build up your self-esteem and get back in the fray.

I just went through a similar situation with a lovely Colombiana. We were living together in Medellin, and she stole away in the night....Gut-wrencher. It happened 6 months ago, and, after a horrible few months, I am now better than before. As many have said, in time, you will look back and see this was meant to be.

Remember, everything is perfect just as it is............even though it may not feel like it.

My wild Irish prayers are with you, mate.


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I'd say you should be grateful that she has been up front with you, told you how things are and not carried on leading your hopes up a dead end.

I also suspect you are projecting too much of your own needs/hopes onto her in what has been a distant relationship - That's perhaps something to think about for the future.

Meanwhile - Edinburgh. ... You lucky lad.

Get yourself down the Barrony Bar, sink a couple of jars of Cally 80 and enjoy the blessing of living in one of the finest cities on the planet.

Halfway through the second jar think to yourself..... 'All things come to pass'.

House is right you are very LUCKY pal,move on life goes on,if this is her attitude she doesn't deserve you.If she loves you so much what was she doing looking for another man on the net.

With regards to Edinburgh I am not sure on this point,all I can say is save up and get your arse to Pattaya this Christmas.

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Thanks for the replies, folks.

She hasn't been returning my calls.

I sent flowers on Monday morning, but no response either.


My friend, don't torture yourself. Remember what you wanted with her and play it forward. She has told you she thinks it's over, and her actions, or inactions, prove it.

By continually going over every nuance and action of the past only cements you to that past. All relationships end sometime, and many end before we're ready for them to end. But, at the end of the day, we must accept that EVERYONE has a right to make the decision that is best for them. She is clearly showing you that she is finished.

Don't beat yourself up, and definitely don't go for the grog to recover; instead, do whatever you must to build up your self-esteem and get back in the fray.

I just went through a similar situation with a lovely Colombiana. We were living together in Medellin, and she stole away in the night....Gut-wrencher. It happened 6 months ago, and, after a horrible few months, I am now better than before. As many have said, in time, you will look back and see this was meant to be.

Remember, everything is perfect just as it is............even though it may not feel like it.

My wild Irish prayers are with you, mate.


Good post spot on

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I use to hate that, when your heart is breaking and all the people go tell you to head out for a night on the jimmy hiss. PEOPLE, Reality check, alcohol is a depressant :) .

Anyway, OP, I got around the problem of a broken heart by having it removed.....now nothing upsets me :D

Goodluck ole mate, try to keep ur chin up, irregardless of however you look at this, theres probably more to it than meets the eye, sadly perhaps the more you dig the worse you will feel. If you can look on the bright side, perhaps, just perhaps this will bring you closer to meeting someone very special.

WHO SAYS NEVER SAY DIE never makes sense? :D

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I'll be harsh for the OPs good.

He banged a tart in thailand, she stringed him along for a while, then found out he was skint and then told him about the new john that was pumping her.

There is one born every minute....

There is nothing whatsoever in the thread that in any way suggests the woman involved is a "tart" or that it would be remotely fair to characterize a new boyfriend, if she has one, as a "john".

Rather offensive to assume such simply because the woman is Thai.

As I read the thread she is a student and this was a serious mutual relationship not based on money.

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I'll be harsh for the OPs good.

He banged a tart in thailand, she stringed him along for a while, then found out he was skint and then told him about the new john that was pumping her.

There is one born every minute....

Have you ever thought about being a relationship councilor, Your good .

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I'll be harsh for the OPs good.

He banged a tart in thailand, she stringed him along for a while, then found out he was skint and then told him about the new john that was pumping her.

There is one born every minute....

There is nothing whatsoever in the thread that in any way suggests the woman involved is a "tart" or that it would be remotely fair to characterize a new boyfriend, if she has one, as a "john".

Rather offensive to assume such simply because the woman is Thai.

As I read the thread she is a student and this was a serious mutual relationship not based on money.

Well thats about the two extreems of the story, so the truth probably lies in between there somewhere. Classic post, classic reply. :)

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^ Well, I hope ur not referring to me young sbk......sure I have a narrow mind but I don't see all thai women as whores. Having said that, an old chap like me has enuf experience to recognise that ALL Women are big big trouble :) .....which is one of the reason i abstain. :D

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hi nik nik

i think she is giving you the brush off so dont dont look for answers , just egnore her even if you have feelings for her dont sms dont phone her....respect yourself and she may miss you some if she cares? if not your no worse off than now....my brother use to give this advice but i never listened and i always was the wounded party always worked for him he always said never look back.

good luck

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I feel some sympathy for you, but she has ended it, it is you who is devastated, obviously she doesn't have the same feelings.

It;s going to be hard, but I think you must try and forget her ( I know easier said than done ), even if you saw her and begged her to stay with you, I think this would happen again as she is obviously not committed. And yould you want to be with someone who you had to beg to stay?

Do try and get on with your life Keep yourself occupied and try not to dwell on it, time is a great healer.

Lucky you Edinburgh.

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I feel some sympathy for you, but she has ended it, it is you who is devastated, obviously she doesn't have the same feelings.

It;s going to be hard, but I think you must try and forget her ( I know easier said than done ), even if you saw her and begged her to stay with you, I think this would happen again as she is obviously not committed. And yould you want to be with someone who you had to beg to stay?

Do try and get on with your life Keep yourself occupied and try not to dwell on it, time is a great healer.

Lucky you Edinburgh.

Thanks for the reply.

I'm not one to beg, but I am one to fight to get her back.

There are certain things I have done which I think have touched her.

I will be speaking to her over this weekend, so any questions/doubts that have arisen should be answered.

If she really has decided that it's over then obviously I will respect that.

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Love the pic, loganberry :) .

I'm not really the hopeless romantic type, and the reason that I need closure is that I feel she hasn't been honest with me in her reasons for ending this. I understand the problems on both sides, but I think that ending a relationship due to a lack of communication, rather than compatibility, is a mistake. It's only when we've both been stressed that we haven't talked properly.

I don't think it's a case of this other guy is more wealthy than me, either, more a case of him not existing. I messaged one of her pals on the website, and she hadn't a clue about this other person, and said that the first she knew that there were any problems was when I messaged her.

What pic? I hope you are talking about my profile pic because I I have never been able to actually see it myself. Let me know what "pic" you are talking about na?

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