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Anyone Riden Scooter To Mae Sai For Border Run?

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Done it many times, not a problem. when I had to do my visa runs I would ride there only stopping for fuel, get visa stamped and turn right around and blast back.

Just always parked the bike up next to the police box.


Beware of approaching convoys on the other sides of small single-carriageway bridges, because cars might pull out to pass across bridges, and you'll have nowhere to escape if you're half-way across the bridge. They won't see you.

I've parked both the Honda and the old Suzuki under the verandah of the border office at Laem (out of Pong Nam Ron, Chanthaburi) half a dozen times, and the border blokes have always made sure it was still there when I got back from Cambodia 30 minutes later.

Just watch out for the traffic - once you make it to the border, you should be fine.

Is there a Mae Sai on the Cambodian border????


haha thats what I was wondering, he just kind of slipped that in there.

Thanks for the advice guys, think Im ready to rock n ride now :)

Is there a Mae Sai on the Cambodian border????


haha thats what I was wondering, he just kind of slipped that in there.

Thanks for the advice guys, think Im ready to rock n ride now :)


Sorry. Obviously riding to the Thai border at Chantaburi has no relevance to the border by motosai up north. My apologies and I will try to be more careful about posting in the Chiang Mai forum in future. I didn't realise there was such a vast difference between the regions.


I did it back in August on my 135 Yamaha in the rain no less.

If I still had to do them ( have my marriage visa now) was thinking

of riding my bicycle next time.

Do not think I would do it again in the rain but

dry no worries. Fun really. I spend the night and went across the border

early. Cruised back and stopped for lunch 1/2 through.

Felt like a mimi vacation. Do it!

I did it back in August on my 135 Yamaha in the rain no less.

If I still had to do them ( have my marriage visa now) was thinking

of riding my bicycle next time.

Do not think I would do it again in the rain but

dry no worries. Fun really. I spend the night and went across the border

early. Cruised back and stopped for lunch 1/2 through.

Felt like a mimi vacation. Do it!

Im excited, going to stay over night now, cant wait to get on the road tomorrow :)


I assume you are contemplating the northern (Chiang Dao) route as opposed to the southern (Mae Suai) route which is less challenging but much less pretty.

I've done that run numerous times (though not for visa purposes) on machines ranging from 110cc to 750cc and it's good fun (even in the rain) if you are sensible and allow for the facts of (very) steep hills and (very) tightly winding roads, albeit much improved in recent years.

Tips: top up your fuel once you are down to half a tank and take refreshment at the Chiang Dao Resort.

Bike security at Mae Sai is no different from what it is in any busy Thai market town. Hundreds (maybe thousands) of Thais park their machines in the usual way with no problems but there are (near the bridge) plenty of paid and supervised parking facilities as well.


I did it last week on my Honda AirBlade 110cc

Very nice drive, gets a bit cold after the mountains near CM so wear a jacket.

Spent outgoing and return nights at Chiang Rai, nice guest house Boon Bundan by the wat, 200bht a night (small haggle involved) for a room and breaks the journey into 3 easy days.

Chiang Rai is nice for a couple of nights but the food is awful in the restaurants, eat at the tables in the centre of town and listen to the live Thai music.


Boon Bundan are 'extra' guest friendly.


I have done the ride many times as I was a 30 day stamp runner every 30 days for a loong time. Luckily I have the marriage visa sorted out now too.

Anyways, as someone has mentioned, the Fang Rd (107) (western hwy) is much more interesting and fun to ride than the 118 (Mae Suai) hwy but it is slower overall. The little bikes are certainly capable. When you say scooter, I am wondering if you are referring to a mio/fino/click automatic? I am sure they can also do it but I suspect there is a reason that you rarely see them on those highways. I think they are better in town than cruising but I am sure they will do it.

When you come back, you can follow the road right along the burma border west of the Mae Sai bridge. So to get on it, drive to the left of the border bridge and the road immediately turns left alongside the bridge to follow the river. Then any chance you have to make a choice stay right, as close to the border as possible. You quickly end up on an army road along the mountain ridge that divides the countries. Its interesting with the thai army pillboxes, camps and liftgates and the views are amazing. There are also some tiny villages built precariously up there. The road unfortunately doesn't last too long but its worth it. I usually end up back in Mae Chan area before I know it.

If you do take the 118, keep in mind that there is little or no gas between Mae Suai and the #1 highway. On my way back I have been scared of running out on that stretch several times...slow learner I guess. :)

Oh ya, I'd recommend the paid parking in the sois on the left before the bridge. For what it costs its not worth taking a chance and supposedly a lot of vehicles that disappear are shipped over the border, although they might not be picking them so close to home.

Anyways, have fun!

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