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"stealing with the intention to" What did the shop steal ??

They steal every time when they sell a plasma as a different model number as what it is in reality and at a price which is significant higher as the OFFICIAL list price for the model they are actually selling.Got it?

I spose if i squint just right i can see how this is stealing, whats the name of the place ??

Edited by Spoonman
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I understand your point but doesn't it make your blood boil if if you see something like this happen and you can not do anything about?

It is exactly this behavior in this country that makes me hate it.

Oh and by the way I wasn't at any given time in trouble,I walked away on my own decision as I saw I was wasting my time on expletive deleted.

Believe it or not, no this kind of thing doesn't make my blood boil. It may have done once upon a time in the dim and distant past, but these days I just take such behaviour in my stride; I just take it as par for the course, and if anything, I laugh at their brazenness. Every time I see something outrageous occur, be it on the road, in a shop, bar or just about anywhere, I invariably laugh - it's the only way to deal with it and remain sane.

It does me personally no good to get angry, and if I do the only person I am hurting is myself, because they certainly couldn't give two figs what I think or do.

In fact Thailand is a very good place to practice anger management, for if you can stay calm and serene here, sometimes in the face of extreme provocation, you can do so so anywhere.

BTW, even stores in the west are not averse to passing off returned goods as new - it has happened to me on several occasions, but at least they will not argue when you catch them out and demand a replacement. But there again, the consumer protection laws are much stronger. I wonder if they would behave much differently to Thais if they could get away with it?

Good one Mobi..One of the bests posts of advice ive ever read IMO..

Without the specific details of this thread your words could have been cut and pasted in countless other threads. :)

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Amorn is great for small things, cheap Chinese imports etc.

Very well said ... and known for cheap and cheerful products across the nation.

And as of shortly also know for stealing form their customers across the nation. :)

I suspect not.

I have used this company for nearly 10 years and brought lots of items from them and to this day continue to recommend them for small items as they are about the cheapest nationwide group of stores around in their field.

The operative word here is cheapest. By the way, I do not work for them but am a very satisified customer of theirs.

So re-read what many are saying on here in thread - I especially like the BMW analogy, and it was a Honda that was destroyed in BKK by the disguntled lady owner.

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Amorn is great for small things, cheap Chinese imports etc.

Very well said ... and known for cheap and cheerful products across the nation.

And as of shortly also know for stealing form their customers across the nation. :)

I suspect not.

I have used this company for nearly 10 years and brought lots of items from them and to this day continue to recommend them for small items as they are about the cheapest nationwide group of stores around in their field.

The operative word here is cheapest. By the way, I do not work for them but am a very satisified customer of theirs.

So re-read what many are saying on here in thread - I especially like the BMW analogy, and it was a Honda that was destroyed in BKK by the disguntled lady owner.

So actually you calling me a liar and this whole topic a lie?

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So actually you calling me a liar and this whole topic a lie?

Oh my goodness, did you forget to take your medication this morning?

Take a deep breath, count to ten and then re-read what was written in front of you as there seems to be a distinct problem between the screen and the keyboard.

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So actually you calling me a liar and this whole topic a lie?

Oh my goodness, did you forget to take your medication this morning?

Take a deep breath, count to ten and then re-read what was written in front of you as there seems to be a distinct problem between the screen and the keyboard.

Well I have taken a very deep breath,I almost fainted,and this is what I saw when I re-read your posts and my replies.

You : and known for cheap and cheerful products across the nation.

Me : And as of shortly also know for stealing form their customers across the nation

(And I think I've proven this enough during this thread)

You again : I suspect not.

So what should I conclude from that last comment.Sorry if I misunderstand something.

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Hmm...I guess by the use of the word "cheapest" you are implying that the OP shouldnt be buying big ticket items from a cheap charlie store?

Point taken but it doesnt change the facts that the practices of the vendor are deceptive,unscrupulous and down right dishonest.

But it seems the general consensus is to vote with your feet, and as many have said its just a silly pointless exercise to get worked up about things you cant change..and if you can change them then you are a better man that most on TV..

Look at the Kingpower scandal at the airport.After all the huge ruckus that ensued there, life (and business) seems to have gone on as normal for Kingpower..as it will for these guys

TiT :)

BTW: Off topic,but i wonder how many farangs have been back to Kingpower after vowing never again

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Is there more than the one amorn electrical in Pattaya as i dont recall seeing large plasmas tv's for sale at the one in the basement of tukom.

Well you can take a look again as they are there constantly for at least 3 months and as of yesterday there was a samsung 52" lcd with a price label of 75.000 Baht.So even not cheap if you know the current prices of 52"amsung lcd screens.Of course the original labe was removed.

if you walk in through the main entrance they are placed right in front of you at the far end of the shop in the area of the sound systems.

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Just another case of somebody from a western nanny country making the adjustment (or not) to living in a developing country where the rules and business practices are different. In fact, the rules and practices are probably the same here as they were in his country maybe 30 or 40 years ago before the nannies took over.



