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Safe For A Woman Who Will Be Alone Half The Month?


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Okay. Just for the little ladies out there. A great piece of advice I was given many years ago by a black belt Jujitsu instructor.

If, in the rare and unlikely event, particularly here in Thailand, you feel you may be about to be attacked by a Big Bad Man, what you do is this. Simply make a fist, take your thumb and curled index finger and grasp his windpipe as firmly as you can. You need not have physical strength for this. Now. Press your thumb and forefinger together - only his windpipe - not the whole neck, and keep pressing - up to just one minute will render him completely and totally disabled. If you feel you might need to extert even more deterrence upon your potential Big Bad Attacker, or are just really really pissed off with him, swiftly bring your knee up at the same time and let him have it in the nuts.

I can assure you this has worked for me, (and not even having to use the nuts part), on at least two separate occasions in the past.

I hope you will not need this as it will render your victim unable to breathe or even speak properly for at least two weeks afterward.

Good advice.. As is eye gouges etc..

Only thing is while you spend one minute attempting to hold his windpipe he has two hands free.. Its a rare person who can hold on to or crush a windpipe while receiving full force right hooks.

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  • 1 month later...

Wow... well this question certainly stirred up a storm... and then I went off travelling for a month and didn't even respond again! Apologies!

Well I am glad to see that the issue of safety is such a hot topic. And thanks to everyone who put in their two cents and honest opinions to help me decide on where to go.

A few women on the forum sent me a PM, and said they prefer to live in a gated security that has a guard or two.

I would definitely NOT get a dog, so that it not a "security option"/

I only really imagine safety being a problem at night, particularly if I'm coming home from the bars if I've been out late with friends or something. I'm not very blinged up and don't throw money around. But, I know all too well how people in your area can notice that your husband is gone periodically....

The reason I ask about this in the first place is not because I live in a very safe place (Hong Kong), but because I come from an unsafe place -- an island in the Caribbean which is fast becoming one of the crime capitals of the West Indies. This year there were over 500 murders there and lord knows how many rapes, robberies, kidnappings, etc. etc. etc. Every house now has a big wall, a big gate, security cameras, big dogs, patrol cars and community watches. And none of it makes me feel safer -- if anything the increased security makes you feel LESS safe and more paranoid. It was one of the reasons why I left and came to Asia.

Incidentally, my father lives in Koh Samui, and while he doesn't seem to be worried about safety, one of his neighbours did get picked up by the cops on New Years Eve, accused of damaging a taxi driver's car (the policeman's relative, we presume), taken to jail, beaten up, and forced to pay them off or stay in the cell for the weekend.

Guess this stuff can happen anywhere......

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My input on this:

Violence can occur anywhere and at any time. But I get the feeling that some people or the lifestyle they lead, unconsciously attracts burglars or muggings.

Maybe it is the new Fortuna, or gated estate where they live, or nice trinkets on the wrist or around the neck :)

Mildred, I lived for 4 years right next to Phuket Airport (where I assume your husband will be working from?). I never (that is a capital NEVER!), had any problems with theft or muggings or threats. Nor did my staff or family. Nor did any 'farang' living in the area report such incidents.

I left my doors open all night, no dog, no security alarm and no new Fortuna...

There is a small housing estate within 3 minutes of the airport which has some semblance of security (security guard at the entrance). I've never heard of any problems in this area. Perhaps burglars seek richer pickings elsewhere in the foreign 'ghettos'.

I would definitely recommend you look at the Nai Yang area by the airport. The nearby beach is lovely.


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To say 'never' like that Simon is just tempting fate..

Mates new house broken into last week, usual few laptops and a bunch of electronics.. Children sleeping in the next room.. Thankfully no one hurt.


Yes,simon ,don't tempt fate...I hope you are not a ''mate'' of linlos....Every single time theres a break in, an assault,a gun fight, a robbery, a rape, a bar fight , a bad tuk-tuk/taxi driver, a knife weilding watermelon seller..guess what a ''mate'' of his is involved..true!!

Stay lucky...

