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Hey Duan


I have done so

In any case I think that you should register to the "other" site as well if not done already as they seem more active on the matter (as you have noticed I have posted there as well)

Team and nobody it is done too

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I am a TEM and I have visited the site Duan

It looks kind of fancy and nicely put

But reading the contenyt I can't help wondering:

a) Why are they afiliated to the official site ( they are partners ain't they?) of Thailand Elite when they are supposed to put pressure on that institution?

:D Why would they have us sign a petition?

I see that some people -not many though- have signed it (I did not see any petition on the site)

There is no reason for a petition as nothing has been officialy announced yet

It ain't because I believe this site is for real or not that I am asking but it just because it looks a bit weird

One thing I don't get either is why the Tem are not more active to get together before the :)

If future is good for us then we'll have made good connections

If not : ain't no time to waste

Can somebody send me the link to the TEM site ?



Hello, Team!

That domain on this site was created at 20-nov-2009, so just not possibly for them to have so many registered members (owners not sended any mailing, not promote site) and peoples who sign their petitions (what about this petition??? How TE member will sign something which him just cannot read?). Check << the other website >>, it real unofficial forum for TE members.

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Does anyone, member or non member, have an idea about how to get in touch with more members (through newspapers of your own country etc...) as it is very slow (although numbers is up) but there is a two month + deadline to get in touch?

Thanks to everyone

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alyx, is it worth asking Thailand Elite directly if they will release membership contacts to another member? or if petitioned by say a few members? i know it's a long shot but privacy laws are a little vague in Thailand...and I am getting an email from a limousine company and I can only think that Thailand Elite gave out my email to them, so they are no averse to releasing our contact details??

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Hey doggie

Yes it might be an idea. in the meanwhile I have received another patch of e mail address from another TEM who had it from the meeting which took place in September (meeting I was unaware of) I have asked him permission to use this listing (I know I could use it anyway but asking is better)

Nevertheless I have to think of a way to get TPC to communicate the addresses as this seems to be quite delicate

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Thanks Wordchild

I have used this mailing to send out some messages (giving between other links, the Thai Visa link) but unfortunately a LARGE portion of them have come back by Postmaster (address not existing anymore), another big portion have been attested as read but in Korean/japanese etc... but nothing more

As for the rest we are here or on the website created by a Thai visa member

Have you already registered on it?

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On the top of it, with the listing I have got from a TEM, was attached the summary/goal of the meeting in September: impressive and professional but the matter of the fact is that there is no way to get in touch with the organizers and in a time like these it is, for the least, disturbing.

I do not mean to bypass them , which I am sure I could not, considering their guest speakers, but I am willing to go on and try to wake up more members to that call.

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and I am getting an email from a limousine company and I can only think that Thailand Elite gave out my email to them, so they are no averse to releasing our contact details??

I too have been receiving unwanted spam from Limousine Thailand. My e-mail address is not usually given out - almost entirely Internet banking and Thailand Elite.

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I wish...but this is not the case

Everything is quite clear when one reads it from the start

1) This thread has been created in order to regroup as many ideas, members, to understand the possible solutions

2) Of course TEM (Thai Elite Members) are trying to get in touch with each other and it would not be curteous to publish dfferent websites on thai visa (and I guess that PM is in order)

3) These members are also Thai visa members so I guess they have the right to express their ideas and position

4) It is the first time since its creation that a topic about Thailand elite has not been trashed out and di not degenerate in a fight of words: thanks to the different moderators watching over this thread and thanks also to other members who have refrained from posting non related answers or insulting comments

5) I won't ask you why, as I won't answer further as the last thing I want is to go off topic, but I wonder why this topic disturbs you as it is aimed at TEM, and if you are not interested why you open it (again no answers required)

6) One thing though: next time I will PM directly the poster I need to contact and I thank you for the comment

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In about two weeks from now, the auction of TE will be starting and yet nobody has been able to find a viable solution nor been able to regroup more than a handful of TEM.