Really?So you justify these practices only on the basis that this is a developing country and we westerns should adjust ourself to be happy when taken up the a_ss.Please forwqard me your email address as I have many things for sale,which of course are not what I'm selling them for,but I finally found someone who is happy with it.

I recall from previous posts of you,without going into detail,that there are more things that happened in my country 50 years ago and that occure here now which you don't approve.Why is that?Maybe using double standards?

You, as with so many others that are attempting to adjust to life away from their nannies, have missed the entire point of my post.

My point was, you people have forgotten how to take care yourselves. You have been so ingrained that the governments’ job is to protect you, that you don’t know how to use simple common sense.

My question to you is, why once you had identified that the TV were not as advertised, did you not just say “thank you” and walk out of the shop? If you are really inspired (for whatever weird reason) you could call Samsung and tell them, after all they are ones that are being damaged here. You could have also come on to TV and posted that you had noticed the practice and warn that people should be careful.

But no. You make some scene in the store, you come on TV and accuse them of stealing and then continue on your arrogant high horse to lecture everyone that is trying to tell you to it is really not that big of deal.

Have no idea what post of mine you are referring to, but suspect this may be some sort of guilt complex based on something that ended 63 years ago (not 50). What I was referring to was the state of consumer protection in the west 50 years ago which is not that much different then Thailand today.


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Is there more than the one amorn electrical in Pattaya as i dont recall seeing large plasmas tv's for sale at the one in the basement of tukom.

Well you can take a look again as they are there constantly for at least 3 months and as of yesterday there was a samsung 52" lcd with a price label of 75.000 Baht.So even not cheap if you know the current prices of 52"amsung lcd screens.Of course the original labe was removed.

if you walk in through the main entrance they are placed right in front of you at the far end of the shop in the area of the sound systems.

What are you crying about anyways? If you buy a used demo unit (which can happen in the U.S. as well) then it's your own fault for not exercising due diligence first. Caveat Emptor.

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Well you can take a look again as they are there constantly for at least 3 months and as of yesterday there was a samsung 52" lcd with a price label of 75.000 Baht.So even not cheap if you know the current prices of 52"amsung lcd screens.Of course the original labe was removed.

if you walk in through the main entrance they are placed right in front of you at the far end of the shop in the area of the sound systems.

Ahh that explains why i have not seen em, Amorn is good for electrical nik naks and resistors to repair shit (thats why i shop there) those god awful crap stereos they sell hold no interest to me, i also suspect some of them are refurbished items people have drop off for repair but never came to collect.

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Is there more than the one amorn electrical in Pattaya as i dont recall seeing large plasmas tv's for sale at the one in the basement of tukom.

Well you can take a look again as they are there constantly for at least 3 months and as of yesterday there was a samsung 52" lcd with a price label of 75.000 Baht.So even not cheap if you know the current prices of 52"amsung lcd screens.Of course the original labe was removed.

if you walk in through the main entrance they are placed right in front of you at the far end of the shop in the area of the sound systems.

What are you crying about anyways? If you buy a used demo unit (which can happen in the U.S. as well) then it's your own fault for not exercising due diligence first. Caveat Emptor.

First of all it should be advertised that it is a demo or used item,but lets say you have the plight to check the goods on damages before you buy.Fair enough.

But then they advertise an item as a higher spec item and also sell it for that price which is sometimes impossible to check as both versions look identical from the outside or with minor differences which a normal customer is unable to detect.This something completely different.

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My question to you is, why once you had identified that the TV were not as advertised, did you not just say “thank you” and walk out of the shop? If you are really inspired (for whatever weird reason) you could call Samsung and tell them, after all they are ones that are being damaged here. You could have also come on to TV and posted that you had noticed the practice and warn that people should be careful.

But no. You make some scene in the store, you come on TV and accuse them of stealing and then continue on your arrogant high horse to lecture everyone that is trying to tell you to it is really not that big of deal.



So now you contradict yourself in a single post.

You say I should have come on TV to post what I noticed and at the same time you say that when I post it on TV I'm sitting on a high horse because it's not a big deal.

I assume you have real issues with yourself mate.By the way does you username insinuate that you are a thai national or only just an apologist.Actually both have the same effect.

Once again,if this practice isn't a big deal let me know I still have a case of Sang som which I can sell to you for and at the price of glenmorangie.

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My question to you is, why once you had identified that the TV were not as advertised, did you not just say “thank you” and walk out of the shop? If you are really inspired (for whatever weird reason) you could call Samsung and tell them, after all they are ones that are being damaged here. You could have also come on to TV and posted that you had noticed the practice and warn that people should be careful.

But no. You make some scene in the store, you come on TV and accuse them of stealing and then continue on your arrogant high horse to lecture everyone that is trying to tell you to it is really not that big of deal.



So now you contradict yourself in a single post.