Seriously though, if this really did occur this time, i am genuinely glad no one was hurt. :)

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LivinLOS, I say 'never' because that is a fact (so far)... But I recognise that the absence of violence (other than from my ex), may be because my downtrodden appearance belied the truth of my vast wealth..... :)

In any case, I no longer live in Phuket. If the circumstances were different, I would return to north Phuket in a flash, since I found that region generally very welcoming for foreigners. I guess that where there are many foreigners, so are there many burglaries and muggings (think Rawaii...)


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Its all entirely dependant on what level of amenities, services, and social life you need.. I know some friends who would be very happy there and others, very much similar people, who would go crazy without aspects that Phuket has.

Just sticking a pin in the map, without trying each place for a while, probably not the best way.

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To say 'never' like that Simon is just tempting fate..

Mates new house broken into last week, usual few laptops and a bunch of electronics.. Children sleeping in the next room.. Thankfully no one hurt.


Yes,simon ,don't tempt fate...I hope you are not a ''mate'' of linlos....Every single time theres a break in, an assault,a gun fight, a robbery, a rape, a bar fight , a bad tuk-tuk/taxi driver, a knife weilding watermelon seller..guess what a ''mate'' of his is involved..true!!

Stay lucky...

Seriously though, if this really did occur this time, i am genuinely glad no one was hurt. :)

You took the words right out of my mouth.

I have recently moved down to Phuket so i have been reading the Phuket forum for some time now.

If I was a friend of LILOS I would be on tenterhooks wondering what fate was waiting for me next.

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To say 'never' like that Simon is just tempting fate..

Mates new house broken into last week, usual few laptops and a bunch of electronics.. Children sleeping in the next room.. Thankfully no one hurt.


Yes,simon ,don't tempt fate...I hope you are not a ''mate'' of linlos....Every single time theres a break in, an assault,a gun fight, a robbery, a rape, a bar fight , a bad tuk-tuk/taxi driver, a knife weilding watermelon seller..guess what a ''mate'' of his is involved..true!!

Stay lucky...

Seriously though, if this really did occur this time, i am genuinely glad no one was hurt. :)

If you doubt it.. Just pop into the Liquid Lounge in Surin and ask the owner..

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My advice is NO Phuket is changing daily Rapes are on the increase along with Drugging & Robbery I know as people close to me have had it happen to them.

After nearly 5 years I am selling up and moving to Hua Hin as I have a young family and some elderly women to look after and Phuket is just not safe anymore.

The Police must have the biggest record in Thailand for unsolved cases so inept its unbelievable rather than fid a Rapist Robber they tried to sell the victim land as they told her she must hate staying in the house where the incident happened (this is TRUE)

Good luck get a Taser Dog & Full Security enjoy it while you can as it aint going to get any better.

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Four years in Rawai/Nai Harn with my farang wife... never locked car or house... not felt the need... haven't had an issue. We both bike around at night... haven't had an issue. Occasionally have our own (two person) parties on Nai Harn beach at night (I've actually slept on the beach)... haven't had an issue. We have many good friends, both farang and Thai, in the Rawai/Nai Harn area and their experiences seem to echo ours... My wife has stayed alone extensively if/when I am away and feels more comfortable than in our home country (where we never locked doors either). Don't know if others have shared our experiences but we truly feel no threat here... “Believe none of what you hear and half of what you see.” Benjamin Franklin has been a truism introduced to me by my grandmother which I have found to be useful throughout my life. Life's like an acid trip... you get out of it only what you bring into it... enjoy the ride!!

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Simon but you seem to be apologising for having some money, what are you advocating? not having a fortuner or the wife wearing jewelery? Rich Thai's flaunt it but we are suppossed to act like we have nothing? Thai's like nothing more than a farang with nothing lol.

I agree you should never be arrogant but they want us for our cash and we are not to show that we have it? Just hand it over?

I can't drive a bike over Kata hill in safety? I can in the fortuner, any scrote pointing at my tyres gets put in a ditch.

Rawai isn't Patong or even Kata and Karon, it is a small village.

The problem is that a large proportion here are expats that live here and are not tourists. To the police we don't count [not likely to go back home to moan to the papers etc]

Remind me to apologise next time we get mugged for driving a car a lot of Thai's do here and my wife is wearing less gold than half the Mia Noi's do.

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