Would writing an individual letter to the management (as a collective doesn't seem to be in order) be a good start?

In that case someone with good English skils would be needed to write it down. Does anyone among TEM (or a Thai visa member for the matter) know or is able to do so?

Of course, the intent is not to threaten with any legal action as there is no point in it, but rather be specific about the demands of the TEM depending on the outcome of the auction

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This Thread seems to be degenerating into a TEM Masonic type exchange of Websites, Codes and "secrets".

Maybe the Mods should step in - if the Posts and discussion are not understandable to all TV users, why is it still open?


the mods have done an excellent job in maintaing order in this sometimes very overcharged subject

if i am not mistaken this website is thai visa, a site which primarily to help communicate with other foreigners on visa issues

i wouldnt comment on a marriage thread nor a retirement thread because i couldnt offer any suitable advice or experience on the visa

someone like yourself maybe has a different visa to the elite visa and therefore you probably posted on the wrong thread

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In about two weeks from now, the auction of TE will be starting and yet nobody has been able to find a viable solution nor been able to regroup more than a handful of TEM.

Would writing an individual letter to the management (as a collective doesn't seem to be in order) be a good start?

In that case someone with good English skils would be needed to write it down. Does anyone among TEM (or a Thai visa member for the matter) know or is able to do so?

Of course, the intent is not to threaten with any legal action as there is no point in it, but rather be specific about the demands of the TEM depending on the outcome of the auction

you have the feeling that this could be delayed without any conclusion until the next elections sometime next year, the democrats are renowned in being a party who slows any resolution to a snails pace

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Well, I am pretty sure that a decision of some kind will be taken within February and would like to have a clear map of what is on tha table as we already know what is at stake being as TEM are the one directly targetted by the outcome

A clear lay out (and not the usual drowning the fish explanation) would certainly be helpful

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I called today to enquire about the evolution of the situation

I was told

1) That nothing had changed: as in one can enjoy the usual program until further notice (which we already knew)

2) That we would have to wait end of January (but I think more likely in February) although I thought that something should be out by now as it the auction was supposed to start after one month (should have happened already) I am not saying it is reassuring nor worrying, it is just an observation

3)Regarding the 795 TEM which "should not" have been enrolled or staying "illegally" I had a different answer, more greyish than the one I had a month ago.

Here It goes: " Well, it is still under scrutiny by the governement's department (i.e. Immigration) and we are waiting for their reports; as for who is being targeted , the list is not available (therefore noone has been contacted YET) and the status of these 795 is not quite clear as there is some confusion among the management as some say it is about back to back TEM , other about the PR / Dual nationalities"

Back to square one: nobody knows anything. JUST WAIT and even more confused

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Another question, although a trivial one compared to the importance of the matter to some of us:

TEM enjoy a specific e-mail address: I wonder what will happen to this if/when the TEM program does go down the drain.

I guess it would be thoughtful to start, for those who have used it, warning the senders to address their mails to another box, don't you think?

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I don't know if that is of any relevance to the TEM but it might confort some of them

Reading through the Thai visa I have learned that the limit to the numbers of entries in Thailand was lifted in June of this year, therefore there is no more restrictions as to the numbers of days spent in Thailand (whatever that was)

I guess that gives ground to challenge some comments regarding theTEM using their visas to set a base in Thailand

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It is time to revive a little bit this thread as some news have come up

The "project"is on sale but it seems that one of the mains aspects (visa) would remain. As for the rest of the privileges nothing is said so no great expactations

If the TAT takes over: I think that it will get a better management than the previous one

If it is bought by another entity: some of tthose advantages will surely be scrapped but again the visas seem to be maintained (hopefully)

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Has anyone read about it and can confirm as I have not been able to locate the article published by George in his thread ?

Actually nobody is aware of such a move so I would really appreciate a link (although the timing seems correct as a decision was supposed to be made around this time of the year)


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