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Aussies Arrested For Drug-pushing

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An Australian and his Thai wife were arrested recently in possession of more than 300 grams of marijuana. Police arrested the couple in their rented room near the Samui airport in Bophut after a tipoff about their alleged drug-dealing activities.

The tipster told police that Australian national Timothy Coleman Blanch, 53, and wife Sineerat Rakponmueng, 38, sold marijuana to tourists at the monthly Black Moon Party on the island.


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who gives the police all these tip offs. i can't beleive there are loads of comunity conerns citerzerns out there. maybe dealing on someone elses patch. there again u enter that world. it has more to offer than money. thailand ? what a place to make a new career as a drug dealer. suppose those people doinf 99 years in the bangkok hilton desn't put them off. must be getting high on there own supply thiking they are super man. mugs !

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can't count the timethose annoying people on the beach selling absolute rubbish like a big piece of cloth try to sell me drugs.

i a not inerested in their drugs or thehammocks or clothes or anything apart from sun bath and being left to sleep. i will knock one of them out 1 day lol

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