You say I should have come on TV to post what I noticed and at the same time you say that when I post it on TV I'm sitting on a high horse because it's not a big deal.

I assume you have real issues with yourself mate.By the way does you username insinuate that you are a thai national or only just an apologist.Actually both have the same effect.

Once again,if this practice isn't a big deal let me know I still have a case of Sang som which I can sell to you for and at the price of glenmorangie.

You just don’t get it do you? You keep posting nonsense like this and have no idea the discussion is not about the practice, which everyone agrees is not the most ethical way to do business. The issue is your reaction to it and your righteous outrage at it.

No, I am neither a Thai national or an apologist. You are one of those people that seem to equate being pragmatic about living in a developing country with being an apologist. Where did I apologize for the business practice of the store? What I pointed out was your behavior in the store and here was inappropriate and it was driven by your indignation that there is no nanny here to protect you.


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It seems the OP is no fool and knows exactly what he is looking at.

So why bother to make such a big deal out of it?

I would have just walked out of the store and shopped around elsewhere.

This is Thailand, there is no enforced consumer protection law here. The best way to get back at these people, is not to give them your money and go somewhere else.

In this country, you pays ya money and gets what you get.

The only person stressed out in the end was the OP, the customer.

Plenty of other stores where one can obtain a good deal.

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It seems the OP is no fool and knows exactly what he is looking at.

So why bother to make such a big deal out of it?

I would have just walked out of the store and shopped around elsewhere.

This is Thailand, there is no enforced consumer protection law here. The best way to get back at these people, is not to give them your money and go somewhere else.

In this country, you pays ya money and gets what you get.

The only person stressed out in the end was the OP, the customer.

Plenty of other stores where one can obtain a good deal.

At least it is an alternative way and cheaper then paying for the medicine to increase my low blood pressure.

Edited by basjke
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You just don’t get it do you? You keep posting nonsense like this and have no idea the discussion is not about the practice, which everyone agrees is not the most ethical way to do business. The issue is your reaction to it and your righteous outrage at it.

No, I am neither a Thai national or an apologist. You are one of those people that seem to equate being pragmatic about living in a developing country with being an apologist. Where did I apologize for the business practice of the store? What I pointed out was your behavior in the store and here was inappropriate and it was driven by your indignation that there is no nanny here to protect you.


This is precisely why so many farangs have such a hard time in Thailand - an inability to adapt to a new environment.

Discount whores & strong consumer protection laws are not compatible.

P.S. OP should be commended for making us aware of this practice, but getting angry at everything 'that is not right' will result in a permanent state of apoplexy.

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basjke is taking an awful lot of flak for alerting everyone to the dishonesty in this particular store. It will not effect me as I only holiday in Thailand but I am sure it will benefit one ot two who are thinking of making a purchase. :)

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Amorn is a bit of a dinosaur, but they are good for odd (and often discontinued) spare parts.

If I want to buy a new whatever home appliance, I find it's best to either go to Power Buy or direct to any of the storefronts that many of the major brands now maintain in major shopping centers.


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basjke is taking an awful lot of flak for alerting everyone to the dishonesty in this particular store. It will not effect me as I only holiday in Thailand but I am sure it will benefit one ot two who are thinking of making a purchase. :)

Agreed, what if it happened in YOUR OWN COUNTRY, would you write it off as TIUK, TIUS? Or would you just buy the telly knowing it was falsely advertised???

Edited by PattayaParent
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Warning: ***** Electronics

Reason for edit: Outlet name removed. We have to be very careful with name-and-shame threads. Crossy

Subsequent to the moderator's editing comment in the OP, the outlet name has been posted 17 times in this thread.

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Contact Samsung

Yeah, I don't think they would be too impressed about these Sharp practices.

Is that a clue? :)

A Sharp minded consumer wouldn't have to ask that question given the number of times the store has been identified in other posts! :D

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basjke is taking an awful lot of flak for alerting everyone to the dishonesty in this particular store. It will not effect me as I only holiday in Thailand but I am sure it will benefit one ot two who are thinking of making a purchase. :)

He is not getting 'flak' for alerting us, he is getting 'flak' for the way he reacted.

basjke is taking an awful lot of flak for alerting everyone to the dishonesty in this particular store. It will not effect me as I only holiday in Thailand but I am sure it will benefit one ot two who are thinking of making a purchase. :D

Agreed, what if it happened in YOUR OWN COUNTRY, would you write it off as TIUK, TIUS? Or would you just buy the telly knowing it was falsely advertised???

Nobody bought a telly.

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basjke is taking an awful lot of flak for alerting everyone to the dishonesty in this particular store. It will not effect me as I only holiday in Thailand but I am sure it will benefit one ot two who are thinking of making a purchase. :)

Agreed, what if it happened in YOUR OWN COUNTRY, would you write it off as TIUK, TIUS? Or would you just buy the telly knowing it was falsely advertised???

I guess you would need to be very fast to buy the telly as the shop probably would be sealed by the government for criminal practices within a few days.

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