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Henry Handball


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Trappatoni has said he wished that the ref had spoken to Henry at the time, and asked him whether he did control the ball with his hand, because Henry would have admitted to having done so. I have my doubts personally that he would have made the admission at that time, whilst the game was still in the balance.

There's a very very slim possibility that the replay demand from the Irish might have been considered had it been a goal actually scored with the hand - still very unlikely i think. But as it is, it's just a handball in the build up play to a goal, albeit a crucial moment in that build up play. The Irish will just have to take it on the chin. They aren't the first ones to unfairly get knocked out of a World Cup and won't be the last.

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The fact that Henry admitted it. That doesn't make him a cheat in my opinion.

He admitted it after the game had finished when not only did he know that the result had been sealed, but when he knew that video replays would make any denial absurd.

Had the ball struck just his forearm i think it would have been more innocent, but the fact that it struck his forearm first and then he pawed it with his hand to keep it in play, i think it was blatant cheating that i think he'll live to regret, even if France go on to win the World Cup.

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:) I'm a toad , not a Frog. :D

Frogs and toads, alligators and crocs, chimps and monkeys, turtles and terrapins, chickens and turkeys - they're all the same to me mate.

A frog has been dissed. You gonna standby and let that happen? Shame on this toad! :D

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The fact that Henry admitted it. That doesn't make him a cheat in my opinion.

Sorry, but that's nonsensical. mate. If someone cheats in an exam for example, if they then admit it afterwards means that they never cheated in the first place ?

What Henry did may have been instinctual in a split moment, but it was deliberate and it was cheating.

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And so now that FIFA have adjudged that indeed a replay of the game is simply not possible, Monsieur Henry decides to come out and say that a replay would be the fair thing to do.

No, the fair thing to have done would have been to allow that ball fly past you out of play.

Split-second decisions reveal a lot about people's character.

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Keane gets some things right, the game was over, we have to get over it. No politician was ever going to change it, the power brokers wanted France there, a replay, more chance of finding out what happened to Major Tom.

But what did shine out in the interview, his underlying spite toward the Irish FA and at times inclusion in his vitriol and bile toward a team that did fight to the end.

He is correct, we did miss chances, it should have been cleared and why on Earth did the Politico's get involved, but his underlying noxious gas that undermines the whole spirit is unwarranted and counter productive.

Crickey, has he got shifty eyes

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But what did shine out in the interview, his underlying spite toward the Irish FA and at times inclusion in his vitriol and bile toward a team that did fight to the end.


Loved him as a player and there are times when you have to love the way he calls a spade a spade.

But the honest truth is he is obviously incredibly cantankerous, rude and brash as a man, and to live with would be a nightmare. He is also clearly lacking maturity by the way he holds on to his grudge towards the IFA, and lets that spill over to his feelings on the Irish team. It's that lack of maturity, much more than the rudeness, that makes me feel with regret that managing Man United is not for him. Shame because i have a feeling it would be fun!

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Keano tells it as it is in

When the geezer's phone goes off........classic.

Love him or loathe him,the man calls it as he sees it.The fact that he's an Irishman doesn't come into it.He was asked his opinion on a football topic and he gave it.He also took the opportunity to have a swipe at the FAI but I don't know the full facts behind that outburst so I'm not going to comment.Especially relevant was his view that the incident has been blown out of all proportion by the media.Spot on,Roy.

Sure,it was an important game but that doesn't warrant the call that it be replayed over a handball that the referee and his assistants didn't see.What precedent would that set?We all know the solution to debatable decisions,don't we?

I wonder what the reaction would have been if it had been an Irish hand in the French penalty area and the French were demanding a replay.Would we,on this Forum,be supporting them?I don't think so and it would be a fair bet that the British media would have a completely different view.

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I wonder what the reaction would have been if it had been an Irish hand in the French penalty area and the French were demanding a replay.Would we,on this Forum,be supporting them?

I don't think anyone has supported the replay idea on this forum. More like empathised with the injustice and pain Ireland are feeling right now. And i'd be feeling it equally were it all reversed and it was the French who had been unfairly knocked out of the world's biggest sporting event that comes around but once every four years.

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I wonder what the reaction would have been if it had been an Irish hand in the French penalty area and the French were demanding a replay.Would we,on this Forum,be supporting them?I don't think so and it would be a fair bet that the British media would have a completely different view.

No-one has supported the idea of a replay. Logistics apart, what would be the point as France would be unlikely to play as badly again ,and Ireland unlikely to play as well. Such a game would be a humiliation for both sides and neither would actually feel vindicated. The issue would still roll on, and on, ad infinitum.

Would the British media take as much notice if it's have been France ? I doubt it given the British penchant for supporting the underdog, especially Ireland. But the same issues would have surfaced regarding poor referees, using technology ,and so forth.

As for Keane, he's just a lout and failed manager. Nothing like deflecting the fact that he can't even manage a Championship side by indulging himself in bitter diatribe against his home nation.

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Especially relevant was his view that the incident has been blown out of all proportion by the media.Spot on,Roy.

Roy moans "what can you and i do about the issue?", but then complains that the media has blown it out of all proportion.

Surely if the media throw the spot-light on it, it's better than sweeping it under the carpet, and it might actually put pressure on those that do have power (ie Plattini and Blatter), to actually do something proactive and useful for once.

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